An insight into my purpose

8 September 2006

I have been doing the ‘allowing’ meditation a couple of times a day and am feeling the benefit. I have ripples of delightful energy buzzing around my head and a sweet, swirly sensation in my abdomen. In my behaviour I am wanting to act more gently – not being sarcastic or scolding to others.

While sitting on the loo at work (my secret mediation room) I got in touch with a feeling of great anticipation about my life purpose or life’s work — without any clear idea of what that actually was. As I allowed the feeling of my purpose to flow, I played with words until I got the set of words that perfectly chimed with the feeling:

The creation of joy through knowledge of truth.

The truth shall set you free — and it is the freedom or liberation that comes with true knowledge (spiritual truth in particular) that so inspires me. The discovery of that freedom is a joy. It is my joy to discover truth and to share that knowledge with others in a way that they find liberating.

And I immediately remembered how Michael [the entity channelled through Sarah Chambers] had described my life task:

To accumulate knowledge in a spirit of joy and to teach that knowledge in the form of play.

I couldn’t get it when I first had that information … now it is ringing in my bones.

See more of my spiritual journal
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