Simply beautiful… Neale Donald Walsch tells of his journey to the Light

Neale Donald Walsch

Neale Donald Walsch, author of the Conversations with God books, tells the story of his near death like experience.

Although it has been called a near-death experience, Neale Donald Walsch was not – apparently – anywhere near close to dying when it happened. Rather, he was in a state of despair.

What then happened when he closed his eyes and let go is one the most visually dramatic, inspiring and moving experiences I have ever heard of.

(It has similar features to the near-death experience of William Douglas Horden – see The Sphere of Universal Communion – insights from William’s journey into light.)

CWG book coverNeale, of course, is the author (or should that be “co-author”?) of the popular Conversations With God book series – well worth a look if you haven’t read any of them yet. I am not sure if I was aware of him having had this experience when I read the books, but I recognise some of the knowledge he says he was given into the nature of death (the three changes in identification).

Below are the two videos on YouTube in which Neale tells of his experience. Enjoy.

Neale Donald Walsch’s Near Death Experience – Part 1

Neale Donald Walsch’s Near Death Experience – Part 2

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2 thoughts on “Simply beautiful… Neale Donald Walsch tells of his journey to the Light”

  1. I really enjoyed this post. Thank you for sharing your experience. It lends validity to others on the path in their quest for knowledge.

    I really got a kick out of the last two sentences:

    “That was fun. Let’s do it again!” as believe many of us have 🙂

  2. Its been removed off of youtube but I do have the video myself. Let me know what I can do as to put it back up on this page


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