Stage 3: The Young Soul

Those undergoing the third stage of reincarnation are known as young souls. At this stage, life is about asserting oneself as an individual in the world at large. Hence, young souls tend to be ambitious, materialistic and highly driven.


We Can Be Heroes

Young souls are learning to be independent actors in the world, exercising their free will. Hence, there is a major emphasis on heroic self-assertion and progress, freeing oneself from limiting structures, finding one’s own strengths and talents, discovering “what I’m made of”.

The main lesson for souls in the third stage of their evolvement is to do with exploring and expressing individuality, discovering the power of independence in thought, will and action. There is a strong desire to make a personal impact on the outer world, so the focus is very much outwards and with a lot of energy.

At the same time, there is a strong tendency to compare oneself to others, evaluating self-worth in terms of “my” achievements relative to “their” achievements. This outward-bound, achievement-focused sense of self can lead to a determination to be a “winner” — and to be seen to win. The danger is that the appearance of success can become more important than anything else, including even happiness.

Young Soul Perceptions

Recall that for the baby soul (at stage 2), the world is perceived in terms of us versus them. For the young soul, however, the world consists of distinct individuals, each with a mind of their own, each with their own agenda. The young soul’s sense of self is as an individual who stands in contrast to other individuals — I am not you, you are not me. Life is often therefore perceived as a contest between competing individuals: me versus you and you and you … Or between competing agendas: my way versus your way.

And whereas baby souls automatically adopt the beliefs and values of their native tradition, young souls are busy developing their own perspective and agenda, finding their own talents and their own way of seeing things and doing things. By asserting their own perspective, they can change what the world believes to be true. By pushing their own agenda, they can determine what happens in the world. They are self-determined agents of change.

Because young souls’ opinions are of their own making — based on their own knowledge and reasoning — they will naturally feel that their own opinions are inherently right and correct. As a result, anyone with a different opinion is presumably wrong.

But because others’ opinions too, right or wrong, can determine what happens in the world, there is a constant sense of competition, and hence a feeling that those who disagree ought to be put right, or put down, or at least proven wrong.

So, for the young soul, “My way is the right way. I know it is because I can see it for myself. So let’s all do it my way.”

What young souls do not quite recognise as yet is that all perspectives are equally valid. They are identified with their own perspective, feeling confident that is the best way to see things.

Young Soul Lifestyle

Young souls are drawn to live in highly competitive environments in which they can push themselves, assert themselves, and prove themselves. Frantic, materialistic cities like Hong Kong and Los Angeles are young soul hotbeds.

Because young souls can often experience life as a contest between themselves and many other ambitious individuals, an ideal outcome would be to succeed very loudly and visibly so that everyone knows who “the winner” is. Hence, young souls are often attracted to the more obvious signs of success — fame, wealth, power, glory.

Other Young Soul Characteristics

At this level, love between individuals can be experienced as a reciprocal offering of goodwill: I make you feel good, you make me feel good, let’s keep making each other feel good.

It is also a feeling that can be extended to others who are not directly known to oneself, or to abstractions. For example, one can feel great patriotic love (reciprocal goodwill) for one’s country.

As artists and performers, young souls are attracted more to fame and fortune than to seeking meaningful insights into the human condition.

There is nothing wrong with any of this, by the way. It is a natural and necessary stage of soul evolution for all of us. The audacious ambition and competitiveness of young souls may be distasteful to both baby and mature souls (for different reasons), but it serves to bring out the best in us as powerful individuals — inventiveness, confidence, enterprise, heroism. Many of the world’s most remarkable achievements, from ancient empires to the Moon landings, have been young soul projects.

Some Famous Young Souls

Because they make it their business to succeed in life, there have been a great many prominent and well-known young souls in history.

One of the most famous figures of antiquity, Alexander the Great was a Young King soul (as well as a young king in life!) who created one of the ancient world’s largest empires.

The Young Priest soul Napoléon Bonaparte (below) led France to take on every other major European power. He was both a tyrant to some and a brilliant military-political leader to others.

Another prominent Young Priest in history was the Roman Emperor Constantine (below) who, according to at least one Michael channel (Holly Coleman), is now the Mature Priest known as Barack Obama.

As national leaders, young souls tend to perceive other nations as rivals in a contest. Many wars have been started by young soul opportunists, such as Saddam Hussein in the first Gulf War and George W. Bush in the second.

Other Young soul leaders in recent history include John F. Kennedy, Mao Tse Tung, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Bill Clinton and Silvio Berlusconi.

In the entertainment world there are many Young soul celebrities, including Elvis Presley, Dolly Parton, John Travolta, Beyonce and 50 Cent.


The Five Stages of Reincarnation

Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
Infant Soul Baby Soul Young Soul Mature Soul Old Soul

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