How can I speed up my evolution or skip levels in order to stop reincarnating?

It is neither possible nor desirable to skip levels or lessons. It’s like asking ‘If I skip classes will I graduate sooner?’

While many people think that evolving as quickly as possible has some sort of merit, this is not the case. Neither our souls nor the divine cares how quickly we evolve from stage A to stage B. Evolution is a process, not a finishing post.

We are all very eager to evolve, but as souls we do not mind how long it takes in terms of physical time. We evolve only by going deeply into the process, not by somehow jumping out of the process. We can accelerate, or decelerate, or pause, whenever we like. But the sense of needing or wanting to hurry up is purely a function of human fear and illusion within the perceptual limitations of time. The soul’s awareness is unaffected by time.

(I would also add that this is where I think the spiritual teacher Andrew Cohen was barking up the wrong tree for decades. The idea that there is some URGENT NEED to evolve RIGHT NOW springs entirely from human fears and misconceptions, and has no meaning from a spiritual standpoint. I once did a cheeky sendup of Cohen’s conversations with Ken Wilber, which went down well with some of Cohen’s followers, though not with Cohen himself.)

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19 thoughts on “How can I speed up my evolution or skip levels in order to stop reincarnating?”

  1. Perhaps people want to speed evolution up, and Andrew wants us to evolve right now, because they want the world to be a better place. I’d be generous and say there’s a worthy compassionate impulse behind that.

    It’s a little bit depressing to think that in the year 3000, to use simplistic stereotypes of the soul ages, there’ll still be lots of baby souls blowing buildings up, young souls making zillions of dollars while crashing the economy, and mature souls having freak outs over something insensitive that somebody said to someone!

    I understand that from the perspective of eternity a million years of incarnation is just fine. But humans have always had an idea of paradise, a hope that one day the world will be peaceful and harmonious. I think that wishing for that is good and enlightened too.

    • Why depressing? You’ve only focused on the negative poles of the Baby, Young and Mature soul ages, but there’s equal chance that they’ll all be in the positive poles – Baby souls living peacefully in quiet religious communities, enterprising Young souls competing to create the most amazing technology (medicine, spaceflight), empathetic Mature souls now in the majority ensuring global peace and harmonious relations.

  2. I feel stuck like someone who is playing a video game and cannot get past a certain point in it or like the main character of the film Groundhog Day who relives the same day at least thousands of times. I have been feeling like this for almost a year (although my soul may have had this feeling for a longer time). Now I fear I can never finish my evolution and always reincarnate to the same point, being unable to learn my lessons.

    • That’s been my challenge too. I don’t like suffering and want to master letting go of it and be a peace more then anything. I get inpatient with the slow process, especially when it involves suffering.

  3. In order to end the cycle of samsara that we find ourselves in here, you must attain the “understanding” to become enlightened. The true notion of “enlightenment” was almost snuffed out of existence by the church, when they forced their false dogma onto the masses and took the true understandings that were pagan, druidic, wiccan, the Elysium mystery religions and other valid spiritual dogmas and tried to crush them out of existence.

    The thing that kept them from success was the Himalayas. If the weren’t for the stumbling block of everest and K-2, we might now all be under the thumb of the church.

    True enlightenment is nothing more than some simple acknowledgements and understanding the Four Noble Truths, along with possessing an Akashic record (this is your karmic account book) that is in the light. It must only be in the light.

    Look at our existence here on earth for exactly what it is, a training ground. We are here as trainees. We are allowed to find this enlightenment on our own, in our own good time. Some of us do it rather quickly and some, not so much.

    The average number of existences for a mortal, is twenty two. The average for immortals, and divines is seven and six trips through the grinder, respectively.

    Anyway, once we possess the enlightenment, and our karmic account is in the light of the yin and yang, whence next we move through the “bright light” at the end of the tunnel, we can ascend to Heaven, which is a planet that orbits the star Maia, in the Pleaides . Heaven is a place where everyone possesses the understanding. There are no cops, no criminals, and no courts.

    This is why the Christian concept and false dogma of “forgiveness” is flawed. If everyone there possesses enlightenment, and you let one asshole in the gate based on forgiveness, the whole concept is shot to hell.

    The two acknowledgements that you must make in order to ascend is that you must acknowledge the Architect of the Universe, or Great Creator. The second is that you must acknowledge that you are subject to the cycle of rebirth and transmigration.

    The Four Noble Truths is regarding the Buddhist concept of suffering. I have found that occidentals do not have a grasp of it to well. The easiest way to get it across it to look at it like a meter. You consider every day that you have where the needle of the meter goes into the light side of the meter as good days and then consider the number of days the needle pushed into the dark side for bad days. Then compare the two. Most of us have many more days in the light side despite the fact that there is equal potential for both. When you do the math and have more good days than bad ones, you know that there going to be a few bad days that will come into your reality. You need not dwell on them but know that when you hit one, you won’t be shocked and appalled.

    It helps this to consider that everything that has a beginning also has an ending, since loss is our greatest fear. Things come and things go.

    Anyhoo, these acknowledgements, your Akashic record in good standing and a pack of smokes will get you need the door to the “lighted room”.

    To digress to the concept of mortals and divines and the difference in the number of trips through the grinder, consider the warriors of ancient Greece or the Norsemen who selflessly martyred their lives to become heros on the field of honor.

    Or, even the kamikaze who were the “divine wind”. The true reasoning behind their heroic deeds was that in doing so, they would acquire a cosmic promotion to a divine individual in their next existence, and you shorten your time here in the training ground by as much as two thirds.

    My question is how is it that “martyrdom” is a character flaw? Who figured that one out? In the cosmos, you become divine for such actions.

  4. There’s a difference between martyrdom as a single act of courage and Martyrdom as a lifelong character trait. The act of martyrdom is a choice to endure suffering imposed as a punishment for one’s beliefs, because righteousness or faith or integrity are held to be more important than the fate of the body. As a character flaw, Martyrdom is the habit of setting up one’s own suffering and persecution at the hands of others again and again and again – for no good reason but simply to avoid taking responsibility for oneself.

  5. Hello Barry,

    When returning to the physical plane, do we choose our friends , family, community, and country before reincarnation? or do we attract it based on our frequency? I live in Lebanon for example, is It possible that my past life was in the US or Switzerland or another country?

    • A bit of both. We construct a life plan that suits our current level of awareness and that will present us with challenges to stimulate choices that will lead to further awareness. We then find an upcoming body that provides a suitable opportunity to fit the plan.

      It could be that the most fitting life for our next plan is in a whole new country with people we’ve never met before, or it could be a virtual repeat of the last life, possibly in the same location, possibly with many of the same people. We often do certain tasks with the same pool of soul mates, but we do also have to keep exposing ourselves to other types of people, society and culture in order to grow out of limited perceptions.

  6. Hello, Barry

    I live in a country (Spain) where the awareness level seems to be around 3th or 4th young. Everything here is ruled by a disgusting combination of extreme competitiveness and bad taste, and corruption, authoritarianism and unethical behaviour are overwhelmingly present. People are so rude here, and the internal political climate is rife with conflict these days, as you may know. This can be very upsetting and even depressive for the scarce mature and old soul people here, it’s like living in a permanent nightmare.

    My question is: what about the percentages of soul levels by countries? Do they vary from one country to another? In Spain I think there are about 50% young soul people (except in Catalonia and the Basque Country, where mature people seem to represent the largest percentage of the population, a source of permanent conflict, as you can imagine), 20% baby souls and 25% mature (not a lot of old souls around here, maybe 5%, I guess (the renowned science communicator and TV personality Eduardo Punset being one of them for sure)).

    Thanks in advance,


  7. You may be completely right.

    All soul ages are found in every country, but in different amounts. Some countries are predominantly Baby soul, some are predominantly Young soul, some are predominantly Mature soul. This channeled compilation ( shows what the the estimated predominant soul age is for various countries around the world. Examples:

    Borneo: Infant/Baby
    Nigeria: Baby
    Pakistan: Young
    Spain: Young
    USA: Young/Mature
    Sweden: Mature
    Italy: Mature
    Finland: Mature/Old
    Iceland: Old

    So Spain is shown as predominantly Young.

    The USA is typical of the world at large, with the average soul age around 6th level Young.

    Many countries are run by ultra-competitive Young souls even though the population contains more older souls than young souls. It’s because Young souls have no problem with being outgoing, ambitious and “playing” the system. Mature souls tend to be more focused on complex issues than on being a winner in politics or finance. The UK, for example, has more Mature souls than Young souls, but the Young souls stand out more because they make more noise, try to run the country and generally grab the headlines.

    Old souls are quietly sprinkled about everywhere in places where they can just get on without too much worldly interaction.

  8. “It’s like asking ‘If I skip classes will I graduate sooner?'”

    I feel like it’s not a good comparison, it’s more like asking “How can I skip grades in order to graduate faster?” and the answer would be something like “learn faster than your peers”. So in order to evolve faster, you must try harder to be better person, make better choices day to day.

    Personally I think time exists in ‘spiritual’ world as well – I can’t imagine it being any other way, and that the creator of this reality wants us to evolve as fast as possible so we can return – just because this seems to be the only purpose of this reality – so there must be a reason for it and who wouldn’t want faster results?

  9. Have you ever considered that the need to evolve itself may be erroneous. There are theories suggesting earth is a prison planet, where the main objective it to be trapped here under false pretenses in order to slave for it’s rulers. I’d dismiss this because it would be easier to do so, however, my intuition tells me there’s something to this.

    • Well, that’s a good way of introducing fear into the equation. And the human ego loves a bit of fear. It gives the ego something to either be a victim of or be a controller of.

      Seen from higher consciousness, however, there is nothing for our souls to fear. We are not in prison, we are in a game-world of our own choosing. Inside the game, we can either have fun or we can focus on levelling-up by learning. We learn by making choices, both good and bad, and seeing the consequence of our own choices.

  10. I wonder if another soul could “speed up” your spiritual evolution. I feel like pushed from behind by an older soul (my partner) when I get stuck and it makes me so grateful. Is this possible?

    • Yes, it’s certainly possible. Helping each other out is one of the drivers of our collective evolution.

      Note that our goal isn’t to evolve as quickly as possible, but as freely and thoroughly as possible. Speed isn’t an issue. However, no-one wants to see another soul get stuck, so we feel an impulse to help those who get stuck and can’t see the way out, especially when the way out is obvious to us.

      The older the soul, the greater the willingness to help others needing an evolutionary push.

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