Groundbreaking reality TV show features past life regression

Indian TV viewers have been treated to a nightly dose of reality TV featuring past life regression.

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Raaz – Pichhle Janam Ka (Hindi: “Secrets of Previous Lives”) is an NDTV Imagine show in which participants — a mixture of invited celebrities and ordinary members of the public — undergo past life therapy. The show is hosted by actor Ravi Kishan (or Kissen) and the regressions are conducted by therapist Dr Trupti Jayin, a former clinical psychologist and occupational therapist based in Mumbai (below). The first series ran from 7 December 2009 to 15 January 2010.

Ravi Kishan and Dr Trupti Jayin

Ravi Kishan has told Channel 4 News (UK):

In India this show is rocking – big time.

People thought earlier that it was not going to work, because they thought past life was nonsense. Now everyone that used to criticise us wants to come and do their own regression.


Each programme begins with a participant explaining a particular personal problem, usually a fear, phobia or physical ailment which he or she would like to overcome or at least gain some insight into. After that they are taken through a lengthy regression session (edited for the broadcast) that involves a process of progressive relaxation, followed by a deepening meditation. They are then instructed to go back into the past to discover the reason for whatever troubles them in this lifetime. (A research team are on standby in the control room, ready to Google any personal or historical information that may be verifiable.) Finally, the participant discusses the whole experience with the presenter.

Air crash victim

Many of the show’s participants have apparently recalled valid information from their past lives. For example, in Episode 1, a young woman from Bhopal named Swati Singh had memories of being in an air crash.

Swati Singh

During her regression, Swati, who has a fear of heights, saw herself in 1966 as one of a contingent of Indian sailors boarding a passenger jet, “Air India Flight 101” to New York. She remembered being in “window seat 24F.” She also remembered having the same surname as her present self, “D. Singh” or “B. Singh.”

The show’s researchers verified that there had been an Air India crash on 24 January 1966 involving Air India Flight 101. The passenger jet was travelling from Mumbai to New York via Delhi and Geneva. The researchers also looked up the official crash report and found a Birinder Singh listed among the passengers.

Swati also correctly recalled seeing on the same flight a famous Indian scientist, Dr H. J. Bhabha, chairman of the Indian Atomic Energy Commission, who was on his way to Vienna.

Finally, the aircraft was in the air somewhere near Geneva when it apparently crashed and he/she was killed.

(The actual crash was attributed to pilot error. While descending into Geneva, the pilot had flown into the slopes of Mont Blanc which he believed he had already passed. All 106 passengers and 11 crew were killed. The wreckage can still be seen.)

In the series finale review programme (15 January 2010), Swati Singh said:

In flights, I always felt lots of anxiety during takeoff and landing. I saw that the plane in which I was travelling in my past life crashed. Since the regression, I have boarded one flight. I was more relaxed. I have become more relaxed now. …

The Bollywood actress and the German soldier

Celebrity participants on Raaz – Pichhle Janam Ka have included Shekhar Suman, Monica Bedi, Celina Jaitley, Payal Rohatgi and Manvendra Singh Gohil.

Celina Jaitley, a beautiful and sultry Bollywood actress as well as a well-known gay rights activist in India, wanted to find out about the recurring stomach pain which she has had since childhood. The pain to the left of her stomach could be debilitating for several days at a time. Despite consulting various doctors and undergoing medical tests, the root cause of the problem has never be detected.

Celina Jaitley on Raaz Pichhle Janam Ka

During her regression treatment, Celina regressed to three different lifetimes in all — much to the shock of the production team, apparently. In one, she saw herself as a man, a 21-year old German soldier in World War 2. This soldier died during an air raid while stationed in Italy. (German troops were indeed stationed in Italy during the war. As Italy began to succumb to the Allies, the Germans siezed and held control of northern Italy from 1943-45.)

Celina’s German soldier died as result of a shrapnel injury to the left side of the stomach. This injury, of course, corresponded with the pains Celina keeps experiencing in this life. Her German life might also explain why, in this life, of all the foreign languages, she decided to learn German.

In another life she saw herself as a happily married woman from the US who died in an accident in 1974. This memory proved to be very emotional for Celina.

Celina says:

Raaz Pichhle Janam Ka has been a life-turning experience for me. I have always wondered about the phenomenon of past life and have read a lot of books on the same. During my regression, I went back into 3 different lifetimes, which upon researching came up with shocking and apt tallies. It’s an experience I will never forget.”

A danger to society?

Needless to say, some people and organizations have raised doubts over the credibility and reality of the show. The Punjab and Haryana High Court has issued a notice to the Information and Broadcasting Ministry over the show. A Public Interest Litigation (PIL) was filed by Bharat Jan Vigyan Jathan, an independent organisation “engaged in creating scientific temperament among Indians,” seeking to restrain the channel from broadcasting the series. The petitioner claimed that the show “… is destroying the social fabric of society,” that it is an artificial presentation of “something unreal,” and that the very basis of the programme is based on “concoction and hypnotism.”

If the programme were promoting reincarnation as, say, a Hindu doctrine, then I can see how many people would be offended by it being broadcast on a non-religious network. Likewise if they were to give the impression that past-life regression acts as a cure-all — imagine the reaction of the medical establishment! As far as I am aware, though, neither of these is the case. I think the programme makers need to be careful to just let the evidence speak for itself and beware making any claims or assumptions. I am reminded of how some poorly worded statements about disability and karma left England’s football coach Glenn Hoddle without a job in 1999.

The show is currently airing a second season of 20 episodes.

Personally, I can’t wait for some British or American channel to buy the format and try it out on Westerners. The show has already developed a significant following among Asians in the UK, and according to Channel 4 News there are plans for an English language version.

I might even be tempted to volunteer as a participant!

See also


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13 thoughts on “Groundbreaking reality TV show features past life regression”

  1. This is the beginning of a groundswell that will become massive. Reincarnation is in the process of being scientifically validated (40 years of research by psychiatrists Ian Stephenson and Jim Tucker at the U of Virginia, Paul von Ward’s Reincarnation Experiment [], and Dr. Walter Semkiw’s (MD) reincarnation research in the US and India. While past-life regression per se cannot “prove” a past life, it’s one of a number of components (including aptitudes, personality type, facial biometrics, body type, and more) that can be used to point to the to “high probability” of a previous life. And past-life regression is powerfully healing.

    • Thanks Carol.

      Yes, I doubt that reincarnation will ever be “proven”. Only mathematical formulae can be proven. Science deals with bits of evidence, reason, and the balance of probability. Perhaps the weight of evidence for reincarnation will mount up as it did for natural selection, to the point at which a seemingly outlandish theory begins to hold the balance of probability. But just as there are Creationists who deny natural selection, I suspect there will always be those (religionists and materialists alike) for whom reincarnation and so on are just myths, no matter what the evidence. The bottom line I guess is, does acceptance of reincarnation etc make a positive difference? In my case at least, absolutely.


      – barry

    • Thanks Adrian.

      PS: I’ll being doing a piece highlighting your work before too long.

      – barry

  2. I apologize for neglecting to mention Adrian’s wonderful (and extensive) past-life regression and past-life identification work out of my comment (sorry, Adrian!).

  3. What is missing from the report is how the physical ailments of the subjects were affected. Gathering information to “prove” that we have other “past” lives is good and certainly there is a solid expansion and movement in awareness going on about the truth in that.

    It is a little surprising that there would be cultural opposition in India to such a TV program, since the culture is dominated by the teachings of the Upanishads and Hinduism which teach the reality of reincarnation and how this life is (to a large extent) an effect of those other lives.

    So, anyway, as a therapist who teaches and practices Regression Therapy, I am delighted at the program and whether it becomes “Hollywooded” in the United States or not, it certainly is a solid reflection of the world wide shift in consciousness that is underway.


    • Good point about the physical effects. I’ll see what I can dig up.

      India may have the Upanishads but it’s a huge population spanning all the soul ages, including those at the “bossy rationalist” stage!

      Cheers Greg,


    • Latest news on Raaz Pichhle Janam Ka Season 2:

      According to the Hindustan Times of 25 July 2010, the second season of Raaz Pichhle Janam Ka will start filming on the 1st of August for broadcast in October.

      Season 2, as of now, has an expected 20-episode run that could be extended like Season 1, depending on the response.

      Dr Trupti Jayin, the reality show’s regression therapist, says that it will “be a mix of interesting cases from India and abroad.” Celebrities who have been approached include Rajesh Khanna, Sanjay Dutt, Om Puri, Rahul Roy, Rahul Dev, Shraddha Nigam and Juhi Babbar.

      – barry

  4. Hi Barry:

    I am working with an author who is about to publish her book on Akashic records and case studies of actual client past live regressions sessions where healing was attained thru the regression therapy. We would love to be a part of this exciting TV show! I think the US audience would be thrilled to have a show like this. Everyone is searching for “meaning in their life” and most educated people know about the work being done in this area. I saw Brian Weiss recently and he had a sell out crowd in Boston.

    Let me know if you are interested in a guest for the show or anything else.


  5. Hi
    I am one of the participants of this show…i still have a lot of unanswered qs. This happened to me so i cant reject it….but i cant come to terms with it either !

    • What exactly can’t you come to terms with – the experience of having a past life? Or something you did in that life?

    • The exp of it….i went for a lark never expecting any outcome..wat happened was scary as i dont believe in such things..

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