“How near-death experiences are changing the world” – new video

david sunfellowDavid Sunfellow (right), head of the organization New Heaven New Earth, has compiled a 2-hour video on How Near-Death Experiences are Changing the World.

The video is based on talks about near-death experiences (NDEs) given by David in Sedona earlier this year.

It is split into two parts:

Part 1 (1 hr 7 min) gives an overview of the history of NDEs, their common themes and characteristics, and some global statistics. Unusually, perhaps, David begins by stating that NDEs can be related to the teachings of Jesus about the Kingdom of Heaven.

This part of the video mainly features a compilation of several classic experiences, both historical and modern, including those of Colton Burpo, Howard Storm and Elizabeth Taylor.

Part 2 (51 min) explores the near-death experiences of Mellen-Thomas Benedict, Nanci Danison, Jim Macartney, Raymond Moody, and Anita Moorjani.

In his video, David Sunfellow also:

  • examines the nature of reality, miracles, and spontaneous healings;
  • discusses how and why the core themes of NDEs come in so many different flavors;
  • presents some of the NDE aftereffects that Dr. Jeffrey Long identifies in his book, “Evidence of the Afterlife”;
  • includes a video clip of Raymond Moody describing his new research into “shared death experiences”;
  • examines two especially powerful experiences that have the potential to change lives;
  • includes a list of websites and resources for people who have had a near-death experience and need help understanding and integrating it;
  • provides links to social networks where you can gather with others who are interested in this topic;
  • discusses four follow-up classes that are connected to this presentation.

Below the video there are also links to presentation handouts and other resources. A DVD version of the video is also available (for a suggested donation of $20).

Here’s the link again:

How Near-Death Experiences are Changing the World

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4 thoughts on ““How near-death experiences are changing the world” – new video”

  1. Thank you!! I belong to an IANDS group in Tucson AZ and I posted this on their Meetup page. IANDS (Int’l Ass’n for Near Death Studies) just had their annual conference in Phoenix and I’m hoping to hear how it went at tomorrow’s meeting!! Have you heard of Dr. Eben Alexander? Definitely look him up!! Oh one more thing–here’s a link to over 12 hrs. of video (free!!) about NDEs from the big names in this field! (including Dr. Alexander, Dr. Moody, and others)


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