Conference Call: ‘Mysteries of Near-Death Experiences: Perspectives from Experiencers, Science and Spirituality’

The International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) is a membership organization providing information about near-death and related experiences to experiencers, researchers, educators, health care providers, and the interested public.

IANDS’ purpose is “to promote responsible, multi-disciplinary exploration of near-death and similar experiences, their effects on people’s lives, and their implications for beliefs about life, death, and human purpose.” Among its various activities is a periodic conference in North America.

This year’s IANDS Conference, entitled “Mysteries of Near-Death Experiences: Perspectives from Experiencers, Science and Spirituality“, will be held in Denver, Colorado at the Red Lion Hotel Denver Central on Thursday-Saturday, Sept 2-4 plus optional Fun Day outings on Sunday, Sept 5.  (More details to come.)

Conference objectives:

  • Explore strategies to promote disclosure, description and classification of the “mysteries” associated with NDEs.
  • Compare and contrast insights of an NDE as viewed from experiencer, scientific and/or spiritual perspectives.
  • Discuss future research on reported facets of “mysteries” related to Near-Death Experiences.
  • Identify possible practices which might be used to support the NDEer in his/her attempts to integrate an experience from multiple perspectives.

Come hear the leading researchers and authors in the near-death experience community!
The International Association for Near-Death Studies is holding its annual conference in Denver September 2-5, 2010.
Hear world-known leaders in the field such as Dr. Pim van Lommel, Dutch cardiologist; P.H.M. Atwater, proflic author; Dr. Bruce Greyson, “father” of NDE research; Maggic Callanan, hospice nurse and author.
There will be opportunities for people who have NDEs to share their experiences and meet others. Plus movies, bookstore, panels. The public is welcome! Affordable.
Get info and register at
— Susan Baird

To submit a paper, see the Conference Call for Papers.

For more of my posts about near-death experiences, here’s an index:

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