Enlightenment Intensives podcast: “What is direct experience?”

One of the greatest tools for spiritual awakening at this time, especially for those not wedded to any long-term spiritual path, is the Enlightenment Intensive. This is a three-day retreat process which immerses you in a full-on inner search for the ‘direct experience’ of truth. In other words, an experience of one’s true nature or … Read more

Enlightenment Intensives

A way to discover who you really are. What are Enlightenment Intensives? Each of us can discover, within ourselves, the ultimate truth of who and what we are. This inner discovery goes by various names: self-realization satori spiritual awakening enlightenment Enlightenment Intensives are modern group retreats which enable us to experience this in as little as three days. I took … Read more

My first Enlightenment Intensive – by Isis the psychic

I just came across this wonderful article, “Isis Speaks”, by Isis Coble (above). Isis, also known as Meerkat or TarotMama, is an inuitive/psychic counsellor who does online tarot readings via her tarotmama.com website. The article was published in Sojourn magazine (Vol 2, Issue 2), in 1998. Sojourn was a magazine for spiritually-minded women writers and … Read more

My first enlightenment experience

When I first saw an ad for an Enlightenment Intensive back in 1991, I was pretty sceptical. “An opportunity to experience the change in state of consciousness traditionally known as enlightenment” it said—and in just three days? There had to be a catch! I thought it was supposed to take decades, lifetimes even, to reach … Read more

Pre-Life Plans, Tasks, and Agreements

“Why is this happening to me?”— This is a question we tend to ask ourselves when things seem to be going badly wrong, and we are suffering. It’s also one of the most commonly asked questions given to psychics, mediums and spiritual channels. And the answer given is quite often the same: that before we were born … Read more

Combining psychology and spirituality with a wealth of personal experience, my aim is to inform, inspire and occasionally entertain anyone who has ever wondered … “Who am I?”

The Relating Manual – how to make your relationship work

All That We Fought For

How do successful relationships actually work? How can we sustain a positive and intimate relationship over years, even decades? A new website relating-manual.com lays out the answers. I’m fortunate enough to be in a positive long-term relationship. Both my wife Emma and I share an explicit intention and commitment to make it work, to make it … Read more

Living with Kundalini

In the early hours of 8th September, 2014, I had a lucid dream in which I was aware that I wasn’t merely dreaming. In fact, I was in contact with spirit guides who proceeded to give me a Shaktipat initiation. This not only gave me a full-on experience of Self-Realisation, it also triggered a Kundalini awakening. Here’s … Read more

Personality and spirituality: my search for understanding

  I think a lot of us at some point in our lives are intrigued, or even troubled, by questions like: “Who am I?” “What is our true nature?” “What is my purpose in life?” I’ve learned that to really answer such questions we need a kind of bi-focal vision to view ourselves at two … Read more

Discover who you really are

If you have ever wanted to experience for yourself a moment of genuine spiritual awakening, or if you simply want to know who you truly are, then an Enlightenment Intensive could be for you. Enlightenment Intensives are residential group retreats with a single aim: to help you find the answer to life’s great questions such … Read more