The Server soul


The Server is one of the seven soul types or roles in essence. Servers have an innate drive to serve the common good.


server- washing feet

Whoever is spared personal pain must feel himself called to help in diminishing the pain of others. We must all carry our share of the misery which lies upon the world. — Albert Schweitzer

It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love that is put into them that matters. — Mother Teresa

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness. — the Dalai Lama

The Spirit of Service

Server souls embody an energy of service, care and helpfulness. As with Priest souls, the consciousness of Servers is inspiration-oriented. But whereas Priests seek to inspire the masses, Servers seek to improve the lot of individuals in more hands-on, down-to-earth ways. They are naturally caring and helpful souls who live to be of benefit to others.

Florence Nightingale

Serversare drawn to roles in which they can attend to others’ needs — not because they are “less than” others in any way, but because they are directly in touch with our common humanity. This selfless capacity is something all souls aspire to, but Servers are already there by default. As such, however, the Server is often easily exploited and, historically, has been more vulnerable to enslavement.

Servers were once known by the unfortunate term “Slave”. This was not intended to be in any sense derogatory, but for obvious reasons the more neutral term Server is more commonly used. [Personally, my preference would be “Servant”, as in “servant of humanity”.]

Servers make up 25% of the global population — there are more Severs than any other soul type.

Server Characteristics

Servers tend to be sweet-natured, caring, hospitable, unassuming and humble. Compared to other soul types, they can be described as “mostly harmless”.

On top of their good-naturedness, however, they can also look as if they are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. This is because they tend to identify with the misery and suffering of others. However, there is also a general aura of faith in the power of good and a willingness to soldier on. They tend to be very grounded and find it relatively easy to take life’s problems lightly. Old Servers like the Dalai Lama can exude a peaceful, joyful quality, like your ideal grandparent.

Facially, they are often characterised by smallish, tired-looking eyes, a sincere, soulful expression, soft skin, a potato-shaped head, and what I am tempted to call “hamster cheeks”.

Note that their gentleness does not necessarily prevent them from attaining or holding a high-status position. Though they may lack certain leadership qualities, their desire to serve enables them to be very respectable monarchs, politicians and company directors. Many, however, find fulfilment in home-making, nursing, and similar roles.

Queen Elizabeth II and the late Queen Mother

Positive and Negative Poles

[As a reminder, any manifestation of consciousness has both a positive pole and a negative pole. The positive pole is an expression of the true self or soul; the negative pole is an expression of the false self or ego.]

Servers are the most altruistic and accommodating of the Roles, tending to put the needs of others first, even if to their own detriment. In the positive pole, service, the Server soul might be better described as a “saint”.

The word “slave”, on the other hand, is more in line with the Server’s negative pole (bondage, servitude). In this case, the individual identifies with being someone who has no choice but to work their fingers to the bone for others, and for no thanks or reward.

Server Soul Evolution

As a reminder, all souls progress through five cycles of self-evolution in physical form (see: Reincarnation: the 35 Steps.)

Of all the soul types, the Server takes to physical life the most readily, even in the first cycle, the Infant cycle, which is about basic physical needs and family survival. Other essences do not find their feet until later stages of reincarnation.

In the second stage, Baby Servers are likely to adopt menial service work in exchange for security. A lot of downtrodden housewives are Baby Servers.

In the third stage, Young Servers tend to seek personal achievement or material success within a service-related profession or vocation, such as medicine. The Young Server finds and asserts his or her own way of serving others.

In the fourth stage, Mature Servers seek to serve others in more meaningful ways, putting the Mature soul’s empathy to good use in counselling skills, for instance.

In their fifth and final stage of reincarnation, Old Servers like the Dalai Lama live to perfect their service to the world at large. They are indeed more like saints.

Famous examples

Some famous examples of the Server soul:

Catherine of Aragon
Catherine of Aragon
Peter Lorre
Peter Lorre
Queen Victoria
Queen Victoria
Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale
Jonas Salk
Jonas Salk
Joao de Deus
Joao de Deus
Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer
martin freeman
Martin Freeman

Elizabeth II
Elizabeth II
Alfred Hitchcock
Alfred Hitchcock
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter
Desmond Tutu
Desmond Tutu
Dalai Lama
Dalai Lama




Up to: Soul Types: The Seven Roles in Essence

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15 thoughts on “The Server soul”

  1. Hi Barry, thanks so much for your website. Much needed. In perusing your site this morning, I’ve found that I’m a sage-based server – well, definitely a server, at least.

    I’ve been stuck in the second stage listed above (seeking security) for majority of my life. It’s been a major roadblock in my life that’s caused me much pain and ‘negative polarity’. However, when I find opportunities to express my Sage aspect, I find myself more liberated. I know I’m a vehicle for knowledge, truth, and bliss that is not mine. I can serve tirelessly in this way. But it’s very hard to live life that way and still support yourself (at least that’s what my mind is sticking to, keeping me in Baby Server phase).

    In order to try to move forward, I’ve tried to wrap my head around the whole concept of security/insecurity (that security doesn’t really exist because everything in life is uncertain and evolving) and I haven’t encountered an explanation that I can understand on a deep level. Do you have any advice or insight? Feel free to find me at for photo verification to assist with further insight.

    Thank you so much,

    • Also – I meant to include – many people have called me an old soul… but if I’m a baby soul how is that possible? Is it possible to reflect old soul values/aspects while not being evolved to that level?

    • Hi Jane

      Glad you like the site! Having looked at your pix, I would have to agree with you: Server as primary and Sage secondary (the same as my mother in fact…), and probably with goal of Acceptance in this life judging by your evident warmth and openness. In soul age terms, I would say Mature.

      As for the issue of security — this has certainly featured in my own life, or rather lives, according to my past life regressions. You might find that my account of this has a some resonance for you:

      The issue for me is around the choice between security and independence. It seems that between lives I would love to go for more adventure (independence) in my human lives, but once I’m here in body I often settle for security instead.

      Is that how it seems for you? If so, I don’t think it means you/we are stuck at the Baby soul level exactly. Rather, we keep coming out of childhood with a fear of letting go of what security we have. It’s just part of the human condition and the existential terror that goes with it.

      For Baby souls, that very fear is the cutting edge of their existence. Baby souls are all about building security and stability, holding the gods of chaos at bay. Young souls, in contrast, swing the other way. For them it’s all about freedom, independence, adventure. It’s not that they’ve totally conquered the need for security. A Young soul at the age of 5 or 10 will be in great need of security, as is natural. But by the age of 30-40 a Young soul will come to *subsume* that need under a higher need for personal success. They don’t just want a roof over their heads, they want the biggest roof ever!

      For Mature souls, security and personal ambition likewise doesn’t just vanish. A Mature soul in childhood has a need for security, and a Mature soul in adolescence/ young adulthood has a need for success (or high self-esteem). But by the age of 30-40, they will subsume those desires/fears under the overriding need for meaning and right relationship.

      Between lives, security is not an issue at all – we are absolutely certain of our eternal being in joy and love. And when people have spiritual awakening experiences, this is often one of the insights they have: “All is well. I am forever safe, secure and loved.” Only when our attention is caught up in the business of physical life does security show up as an issue.

      The underlying fear, I would say, is that without the right structures in place (a decent income, a roof over our heads, a reliable partner), we feel too vulnerable. The fear is natural (it prevented our ancestors us from eaten by tigers), but the feared scenario is often more imaginary than real. As growing, thriving, self-aware individuals, we fear that our progress in life could be swept away by the mindless forces of chaos. Our lives could be robbed of the direction and purpose and value we have worked hard to create.

      In my case, I actually fear that if I were to give up my day job and (say) focus entirely on this website, I would soon end up homeless and penniless, unable to feed my family. That’s the worst-case scenario that I fear is “inevitable”. But when I asked Michael, via a channel, why I feel this way, the answer was: “It’s not that you fear to move on. It is that you fear ‘undoing’ all the hard work you have put in so far to get where you are now.” I really get that. With a goal of Growth and a chief feature of Impatience, I can’t stand the feeling of going backwards in any way.

      If it helps, personally I’m not expecting to transcend the need for security before I’m at least in the middle of the Old soul cycle. Put it this way – it’s “normal” for 7th level Old souls to drop all mundane attachments such as security (and success and intimacy) and wander the land, homeless and penniless, communing with the Great Spirit. Jesus is one example. Before that lofty stage is reached, though, I guess human needs are just an inevitable part of the equation.


  2. Hi Barry, Just FYI all your pics at the bottom of your Server page are broken…I was able to click on the first one to open the picture, but only that one. I will have to google them; i am very interested in seeing what the server souls tend to look like because I am trying to figure out what type of soul my boyfriend is…I’ve determined that I am a mature priest soul. I believe that he is a baby or infant soul, most likely Server (seeing as how you pointed out that Servers can “find their feet” in the infant stages”) or Artisan at the baby stage. However, his features don’t much resemble the artisan souls, so I am looking for clarification…

    Anyway, just wanted to let you know that your pics are broken. THIS IS THE MOST INTRIGUING, EDUCATIONAL, AMAZING WEBSITE I HAVE EVER FOUND!!!!! I read your comment about not wanting to give up your day job to work on the website full time, and I just wanted to say whatever you do you are doing an AMAZING job and I can guarantee you that if you gave up your day job for this website, amazing things would come of it! However, it is not necessary, because your website is beautiful and wonderful as it is =) (Using it as a source of income just might ruin it…now i see your dilemma!!) (me) (my boyfriend of 5 years)

    • Hi Sara

      First of all, many thanks for pointing out the photo problems on the page. I’ve had a flurry of emails from my web hosting company warning of possible problems due to a transition from PHP 5.2 to 5.4 (whatever that means). I’ better check through the whole site.

      Second, thank you so much for your lovely feedback about the website. The way things are going, I think I’ll be devoting myself to it full time in a couple of years. Just need to keep the momentum going til then. (And hope my health doesn’t deteriorate.)

      So, as for you and your boyfriend…, it would be pretty unlikely for you to be in a relationship with someone who really is two or three whole stages “behind” you. There would be no common ground of perception. No understanding of each other’s jokes, for example. A Mature soul can appreciate the value of alternative ways of being and thinking – an Infant or Baby soul is too entrenched in limited thoughts to stretch like that.

      From your boyfriend’s photos I would guess — and I hate being put on the spot like this, especially when there are plenty of good channels who do this for a living — but I would guess Young or possibly Mature Server. A late young soul and an early mature soul can get along fine. But if the gap between them is bigger than one cycle, it’s like they are from different planets.

      Anyway, he’s a big fella and the tats automatically made me think Warrior? But looking closer, his face and especially his eyes look basically hospitable and unassuming — a gentle giant Server?



  3. Hi Barry,
    I feel that I am a young or mature server soul. I am going to be a nurse practitioner. I have been a nurse for 9 yrs but never felt fulfilment and have recently got into past lives. I have always felt like an old soul but at times am crippled by fear and feel like not going on anymore. I am afraid that I will just have to deal with the issue in the next life anyway so why not do it now and then easily find the courage. I also love adventure. I find teaching/healing very natural to me and would like to tap into more natural ways of healing the body (in my personal life). I need to find out whats wrong before I know whats right so I do not see my training as a waste of time. Sometimes I feel like it’s my last life but I do not think so according to this website. I just met my soul mate and feel very at home with him. I have been single for 34 yrs but I needed to learn some lessons before I could appreciate him and learn to let go of some excesses. He said the first week we met ” I wish I would have met you 10 yrs ago” but I said “I wouldn’t have been ready for you, it wouldn’t have been the right time”. At times we can read each others mind and the relationship if fulfilling in every way. Please let me know what level you think I am. I definitely think he is a warrior as I have only been attracted to warriors who value the soul progression.

  4. Hello, Barry! is there any other information about the soul of the server? I defined myself as the soul of a server and I feel slightly insignificant .. 🙁 I think this type of soul is the most boring and not interesting 🙁 all my life I have been meeting artisans’ souls and I envy them. These people are interesting, playful, flirty and know how to express their emotions in a skillful way. So far I can’t accept that I was and will be the server this life and all my life …

    • Well, this may be where casting comes into play. An Artisan-cast (or 2nd-cast) Server would be distinctly creative for a Server, just as a Sage-cast Scholar like me is distinctly expressive for a Scholar.

      Never let a “definition” define you or limit you in your sense of what you are here to do. Free choice is the name of the game.

  5. Jana, I hear you! I recently identified that I am also a server with the mode of caution and since discovering this am feeling rather bottom-rung of the ladder.


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