The Scholar soul


The Scholar is one of the seven soul archetypes or roles in essence.

Scholars have a natural affinity for information, logic, and learning.

Students of life

Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.

Marie Curie

marie curie

The Scholar essence represents the most neutral aspect of being — assimilation. In other words, Scholars are designed to absorb and integrate information from the world around them. Their role in life is to develop and maintain our collective learning and understanding.

Scholars shine when they are able to gather information and assemble knowledge on whatever topic takes their interest. The source of information can be anything and everything: books, the Internet, travel, scientific research, introspection, or simply watching the world go by.

Scholar souls are born to study, think and learn, but not just in the academic sense — fundamentally they are students of life. Scholars are life’s observers, reporters, analysts, and archivists.

As such, Scholars tend to be thinkers rather than doers. They feel at home being surrounded by information. Their living spaces tend to be more like libraries, their drawers full of old note-books.


As the only neutral role, Scholars are less driven to dive into life or to change the world. Instead, they tend to regard life as something to be studied — preferably at arm’s length.

That’s not to say that a Scholar will never be proactive or involved. Many Young Scholars have been successful in politics, for example. And any Scholar can adopt a more extravert personality style as and when it suits their purpose in life.

But on the whole, they are less dynamic than Kings and Warriors, less expressive than Artisans and Sages, less welcoming than Priests and Servers. In fact, Scholars can seem relatively dull or monotone compared to others.

The Scholar is an intermediate role, an observer rather than a participant. All of life is vicarious rather than experiential, regardless of the soul age. 

— Original Michael group transcripts, 1973


Logic takes care of itself; all we have to do is to look and see how it does it.

–– Ludwig Wittgenstein


Being so focused on information and its logical implications means that Scholars are naturally introspective and contemplative. They like to have time alone to fully process their experiences and observations internally, before trying to articulate their thoughts. This is in stark contrast to Sages, for example, who prefer to express their every thought immediately.

Scholars sometimes have difficulty expressing themselves in an erudite fashion. The knowledge is there but there is a misconnection between cerebrum and vocal cords.

— Original Michael group transcripts, 1973

Scholars can also be quite pedantic when they do join the conversation — correcting others on their use of grammar, for example.

This basic difference in processing styles can lead to misunderstandings. The more extravert essence roles and personalities can view a Scholar’s introverted behaviour as arrogant or anti-social. But being introspective and subdued is not the same as aloofness, nor is it shyness. It’s just a Scholar’s nature.

(For an excellent article on the realities of being an introvert, see Revenge of the Introverts by psychologist Laurie Helgoe.)

Scholars who are born and raised in emotionally expressive cultures will develop a more expressive style, but they will still be distinctly less expressive than other roles in the same culture.

No Scholar will ever be gushy, no matter how young the soul. Enthusiasm can be genuine, but will be subdued. All reactions are low key: grief, joy, pain, pleasure.

— Original Michael group transcripts, 1973

Scholar Faces

Physically, Scholars tend to have

  • a narrow face (at least before middle age),
  • a prominent, flat or heavy-looking forehead,
  • a semi-detached look in the eyes,
  • relatively unexpressive, deadpan features,
  • a “flat-line” mouth that is more often shut than open.

To me, they often look like they are carrying a heavy weight inside their brains.

The typical facial expression of Scholars varies from a sort of gruff, haunted look, as though desperately in need of some missing piece of information, to a more solid and reassuring look of expertise and understanding.

Like Warriors, Scholars often wear a frown — but whereas the Warrior expression says “Back off!”, the Scholar frown is more introspective and analytical. Think of the Spock character in Star Trek saying “Hmm… Fascinating.”


Scholar Soul Evolution

[As a reminder, all souls progress through five cycles of self-evolution in physical form. See: Reincarnation: the 35 Steps.]

Baby Scholars

E Margaret Clarkson 200x290In the second stage, ‘Baby’ Scholars tend to study and teach a dogmatic understanding of the world. Baby souls are prone to adopt a rigidly fixed worldview, rather than alter their worldview to  fit new facts. This can lead Baby Scholars into some odd ways of thinking. A good example would be the “creationist museum” director Ken Ham, who tries to reconcile science and religion by claiming there were dinosaurs on Noah’s ark. Pictured is the Canadian Christian writer and schoolteacher E. Margaret Clarkson (1915-2008). A Baby Scholar who achieved worldwide prominence (and notoriety) is the U.S. President Richard Nixon.

Young Scholars

Erin AdeIn the third stage, competitive Young Scholars can be relatively extravert, in the sense of being intellectually punchy, brash and forthright. Good examples are the TV presenters Jon Stewart and Erin Ade (pictured). Many Young Scholars become successful academics in prestigious universities where they can use their expertise for personal achievement. Some, such as the Roman emperor Claudius , US diplomat Henry Kissinger, or British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, channel their sharp minds into politics.

Mature Scholars

Emma WatsonThe fourth stage of reincarnation is a period requiring much introspection, and is therefore “scholarly” by nature. Hence, the Mature Scholar really comes into its own and shines, focusing on interests of a more reflective, philosophical or artistic nature. Examples include the philosophers Leibniz and Wittgenstein, primatologist Jane Goodall, writers Jane Austen and Mary Shelley, composers Gustav Mahler and Sergei Prokofiev, singer Alanis Morissette (a reincarnation of Prokofiev?), artist Georgia O’Keeffe, actors Ben Affleck, Helen HuntEmma Watson and Joe Morton , and Britain’s Prince William. As for Mature Scholars in political roles, we have US President Woodrow Wilson. I am also a Mature Scholar myself, as it happens.

Old Scholars

Aldous HuxleyOld Scholars seek self-actualization through their love of knowledge. Examples include Leonardo da VinciGoethe, Emily DickinsonAldous Huxley (pictured), Ramana Maharshi, and Ken Wilber. They focus on perfecting their mastery of learning and teaching, with increasing wisdom. The original Michael channel, Sarah Chambers, was an early-stage Old Scholar, as were the composers J. S. Bach and Beethoven.

The Old Scholar is detached, aloof, and often arrogantly intellectual. 

— Original Michael group transcripts, October 1973

Positive and Negative Poles

[As a reminder, any manifestation of consciousness has both a positive pole and a negative pole. The positive pole is an expression of the true self or soul; the negative pole is an expression of the false self or ego.]

Acting in the positive pole, knowledge (or knowingness), the Scholar is able to develop clear, objective knowledge from valid information and meaningful experience, for the good of all. The Scholar can be a useful expert, an authority on a particular subject, a pundit, a maven.

In the negative pole, theory (or theorisation), the Scholar’s understanding is just that, theory. In other words, their “knowledge” is too dry, hypothetical, or abstract to be of any use. A Scholar in the negative pole can get lost in abstruse, meaningless, theoretical issues that are impractical and of interest to no-one but themselves, like the medieval scholars debating “How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?” The term “ivory tower” reflects this kind of thinking.

A Gallery of Scholars

Some famous examples of the Scholar soul:

Ben Affleck
Ben Affleck
High Laurie
Hugh Laurie
Jon Stewart
Ken Wilber
Colin Firth
Colin Firth
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Charles Darwin
Marie Curie
Mary Shelley
Richard Nixon
Anthony Hopkins
Gordon Brown
Margaret Thatcher
Vanessa Redgrave
Vanessa Redgrave
David Attenborough
David Attenborough
Alannis Morissette
Sergei Prokofiev
Joe Morton
Joe Morton
Gay Talese
Jane Goodall
Jane Goodall
Jorge Luis Borges
Jorge Luis Borges
Marlee Matlin
Al Gore
Jeff Bridges
Jeff Bridges
Johann Sebastien Bach
Ludwig van Beethoven
Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei
Louis Pasteur
Louis Pasteur
Charlotte Brontë
Charlotte Brontë
Lord Byron
Lord Byron
Prince William
Prince William


Up to: Soul Types: The Seven Roles in Essence

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57 thoughts on “The Scholar soul”

  1. Is there a clear distinction between stages? Can you be in between, like young and mature?

    Also, have you found that these traits show up in astrology, numerology, etc? I’ve not four 7s in my numerological chart (removed, observant, etc) and I’m a Sagittarian (philosopher, traveler, etc) by sun sign.

    Now I really wanna know what stage my soul is at.

    • See my response to a similar comment on the page Reincarnation: The 35 Steps of Soul Evolution.
      – Barry

    • Hey Barry, you seem to know what your talking about. I’m really curious as to what soul type and level I am. I went to the rockies and I learned about a lot of these things, and the instructor thought I was a scholar. I thought I was an artisan and possibly a priest. Could I post a picture or something and you could try and help me identify what I am?

    • Feel free to either put links here (eg your Facebook profile) or if you prefer to do it more privately just send either photos or links to photos to me via the email contact button/page on this website.
      Usual caveat – no promises on my part!
      🙂 barry

    • La Quishia; a simple way to (roughly) know the age of ones own soul is simply by feelings and observation of said feelings. For instance, we’re all familiar with the term “deja vu”. If you were to apply it on a macro (large) scale (the concept of deja vu) you’d have the feeling of “I’ve done this before” (as far as living life) if this feeling isn’t as strong or impressionable then naturally this translates to you being a younger soul. As you grow (spiritually) older life goes from awe inspiring (or confusing, or scary, or the other emotions one feels when being around something new) . At a certain point/stage in the souls development that whimsical feeling slowly changes to “routine” depending on your souls category this can result in you seeking (in my categories type) a different form of knowledge; in short a transition from more worldly interests to that of ethereal. The older the soul is the faster you “continue where you left off” and even that (while being an interesting field to discover and explore) becomes in a sense routine. (rather ones own intuition becomes more reliable within these fields allowing them to understand “themselves” or “the everything” a little clearer) An example being if your in your 20s or 30s and seeing a person in their 70s go about their lives yet you feel (and they feel <– which is important so you understand its not just ego) like their senior. Over (lifetimes) a long time you'll be able to see the "true age" of others naturally. Once fully capable of grasping that concept you'll have something to compare and contrast ( data) and thus be able to feel or "see" where your at as well as where others are at. This "skill" does not require one to be an old soul; rather they simply wouldn't attain it (naturally) being a younger soul. A similar comparison would be if one were in gradeschool; the person at the bottom of the class doesn't tend to care about how the others are doing within the field of academia. The person in the middle (say average student ) knows who is at the bottom and whose the smartest; while they may or may not care the reality (of the situation) is obvious to them. As for the person at the top of the class or close to; they'd naturally be able to classify who is where within the class room. Once again the importance of this data is all based upon the individuals interests.

      Hopefully this helped you in finding what it is you seek.

  2. I’m fascinated by your blog but am wondering if its safe to attempt to classify ones self? Because so far in my life I’ve found that people tent to see what we desire to see. However based on your descriptions I’d guess myself to be an Old Scholar. whose goal is contentment between acceptance and rejection. My mode observation between passion and repression. And i believe my attitude to be between pragmatic and spiritualistic.

    • Well, I wondered if I would have results like the Artisan or my misunderstanding of the Sage, but no, I am a Scholar. You know what? I agree. I am scholarly. I am not wise, yet I am a sponge for knowledge. I am creative, but I am no artist.

      I consider myself an internally emotional scholar, so I am not as objective as most. What I thought I was as the Sage is the Scholar.

      At least I am self-aware enough. You probably know deep inside

      ~ Jacquline Ard, Soul with a Body

  3. My soul type I would of never guessed because I am in the miltary and thought I was a Warrior soul. When I took the quiz I scored as a Scholar. I do make high grades in college and usually answer hard questions that few in the class knows. I really was surprised because I only have two strong subjects and have no interest in the others. Theology and Business are the only subjects I enjoy. A scholar to me seems to be someone that can master all the subjects. The libary is my favorite place but I really dont feel like a scholar. But everything in the readings even facial features of a scholar matchs me. I am amazed with how dead on everything on this site. This is something I want to learn more about. Were do I start is my question?

  4. I’ve recently discovered your site and I find these connections between physiognomy, reincarnation, and personality quite interesting.

    From what you described in the Priest comments there can be more than one type inherent in each person, though after the central type the traits become less pronounced. This seems to have some correlation with Jungian typing and more specifically his theory of cognitive functions. Are you in any way influenced by his works?

    My strongest resonance and most certainly my appearance relates to the Scholar soul. Is it uncommon for it be paired with the Priest soul? The reason I ask is since one is rather detached and the other seems immanently involved in the world. As I’ve gotten older I’ve found an increased desire to help people in meditation and self-realization since I truly believe change begins with understanding your self and your own inner compunctions and limitations; self-knowledge leads to a better comprehension of the world since it is through those eyes we see.

    My desire to be right/correct/super-logical has diminished in the past few years all the while having an increased draw to help others through a more gentle and kindly nature than I cultivated in the past.

    Does this sound like a typical step that Scholars tend to make? Or this more related to moving or developing from a young to a mature type? Is their a typical time-frame (chronologically speaking) in which you have noticed people developing from a young soul to a mature soul?

    Thank you.

    • Hi Paul

      Yes, you can (and almost certainly will) resonate with more than one role. And no, it is not uncommon for a Scholar in essence to have a secondary Priest-like quality. It would simply mean that, if you are indeed a Scholar, then you belong to a small soul group of Scholars within which you hold the position that is Priest-like in quality.

      To explain: Each soul in a soul group occupies a unique position. That position will have a quality that resonates with one of the seven essence archetypes (helpful like a Server, inventive like an Artisan, etc). In my case, for example, while I am definitely a Scholar in essence, within my small soul group (all Scholars) I hold the expressive Sage-like position. So my primary thrust as a Scholar is infused with a Sage-like quality of expressiveness. This means that as a Scholar I like to acquire and share my knowledge with an attention-grabbing sense of wit and wisdom.

      If you happen to be a Priestly Scholar, then you presumably like to acquire and share your knowledge with an inspiring sense of uplift and transcendence.

      The past desire you mention to be right/correct/super-logical is typical of Young Scholars, but please understand that in each lifetime we “recapitulate” our evolution starting from scratch. So if you are, say, a Mature soul, then at birth you would act like an Infant soul, as a child you would act like a Baby soul, as a youth you would act like a Young soul, and you would finally come to act like the Mature soul you are in mid-life. In other words, we plateau out at our inherent level of consciousness (soul age) around the age 35-45. This mid-life transition, where we start to feel compelled to act our true (soul) age and fulfil our true purpose, involves dropping old habits that really belong to earlier levels – such as the Young Scholar’s love of being the one who is always right. So it seems likely you have been through that. (I went though it myself.)

      Your emphasis on self-understanding suggests (probably) Mature soul or (possibly) Old soul.

      I hope all that makes some sense of your own experience!



      PS. I’m not especially influenced by Jung’s typologies and archetypes. I suspect with the psychological types he was intuiting the nature of what these teachings call Centering.

    • Hi Barry,

      I think you (again) hit the nail right on the head here regarding Priestly Scholars. I recently discovered that’s what I am and it seems to suit my current occupation as a consultant quite well. I present my detailed findings to others in such a way as to “inspire” them to believe in the vision and take an ownership stake in the project, which significantly enhances the probability of end success.

  5. I appreciate the clarity with which you responded, Barry. That does make sense.

    I think you’re on to something about the correlation between some of Jung’s teachings, your insights, and the teachings of Michael. As a student of religion (I’m working on my second master’s degree in religion, theology, and philsophy) I find there is a convergence of conclusions yet the methods of research are often quite disparate. Perhaps this speaks to the many discernable paths that are inherent within the underlying intuitions. In science speak: “independent verification.”

    My thanks to you for responding so quickly and clearly.


  6. This is wonderful, however i am confused i know i am a mature soul even though im just 15. but i dont know my type, i could be a scholar and at the same time artisan. I both have the personalities of scholar(mostly scholar). I dont say much but i think alot, i love gathering knowledge, discovering new things and travelling but i am also very expressive and creative, i love daydreaming,imagining… i am pretty good at art and especially creative writing. I also love to sing and act on stage plays. But if it will be based on looks, i am more of an artisan…

  7. You may touch on this somewhere, but is it possible to have more than one soul type. I feel that I must be a scholar. I’m 27 and recently told my mother, who I believe is in the infant soul stage, although she is almost 55 years old her philosophical views are actually a lack thereof. – “People like you are forgotten, but thoughts like mine echo through the ages.” She just thinks I’m crazy, and she truly does. However, I feel like I exert some characteristics of other soul types to a tee, but only some of them. Two of those types being King and Warrior. Maybe not so much King, but anyway is it possible to have a hybrid soul. Well I guess anything is possible, and all of this and these discussions are the thoughts of man, which will always hold some flaw in a certain ignorance. What do you think? I also feel I exert some Servant characteristics.

    -Dustin Campbell Missouri-

  8. Another thing. I often feel a clash of soul stages and types coming from people that know me very well. i.e. family. My mother and I for example cannot get along for long at all unless we are really trying hard. I know it seeds deeper than earthly issues. I did however enlighten her a bit when I wrote this and read it to her. MY THOUGHTS ON UNDERSTANDING AND TOLERANCE – WE ARE ONE OF BILLIONS OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD. AND THAT IS ONLY THOSE WHO ARE ALIVE TODAY, NOT INCLUDING THOSE WHO HAVE LIVED IN THE PAST AND THOSE WHO HAVE NOT YET LIVED. WE ARE BUT ONE GRAIN OF SAND IN AN INFINITE BEACH. IF THERE IS ANY ADVICE I CAN GIVE YOU, AND IF THERE IS ANYTHING I HAVE LEARNED IN THIS LIFE, ITS THAT…….WE HAVE TO TRY TO UNDERSTAND AS MUCH AS WE POSSIBLY CAN. AND WE HAVE TO LEARN TO TOLERATE THAT WHICH WE CAN’T UNDERSTAND. What are your thoughts?

  9. Hi. Wonderful site.
    I am a scholar, beside doing PhD, all my life I was crazy about yellow colour > feeling like it is “me”.

    Excuse me if my queation is out of point but is there a section with . I was in love with a priest and
    he did hurt me extremely painfully. Somehow it was even out of his
    rational decision, just like his purple soul can’t accept my yellow one.

    He is far more instinctive than I am and he gets to that levels when he can’t control himself. I feel like I am more comfortable understanding what human means, he acts on “instincts” – chasing energy. In that perspective – energy flow – how will different souls interact.

    My mom is a warrior my dad a king – they have never been truely a happy
    couple. There had been love, but as a relationship – they do not share anything. I even feel they make each other ill and weak.

    I know priest – king relationship – the same story.

    I know a king – artisan marriage that to a certain point works (not understanding each other, but at least they do heal each other). But the King is 20 years older than the artisan and he totally controls everything. I am not sure it is a good marriage for the artisan.

    Thank you in advance. Cheers!

    • Hi Jordanka
      Sorry if I’m being sloppy but I didn’t actually notice any question in your “question”. Did you forget to include it? Or am I just not seeing it?..

  10. Those are kind of informational articles..but I don’t quite understand why does the article author keep telling what his type is and about personal experience. I find it unprofessional and distracting. Also it irritated me how soul types percentage in the population was explained. It’s too black and white point of view.

  11. Interesting… I would like to add in the case of Ludwig van Beethoven, that the portrait shown there of him is not a good likeness at all, and he had a broad, strng face and not a narrow one. Also, although he had some scholar characteristics, I would describe him more of an artisan.

  12. I suspected I’m a Scholar and took the test- affirmative! I then read the above article and it made me smile when it said the Scholar’s home looks like a library! I have 2 bookcases full of books and I’m always rifling through second hand bookshops/charity shops and love collecting interesting vintage books.I even post about them on my blog lol!

    I spend hours reading all sorts of information online as well. I was in my element when I went to university with those massive libraries! If I could live in a bigger place I would indeed, have a room as a library! Funnily enough my paternal Grandad was the same- his living room was crammed with books and in his other sitting room he had a sofa covered with old papers and magazines etc. And yes, I loved looking through them even though I was a small child and the subject material was beyond me.

    I have piles of books on the arms of my chairs and sofa too- all being read at various times.

  13. I think a little bit- I have a long head and big forehead lol.
    Getting back to Beethoven- he really doesn’t look like any particular type, more like a composite- but then he is/was what one could say a “one- off”! Reading types I’d say he is/was a mature artisan- scholar.

  14. Hi Barry, thanks for your last reply. Wat would you say Aristotle (in my mind clearly the greatest human being of all time) was? I’ve seen him referred to as a King, but to me that resembled far more his student Alexander the Great. The way he invented biology while on political exile from Athens reminds me of the way Newton discovered the laws of gravity while on forced exile from the plague in London. When I was in chosen exile from work one time, as a true scholar I started reading into a new field I had never studied before and 6mths later wrote an academic journal article on it, using these guys as my inspiration. I find it hard to believe Aristotle was anything other than a Scholar, albeit with King influence since his vision and breadth of interest was admittedly large.

    • I would certainly guess Scholar, and José Stevens has profiled Aristotle as a Mature Scholar with goal of Acceptance, Intellectually Centered, Spiritualist, mode of Observation, with CF of Arrogance.

    • Related to my comment below, this is the kind of stuff I do, too. (Only I don’t really do anything with it other than learn stuff just for my own enjoyment and joy of learning.) I would get into learning something and I totally master it in few months like I can talk about it on the academic level. When I was depressed few years ago I got into learning a lot of this personality stuff, from soul types to Myers Briggs and astrology and enneagrams, etc. and now I combine it all and it all makes sense to me together. Like I can tell from a face what cognitive functions a person has, which also indicates to me what soul stage they’re on, etc. But like I said in my comment, I look like an Artisan and often test as Artisan, too. But my Scholar influence is getting more and more obvious to me to the point that I’m thinking I could be a Scholar with Artisan cast instead.

  15. I’m a mature scholar and I’m finding that most of my conclusions are theoretical. Because I’m in the empathetic stage and more open to the perspectives of others, I can’t seem to pinpoint any real knowledge. Does anyone have a suggestion on how I can move to attain more knowledge instead of just theories? Also I feel like this blog is pretty spot on.

    • My preferred approach to this classic scholar’s dilemma, is to rigorously test and seek to falsify every theory you come across. Under the scientific method, you can never definitively “prove” a hypothesis, but you can challenge and fail to reject it so many times that after some time you can reasonably add that tested theory to your ‘working model of truth’. Until some new information comes along providing you cause to retest and possibly adapt your working model. In my own case ,I have recently added the Michael teachings to my own working model of truth – I have tried multiple times to falsify them, but so far have not been able to.
      What I think is particularly challenging as a mature scholar is to attempt to minimize the impact of personal feelings on your ability to think not only deeply but also objectively. For example a highly pleasing (to you) person may be sloppy in their thinking and a highly unpleasant (to you) person may possess a gem of wisdom that you cannot find elsewhere.
      To obtain true wisdom I think you really have to be able separate your subjective perception of a person’s persona from the objective value of their knowledge. Remember, everyone knows at least one thing that you do not know – even a lowly educated infant server does. Some of my most valuable lessons came from people whom I had precious little natural affinity with.

  16. hey barry ,george carlin fits perfectly in the scholar role as he was well known for his observational humor skeptical perceptions towards life.
    sharp mind and greate with words play .
    but sometimes i could swear he whas sometimes slightly denigrating towards people ,when i listen to his excellent works 🙂

    tell me what you think barry about george carlin’s role type 🙂
    have nice day all .

    • Well, thank you Paul for introducing me to George Carlin — I just had a ball checking out some of his stand-up on YouTube.

      I would guess Mature Scholar, possibly Sage-cast like me, or possibly King-cast by the look of him. Goal of Rejection (people with Rejection make the best social critics and fierce stand-up comics); mode of Power (good for projecting one’s opinions to audiences); intellectual centering; either Skeptic or Cynic. CF possibly Impatience, but hard to tell from a rehearsed performance.


    • no problem barry ,i too think he had goal of rejection because he got complains a while ago, about degrading Amerika and the audiance in general ,he also had cocaïne and booze addiction and painkiller addiction and never finished school either and yet he whas very smart fellow acording to Wikipedia.
      to me he came across as old soul ,but than again, i am no expert in those subjects 🙂
      you might wanne see his 7hour work audio book including napalm and silly putty 😀 there is also a 2hour version of napalm and silly putty lol.
      enjoy id say 🙂

  17. I got a Michael Chart Reading, which much of it makes sense. 😀
    I’m a 7th level Mature soul, but I am often described as Very Old. I probably like being very thorough and that’s why people look into my eyes and see an old fart. Due to recent growing up and the letting go of garbage action. I read as a Mature 5th.

    Frequency: 44
    Cycles: I have 8 completed, I’m on the 9th, on Earth.
    Male/Female Ratio: 48 male to 52 Female.
    Role: Scholar with influences of King and Sage.
    *now this makes way more sense xD
    I do like hounding for information. I even drive my mom nuts.
    Essence Twin: King (incarnate)
    Task Companion: Sage (incarnate)
    Goal: DOMINANCE!!!!!!!!! muahahahahahaha…ha…..ha…. o.o
    Shhhhh. That wasn’t me laughing out loud like that.
    Chief Obstacle: Stubborness. Oh, am I stubborn and I know it. Like extremely.
    Mode: Caution and if you know me. You’ll be driven up the wall because I do this thing where I pull out all the specs, compare/contrast, pros/cons, prices, ratings, would I like it, is this practical? and so on.
    Attitude: REALIST. There it makes sense. >_>

    now it makes sense why I like Beethoven and not so much Mozart. xD

    Yay to self discovery. :B

    • Hey Wozzeh_ the Architect.. that’s very interesting. I think i am somewhere in the mature soul stage.
      I pretty sure i am a scholar-cast artisan..
      When you say “recent growing up and letting go of the garbage action” do u mean letting go of things in life that don’t serve you?.. toxic relationships etc… i feel like i’m in the middle of making some important decisions like that myself.
      And that frequency number?.. how does that work? is that the frequency of your soul signature? I’m still learning about the Michael Teachings.



  18. I went a got a Michael Chart reading done. I’m pleased and disappointed all in one. ROFL

    Role: Scholar with King and Sage influences.
    Goal: Dominance
    Obstacle: Stubborn
    Mode: Caution
    Attitude: REALIST
    Center: Intellectual
    Male/Female ratio: 48/52
    Cycle: 8 completed (8 planets I lived on) , 9th cycle is what I’m currently doing on Earth.
    Frequency: 44. I joked before somewhere that it was A = 440 lol.
    Soul age: Mature 7th with a very old soul because I like being thorough. *Going for 9,000 years homies. just kidding.*
    Manifesting Soul Age: Mature 5th level
    Essence twin: King (incarnate, male)
    Task Companion: Sage (incarnate, male)
    *both of which I met in this life time*

    Current Occupation: Day Care/After School assistant teacher. Professional face palmer when it comes to their “logic” or lack thereof. Source of information both useful and useless. Professional big kid and story teller. Bringer of Bacon. Secret radio show host and audio book narrator.
    Musician and Minecrafter.

    Good news though. I don’t have to worry about 5 back burners. 😀
    I wonder if Artisan was an imprint of some sort… <..>

    Everyone pegged me as the Creative one, imaginative one, the artistic one, the one destined to be an incredible Art teacher! A visionary! Someone who’s completely spacey and disorganized!

    But nah, I’m just lazy and feel like doing things on my terms. I might consider becoming a Director of Education. In a perfect world, I go to work when I want to and play with kids. xD

    • Hmm, getting the sage influence loud and clear. Out of interest, who was the channel? Shepherd?

  19. i don’t know, if you have noticed, but some scholars have very natural intuition for music because like scholars, music goes very strongly on the logical time’s flow too, if you know what i mean…like they have this one channel only, so it goes well with music.

    • Totally. Indeed, most of the great classical ‘deep’ composers are Mature or Old Scholars (Bach, Beethoven, Prokofiev, Mahler…). Contrast that with the more expressive style of Mozart, say.

      Personally (as a Mature Scholar), although I am not particularly into those composers, I do find that my favourite form of music is what is now called progressive trance or progressive electronic, where you get multiple layers of linear repetition and rhythm (and no distracting lyrics!).

  20. What would David Letterman be, Scholar or Sage soul? I’ve been trying to figure it out, but I’m stuck.

    Thank you for your help.

  21. Hello there. I’ve been reading your websites for a couple of years now, but I was too awkward to comment. lol Few years ago when I started learning about this stuff, I tested as an Artisan on pretty much every online test and I think it’s pretty accurate, especially facially, but Scholar characteristics also make a ton of sense to me. On one more extensive test with questions that are specifically asked for different roles, I got the most points for Artisan & Scholar, so I was like ok I’m probably an Artisan with Scholar cast, it’d make sense. (I also weirdly scored really high on King questions, which totally surprised me. I would have NEVER guessed I’m even close to King role, I don’t know what’s up with that. Especially since I had like almost 0 points on all other roles.) I’m very Scholarly personality wise and all I do is always learn and read stuff, I’m obsessed with all kinds of stuff that helps me understand human behavior, from astrology and Myers Briggs and soul types, etc. I love to analyze things, I’m super logical, emotionally detached, etc. I honestly look more like Artisan but seem to express more of Scholar personality. Could my Scholar cast be so strong that it almost overshadows my Artisan role? Or maybe I’m a Scholar after all?
    In terms of the soul stages I think I’m definitely Old, although I’m constantly questioning that too ’cause even though honestly lower stages don’t make sense for me, I can identify with a lot of level descriptions of lower stages as well, like even though I’m not like that in this life at all, it still kinda resonates with me. Like I can feel having gone through all that before to be like this, if that makes sense. One of my Old soul friends has the same ‘problem’. We’re joking that we’re both probably Infant souls being pretentious. lol While younger souls seem to dismiss lower levels, they’re always like “oh I’m so much better than THAT”. So MAYBE I come off more detached ala Scholar due to being an Old soul.

    • Hi

      You’ve assessed yourself pretty well, it seems to me. I can’t personally validate your impressions — only you can do that. I would however suggest that you get a reading from a channel. Better still, get two or three. I know someone who tried to “test” whether this whole soul/personality profile stuff was just random, so she order two Michael readings at once from two different channels. They both came back EXACTLY the same – casting and everything.

    • Hi mazzza,

      Hope you are well.

      I loved reading your comments, as it seems we have striking similarities. I too believe I am an Old Artisan-cast Scholar with a saturnine-mercurial body type.

      Would you like to get in touch and discuss this further?

      Cheers 😀

  22. I am floored by this informatiln. All the puzzle pieces of my life just fell together! I am clearly a scholar. A quick look at my life was like using a magnifying glass in light of the scholarly soul type! Lived in libraries all my life, cannot get enough! Aren’t to college as can adult just to learn scans experience life. I love history and cultures of the world. When unsent to college, I had up a business card for myself that has my name, followed by: Student of Life – Seeker of Knowledge. I am so happy at this moment as I just confirmed my role in my life. I have always known, but to see it in writing…just bless my mind.

  23. My life path number is 7, Jungian personality type INFJ, I have a lot of Virgo on my birth chart. I’m a scholar and also feel like an old soul. Anyone else?

  24. So then if you are acting in accordance with your role, is that fulfilling your life’s purpose? Like, is just constantly learning a Scholar’s life purpose?

    • Not so much “purpose” but nature. Constantly learning is in a Scholar’s nature. Living in accordance with one’s true nature is fulfilling; living against it is frustrating and depressing. One’s purpose across all incarnations is to grow by choice. One’s purpose in any given life is whatever one specifically aims to develop in that life, encapsulated as a “life task”. Mine, for example, is to share my knowledge in a spirit of joy.

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