Michael Jackson – the reincarnation of Mozart?

In a book written in the 1970s, it was stated matter-of-factly that the young pop star Michael Jackson was the reincarnation of the musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. And it now seems that MJ himself may have believed this to be the case. Could it be true? If so, then it appears that this soul has for some reason relived a very similar life pattern.

At first glance, they are very different people. Mozart was Austrian, born January 27, 1756 in Salzburg. Jackson was an African American, born August 29, 1958 in Gary, Indiana. Nevertheless, the similarities in their life histories are quite striking:

  • Both were born the seventh child in a very musical family.
  • Both were musically talented from a very early age. Mozart had mastered his first keyboard piece just before his fifth birthday; he was the toast of Viennese society by age 7 and soon became a child star all over Europe. By age 8 Jackson had already taken over singing lead vocals in the Jackson 5. He was deemed a prodigy with “overwhelming musical gifts”.
  • Both missed out on a normal childhood, spending the entire time immersed in a punishing regime of practicing, touring and performing, all imposed by a strict father. Mozart’s father believed that it was his God-given duty to exhibit his talented children throughout Europe, giving at least one performance a day, though this almost cost the boy his life on several occasions. Michael Jackson was physically, verbally and emotionally abused by his father from a young age, enduring beatings and even whippings. However, he also credited his father’s strict discipline as playing a large part in his success.
  • Both later fell out with their father and went their own way. Mozart’s ambivalent attitude towards his father continued to dominate his private and professional life as an adult.
  • Despite periods of great financial success, both were prone to extravagant over-spending and later struggled with debt.
  • Both maintained a child-like personality in adulthood.
  • Both enjoyed dressing flamboyantly and keeping a variety of pets.

Spot The Similarity

I initially thought there would be little or no physical similarity between Mozart and Jackson. However, I read that Mozart was described as small, thin and pale with large, intense eyes and a soft speaking voice which could be very powerful when required. All the same could easily be said of Michael Jackson. Bear in mind also Michael Jackson’s penchant for flamboyant 18th century European-style costumes…

I also then learned that Michael Jackson used a very intriguing alias when he contributed a song (Happy Birthday, Lisa) to an episode of The Simpsons. The writing credit for the song is given to one W. A. Mozart!

So, all this inspired me to gather some pictures of the two and make some direct comparisons. Obviously, there are racial differences: Mozart was Caucasian, Jackson was African American. Moreover, Jackson’s face was altered substantally over the years by his plastic surgery. Nevertheless, I believe there is a very similar quality or “feel”—like it really is the same soul looking out of both pairs of eyes. See what you think.

Mozart and Michael Jackson in childhood.

W A Mozart and M Jackson

In the picture below, Michael’s nose appears to have been airbrushed — possibly by the record company at the time to make him look less “black”. A sign of things to come, weirdly.

W A Mozart and M Jackson

Mozart/MJ (3)

Mozart - Michael Jackson 2 500

This alleged death mask of Mozart (below) was found in 1947. Mozart died at the age of 35, possibly from complications stemming from strep throat. A panel of experts concluded in February 2000 that Mozart died of natural causes. Interestingly, in light of Michael Jackson’s death, some have pointed to malpractice on the part of Mozart’s physician, Dr. Nikolaus Closset (see comment below by LisaG). According to Wikipedia:

A suggestion is that Mozart died as a result of his hypochondria and his predilection to taking patent medicines containing antimony. In his final days, this was compounded by further prescriptions of antimony to relieve the fever he clearly suffered.

Mozart's death mask (actually a copy found in 1947)

Here (below) is a comparison between the death mask and a weirdly similar 3D scan of MJ’s face. Apparently, this 3D facial scan was made at Michael’s behest in 1996, when he was 37 years old. (The actual scan data was recently put up for auction on eBay for $1.5m!) Mozart was a lot chubbier than MJ, but the underlying structure and general “tone” look very similar.

Below, the death mask is compared with pictures of MJ around the same age. Note how the features are in very close alignment — the corners of the mouth, for example. Notice also the way the chin is asymmetrical in both cases. (MJ’s later augmentation of his chin removed this asymmetry.) Aside from Michael’s reshaped nose and eyebrows, the basic facial geometry looks identical.

I promise you this doesn’t work so neatly with, say, Bach or Beethoven! (Or, for that matter, with the face of, let’s say, John Lennon.)

So, if this apparent reincarnation from Mozart to Michael Jackson is valid, then this one soul has managed to become both the greatest musical composer the world has ever known and the most popular musical entertainer on the planet.


Other lives in-between?

What about between the lives of Mozart and Michael Jackson?

According to various channels, in terms of the soul/personality classificatory system used in the Michael teachings, Mozart was a “3rd level Mature soul” and MJ was a “5th level Mature soul”. Incidentally, their soul type was originally said to be Sage [in Messages From Michael], but the consensus now is that this is an Artisan soul. Michael Jackson has recently been channelled (via both Holly Coleman and Troy Tolley) to be a Mature Artisan soul with, during this life, a goal of Acceptance, a Spiritualist attitude and a mode of Passion, and with the chief feature of Self-deprecation and possibly Self-destruction. He also had “a very etheric, frail Solar/Neptune body type with high female energy.”

Anyway, the terms 3rd level Mature and 5th level Mature refer to stages in a soul’s evolutionary development. In each soul’s path of reincarnation it passes through five major evolutionary stages, much as human beings grow into adulthood: (1) Infant soul, (2) Baby soul, (3) Young soul, (4) Mature soul and (5) Old soul. So “Mature” describes a soul in the 4th stage.

Now each stage consists of seven distinct growth steps (making 35 steps in all — see table below). Each level of growth involves a unique learning experience, and that learning experience requires a whole lifetime to set up, undergo and assimilate. In fact, it often takes two, three or four lifetimes to complete a single step.

35 steps

So, if this is the same soul, then it went through the third level of the Mature soul stage as Mozart (step 24) and later it went through the fifth level of that stage as Michael Jackson (step 26; incidentally, I’m at exactly the same step). In which case, there must have been at least one life in-between when the soul underwent the fourth level. So it seems likely that in the 167 years between Mozart’s death in 1791 and Michael Jackson’s birth in 1958, the same soul would have incarnated at least once.

Eston Hemings Jefferson

I have recently come across the work of past-life researcher Walter Semkiw who consults a spirit guide through well-known medium Kevin Ryerson. Semkiw has enquired into the past lives of Michael Jackson. Although the Mozart connection was not confirmed, Semkiw has also been told (through Ryerson) that Michael Jackson had a nineteenth-century incarnation in the USA. On this occasion, the soul had been “a highly talented and well-known mulatto musician” who was “a son of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings.”

Sally Hemings was in fact an African-American slave owned by Thomas Jefferson, the U.S. President. It was widely claimed at the time that President Jefferson fathered several children with her after his wife’s death. (Sally Heming’s descendants can still be found today.) Eston Hemings (1808-1856) was the youngest of these, and most historians now believe that Jefferson was indeed his father.

Eston Hemings, born a slave, was granted freedom at the age of twenty-one by Jefferson’s will. He initially pursued a trade in wood-working with his older brother Madison, another likely son of Jefferson’s. In 1832 Eston married a “free woman of color”, Julia Ann. Approaching thirty, Eston moved with his family to Chillicothe, Ohio, starting a new life as a professional musician. He played violin and lead a successful dance band who were much in demand all across southern Ohio. In 1852, amid rising racial tensions in their locale, Eston and family moved to Madison, Wisconsin, where they changed their surname to Jefferson and were registered as white.

Unfortunately there appear to be no portraits of Eston. However, a newspaper correspondent wrote of him in 1902:

Eston Hemings was of a light bronze color, a little over six feet tall, well proportioned, very erect and dignified; his nearly straight hair showed a tint of auburn, and his face, indistinct suggestion of freckles. Quiet, unobtrusive, polite and decidedly intelligent, he was soon very well and favorably known to all classes of our citizens, for his personal appearance and gentlemanly manners attracted everybody’s attention to him.

Source: www.pbs.org

It was once remarked that the bronze statue of Thomas Jefferson in Washington looked just like the mulatto-coloured Eston in the flesh.

Obviously, skin colour and racial identity were issues during this life. Could this be related in some way to Michael Jackson’s skin disorder, vitiligo?

It also looks like this life, if we assume it was a past life of MJ, could have developed this soul’s great love of dancing.

An earlier incarnation?

Charles Coypeau d'Assoucy (1605-1677) In addition to receiving the information about Eston Hemings Jefferson, Walter Semkiv was told that Michael Jackson had a previous incarnation in seventeenth-century Europe as the French musician Charles Coypeau d’Assoucy (1605-1677), shown right. D’Assoucy was a talented and generally successful musician, entertainer and poet, but he was often in trouble, quite possibly over a certain fondness for young boys. (No comment!) He was also part of a circle of artisitic free-thinkers which included Molière and Cyranno de Bergerac; they liked to shock audiences with what was at that time regarded as a flamboyant, unrestrained style.

So, it’s entirely possible that the soul who was Mozart and Michael Jackson had an earlier incarnaton as Charles Coypeau d’Assoucy. If d’Assoucy and Hemings are valid, then we could have a sequence of lives as follows, perhaps with some missing:

  • Charles Coypeau d’Assoucy (1605-1677)
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
  • Eston Hemings Jefferson (1808-1856)
  • Michael Jackson (1958-2009)

See also:


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153 thoughts on “Michael Jackson – the reincarnation of Mozart?”

  1. In the book “Loving Mozart” a woman named Mary Montano recalls being Franz Xaver Sussmayr, Mozart’s close friend the last three years of his tragic life. She believes Mozart reincarnated as pianist William Kapell (1922-1953) who died at age 31 in a plane crash. She makes no mention that soul incarnated as Jackson, but Jackson was born in 1958. Maybe there is a connection.

    • Hi. Thanks for the tip – very interesting. The photos of Kapell (http://images.google.com/images?q=%22william+kapell%22&gbv=2&hl=en&sa=G&imgtype=) show him as thoughtful and intense, which to me suggests either a Scholar soul or Priest soul, rather than an Artisan like Mozart or MJ. In a radio interview (http://www.williamkapell.com/interview/), Kapell comes across as deep, articulate and erudite, which I don’t think could be said about MJ. The underlying energy feels much too different.
      – barry

    • Not to specifically comment on this possibility of reincarnations of Mozart, but those who knew Michael Jackson well would definitely describe him as “deep, articulate and erudite.” Michael was basically self-taught, and review of his handwriting shows he was not the best of spellers, however neither of those details is relevant for such a description. Michael held very deep, well-informed conversations and discussions with many people. Those people were only initially surprised at the depth and breadth of Michael’s knowledge and thought processes, because they were consistent, not coincidental. Perhaps this will lead you to reconsider your position, Barry

    • Well, it could lead me to refine my wording (I don’t have a position, exactly). It may well be that MJ’s closest friends saw a deeper side to him – which, for a Mature soul, wouldn’t be surprising. The thing is, I have never seen a public interview in which he presented that side of himself. In front of a camera, his self-deprecation feature and child-like innocence seemed to predominate. Compare that with the Kapell interview and you might see what I mean.

    • First, let me say that, while I’m interested in learning, I’m definitely not knowledgeable in your field.

      Since June 25, 2009, I’ve been doing something I never expected or, though I cannot adequately express the gift I consider it to be, wanted to do – write. In that process, I’ve had the great good fortune to meet, via email, someone – highly educated, intelligent, worldly and professional – who knew Michael for 30 years. This person does not prattle on about their relationship but, based on their conversations over so many years, it’s clear the level of respect for Michael’s knowledge and intelligence is very high.

      As far as public indicators, perhaps these will help:

      1) There is an interview with an attorney who represented Michael, perhaps during the Arvizo case years, who comments on his surprise at the depth of Michael’s knowledge of history, philosophy, etc., as well as on Michael’s Neverland library (which held more than 10,000 volumes).
      2) Wesley Snipes interview (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPjkgTA2J8Q) – beginning at about 2:55, comments about this aspect of Michael.
      3) I feel many of Michael’s lead attorney’s during the 2005 trial (Tom Mesereau) remarks about Michael feed into this awareness.
      4) Also, are you aware of Michael’s Heal the Kids speech from February 2001 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__hPA0z27uk), and Oxford Univ speech from March 2001 (part 1, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFDkyglJYk4)? It should be noted that public speaking was not in Michael’s comfort zone, but his drive to serve compelled him to do so.
      5) It’s also known that it was not uncommon for Michael to spend $5000 at a time purchasing books for himself, and later for his children, and that he read, and read to them, daily. There are also public comments about people being at Neverland and in Michael’s hotel rooms and noticing books laying and stacked about everywhere – open, with bookmarks and hand-written notes by Michael. Also, there are photos of literally full notebooks of hand-written notes Michael made in his study of the Bible.

      You are right, in that he was quite self-deprecating in public. He believed it was an affront to God to call attention to himself – outside of on-stage, for that brought him the sense of acceptance and love he longed for and the financial ability to serve those in need in our world. There’s a lot about Michael Jackson the world, in general, is not aware of.

    • Hi to all,

      Your web site is quite interesting relating Michael Jackson to Mozart. I will explain from the spiritual point of view why this is not possible.

      Mozart’s spirit will not go through the exact pain and kind of life he went through in the 1800s. Although, it could return as a musician, but not to plan to be famous or anything like that.

      The claim for Michael Jackson to be Mozart because they are both kind of leading is their field is not correct. Mozart never thought that he will become so famous internationally during his life time. Michael Jackson is a result of so many things, including his father genius plan to copy a little be Leopold Mozart’s steps. There was an interview to Joe Jackson back around 1978 where he said that Mozart’s father has inspired him to train his family hoping that one of the kids will be talented enough to have a career. There were tired of being poor, and they wanted attention, press, and millions in their future years, Jackson said then.

      Michael studied classical music a little be but he was not able to write or orchestrate anything like Mozart’s did during his time. Michael Jackson was able to accomplish his ideas thanks to many producers like Mr. Jones, Diana Ross, and many other talented real musicians. No one denies Michael’s talent, but reality shows that Michael and Mozart are to far a part.

      I actually know someone living in the stays who is actually an accomplish musician who might have in him Mozart’s spirit or soul.

      This person around five years of age had dreams of living during the 1800s. This person at age of 6 wrote almost the whole line of several pieces from the Requiem without having any knowledge of music really. His personality is pretty similar to Mozart, and he is kind of like a genius in what he does. He is an international classical musician/performer/recording artist of great music. he started composing real music at age of ten, he has a few symphonies, piano quartets, works for solo instruments, etc. I can not mention his name here, but he is a great friend of mine and he does not want to reveal his connection to Mozart.

      This person at age 8, in a different part of the world could remember and talk about the Requiem commission, could talk about the man in gray coming to him, could cry about it since he was a kid. His mother took him to see doctors to try to follow up, and there were no answers to those revelations.

      I hope this note is helpful to you and to all the readers. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.



    • Marcus, I have no need to believe Michael Jackson is Mozart, or anyone else, reincarnated, however I will point out that Michael Jackson could, and did, compose “classical” music. In fact, posthumously, it has been revealed that he was working on an album of classical music. Additionally, classical music, per se, is the music of the period. Michael was indisputably a master of the music of his time, and his music is also quite timeless in its musicology and appeal. For that reason, I would also find it appropriate to call Michael Jackson a classical musician. The innate depth of understanding of how music works, how aspects of music interplay with and are interdependent upon one another, how and when to call upon a particular feature of music for effectiveness, is the same, whether it be for 1st, 16th, 18th, 20th, or any other century styles of music. An in-depth study of Michael will reveal that he had all that, and more. I have no issue with considering Michael Jackson on par with any other highly sophisticated classical musician/composer.

  2. FYI. Just read this in an interview from Walter Semkiw (his book Return of the Revolutionaries focuses on group reincarnation).

    Semkiw sees the late Michael Jackson as a reincarnation of Charles de Soucy who was a court musician during French playwright Moliere’s time almost 400 years ago.

    • Hi. Unfortunately, I can’t find any reference to a Charles de Soucy from that period (17C). Not with Google at least.
      – barry

  3. I saw another article where Semkiw’s de Soucy is spelled Dassoucy. Arg! Semkiw gets clues/info from Kevin Ryerson (of Shirley MacClaine fame) via the channeled entity Ahtun Re. Some of the stuff seems accurate, other times not so much. Too much conflicting info, but always great to take someone like Michael Jackson and attempt to understand his soul’s path.

    • Ah, there’s a Charles D’Assoucy, a French musician and burlesque poet. According to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Coypeau_d%27Assoucy) his real name was Charles Coypeau, b. 1605, d. 1677. Interesting life. There’s a picture of him here, but it’s not much to go on:

      It’s possible, of course, that the soul of MJ was all of these, and more besides:
      D’Assoucy, 1605-1677
      Mozart, 1756-1791
      Jackson, 1958-2009

      – barry

    • bom dia!
      Só gostaria de relacionar o seguinte fato; o qual não tenho explicações.
      Em primeiro lugar que assim como que “de repente” me veio a cabeça a morte de MJ, não sei o motivo?? mas liguei a televisão e eles estavam falando da morte dele. (Esclareço que o admirava, sem dúvida, mas não como fã ardorosa)
      Assim que me perguntaram o que eu pensava ter acontecido a ele comecei a relacionar sua vida com a de Mozart, assim sem querer…e por este motivo este artigo me chamou tanta a atenção.

      [ barry’s translation: ]

      good morning!
      I just wanted to relate the following fact, for which I have no explanation.
      Firstly that it “suddenly” came to my mind the death of MJ, I do not know the reason? but called the television and they were talking about his death. (To clarify, I admired him, certainly, but not as ardent fan)
      So I asked myself what I thought had happened to him and began to relate his life with that of Mozart, without wanting to … and so for this reason this article I drew so much attention.

      [barry’s response: ]

      Isso é muito interessante. Obrigado!

  4. John Lennon, channeled via Jason Lees, in the book, “Peace at Last: The After-Death Experiences of John Lennon,” states that he was Mozart… in fact he traces his pastlives and explains the reasons for each, including that one.

    Do genius, and obviously complex beings, combine more than one soul in the body during an incarnation?? That artistic torment afflicting a Michelangelo or a van Gogh, for example. I believe Michael said through another channel that such lives can carry multiple souls that occasionally do conflict.

    Thus: could both JL and MJ have reincarnated from WAM?

    • Hi, Collin.

      Interesting points. I’ll look up Jason Leen’s book. I know of some in the Michael community who believe in multiple simultaneous incarnations (the same soul inhabits separate bodies / personalities at the same time). But I’m not convinced.

      From a “Michael teachings” perspective, Mozart and Jackson were clearly both expressive in essence. (See article about the seven Roles in essence: https://personalityspirituality.net/articles/the-seven-roles-in-essence/) Both have been channelled as being either Mature Sage souls or mature Artisan souls. The flamboyance and showmanship are indeed “very Sage”, though the child-like sensitivity and great inventiveness are more characteristic of Artisan souls. Souls do have “blends” of the seven essences, however, and in this case I would say we probably have a Sage-ish Artisan.

      John Lennon, however, seems to be a completely different kettle of fish. A Priest soul I believe, given his higher-ideal perspective and tendency to inspire (or preach, depending upon how you look at it). But definitely not a Sage or Artisan. Also, I don’t see any facial similarity between Mozart and Lennon. Take a look, however, at John Lennon – the reincarnation of Branwell Brontë?

      – barry

    • I cannot speak for MJ, but John Lennon was definitely Mozart reincarnated. I have written a few articles about this subject although I dont’ think they are on-line anymore as I wrote them several years ago. The similarities between Lennon and Mozart are quite striking and too long to mention here–lots of 9’s in both lives, including former addresses, for one thing. JL also had issues with his father as we all know, and both mothers died when they were fairly young. JL performed for the Queen in 1963, while Mozart played for royalty in 1763. Lots of odd coincidences. Both also had two sons, who never produced an heir or married.

      As a channel of JL, I became aware of also being closely involved with Mozart during his lifetime. The visions were very clear! I know of Jason Leen’s book and also Linda Keen’s book on John Lennon in the afterlife.

      Mozart’s voice was indeed soft but not high like MJ’s, as was portrayed by Tom Hulce in Amadeus. When his voice came through to me during one of these visions, it was deeper but gentle. I think it was Solomon’s book “Mozart” that verified for me later on that this was true.

      Anyway–that’s my two cents.

    • I am not in a position to say who was definitely who (if only), but if there are connections to be made between JL and old Moz, I’ll certainly have a look. Cheers Shelley.

    • Hi,
      Just wanted to say that I do believe who carries on Mozart’s spirits in our society today.

      This fellow that I am talking about is a great instrumentalist, and a composer as well.

      When he was about five years of age started to play his instrument with his father as a teacher. He started composing at age of eight years old. His catalog holds a few concertos, pieces for guitar ensemble, etc. Today he makes a living just as a world-famous player. It is hard to believe that a classical musician in the United States will make a living just as a classical musician but he does.

      When this fellow was younger, around 5 years old, he used to have dreams with an older city. For about four to five years he will describe those dreams and write down part of the Requiem melodies without being at the music school yet or had any connection with Mozart. Some dreams will involve a man dressed in dark following him around with no answer to solving the issue.

      If you see this fellow today you will agreed that Mozart’s spirit and soul is in him. I know him very well. I always thought about this but never told him. He told me this experiences in conversations not related to Mozart at all. While he was younger he was indeed of conducting an orchestra. When he had the opportunity he conducted Mozart’s symphony 38 and got to the rehearsal with no score. He was able to conduct the rehearsal. Considering that he has never conduct an orchestra this was pretty amazing. The fact that when he did this work he knew this music from top to end, it shows a true connection with Mozart.

      In order to assess something so delicate like the destination of Mozart spirit we all need to seat down and think properly. Neither Michael Jackson or John Lennon could be compared with Mozart AT ALL. The facts I have about the incredible person I know are so far more believable and true that the talk about Jackson and Lennon.

      I will try to speak with my friend and see how he reacts to this subject and see if I can send you a picture of him for you to look into his eyes. If you meet him in person, the prove if even more amazing.


    • Michael’s voice covered almost 4 octaves. He chose to sing and, at least publicly, speak in his higher ranges more often than not. However, there are examples across Michael’s singing career that demonstrate the lower ranges and tones that are from less than to not at all “soft”.

  5. Just twittered about this blog. Interesting stuff! I wrote about my own spiritual awakening with rock music, and at one point discuss Lennon’s possible past life as John Wilkes Booth (that came from David Bengston’s book “Past Lives of Famous People). It sent me off on a wild journey of strange synchronicities. I’ve recently been in contact with Jewelle St. James, who wrote a book about her past life with John Lennon in the 1600s where he was a man named John Barron and died very young of consumption. It’s called “All You Need Is Love.” I’ve got Jason Leen’s book around here somewhere…way too many books on reincarnation in my office. 🙂

    • Hi Laura,

      I have the J St J book on my knee right now; it just arrived from Amazon! I’ll probably comment once I’ve read it.

      – Barry

  6. I’ve often thought about the similarities between MJ and Nijinsky. Both were intense, perfectionist performers, who were shy and reserved offstage in private life, but who expressed a generous and ‘loving nature’ towards others. Both were ‘prodigies’ who pushed creative boundaries, excelled at mime, and of course were known for their eccentricities and for blurring sexual identities. Remember MJ balancing himself on his toes when performing Billie Jean? Nijinsky was one of the few male ballet dancers at the time who could perform en pointe. Don’t know if there’s something in all this(!)

    • Well, Nijinski died in 1950 and MJ was born in 1958, so in theory it’s possible. I suspect 8 years is a bit of a short interlude, however, after such a big life as Nijinsky’s. Cheers Michelle.

  7. Mozart or not…the weird connection is there…the last thing MJ was working on was…..CLASSICAL MUSIC. google it you will find out

  8. I’ve always felt this and am astounded that Michael confirmed it.

    Michael Jackson said that he was just a channel, and that the songs came to him complete – the melody, the words, the chords, everything, and that he felt embarrassed to be given credit for it. He said the music was already composed – out there – and him ‘writing’ songs was like sitting under a tree with leaves falling all around him and he just reaches out and catches one. When I heard that, I could only think of Mozart, and how he said that music just came to him in complete pieces, chords and everything. He just hears it and then rushes to write it all down. MJ does exactly the same. How wonderful then, to see the 20th century interpretation of Mozart!

  9. this is all very fascinating…there’s articles out here connecting him to an egyptian bust in chicago and a 1650 painting done by a dutch (?) painter so reincarnation doesn’t seem that far off.

    i’ve always thought michael wasn’t of our time….he was far too advanced for us, but also still divine and human at the same time.

    the fact that he was working on classical music with deepak chopra or whoever is an extra layer of intrigue.

  10. They both represent pure innocence along with a profound wisdom that has the humanity in their fingertips. It can only be felt and can’t be explained.

  11. I’m very happy to have found this information. Since Michael’s death I have been thinking about this quite a lot. The phenomenal quality of Michael’s creative genius can only be explained by reincarnation. Hopefully, we will see him soon again.

    • Yep – look out for a familiar-looking musical child prodigy emerging in about … what? … 10 or 20 years time.

  12. Wow…. this is my first time here and I am blown away… thanks for sharing these detailed possibilities! 🙂

    I must admit I have been caught off guard at the impact MJ’s death has had on me… for some reason I am awakened and want to learn more about spirituality, ect. I think it is because I have always sensed that MJ was not of our time…. he was so talented and complex and spiritual, literally bigger than life.

    In turn, I have been reading everything I can on MJ and then hit some stuff about people channeling him. Now I know a lot of mystic stuff is a scam, but it got me thinking about what happens to our spirit and what if we could communicate after death. So I was thinking about Michael the other day and “told” him that if there was an afterlife/beforelife that I would only belief it if I heard some reference relating him to to MOZART (My 5 year old dog’s name is Mozart … Mozart has been my favorite composer since I was I child … I traveled to Europe about 10 years ago to visit many of Mozart’s dwellings like in Salzburg and Vienna and hear Figaro in English in London). I figured there is no way this would ever be a connection … so I thought I was setting up an impossible result. And then today I stumble upon this post via a link from the Cherokee Billie’s site where someone said he came to them and said he was Mozart!

    Wow… I am a little dazed. Could be coincidence, but now you all definately have my attention!

    What is a good resource to learn more about reincarnation. For some reason ever since I was a little child I have always believed in reincarnation and used to have very vivid dreams when I was younger of going back in time and being someone else. But being raised Catholic, there was no one that really wanted to discuss reincarnation, so the concept has just been sitting in the back of my mind for many years now. Time to learn more about it!


  13. Actually…. I just realized in all my excitement that there tons of knowledge right here on this website to help me learn more about reincarnation. So I will start learning here.. but if you have other links or books that your would recommend, please do.


    • Thanks for sharing, butterfly07.

      There is a good general resource on reincarnation at:
      The Reincarnation FAQ.

      The Michael teachings, one of my main sources, provide a spirit’s eye view of reincarnation and soul evolution. Whereas most spiritual teachings seek to inspire, the Michael teachings convey detailed information, the nuts-and-bolts of reincarnation, which I (as a Scholar soul) eat up with relish! I think if more people really understood the soul and reincarnation, there would be a whole lot less trouble in the world.


  14. Bien, yo soy una admiradora obsesionada de Michael Jackson y creo que para la poca edad que tengo (13 años)soy muy sabia en aspectos espirituales.
    Yo siempre siento una presencia a mi lado, pero nunca supe quien era, hasta ahora, es el almita de mi MICHAEL JACKSON, talvez esto suene extraño, pero para mi no lo es.
    Mi historia es así: yo no sabia completamente nada de mi MJ, hasta el dia de su muerte, porque quien en el mundo no se dio cuenta de tan trágica noticia??? MICHAEL♥ ♥♥♥para mi era un ser espiritual, porque solo con ver el hecho de que ya ha pasado tiempo y le seguimos recordando, debe ser una señal de amor. Yo, recién había fallecido Michael escribí una carta para EL y de repente me vino a la mente el pensamiento de que EL era mi alma gemela, por el amor a los niños, a la paz, la sensibilidad y sobre todo el querer ser siempre un niño, todos mis amigos cercanos y familiares me han dicho que por amar tanto a MJ, su alma puede entrar en mi y es algo que deseo con todo mi corazón, bailo igual que EL, siento igual que EL y siempre pienso en EL, en cada instante, cada segundo.
    Yo si creo en la reencarnación, pues muchas veces me ha pasado que me veo al espejo y siento que mi alma sale de mi cuerpo, y me miro como si fuera otra persona, me ha pasado muchas veces y no le he vuelto a decir a nadie, hasta ahora.
    Algo que me pasa seguido también, son los llamados DEJA´VU, si saben lo que es eso no??? Es cuando sientes que un pasaje de tu vida ya lo viviste, pero siendo otra persona. Te ha pasado¿¿¿
    VIVA MI AMOR MICHAEL JACKSON♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

    • – translation –

      Well, I’m an obsessed fan of Michael Jackson and I think for my young age (13 years) I am very wise in spiritual aspects.
      I always feel a presence beside me, but never knew who it was, until now, it is my Almita MICHAEL JACKSON, maybe this sounds strange, but for me it is not.
      My story is this: I totally did not know anything about my MJ, until his death in the world because I did not realize such tragic news? MICHAEL ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ for me was a spiritual being, because only with the view that time has passed and you still remembering, you must be a sign of love. I recently wrote deceased Michael a letter to him and suddenly came to my mind the thought that he was my soulmate, the love for children, peace, sensitivity and above all the ever wanting to be a child, all my close friends and relatives have told me that love to MJ, his soul may enter and is something that I wish with all my heart, like the dance, I like him and always think of the in every moment, every second.
      I do believe in reincarnation, as many times I happened to look in the mirror and I feel that my soul leaves my body and I look as if it were another person, I have spent many times and I have not returned to tell nobody, until now.
      Something happens that followed too, called DEJA’VU, if you know what that is? It is when you feel that a passage in your life already lived, but being someone else. Your past ¿¿¿
      VIVA MY LOVE MICHAEL JACKSON ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


      Thank for that FAN N1 DE MJ

  15. Dear All,

    Since Michael died, I have not been able to get him out of my head. I decided to follow my instincts and study up on him in detail despite having already followed his career. Recently, I wrote the comments given below as a way to sort things out. (I should clarify by saying I’m the author of “Loving Mozart: A Past Life Memory of the Composer’s Final Years.”)

    At any rate here is what I wrote a few days ago after much thought. I wasn’t sure what I would do with it, but then I found this website this evening! Some of my comments duplicate what barry has already noticed, and some are new:

    –On Michael and Mozart–

    One of the reasons I can’t get Michael Jackson out of my mind is because there are a lot of parallels between him and Mozart. They were both child prodigies driven by overbearing fathers who wanted to cash in on their sons’ talents. They were both innocent, trusting, vulnerable adults who were completely unprepared for adulthood and so became easy targets for the unscrupulous and greedy.

    Mozart and Michael were both bad with money, yet both would give you the shirt off his back. They were both musical geniuses who transformed their respective musical genres: Mozart made opera less mannered and stodgy and more realistic and down-to-earth, while Michael transformed the MTV genre completely. These are just single examples among many regarding their music.

    Both were androgynous. I have always maintained that androgyny seems to create unusual appeal in artists and entertainers because both male and female sensibilities inform their works and performances. How else do we explain the appeal of the wildly popular castrati of 18th century Europe, who were the rock stars of their time. Or the rock stars of our time: David Bowie, Mick Jagger, Boy George. The Beatles’ haircuts made them look androgynous, therefore less threatening, more accessible, which may also have been part of the appeal of androgyny.

    Both were anxious to create new sounds. Michael’s sound tech said he got a call from MJ late one night, asking him to invent a new musical instrument, and challenging the notion that every musical sound had been discovered. Mozart took dissonance so far that people started complaining. Of course, today his dissonances are easy on our ears, but back then, he was criticized for hurting sensitive ears. MJ couldn’t find a new instrument, so he experimented with his voice (shouts and hiccups) and choreography (moonwalk, robot moves, and the lean, which was awarded a patent).

    Both created music that radiated pure joy. Look at MJ’s video “Rock With You” and you can see the joy on his face. [That was the first big clue for me that the two were at least of the same soul group, or entity: their joy in making music, and the joy the music expressed.] I already knew that Mozart’s music is concentrated joy. I heard that joy when listening to “ABC” and “Black or White.”

    Both MJ and Mozart were considered a little weird by their contemporaries, largely for their habits and ways. Their motives were misunderstood. It is said MJ wore that glove to hide the vitiligo splotches on that hand. Don’t ask me about the nose, I have no idea where he was going with that except maybe to experiment with his face the way he did with music. However, Mozart’s nose was large and Michael’s brothers and father teased him about his nose and even nicknamed him “Nose.”

    Both MJ and Mozart were musical and performance perfectionists, working hard to achieve that. Mozart said that people were wrong when they said it was easy for him to knock out songs so quickly. He said he studied hard to achieve that level of proficiency as a composer. People repeatedly commented on MJ’s musical professionalism. What I find fascinating is that he was painfully shy off stage, but when the music started he became a completely different person. He became one of the finest performers of our time, in any genre. If anyone on this planet was born for, dedicated to, and thrived on performing, it was Michael Jackson. He reveled in performing, as did Mozart.

    Both Mozart and Michael nurtured new talent. Both invited young musicians to live with them while they studied or worked with them. Both toured extensively to reach new audiences.

    And finally, both Michael and Mozart offered their astounding musical gifts to the world and asked only for respect and fair treatment. But their naïve and overly-trusting personalities worked against them.

    Michael suffered countless lies about his lifestyle and appearance. His reputation was dealt the final blow by a family of thieves and liars whom he unsuspectingly embraced as friends. I just finished reading (former FOX reporter) Aphrodite Jones’ book detailing the molestation trial in which he was found innocent of all charges. She later admitted to one-sided reporting of the trial. She had a change of heart and published her book “Michael Jackson Conspiracy” to chronicle the media bias. I will never look on the media wolves the same way again.

    I believe the crushing stress and cruelty of the trial led to Michael’s physical decline and possibly his death. I believe it broke his spirit.

    The world hasn’t got the best record for treating its musical geniuses with some latitude and understanding, given that they are, after all, different from the rest of us. Maybe if we understood what makes them tick, we could cut them some slack, and forgive their eccentricities because, after all, they’re spinning sunlight for us.

    –End of my prior comments.–

    As for why Mozart returned as MJ, I do know that he returned as William Kapell because he was anxious to perform on 20th century pianos, but he was done with composing, at least for that life. When Kapell’s life was cut short at age 31, however, he was getting ready to educate and entertain American audiences with the music of their own American composers, who were neglected because American audiences preferred European composers at the time. So there was some unfinished business. Notice how today, MJ has ensured that his American pop music is appreciated in many countries, including European nations.

    Michael’s purpose was also to continue experimenting with music, but with just vocals this time, and with dance (he said “you have to BE the music when you dance”) and music in film. He also sought a way to reach his audiences directly (touring) and did you notice how he told his fans, at every opportunity, “I love you!”? Mozart’s music says “I love you” to its listeners, but through the filter of interpreters (musicians). This soul wanted to say it himself, directly to his audiences.

    He also said “I love you” to thousands through his incredible humanitarianism and philanthropy. He founded the Heal the World Foundation and contributed to 39 charities in his lifetime. His love for children reflected his own lack of a childhood, both as Michael and as Mozart. He would never hurt anyone or anything. He was an old soul.

    A note on the images of M & M: Most (not all) of the Mozart portraits shown in this blog are derivative, and done years later by people who had never met Mozart. The exceptions are the unfinished portrait (the one where he’s looking left and down, wearing a white tie) and the one where he’s wearing red (which was painted from a live sitting of the whole Mozart family), and of course the death mask, which I’d never seen before.

    As for the Michael photos, it seems hard to tell what he would have looked like as an adult after altering his face so much. If I were comparing, I would compare the death mask with a pre-surgical image of Michael, maybe from the early 1980s, before the first nose job.

    In any event, I would like to know why physical similarity is a requirement of a past life connection. Cell memory? Shouldn’t one’s physical appearance serve as another overleaf, since it can have such a profound impact on how a fragment moves forward in life? These are just rhetorical questions. It’s been a long time since I read the Michael materials. Thank you for reading through such a long entry.

    • Thanks Mary1515 for such an in-depth and insightful contribution.

      For me personally, the death of MJ has highlighted the qualities he was seeking to bring into life, which (for me) are childlike innocence and pure joy, a global celebration of life through music and dance, being the very embodiment of that joy and innocence for all to see and enjoy for all time. There is something heart-lifting about watching him do his thing with music. I guess as Mozart the soul was heading that way with his joyous compositions. The thing that always got me about Mozart was summarised in a TV documentary about him which ended with the presenter (Howard Goodall I believe) saying something like, “And in all his hundreds of compositions, there was not a single note of cynicism.”

      It is odd that facial similarity carries over from life to life, but it does seem to be the case. Walter Semkiw is making a career out of pointing this out! I guess there is as you say a “cellular memory” of some kind, perhaps the same mechanism which causes those who die by, say, a gunshot wound to the face to be born with a facial birthmark.

      The body TYPE is an overleaf in the Michael teachings – the seven types are named after the planetary archetypes (Mars type is hard and muscular, Venus type is soft and voluptuous, Saturn type is bony and thin-skinned, etc). But while the soft tissue seems to vary easily between lives (and indeed within life), it seems the skeletal form is more consistent. I expect it evolves gradually, like soul age itself, reflecting the soul’s experiences and activities over time. All MJ’s dancing abilities in this life will surely carry over into the next life – it will be “in his bones”! But it also seems to the the facial expression which carries over too – maybe not at first (all babies look pretty much the same) but the expression of the soul comes to the fore in adulthood.

      Another thing I would say about the body is that it is also a “symbol” of the individual’s emotional history. Those with a history of radiating innocence and joy, like MJ, probably develop a body-form to match at a subtle level.

      Thanks again Mary1515


    • Yes, Michael brought childlike innocence and pure joy, and a global celebration of life through music and dance. There IS something heart-lifting and life affirming about watching Michael perform. I would add that Mozart wasn’t just heading there — he was there, but in the music of his own time, and for much smaller audiences. The one piece that invariably sends my heart soaring is the glockenspiel music from “The Magic Flute.” It, too, is quite childlike and innocent, and extraordinarily heartfelt. Is it possible to email music? I’d like to try if someone will tell me how.

      Cell memory is, I believe, an idea put forth by either Edgar Cayce or the Seth books. I don’t recall which, but I would like to suggest that facial similarity may be one tool in what I hope must be a larger array of methods for identifying past lives. We need to know what these are as more people awaken from their “one life” trances and begin to explore their deep histories. Otherwise, how can we explain when some faces just don’t match up?

      I think one way is this: the Michael books indicate that there are relationships among soul fragments, specifically the 7-fragment cadres (comparable to siblings) and the entity, made up of 1,000 to 1,500 fragments (comparable to cousins). I believe when the faces don’t match, we’re maybe looking at two members of a single cadre (or entity) as opposed to two lives of the same fragment. The cadre members were cast at the same time, so they could be comparable to sextuplets in that they share many features aside from their essence – less so among the “cousins.” I believe the cousins are the ones who resonate when something happens to another fragment in the entity. Perhaps when we can’t explain the pervasive, unrelenting sadness that has come over us since June 25th. Or it could be as simple as knowing a bright light has gone out (for now).

      For the record, I think other ways to recognize past life connections must include an inventory of likes, dislikes, passions, chosen occupations, hobbies, unexplained reactions, names or where one chooses to live. The more there are, the stronger the case can be made. Like James, the child who was the fighter pilot at Iwo Jima.

      I do have a question. Can the body type overleaves change from life to life as situations and goals change? I’d hate to think I’ve been — and will continue to be — short.

      Also, how would one explain Mozart’s body type, which was nothing like MJ’s? They both radiated innocence and joy, but their bodies were so different. Speaking of the body making a statement, someone at the Vanity Fair website wrote about MJ, “Black person born with vitiligo, born into a time period when racism was still bad. Yet a black man who loses his pigmentation. Who better to speak out on racism?” MJ was letting his body show the world that skin color is a superficial phenomenon – an overleaf, if you will.

      (I’m fascinated with the idea that Dr. Semkiw was John Adams. I’ve been reading McCullough’s book on John Adams, and so far it seems if it had not been for Mr. Adams, there would not have been a United States of America. Seriously. He was its main mover and shaker. The others followed his lead. But that’s another discussion.)

      Thanks again for letting me carry on too long.

    • Hi Mary1515

      How to recognise and verify a possibly past life? There’s no final answer, but I’m aware of various kinds of indicators:

      – Past life reading by a medium/channel/intuitive
      – Automatic writing by oneself
      – Anniversary coincidences (things happening on the same date)
      – Synchronicities

      – Spontaneous past-life recall, memories, flashback dreams
      – Hypnotic past-life regression
      – Feeling of inner “resonance” with a particular individual, time period or place

      – Facial similarity
      – Past life wounds/injuries = present life birth marks
      – Past life traumas = present life phobias
      – Similarity in writing style and themes
      – Similarity in work and interests
      – Spontaneously speaking in a foreign language – xenoglossia
      – Same set of relationships with the same souls

      I’d say that if you have evidence from one method then it’s a “maybe” but if you can tick two or three boxes then it’s a safe bet. Ideally you want some objective indicators to back up your psychic or subjective indicators. For example, an American firefighter called Jeffrey Keene discovered a weird sense of resonance with a certain Confederate General, John B. Gordon. When he later saw a photo of the General, he said it was like looking in a mirror – they are absolutely identical.

      I only became aware of facial similarity between lives when I saw the news video about James, the reincarnated fighter pilot. The video showed lots of pictures of the two, but without anyone ever noticing or mentioning their facial simialrity. It would be an easy thing to overlook, and I only spotted it by accident, but once you know to look for it, it kind of leaps out at you!

      As for body type, yes this is an overleaf that changes between lives (or not, as the soul chooses). I had a past life regression in which I experienced being a Dutchman with a definite Saturn-type body: tall and lean. In this life I am a Mars-Mercury mix (Mars: muscular and stocky; Mercury: nimble, agile). So the body types of Mozart and MJ could easily be completely different, and for reasons best known to the soul but I guess MJ’s was carefully chosen for dancing. I’m not certain but I would say MJ’s body type was predominantly Solar. BTW, for a good summary of body types in the Michael system, see this page at the Michael Educational Foundation.


    • He also had shoulder-length curly hair which he liked to wear in a ponytail on his neck.

      And also, William Kapell died in a plane crash. As a child, Michael was terrified of flying. (None of his brothers were.) He would cry and needed to be held for the whole flight and reassured over and over that the plane was not going to crash.

    • Hi Mary, it’s a delight to find you here. I’ve been wanting to contact you but didn’t know how. I was wondering if you knew that your friend Mozart was here during your lifetime. So you do! 🙂

      I’ve read your book a few times and it never fails to move me to tears every time. I think you are extremely brave to bare your soul so much. I’ve been some famous personalities before, but I could never be so open about it.

      I can totally see Michael’s character even as Mozart. And Kapell – the minute I heard his music, I knew it was him. He puts his entire heart and soul into whatever he is playing. Same for Michael. Even when he’s rehearsing, there is no half-hearted singing.

      Check out this link and see how Michael composes. See post #13. Tell me if that isn’t Mozart!

      Other similarities – they both loved to play practical jokes. They love to joke about poop – Michael calls a lot of people “Doo-doo head”. 🙂 Mozart, Kapell and Michael were all very skinny.

      Jermaine said that Michael loved Vienna – he loved the architecture. I thought it was interesting that he didn’t say he loved the city, because Mozart wasn’t particularly happy there. I’d bet when Michael first saw Vienna, he must have felt something familiar about it.

      I’ve been talking to Michael off and on myself. Some things that he said about Mozart – Constanze’s husband was the one who put it into her head to kill him, it was not her idea. He was very adamant about that. Also, are you sitting down? …. Constanze is Katherine.

    • “Michael’s purpose was also to continue experimenting with music, but with just vocals this time…” This seems slighting to Michael. His genius, exploration, experimentation, and success in music was just as equally with instrumentation and sound, itself, as it was vocal. And, I believe his dancing was fully an extension of his musical self, not simply derived from the fact that he was physically able and skilled at dancing.

  16. It is amazing to me that so many people seem to be expressing the same emotions and spiritual feelings I’ve been experiencing regarding Michael’s passing.
    I was also born in the summer of 1958. My memories of Michael go back to the late 1960’s. In effect, I “grew up with” Michael. As I grew older, although I wasn’t what one would call a “devoted fan”, I continued to take notice of him and his music.
    I too am a creative person and share Michael’s temperament. I felt intensely for him as the press constantly preyed on him – knowing personally the effect this type of scrutiny and criticism can have on one so sensitive. I know the pain of being misunderstood and maligned for being “different”.
    During the nearly two months since his death I have experienced an intense, unexplainable sadness, that I cannot seem to shake off. I have been reading about Michael, hoping to gain some insight into his true being. I have also been listening to his music almost daily, hoping to find some sort of “closure” through the happiness it brings me. I so relate to the message contained in his music and very much admired his philanthropy.
    As another poster stated, I have been feeling very spiritual since Michael’s passing. At times I have felt a “presence” in my house, which my two dogs seem also to have felt. One evening at dusk, I was crying after listening to Michael’s song, “Will You Be There”. One of my dogs, who had been sleeping soundly on the floor, jumped up and ran into another room and started to bark. This has all been quite surprising to me as I had been going through a period of atheistic/agnostic feelings for some years now. Although raised Catholic, I left the religion at eighteen and have shunned organized religion since. However, I have had a life-long belief in reincarnation and the survival of the soul.
    I have wondered lately if there isn’t some sort of spiritual connection between certain people. I’ve wondered if having been born within months of Michael, and also being a creative person, has had something to do with my intense feelings.

    • Marlena,
      You have described exactly how I have been feeling since Michael’s passing. I too was born the same year, in October. I too listen to his song Will you be there every night before I go to sleep and experience this connection and this sadness that I can not shake. I still cry over him and feel that something majestic has left us and the world feels lonelier because of that loss. I have always favored Mozart over other composers and Michael always felt/feels special to me among other artists. Just like you, I wonder about my spritual connection to Michael as well.

    • Anne,
      It’s comforting to “meet” someone who is experiencing the same feelings. I think we may have quite a bit to discuss. If you would like to chat further please contact me at: twochows@ptd.net.

    • Hi there! I too was born in October 1958 and have experienced exactly what you have said. i lidten to michael’s music daily. you should listen to “Morphine” on Blood is on the dancefloor CD. He was in a lot of pain with his skin condition of lupus and was addicted to morphine for pain relief. I know how that feels as i hve uundergone major life savings surgery and had been on long term painkillers for pain relief prior to surgery which relieved the pain. alas with michael he died. he will go to God who will ultimately decided where michael’s soul goes next according to his deeds. we all have passed through several life times before we have this life. hinduism states that the soul goes through 84 million life times before attaining the rare human birth. correct your deeds as this human life is very precious. michael’s opponents will be facing their justice in their lives or a future lifetime. Michael we all miss u so much but feel safe in knowing that you are in the universal energy’s care. deepa

    • Please believe this…

      Michael Jackson is not dead, he is alive in another country. He decided to fake his death to beat the media and the people against him.

      His love his fans very much, but the moment was crucial and he needed to do this.

      kindest regards,


  17. For anyone interested reading this thread, I’d be happy to send you a copy of my book, “I Found All the Parts: Healing the Soul through Rock ‘n’ Roll.” It’s about my spiritual awakening with a famous rock band, and I explore group reincarnation and many other spiritual concepts throughout. It’s a good primer about the metaphysical world, and it’s a fun/fast read that connects all this reincarnation stuff to the healing power of rock music. Feel free to email me laura@soundofyoursoul.com

    Mary, so great to see you leave a reply! I contacted you several years ago about citing your book “Loving Mozart” in my book. I did use a brief quote, but I lost your contact info since it took me another 5 years to publish the book. Please let me know if I can send you a copy of “I Found All the Parts.”

    Barry, have you read the “All You Need is Love” yet? I’ll be talking with Jewelle in a few weeks.

    • Great Barry. I was going to suggest you email her! Very nice review of her book too. She really enjoyed my book, and I’d love to send you a copy if you’d like one. Can you email me with your address or PO box?

      I finally had a chance to check out a bit more of your site. I read the Michael teachings several years ago, and studied a bit with a guy in Boulder, CO named Larry Byram. He runs classes based upon the Michael teachings and much more. http://www.higheralignment.com/

      I actually did some private sessions with Larry and brought him a bunch of rock musician photographs so he could assess what their primary, secondary and imprinting expressions were. He did this all with photographs, and could tell a great deal about the person and their parents. Most people thought he was pretty accurate, and he said John Lennon looked like Artisan primary with scholar secondary. He thought George Harrison was a Priest/Artisan based upon the photos I showed him. Thought you might find that interesting.

  18. Hello:

    Well I am still trying to absorb the recent “shock” of coming back to the possibility of reincarnation (no need to repeat the details on my awakening since it is in a early comment on this page). But the short story … another MJ triggered event :-), he sure has caused a ripple effect!

    What I am struggling a bit with now that I would love some input on….
    Is there a religion that believes in a single supreme God who is all knowing and all loving and who will bring about a final judgement in which each of us will be held accountable for what we have done in our lives (plural to include the concept of reincarnation) and ultimately the cycle of reincarnations will end at that time and we will have eternal life in heaven if we asked for God’s grace before that judgement time? So in other words, I am looking for a religion that is similiar to Christainity but accepts the concept of reincarnation being part of God’s plan for us … so we could live out many lives with different purposes, trials, rewards, ect with the end goal of being fully developed before our final judgement and ultimate reward of eternal life with God.

    Hope this doesn’t sound too crazy… but in my heart I struggle with letting go of my traditional definition of God (ie: I don’t think I can believe it is just one big energy source that we disappear into and that we are not held accountable to God for our actions)… but since I was a kid and now again at almost 50 years old for some reason reincarnation feels real to me, although I have not experience and “proof” yet that I have had prior lives.

    Guess I am looking for the safety of my Christain God but I also want to believe what my gut is telling me that we have many lives to develop and experience and contribute. Eternity in hell is too big a price, but I feel like a hypocrite to just ignore that I have a strong sense there is a lot more to the what I have learned so far in my lifetime of Catholic faith.

    My thought processes may be playing right into my scholar soul neutrality and the negative pole of theory!

    Any insights would be appreciated!


    • I believe the Cathars combined Christianity and reincarnation. Unfortunately, they became the victims of the only European Crusade.

      On another front, I was under the definite impression that the early Christians believed in reincarnation (they got it from the Jewish religion) but that reincarnation was stamped out of Christianity because the clergy didn’t want the followers to say, “Oh, I’ve got more lives coming to me, so I’ll spend this one partying and not going to church” (to put it simply).

      There are some good books on this, but I’m drawing a blank right now. Of course, a lot of books have been written on the subject of Jesus having spent his “lost years” in India studying mysticism, which included reincarnation.

      I hope this helps. Sorry I can’t be more specific.

    • Yes, the Cathars believed in reincarnation, and the Gnostics (early Christians) also believed in reincarnation from what I’ve read.

      As for modern religions combining Christianity and reincarnation, perhaps Unity church might be a good place to start if you can find a congregation. They include many religions and quote from the bible, my pastor had studied with the Edgar Cayce foundation so reincarnation was talked about freely, but Unity also explores numerous spiritual principles which stem from “A Course in Miracles.” Miracles uses Christian terminology, so that might be more comfortable for you Butterfly. Maybe even a “Course in Miracles” study group would be a good place to start.

  19. Thanks to Mary1515 and Laura for your responses above and to Barry for your related response on the personality thread.

    Your insights and suggestions are greatly appreciated. So glad I found you all here!

    Side note – I am very excited to hear body type is choice in each life, I have amazing plans for my next time around to make-up for what I selected this time. I must have not been listening very well in the soul orientation class the day they talked about body type!


  20. Hello Barry

    Just read your blog and I must say that I found it very interesting. Since the death of MJ, I have become interested with what happens to us when we expire so to speak. Anyway, I have just started getting into spiritualism and Michael Teachings about reincarnation and stuff and find it interesting. And yes I have recently discovered reincarnation and I must say that I am now a believer. Anyway, what I would like to find out well according to Michael teachings, MJ is a Sage Soul which is a natural entertainer, does that mean that when he chooses to reincarnate, will he still be an entertainer, like will he still be able to sing and dance or will he come back as something else, like another soul type or something? And hoe long does the reincarnation process take?


    • Hi Frenchie,

      According to the Michael teachings, soul type (or “role in essence”) does not change from one life to the next. It is fixed throughout the grand cycle of reincarnation. For example, the soul of MJ began as an Infant Artisan and will finish up as an Old Artisan.

      The entire grand cycle (what I call the “35 steps” – the 5 stages of soul evolution with 7 steps each) typically takes well over 100 incarnations, perhaps 120 on average. I am at the same step as MJ was (step 26) – he and I have probably done about 80 lives so far and probably have about another 30 or 40 to go. Which kind of puts things in perspective…

      Each of the five stages of soul evolution (infant-baby-young-mature-old) involves a sequence of seven steps or levels (a bit like a computer game!). To complete a single level typically takes about 200 years of being incarnate (i.e. about 3 lifetimes), though there is a lot of variation. So typically, each stage takes about 1,400 years, plus however long is spent between lives, and so the entire grand cycle typically takes 6,200 years on Earth, plus however long is spent between lives – perhaps half that amount again, taking us to around 10,000 years.

      The time spent between lives is partly a matter of choice but it also depends on the availability of bodies on the planet. At the moment we have more than enough, so it’s easy to come back immediately if one desires to do so. When the population is low – as in times past – one might have to wait (say) a hundred years between incarnations. So in reality, the grand cycle can take 10s of thousands of years.

      Being an Artisan means that the the soul of MJ will always have the desire and capacity for exploring creativity. The composing, singing and dancing abilities developed so far will be there as “talents” and he or she in future lives will no doubt be thought of as a musical prodigy or child genius again if those talents are brought out.

      That does not necessarily mean, however, that in future, he or she will always choose musical entertainment as a career path. Career is, like everything else, a matter of individual choice.

      A soul in MJ’s position could feel that it has done all it can do for now along that line of development and now needs to balance up other aspects of itself, such as power or wisdom. (I am making this up – I have no idea what this soul will be up to!) For example, the soul might have picked up a new interest in the life of MJ (making videos? helping sick children? cosmetic surgery???) and decide that next time around it wants to focus more on that – in a highly original way, of course – but with the musical talents this time more “in the background”. But then again it’s equally possible that the soul will want to come back as an even bigger and better performer than Michael Jackson.

      The soul is forever free to choose, to play the game of life according to its own free will, within the constraints of karma.

      I hope this helps,



    • I believe you are referring to MJ’s voice contribution rather than his songwriting contribution.

      From wikipedia:

      …Michael Jackson guest stars as Leon Kompowsky’s speaking voice, while his singing is provided by Kipp Lennon. For contractual reasons, Jackson was credited as John Jay Smith, and his role in the episode was not officially confirmed until later.

      …Jackson also wrote the song “Happy Birthday Lisa” for the episode, which was later included in the album Songs in the Key of Springfield:

      …”Happy Birthday, Lisa” (by Michael Jackson, credited to W. A. Mozart, due to contractual obligations) – from the episode “Stark Raving Dad”

      – barry

  21. While I personally DO very much believe in reincarnation, there isnt any way to prove what Yabro claims by means of past life regression since Michael Jackson is now dead. But the differences between the two are very superficial. That is they were born in different time periods, different countries, and different races but those are merely details which are overshadowed by the astonishing similarity in the lives of these two men. But I personally am not overly convinced by the superficial resemblances of Mozart’s facial features to that of Michael Jackson because similar appearances dont mean much in terms of reincarnation. A person can be reincarnated into a body that has NO resemblance to the one they had in a prior live(s).

    • Hello Anton

      Is that last assertion just something you choose to believe, or can you point to evidence?


  22. Hi, I was just wondering if you had ever researched or heard of any connections between the lives of Marie Antoinette and Jayne Mansfield? There are some interesting similarities in their lives.

    • Hi Casey

      The short answer is no, I haven’t. Not until now, anyway. I’ve found that Marie-Antoinette has been channelled as a Young Artisan soul (in terms of the Michael teachings) and looking at various portraits of her she definitely looks like an Artisan – i.e. large, child-like eyes and slightly raised eyebrows, similar to many other Artisans like, say, Paul MCartney. Given that, I’d say she bears more resemblance to Marylin Monroe (another Artisan soul) than Jayne Mansfield – who looks more like a Warrior soul to me – very physical, slight frown. I’m not aware of the similar biographies except for the fact that both died from a fatal injury to the head!


  23. Since Michael’s death i tirelessly claimed that Michael was a reincarnated soul of some famous European musician. I wrote to my Hungarian friend astrologer about my thoughts several times! i even researched Beethoven online trying to find similarities between this 2 man! i believed in my heart, Michael was trying physically remake his own face from the previous life. why European? because i felt he would be a musician. so possibly where the great musician could be born and live at least 200 years ago? of course in Europe! and plus: Michael got vitiligo, he turned into white man, his latest face? completely Caucasian! Michael loved to dress like European, used to put makeup like they used to do in Europe long ago! also he had a special bond with Europe! I told my friend just little while ago: I am still very confident that MJ was a famous European Musician and i feel i am gonna hear something about it! i am so happy, i came across to this blog. thank you and God bless you for posting this!

  24. So, I’m watching YouTube and looking for 2010 predictions. The 2010 predictions from beyond -SEDONA caught my attention and made me think of your blog. The following words in the video really reasonated for me;

    “In the year 2010, it will become harder to hide truth. Transparency will become the watchword of the times. This will be the year that conspiracy theorists will say, “I told you so!” ”

    I figure that we Michael folk fall into that category ..but back to your blog. I meant to respond to the MJ/Mozart article that you posted but never got around to it. I felt the truth of it when I first came across the passage in the Quinn Yarbro books, but your article really provided the proof. One of the pictures of Mozart really seems to capture the essence of a Sage, that intensity of the eyes. For me, the eyes of a Sage appear to be on fire with greed. That’s my method of spotting a Sage before their stage shenanigans kick in. I’m convinced that the eyes reveal the role. MJ and Mozart, both possesed the fire/greedy eyes. Could MJ’s constant surgical transformations have been a means to finding one of his “old faces” from a prior incarnation, either Mozart or Charles Coypeau d’Assoucy? Great Work Barry!

    Scholar-cast Mature Warrior

    • Hi Theresa. I think the consensus now is that the soul of MJ and WAM is an Artisan rather than Sage, but probably a Sage-cast Artisan (hence “Sage” in CQY book). The eyes are, I would say, child-like and open (as is typical or Artisans) rather than twinkly-cheeky (as is typical of Sages). And I guess I would associate a greedy look more with greed itself, rather than Sage essence, though both are in the cardinal expression category.

      I’m not sure what MJ was trying to achieve with his facial surgeries. Maybe it was a kind of return to childhood, or at least an escape from adulthood. For an interesting/worrying case of surgery explicitly associated with an apparent past-life, see Being Nefertiti – past-life recall or mid-life crisis?.

      – barry
      (Sage-cast Mature Scholar)

    • What he was doing with the plastic surgeries… He always felt ugly. It was drummed into him early on by his father who called him “Bignose” (who was probably similarly teased as a child). In adolescence, he lost some popularity and thought that people no longer loved him because he had turned into a pimply adult, and everyone wanted to see the cute little kid that they loved. Thus began the Peter Pan syndrome – one must remain young to be loved.

  25. Barry, I checked the story at the link and have to agree that Nileen looked a lot more like Nefertiti before she underwent all of this surgery. Maybe she’s working out loads of mutilation karma?? Maybe she was the official punisher during Nefertiti’s reign. MJ’s eyes just scream Sage, especially in the Thriller vid.
    Though the eyes did have more of the dreamy (Artisan) quality when he was younger.

  26. hi,
    why don’t anybody call mediums for help? why don’t we “talk” with Michael now and ask him all these questions directly? i’ve heard that spirits are “unusually” honest and answer all the questions they possibly could. so can we finally know the truth: was he reincarnated Mozart or not? or does anyone doubt Michael Jackson still alive and resides in the spiritual dimension? i believe we MJ fans need to find true medium and finally make the contact with him! i am not kidding 🙂

    happy new year everybody!

  27. hi,
    why don’t anybody call mediums for help? why don’t we “talk” with Michael now and ask him all these questions directly? i’ve heard that spirits are “unusually” honest and answer all the questions they possibly could. so can we finally know the truth: was he reincarnated Mozart or not? or does anyone doubt Michael Jackson still alive and resides in the spiritual dimension? i believe we MJ fans need to find true medium and finally make the contact with him! i am not kidding 🙂

    happy new year everybody!

    • Well, I do that sometimes. (Ask a medium) My problem is I have an infinite number of questions and a finite amount of time and money. So when I have a question, I immediately do a bit of Scholarly research to see if anybody else has answered it already. My post about Barack Obama came out of this, for example.

      In the case of MJ, I was told by one channel back in the 90s that she thought he was an Artisan rather than a Sage. I didn’t care at that time either way. Then in the last decade I came across more Michael channels saying the same thing, and there was some discussion in an online forum. Finally, after his death I looked for complete overleaves and found two recent profiles – from Holly Coleman and Troy Tolley. They were virtually identical. Troy has him as 6th level mature whereas Holly and others say 5th level (I’d agree with them), and Holley gives his secondary CF as Arrogance whereas Troy gives it as Self-Destruction (I’d agree with Troy, though I wouldn’t have been surprised if Self-destruction was primary).

      I do rely on my intuition quite a bit. I’ve done some automatic writing as well, though only for personal issues so far – never tried it for more general information. Maybe I should give it a go…

      Oh, and Happy New Year!

      – barry

  28. As interesting as this article may be, I refuse to believe Michael Jackson was the reincarnation of Mozart just because they share some similar points.

    As much as a good artist I find MJ to be, ONLY MOZART IS MOZART! In my opinion, no one has created music like Mozart did. Michael Jackson may have reshaped pop, but Mozart shaped music as a whole.

    They don’t even look the same! MJ had a pretty angular face, while Mozart was rather round-faced.

    Also it’s pretty inaccurate to go off most of these pictures; that is, paintings of Mozart, and Michael Jackson after all of his plastic surgery. You really can only compare Mozart’s death mask to the “real” Michael Jackson..which, again, isn’t that accurate.

  29. I see what you mean by feeling it may be the same soul. Although, I don’t get it in most pictures. Mozart did have really big, expressive eyes.

  30. Hi Barry, I have a very interesting news for you and for your readers.
    Michael Jackson wants to reincarnate again in state of Washington, USA. I wont write all the story here but according this medium all i can say he is on his way already as direct communications stopped for some reason.
    yes, he definitely was noble European prince ones (which he reflected often through plastic surgeries, skin color and clothing)here is what he remembers about his past life that karmicaly affected his Michael Jackson life most:

    “The family I am reincarnating into is a very familiar soul group. We are all very excited to reunite again.

    I have been thinking alot about the Jackson family I just came through. The only family member that I am remembering is Janet so far as a soul I experienced family with in the akashic records. I remember 3 past lives with her. One we were siblings. I was a boy and she a girl. She was intelligent, strong and reliable. I was thin, dull and self absorbed. We were born into a noble family. As the boy there was a lot of pressure on me. At 14 I was married and expected to begin producing sons as heirs to the throne. I have not seen yet which culture this is. I only knew when I was young I wore knickers and knee socks.

    I had no sexual interest in my wife. If I mated with her I don’t recall it. I never fathered her children. If there were some, they did not come from me. I definitely had gay tendencies and believe I did act on them. I think that if this lifetime had been cleared I would not have been falsely accused of things in this lifetime. I know now of the significance of clearing karma.

    In hindsight I feel very sorry for Janet in that lifetime. She definitely would have been far more capable than me to act as the Royal Leader of that time.

    I have not felt a resolution to that lifetime yet. I am holding the space for miracles for that to occur.

    I do hope that Janet hears me soon and Robin can tell her who/where/all details of my next life.

    channeled through Robin Alexis


    please share your thoughts, what do you think?


  31. Michael Jackson is the reincarnation of the Biblical Samson. Check out the parallels in their lives. I have a feeling that he is already back with us as a Baby around 6mths old or so I may be wrong. That is all I may say!

  32. barry writes:
    Those of you subscribing to the Michael Jackson reincarnation post/comments here at Personality & Spirituality may be interested in this newspaper item on Robin Alexis (see her comment above), who says that she is channelling Michael in preparation for a forthcoming rebirth to a family in Washington state: http://bit.ly/aatYaN.

  33. Hey. I just want to say that another thing that connects MJ w/ Mozart after his death is this French Group called Mozart L’Opera Rock. This is a musical that pays tribute to Mozart by singing songs about him and portraying his life. However, at the same time this group also pays tribute to MJ by singing his songs not on the musical itself, but seperately on stage perhaps because the French really like MJ and they want to honor him since he recently died.

    If this reincarnation theory is correct then I bet this French group has no idea that they are actually paying tribute to the same person at the same time. Very ironic I think.

    I also think it is ironic that both died young and are thought by some to have been murdered possibly even by a conspiracy and yet others believe he died accidently or by natural causes. Lastly, They were both valued more (at least in their country) dead than alive.

  34. I’ve been a fan of MJ since 1992, and I’ve made all these comparisons since the mid-90’ies. I’ve always been sure that Michael would die young like Mozart (I remember, in 1995, 1996 I lived with the fear of hearing the news of Michael’s death, because he was 37, 38 at the time, like Mozart when he died.)

    I am glad to see that I’m not the only one who thinks this, that this is not only the fruit of my imagination, obsessed as I am with both MJ and Mozart. 🙂

  35. Paganini, he’s the reincarnation of famous violinist Paganini, you can find out in the astral, visit the hall of records.

    He was Paganini, no doubt.

    • Oh, and by no means he was Mozart, Mozart reached mastery, meaning he fused his human part with his glorian just like Jesus, Budha, or Bethoveen did.

      None of them was a reincarnation of MJ.

      MJ is Paganini, mark my words, actually you guys complicate yourselves to much, doing facial comparissons is of no use, reincarnation has little to do with physical aspect.

      And by the way, the correct term is actually “return”, reincarnation is only used for masters comming to earth through a physical Avatar, a Jesus, a Budha can reincarnate, but us normal humans that haven´t achieved enlightment can only return.

      People such as MJ had probably achieved some iniciations of major mysteries, this can explain how they acquired such talents that belong to the soul, but no human can liberate himself until they finish the 5th initiation of major mysteries, as explained by V.M. Samael Aun Weor.

      You need to study more, and research more, and learn how to do investigations in the astral realm.

      Although I find this site very interesting really, by the way if you want to research someone really cool, try Arnold Swarzennegger, I know who he was but I don´t think I should be saying it.

      Good luck. MJ = Paganini.

  36. I realize this is from Wikipedia, but in light of how Michael died, the speculation about Mozart’s death is ironic.

    Some ascribe Mozart’s death to malpractice on the part of his physician, Dr. Closset. Sophie Weber, in her 1825 account to Nissen, implies as much, though she does not state so directly. Borowitz summarizes:
    When Mozart appeared to be sinking, one of his doctors, Dr. Nikolaus Closset, was sent for and finally located at the theater. However, according to Sophie’s account, that drama-lover “had to wait till the piece was over.” When he arrived, he ordered cold compresses put on Mozart’s feverish brow, but these “provided such a shock that he did not regain consciousness again before he died.”[26]
    A recent suggestion is that Mozart died, ironically, as a result of his hypochondria and his predilection to taking patent medicines containing antimony. In his final days this was compounded by further prescriptions of antimony to relieve the fever he clearly suffered. If this suggestion is correct, he thus accidentally poisoned himself with antimony.[27]
    Recent studies by a panel of experts have concluded that Mozart died of natural causes. Physicians at the University of Maryland, Baltimore concluded that Mozart died from rheumatic fever. Among the physicians was a Mozart scholar, who said that although rheumatic fever was the most likely diagnosis, it will probably never be possible to confirm it as the indisputable cause of death, though it is highly unlikely that Mozart died of unnatural causes.[11]

    • Regarding the death mask – Mozart was not chubby. His face, hands and feet were swollen due to organ failure. According to the book “Loving Mozart”, he was poisoned with a metallic-tasting substance by his wife, Constanze Weber. Franz Sussmayr was with him when he passed, not Closset or anyone else.

      > It also looks like this life, if we assume it was a past life of MJ, could have developed this soul’s great love of dancing.

      He already loved dancing when he was Mozart.

  37. I’m MJ’s Twin-Soul,or twin flame. It was confirmed by Kevin Ryerson as well as several other phychic mediums. He was indeed the incarnation of Motzart,Eston Hemings,Dassoucy,etc… I was incarnate with him in several of those lives,and have vivid recollections of several. I look just like him except as female. Many parallel life issues as well. If you want to see something cool look at totally looks like.com Egypt MJ statue.

  38. Quanto a outras comparações também se há de verificar Beethoven com Vilalobos e Vivaldi como o italo-brasileiro Francisco

    [trans: As to whether there are other comparisons to verify
    Beethoven with Vilalobos and Vivaldi as the Italo-Brazilian
    Francisco Mignone.]

  39. Há uma grande diferença de personalidades entre Jackson e Mozart. Suas evoluções parecem ser significativas. Além disso, provavelmente, Mozart já tenha residência em Saturno onde também erradica no nosso planeta.

    [trans: There is a vast difference in personalities between Jackson and Mozart. Their developments seem to be significant. Moreover, probably, Mozart already reside on Saturn which also eradicates the planet.]

  40. Hi I usually don’t comment on blogs but I found your blog extremely interesting. Being a massive fan of both MJ and Mozart there is some things you did forget to leave out that both MJ and Mozart were particularity bad with Money and that both were raised in strict religious households, however MJ and Mozart did seem to have the same sense of Humor. I own the book “Mozart’s Letters, Mozart’s Life” and in some letters he talks about pranking one of his students and it’s well known that MJ loved to prank people not to mention Mozart’s Toilet Humor in his letters to his Cousin and MJ sitting watching Cartoons with his kids e.t.c.

    This blog was very fascinating thank you for taking the time out to type it up 🙂

  41. I completely agree that in the pics of Mozart and Michael, it looks like the same soul looking through the eyes. And that can’t be captured in artwork. Pretty interesting findings, if at all true. Very interestingly parallel with the life of MJ, and brings understanding to his personality and uniqueness behaviors.

  42. Very interesting.

    I am a very big fan of Michael Jackson. I know he was obsessed with classical music during his whole life, particularly Mozart. He was fascinated with his music and often slept to it. MJ also explained several times how he was a “channel” to his own music, never taking credit for the songs he sang. Perhaps this channel belonged to Mozart. Both artists were on a complete different level of talent than any other artist that has ever existed, nor will ever exist. It would not surprise me if their souls were connected.

    Thank you for this post. It was very interesting. I am looking forward to researching more about Mozart and seeing the similarities between him and Michael.

  43. This is fun and all. I see no reason why one should assume that Mozart was super brilliant, or even prominent in his other incarnations. But I do seem to recall Michael saying, through a known Michael channel, that the fragment known as WA Mozart is living today as writer/humorist Dave Barry.

  44. I don’t believe that Michael was Mozart. If so, it was a great waste of time and of life. The soul has to develop. I’m sure I won’t be the same in next reincarnation. It’s good to remember that Mozart was a great womanizer, and Michael just the contrary.

  45. Love your site, but not clear on MJ as reincarnation of Mozart – given their key situational similarities … what lesson did Mozart ‘learn’ reincarnating as MJ that would make him a more evolved soul?

    • Hi Kayt

      Strictly speaking, Mozart didn’t learn anything by reincarnating as Michael Jackson. Rather, if this reincarnation case study is valid, then a soul who once chose to undergo a life as a hardworking popular musician in 18C Europe has recently undertaken another life as hardworking popular musician, this time based in America.

      The soul, presumably, has learned and is continuing to learn. As Mozart, that soul was at the 3rd level of the Mature stage (so I’ve read), while as Michael Jackson was at the 5th level of the Mature stage, the same as me as it happens.

      At the 3rd level of any stage, the task is to confront conflicts “thrown up” at that stage, i.e. the conflict between one’s earlier perceptions/habits and one’s emerging higher understanding. Outer life will present situations and experiences that require a new kind of action. For a mature soul, this means being outwardly confronted with experiences and choices to do with one’s deepening appreciation and empathy for others – and this includes those whose beliefs and values are the opposite of one’s own at this new level of understanding.

      Then at the 4th level, the soul will consolidate such experiences into a joined-up understanding of what life is now about. (A lot of introspective philosophers have been 4th level Mature souls.)

      At the 5th level of any stage, the key learning experience/choice is to dare to express who you now are — to put your new understanding out there for all to see, whether in art, philosophy, music, or blogging. In the case of a soul at the 5th level of the mature stage, this means daring to present your deeper sensitivity and empathy to the world, even drawing attention to it.

      (I can’t speak for Michael Jackson, but I have found it pretty damn stressful!)

  46. SO —- !!!???

    Obviously this author hasn’t much awareness of reincarnation or he would not be so surprised at the reincarnation of a talented musician into the body of a talented musician.

    What, exactly, is the big deal ?!

  47. Hate to burst your bubble but the great jazz musician Herbie Hancock is the reincarnation of Mozart not MJ. This is according to Walter Semkiw and the Spirit Guide Ahtun Re, who never gets its wrong.


    Let’s admit it, Mozart was never described as a stage entertainer or performer in his lifetime whereas the past life incarnation of MJ as Charles Dassoucy definitely hits the nail on the head in this aspect. Charles Dassoucy was widely known as an entertainer who dabbled in shocking material. Today’s Herbie Hancock, in the meantime, was a child prodigy who played the piano at age 11 with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

  48. Barry, by the way, I wanted to comment about the Michael 3D head scan, that was used above to compare with Mozart’s death mask. That was done for Michael’s short film “Ghosts”. A Michael skull was then crafted that was used in the filming of certain segments of “Ghosts”.

  49. Hello Barry, very interesting article. Im a fan of both MJ and Mozart, i love them very much and i have always thought of the similarities that existed between both. What i find more interesting is that many MJ fans i know love Mozart as well and vice versa
    \If you are a Mozart lover, below is the link of my group about Mozart, created 6 months ago, with over 9,000 members so far and its a very great group, if i dare say so myself. Whenever you decide to join there, let me know its you, many people request to join


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