The seven soul types: what do they look like?

I’ve been adding some pictures to my pages about the seven soul types (as described in the Michael teachings). Specifically, I’ve done seven facial caricatures to show what each one tends to look like (at least to me), highlighting and exaggerating the main features — the Scholar’s prominent brow, for example, and the Priest’s intense eyes.

Below I’m showing them all together on one page, with a number of famous faces as representative examples in each case.

Now, I’ll readily admit that it’s quite easy to find exceptions to the rule. Yes, you can probably point to a famous Priest soul incarnation who looks nothing like the Priest ‘stereotype’ shown below. Fair cop. Not all Priests have definite almond-shaped heads. But I see this is as a general approximation, a pattern, not a hard-and-fast rule.

And of course, head/face shapes will vary according to body size. Going by shape alone, for example, a Sage who is small in stature like Miley Cyrus looks a bit like an Artisan.

— a d v e r t i s e m e n t —


But that’s just the shape. You can still spot the Sage in Miley Cyrus because a Sage’s face has also a firm, elastic and shiny quality (as it’s always on the move) while an Artisan’s tends to be soft and very ‘composed’.

And in the Sage’s case, of course, the motor-mouth is always a dead giveaway!

You have to look at the whole package — not just shapes but also tones and movements.

See what you think.



Servers are gentle, genial souls. Facially, they often characterised by a rounded head, sometimes potato-shaped, with soft, sagging features and smallish, tired-looking eyes. Rounded shoulders are also typical.

The Server’s baseline expression varies between one of sorrowful pity (when they focus on the common woes of life, like Mother Teresa) and sweet, innocent cheerfulness (when they focus on serving the common good, like the Dalai Lama). But either way, there is a basic vibe of harmlessness.

Typical traits: accommodating, caring, modest, dedicated, unassuming, homely, downtrodden, melancholic.

Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth II
Desmond Tutu
Desmond Tutu
Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale
Albert Schweizer
Albert Schweizer
Catherine of Aragon
Catherine of Aragon
The Dalai Lama
The Dalai Lama


Artisans tend to have heart-shaped or cup-shaped faces, together with a dreamy, unfocused, faraway look in their eyes. Where Sages have a bright and mischievous twinkle in the eyes, Artisans have softly lit pools, portals into their mysterious inner worlds.

Their facial expression tends to look very composed, as though they were sitting for a portrait (indeed, many models are Artisans). The mood of the expression can vary between a carefree childlike playfulness (think of chef Jamie Oliver) and a look of being lost half-asleep in dreams or deep thoughts, as though studying mental images (as Einstein frequently was).

Artisans have a habit of creating a striking image for themselves which both attracts attention and at the same time serves as an outer façade behind which they can hide. This includes a tendency to go for distinctive hairstyles and clothes.

Typical traits: inventive, imaginative, innovative, fanciful, idiosyncratic, flaky, ditzy.

Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson
Woody Allen
Woody Allen
Naomi Campbell
Naomi Campbell


Warriors look distinctly solid and physical, tough, firm-skinned, perhaps leathery, and very much at home in their bodies. The head-shape can be quite straight, a bit like a jar.

Like Kings, Warriors tend to be hard and angular, but the telling features are the low eyebrows and the ready-for-action expression which varies between “Yeah, let’s do this!” and “Nobody screw with me!”

Typical traits: forceful, assertive, loyal, combative, feisty, determined, ruthless, vicious.

Judi Dench
Judi Dench
Benito Mussolini
Benito Mussolini
Frida Kahlo
Frida Kahlo
Mike Tyson
Mike Tyson
Salma Hayek
Salma Hayek
Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood


Scholars tend to look intelligent but somewhat unexpressive and socially detached. They usually have a large, flat forehead and relatively hollow, deadpan features. The mouth is naturally shut rather than open. In contrast to the Sage, the Scholar’s face looks like it isn’t used much for expressiveness.

The eyes can look deep-set, partly because the Scholar’s attention is usually somewhere inside their brain rather than out there where the action is, and partly because the prominent brow can overhang the eyes, adding to the Scholar’s thinking-rather-than-doing look.

With Scholars, it’s all happening inside the head; their mind is always busy processing, absorbing, learning. Overall, I would say Scholars have a look of interested detachment.

Typical traits: curious, knowledgeable, analytical, dry, pedantic, detached, aloof.

Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin
Marie Curie
Marie Curie
Joe Morton
Joe Morton
Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher
Emma Watson
Emma Watson
Ho Chi Minh
Ho Chi Minh


Sages’ facial features are often unusually big, open and elongated or elasticated, perhaps even cartoon-like. In addition, they often have a twinkle of mischievous merriment in the eyes, as though itching to tell a joke or share some scandalous gossip.

The face is a key means of expression and the Sage’s face is always ‘on’. Their cheeks tend to be a prominent feature, rounded from lots of smiling and joking. The whole face is like an inflated balloon.

Young-soul Sages are all eyes and teeth with their big, sparkly smiles. Old-soul sages like Osho are more mellow and look like, well, happy sages.

Typical traits: expressive, eloquent, witty, entertaining, gregarious, flamboyant, attention-seeking, loud, verbose.

Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus
Jack Black
Jack Black
Ainsley Harriott
Ainsley Harriott
Mariah Carey
Mariah Carey
Whoopi Goldberg
Whoopi Goldberg


Priests tend to have almond-shaped heads, and cat-like eyes that point forwards very directly. I’ve also noticed that the eyes can sometimes seem ‘upside-down’, with the upper lid being more open than the lower. Also with Priests, the corners of the mouth often look sharply pointed.

The Priestly facial expression suggests a strongly felt desire to make things right or better. This typically varies between one of stern disapproval (when they focus on what’s presently wrong with the world as they see it) and rapturous enthusiasm (as they focus on realising some higher potential).

The Priest’s gaze often has an inflamed, hypnotic intensity which can look strikingly beautiful — or strikingly sinister, depending on where the Priest is coming from.

Typical traits: fervent, visionary, hope-inspiring, earnest, uplifting, preachy, sanctimonious, fanatical.

Christopher Walken
Christoper Walken
Uri Gellar
Uri Gellar
Byron katie
Byron Katie
Barack Obama
Jane Roberts
Jane Roberts
Carl Jung
Carl Jung


Kings tend to be distinguished by a solid-looking block-like head with ‘meaty’ or ‘granite’ features. There is often a broad, muscular, well-defined jawline.

The face reveals a self-assured, commanding expression with a very masculine look of authority that says “I know exactly what I’m doing,” — the flip-side of which is a scary, withering look that says “You don’t know what the hell you’re doing, do you?” Or as Simon Cowell often says: “What the bloody hell was that?”

Typical traits: commanding, masterful, self-assured, decisive, harsh, autocratic, imperious, intolerant.

James Garner
James Garner
Sean Connery
Sean Connery
Simon Cowell
Simon Cowell
Sandra Day O'Conner
Sandra Day O’Connor
Katherine Hepburn
Katherine Hepburn
Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin

And finally…

See if you can guess the soul type of this handsome psychologist and blog writer:


Further reading

If you’d like to read more about the seven soul types and how each one operates at home, at work and in relationships, I can strongly recommend this book —

7 PERSONALITY TYPES by sociologist/counsellor Elizabeth Puttick, Ph.D. (Hay House, 2009).

Amazon link

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