Stage 5: The Old Soul

Those undergoing the fifth and final stage of reincarnation are known as old souls. In this stage of soul evolvement there is a search for balance and completion, and an urge to pass on the torch before the end of reincarnation.

Journey’s End

Having completed the fourth stage of reincarnation*, the soul has come a long way.

  • In the first stage, as an “Infant Soul” it learned about physical existence, life and death, and the need for nurturing.
  • In the second stage, as a “Baby/Child Soul” it learned about society, culture and community, the need for structure, belonging, and playing a role.
  • In the third stage, as a “Young Soul” it learned about free will and self-determination, taking charge of its own destiny, rising to the challenge.
  • In the fourth stage, as a “Mature Soul” it learned about co-existence and interrelatedness, taking responsibility for its relationships, honouring difference and otherness.

At last, the soul is ready for the final leg of the journey: the return to unity and the end of reincarnation.

* For an overview of the stages of soul evolution, see Reincarnation: the 35 Steps

In Search of Unity

The Old Soul already has a well-developed sense of independence (from its Young Soul phase) and inter-dependence (from the Mature Soul phase). Now the soul also feels drawn to reconnect with the greater order of things, the underlying cosmic unity.

This does not mean overthrowing the lessons of the previous stages in favour of some nice, fluffy notion of oneness. Rather, it means coming to terms with all of life’s dualities (self and other, love and hate, joy and pain, etc.) as integral to the whole. In fact, the main lesson for Old Souls is to do with finding unity within diversity.

The Dalai Lama (Old Server)

The Realised Self

This return to unity does not involve any loss of individuality, as some imagine. The end of reincarnation — “ascension” or “enlightenment” or what have you — does not mean fading out of existence, dissolving into nothingness.

Rather, the soul completes its adventure as a unique individual, like a distinctive star in the night sky, a completely realised Self.

So to begin this stage, the soul will tend to focus on true self-expression and self-actualization. In other words, seeking experiences and activitiies which provide ultimate personal fulfilment within life on the physical plane.

This could be found in, say, art, science, acting, wine-growing, gardening, flying old aeroplanes, or simply being a grandparent. The soul is not interested in success or fame so much as doing something it loves well, living up to its true potential, and finding inner satisfaction.

Then, towards the end of the stage, there is more of an emphasis on teaching rather than simply learning: passing on the lessons learnt, showing others the way.


For some, especially Old Priest souls, the teaching focus is explicitly spiritual. Many of the world’s great spiritual teachers were/are Old Souls: Buddha, Jesus, Ramana Maharshi, and so on.

But that’s not to say that every self-proclaimed guru is an Old Soul. Far from it. There are spiritual teachers at all stages of reincarnation. But the advanced Old Soul has certain characteristics as a spiritual teacher that stand out from the rest: far-reaching wisdom, great compassion, inner peace, and little or no attachment to material things.


Old Soul Perceptions

In this final cycle on the Earth plane, the soul develops a more holistic perception of self, life and everything as part of a bigger picture. So while a Mature Soul (stage IV) comes to perceive others as its brothers and sisters, an Old Soul (stage V) comes to perceive both self and others as integral parts of a greater whole, all unique yet all essential.

In other words, the individual comes to perceive every thing, every being, every moment, as part of one great tapestry.

The issue now is how to relate to this united reality through one’s own being — how to be at peace with all of the conflicts, how to experience the harmony within all of the diversity.

This involves recognising the validity of each being’s chosen path in life within the broader scheme of things. We are all part of the One, and yet we are many, each pursuing a different path. And no path is wrong. Hence the Old Soul motto: “You do your thing and I’ll do mine.”

Old Soul Lifestyles

Old Souls become more relaxed, laid back and detached in life. Human existence is familiar and manageable, and there are not so many problems or issues to deal with.

Richard Feynman
Richard Feynman (Old King)

The main issues, in fact, are existential rather than material or psychological. A potential pitfall for Old Souls is lapsing into apathy or complacency, no longer caring about life and the world. Unlike Young Souls, they are not driven to complete major projects before they die. As the physical plane begins to lose its allure, an older soul can show signs of being world-weary, even from birth.

Doing their own thing, Old Souls end up pursuing nothing but their own path whilst allowing others to pursue theirs, just perfecting their own abilities, being themselves in life to the best that they can. Many do so through artistic, humanitarian or philosophical endeavours, though for many others their greatest form of self-fulfillment can be something as mundane as gardening. Work, rest and play all become the same thing.

In the end, joy is found in simply being as opposed to doing.

Other Old Soul Characteristics

How can you spot an old soul?

Old Souls have a level of self-assurance that is unusual for souls in other stages. This isn’t the same as the brash confidence or “can-do” attitude of Young Souls. Rather, Old Souls are generally relaxed and philosophical about life, at ease with themselves and others, and have fewer worldly concerns.

That’s not to say that Old Souls have no issues; many clearly do. (We all have issues of some sort right up until our very last life.) But unlike Mature Souls, Old Souls do not let their issues stress them out.

Old Souls tend to emanate a calm, steady quality that has substance, depth or gravitas. In contrast, Young Souls tend to appear frantic and superficial while Mature Souls seem perpetually stressed and assailed by life. You can often hear it in the voice —

  • Young Souls tend to talk loud and fast (“I’m right and you know it!”)
  • Mature Souls have a sort of soft tone laced with uncertainty (“I’m really not sure I can cope with this …”)
  • Old Souls tend to have a slow, deep voice – relaxed, assured and unhurried (“If there’s one thing I know, it’s that I know nothing…”).

This inner calm and depth is also evident in the old soul’s eyes. Whereas Young Souls cannot make eye contact for long, and Mature Souls will do so occasionally, when they’re not too stressed or distracted, Old Souls tend to make direct eye contact with an unflinching gaze. (Note: This is not the same as the cold stare of a psychopath!) They are unafraid to look another in the eyes and see into their heart.

Old Souls are like citizens of the world, not so much identified with their country or culture of origin. They tend to be drawn to the quiet life away from the noise of the city. Old Kings in particular will tend to spend their last lives as homeless, wandering teachers.

Some Notable Old Souls

Old souls who become famous tend to do so by virtue of their mastery, compassion, insight and wisdom rather than ambition.

Albert Schweitzer (Old Server)

Many of the finest minds in history have been old souls: Marcus Aurelius (121-180), Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Carl Jung (1875-1961).

In the arts we have the composer J. S. Bach (1685-1750), the painter Paul Gauguin (1848-1903, now apparently reincarnated as artist Peter Teekamp).

Also the writer Walt Whitman (1819-1892), now apparently reincarnated as the writer/activist Alice Walker.

Walt Whitman - Alice Walker
Walt Whitman / Alice Walker (Old Artisan)

In the acting profession, there are numerous Old Souls who excel at playing characters who are, essentially, younger souls — mainly because there aren’t that many scripts featuring older soul characters!

Morgan Freeman is well known for the gravitas he brings to every role.

Morgan Freeman

 Finally, many of the world’s great spiritual teachers have been late-stage old souls passing on their wisdom: Gurdjieff (1866-1949), Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986), Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950), Anandamayi Ma (1896-1962), Neem Karoli Baba (d. 1973), the Dalai Lama, Ammachi (Mātā Amritanandamayī Devi), and Thich Nhat Hanh.

Ammachi (Old Server)

The End of Reincarnation

There are seven levels to every stage of soul evolution, including this one. After completing the 7th level of the Mature Soul stage, the soul begins its next life as a 1st-level Old Soul. The soul then undergoes the whole cycle of development, one life at a time, until finally it reaches 7th level. This is the final step, step 35, in the 35 steps of reincarnation.

Now, I occasionally meet people who are convinced that they must now be in their final incarnation simply because they are so “spiritual” and have no liking for the material world. This is not how it works.

The goal of evolution is not to escape from the wretched physical plane, despite what many teach. The end of reincarnation is not some sort of reward for good behaviour. Human existence is not a prison, or a wheel of torment, from which only the most worthy gain liberation.

We incarnate because we want to and we choose to. We keep doing it precisely because we want to come to terms with it. We know that in each life we will probably spend several decades not remembering who we are, not remembering our eternal Home, buying into the illusion of separation, experiencing fear. This is the very stuff which inspires us to become more conscious.

Completion occurs when it matters not whether you are incarnate or discarnate: you see through the illusion and you always feel at Home.


Ramana Maharshi
Ramana Maharshi

Consider Ramana Maharshi, an Old Scholar and a model of pure enlightenment. Towards the end of his life, some of his students begged him not to die, not to leave them. His answer was: “But where could I possibly go?”

He knew that both he and everybody else are already Home, and always will be, having never really left it.

→ See: Abide As The Self [DVD]

So the last lifetime is one in which you are very content to be in physical form, using it as an opportunity to teach and enlighten others – or to simply enjoy being physical one last time. If you have issues with being physical, then you still have a way to go.

Cycling Off: The Higher Stages

On completion of the seventh level of the Old Soul stage (or “cycling off”), there is no longer any need or desire to reincarnate. The soul will unify its consciousness with soul mates who have also completed, and it may serve as an elder spirit guide to others still undergoing reincarnation. But there is no longer value to be had in incarnating as a human being.

There are some rare exceptions, however.

A number of old Priest souls such as the philosopher Socrates, the Prophet Mohammed and Mahatma Gandhi are said to have incarnated to become vehicles for a higher level of consciousness capable of inspiring a cultural revolution. The higher consciousness manifested through these individuals only in later life. From that point on, they are referred to in the Michael teachings as “transcendental souls”.

Rarer still, Jesus Christ and the Buddha are said to be examples of old King souls who returned to become the physical embodiment of divine love, pure consciousness and ultimate truth, the Tao itself in human form. In other words, avatars. Again, the transformation did not occur until some point in adulthood. But from then on, these individuals are said to be manifestations of the “infinite soul”.

Recommended reading

The Michael Handbook

A Channeled System For Self Understanding
(Warwick Press, 1990)
Amazon link

Journey of Souls

Case Studies of Life Between Lives
(Llewellyn, 1994)
Amazon link

Old Souls

The Sages and Mystics of Our World
(KINDLE only: Amazon, 2013)
Amazon link

The Five Stages of Reincarnation

Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
Infant Soul Baby Soul Young Soul Mature Soul Old Soul

(Visited 261,452 times, 4 visits today)

429 thoughts on “Stage 5: The Old Soul”

    • I don’t know if the Michael teachings were the original source of the term; it may have been used informally for a long while. But certainly these are the first teachings to give it a formal meaning, along with mature soul, infant spul, etc.


    • I need to talk to someone about this. Everything I read felt so familiar and so true. For the past while now I have learned to be entirely peaceful, but lately things have changed and I’m a bit confused. but what I’m worried about is not my past. Rather my future and that of all others. It would be nice if someone with understanding of this subject could educate me further on it. Please and thank you.

    • Hi Adrian,

      Just to check I’m understanding you correctly: You have recently lost your (long-standing?) inner equilibrium or equanimity due to some persistent anxiety about the future. You don’t go into specifics, but the anxiety appears to be over some awful fate that you can see lying in store for everyone on the planet, including yourself. (Just speculating here, but I’m imagining you could mean either some sort of global catastrophe like social-economic collapse, or maybe something more subtle and insidious such as a failure to evolve…?).

      I am happy to hear and discuss more, and there are some ‘regulars’ here who can chip in too.



      PS: When you say “everything I read” are you referring specifically to this page (The Old Soul) or to something broader?

  1. This is really very good article..The above is correct.. but how do i understand in what stage i am ? 🙂

    • Hi Srivalli,

      The easy way of course is to get a reading from a competent Michael channel. The trick is knowing you’ve got a competent channel. The first reading I got said I was an old soul, but that didn’t feel right to me. The next one I asked hit everything perfectly. There are links to some channels – who I believe are competent – at the bottom of my page on the Michael Teachings.

      It’s important to see what resonates within you. The fact that you are reading this and asking the question suggests you are either young, mature or old. (For an overview, read my article Reincarnation: the 35 steps of soul evolution.) But it can be hard to really know yourself until you are around 35-40, because until then we are still immersed in the baggage of our culture and upbringing. I’m a mature soul, but at age 20 I would have assumed that I was a young soul because my outlook was so egocentric and materialistic. I didn’t know who I was until I was about 30 (after a spiritual awakening).


    • I turn 30 years old April of this year and ever since then I have been on this most amazing spiritual journey. I feel like I’m now starting to figure out who I am. I have so many question and I’m constantly trying to figure things out. I have so much yet to learn, but I feel like I’m never going to be the same. I too would have thought of myself as a young soul in my 20s. I’m still trying to figure out if I’m a mature or old soul. I’ve been told that I’m an Old Soul by many, but eventually I will the know the truth for myself.

    • It should become clearer to you over the next 10-15 years, if you pay attention to yourself – especially your deepest values and motivations in life. Thanks Jackie.

    • see now this to me is no coicendence, i have a very real, very strong connection with my father whom died many years ago; i am always guided by his sense and direted in the path i am meant to go, this doesnt mean i always follow it; although it does mean the signs are there. weirldy enough i have been having intense dreams, intuition and a sense of knowing for a long time now, as of late i have started doing some research as to why i felt this way ( i now know im not along) coming on to this site, after reading John Newtons books to many times, it forwarded me to this message via BARRY, ‘ barry is my deceased fathers name” it was posted the same day as my birth day and a time frame in which my father passes’ all to connected if you ask me!?
      ok im baffling now,
      but so much to write says my tiny little soul inside- i believe we can be awakened at any age, i myself am a young little spring chicken at the petite age of 22, life has already shown me enough uphill battles that allowed me to the opportunity to either find myself or lose myself..
      i think understanding is one of the biggest key impacts in our life, ‘deeper understanding, deeper appreciation’, i started on my spiritual journey very young, i didnt search; it came along and completed my life. it was the missing puzzle my soul urge was trying to find.
      As time grew so did i , i searched for too long trying to find a book that made me undesrtand, made me feel like i was not alone, like i was right where i was supposed to be, the tears were going to be worth it and the pain would eventually fade? something of the sort was never found, as the old saying goes( ‘ if you feel you need to read and book and it hasnt been written; write it- Mother Thersesa) so i wrote it, soon to be published and on a deeper journey of myself, i thank this beautiful universe for giving all us the pleasure to experience life as human beings. much love nikki 🙂

    • I will explain my point by an anecdote from the book “Autobiography of a yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda (This book is available online for free; Favorite book of Steve Jobs; ISBN-10: 0876120796; chapter 31).

      “The grace of the Christlike yogi, Trailanga, was once bestowed on my SAJO MAMA (maternal uncle). One morning Uncle saw the master surrounded by a crowd of devotees at a Benares ghat. He managed to edge his way close to Trailanga, whose feet he touched humbly. Uncle was astonished to find himself instantly freed from a painful chronic disease. {FN31−7}
      The only known living disciple of the great yogi is a woman, Shankari Mai Jiew. Daughter of one of Trailanga’s disciples, she received the swami’s training from her early childhood. She lived for forty years in a
      series of lonely Himalayan caves near Badrinath, Kedarnath, Amarnath, and Pasupatinath.
      The BRAHMACHARINI (woman ascetic), born in 1826, is now well over the century mark. Not aged in appearance, however, she has retained her black hair, sparkling teeth, and amazing energy. She comes out of her seclusion every few years to attend the periodical MELAS or religious fairs. This woman saint often visited Lahiri Mahasaya. She has related that one day, in the Barackpur section near Calcutta, while she was sitting by Lahiri Mahasaya’s side, his great guru Babaji quietly entered the room and held converse with them both.
      On one occasion her master Trailanga, forsaking his usual silence, honored Lahiri Mahasaya very pointedly in public. A Benares disciple objected.
      “Sir,” he said, “why do you, a swami and a renunciate, show such respect to a householder?”
      “My son,” Trailanga replied, “Lahiri Mahasaya is like a divine kitten, remaining wherever the Cosmic Mother has placed him. While dutifully playing the part of a worldly man, he has received that perfect self−realization for which I have renounced even my loincloth!”

  2. Hi, I was just reading this article because my mom told me that she believed that I am an old soul because I would always act like a little old man. I was surprised about then difficulties of an old soul(no longer caring about life and the world) because I felt like that a few months ago. I do believe that I could be an old soul but as a low level. Loved reading this article!


  3. This soul stage deeply fits my characteristics. I have always been defined as laid back, and I have a strong belief in allowing others to pursue their own lives as they wish (never criticizing other religions, sexual orientations, choices, etc.). I think about everything in wholeness, and focus now on the little things that I’ve been missing in life. I’m only 18 but I picked up the pedal harp about 3 years ago, something I have wanted to play since early childhood. I was an instant prodigy and performed in New York city just one year after. I also feel a strong connection with the spiritual plane, as I play my harp often at The Sanctuary, an art gallery of angels by painter Nancy Noel.
    Usually I am constantly content and overjoyed about everything in life. However, I reoccurring, for no reason have bouts of severe depression. There does not seem to be any triggers for this, it just happens, sometimes without years or months, and sometimes off and on through out the day. I also have severe narcolepsy, so I am tired all the time. I also have low endurance for physical activities, as I am quite prone to fainting.
    **I had an aura picture when I was 12, and I am blue-violet overall and purple, pink, and white on my right hand. I feel like I am indeed nearing the end of my soul journey, but oddly enough, I have known this all along! This article has just confirmed my inner intuitions and beliefs about life.

  4. Every since I was a child, I was always very detached from everything. I felt like I was looking on as a visitor, watching other kids live their lives in pleasure ways of toys and fun, nothing wrong with that. But it was very alienating as a child but wanted to seek out my own path. Often times looking up to the stars and thinking that they are home. I’m very intuitive and sometimes get those “gut” feelings, I can feel what others think about me. I don’t think many people and I connect and I can feel that they are turned off by my more laid back, calm and exploitative type of life. Also, I often times before reaching out to others who felt this way, always thought that I am “finished”, we are so significant in this universe.
    Thanks for the blog, it was great reading it.

    • Since childhood I’ve always been labelled as an Old Soul. I’ve always had dreamlike visions depicting future events, intense intuition, & a deep love for nature. Growing up, I never felt like anyone understood me, feeling alienated most of my life. While enjoying everyday simplicities, I had random bouts of severe depression that would last hours, or weeks, sometimes months. Now in my late 20’s, I am very secure with myself; rarely feeling sadness (until I read the global news) I’m ok with dancing to the beat of my own drum. I know & have always known that we all belong to a greater whole. Spirituality is the most important thing in my life. What fulfills my existence is teaching Yoga, as well as rescuing animals, educating people about how to live healthily, & in harmony with all living beings (that includes ecosystems). Some years ago, I was approached by a woman on a busy street who told me I had the most beautiful deep Violet aura. I’m engaged to a man who is a Mature Soul, he knows it, & knows that I am an Old Soul completing one of my last remaining incarnations.

    • Nicole, can you get in touch with me regarding “educating people about how to live healthily and in harmony with all living being?” I look forward to hearing from you.
      Tina cpmbdb at gmail dot com

  5. Life is so much more complicated than it appears. Interesting perspective, but where does this evolve from? Why not 3, instead of 35?

  6. All my life I feel like I was different from my family and my peers in school both physically and subconsiously. I have had some “knowing” of wisdom that I didn`t realize I had it was a spirit was inside me giving me this information and will make happy in the inside and as I got older I begin to start talking to myself but it didn`t feel that way at alll but it felt I was talking to a inner guide that was like an angel or something and when I was 17 I learned all about numerology and and founded that I have a 7 life path and that I may have the symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening and something in the inside is telling that this is true but I kinda doubt but I somehow know that I may be a old soul

  7. Do these beliefs work while still believing in God and Jesus as our savior in a non-denominational Christian way?

  8. Thanks for the reply, i definitely feel myself as the plane between mature and old soul, probably more mature currently. It just seems weird to imagine different lives for my soul, im having a hard time believing that part

  9. I have always known I was an old souls before all the psychics told me.. its starting to make sense now as I am working to to stop the repeating patterns as much and explains my apathy towards the world..

    I fell better knowing its normal wanting to be alone and not being fazed by much

    • As i read some of the comments posted here. Some things come to mind. A few people here have posted that they felt different as a child disconnected from others and other children like watching other kids joyfull and carefree playing with toys and what not. Has it ever croosed your mind that maybe you were abused some how as a child causing you to behave in a more depressed less playful manner than the other kids?

    • That’s quite a heavy seed to plant in people’s minds – “So you felt different as a kid… perhaps you were abused.”

      But you raise an interesting point. I believe one reason why some kids feel different or detached from others around them – that has nothing to do with being an old soul – is simply because they are introverts. This was certainly true in my case. I am a mature soul, not an old soul, but as an introvert brought up in an environment dominated by extraverts, I felt very much disconnected.

    • so.. how to differentiate between introverts and old souls? is there any specific signs?

  10. Barry, thank you for creating this website and actively helping others answer unknown questions. Throughout my life I’ve been very intuitive, At various points I’ve been told I was an old soul with a very high level of intent through channeled readings. Most recently a numerologist found my double 11 name and 4 birth date significant. Many times I’ve felt like I was on the outside looking in with relation to others. Recently, I have noticed that people seem attracted to me for no apparent reason such as while grocery shopping, some one will smile at me and a newborn baby seemed to be fixated on my eyes. Are these signs of being an old soul?

    • Hi Patricia

      Thanks for the nice comment.

      I don’t mean to prick your bubble or anything, but those who hope to hear that they are old souls (as defined here) generally aren’t, while those who are old souls don’t need to be told, or simply don’t care. I don’t believe any of the experiences you mention are signs of being an old soul – but on the other hand, that doesn’t mean you are not one! Without knowing anything about you, I can only say that it’s possible that the psychics are right. Mind you, whenever psychics say “you are an old soul”, quite often they simply mean “older than the average around here”, which could mean anything from late young to mature to old.

      I don’t know how physically old you are at the moment, but our true soul age becomes more apparent as we approach middle age (35+). Before then, it can be pretty hard to discern because mostly we are not acting our age, as it were. In my twenties, for instance, I would have guessed that I was a young soul based on my rampant ego and competitiveness. My mature soul sensitivity was there, but seemed less obvious until 30-40.

      So that’s a long-winded way of saying, in answer to your question, I honestly don’t know!

  11. I’m just getting into this and I’ve already figured out my details. I learn quickly. I’ve been called an old soul alot of times, be it from my relatives or from a quiz on the subject.
    As for actual age, surprisingly enough, I’m only about 20 and a half, two months shy of it actually, I’ll be 20 and a half on Valentine’s day. However, despite my age and according to this chart, I happen to be a Level 7 Old Soul. I knew I was an Old Soul, but I didn’t know I’d be on that level so that’s interesting to me. Having said that, though, I’m confused on one thing; being a 7th level Old Soul, does this mean I won’t be reincarnated after death? Or am I mistaken?

    • Hmmm… if you are indeed 7th level Old, then this isn’t necessarily the last life – it could take you the next 3 or 4 lives to get it “right”. However, the very fact that you ask the question leads me to question your judgement. I would expect you to be telling me, with immense wisdom and compassion, what you are about.

    • Just looking at the link from Erica. Baby Soul level 5: …may have weird fetishes or really bizarre behavior, e.g. water plants with maple syrup.” LOL! this is funny! I honestly cannot place myself; all over the place, as usual!

  12. Well, like I said, I’m just getting into this and the question crossed my mind leading me to some confusion.
    As for what I’m about, I’m really really self conscious, I will notice if I’m doing something like standing funny and immediately correct it, I’m mainly very emotionally detached, even though some sorrow can flare up at times because I have alot of difficulty accepting family losses, I’ve had alot of them that just remain there in my mind and often can’t let go or accept. Alot of people say I’d make a good teacher seeing as I have several hobbies like studying Astrology, Astronomy, and Meteorology. I’d gladly teach people what I know about those topics, but not many take interest, so I often end up teaching a seldom one or two people interested in whichever of those 3 subjects. I’m really laid back and I just do what I want and often leave my parents and friends to do what they want. I also have a lot of difficulty accepting change, unless its some sort of change that I want to carry out, hence moving this year. My childhood was, well, rough, I was always teased and mocked, my grandma and several pets died and I still just can’t accept it. However, overall, I’m pretty friendly, but can be pretty quiet because I might be studying something or busy with schoolwork or housework, but whatever I’m told to do, I’ll do it. I’m pretty easy to be around really.

    • Pardon for not adding the above details in the first comment I left. I sometimes forget to add detail firsthand. My mistake.

    • Hi Erica
      Your soul age isn’t coming across to me yet as clearly as your physical age, but other aspects of your character are occurring to me. You could look up the goal of Growth ( and the fear pattern of Stubbornness ( to see if they resonate for you. I also have Growth as it happens.

    • @ Erica This is what I’ve got from a michael channel:

      The classic Michael Teachings say that we are one soul level within one soul age, however I’m discovering that soul age is quite flexible. For instance, a person could be 70% 3rd level Old, and 30% 1st level Young. So, if you have your 7th level Old moments, that means you’re being 7th level Old in that moment.

      You’ll know you’re fully in 7th level Old when you feel absolutely done with the physical plane, when there are no more issues, no more relationships, nothing pulling you into any kind of circumstance. You’ll absolutely love this world and at the same time have nothing more to do in it. You’ll float in the world happily, laughing like a child. You won’t care who’s running for office or who insults you or who loves you or doesn’t love you. It will be like stage scenery crumbling before your eyes, and you’ll experience profound freedom.

      –> I also asked if i am 7th level old. To me it seems right that levels aren’t so rigid…? But I cannot prove that. Maybe you are mature 7 + looking into old soul perspective :/.


  13. I always thought of the Dalai Lama as being a relatively young soul. He stands out from other spiritual teachers in that way to me.

  14. A thought-provoking article, but I have one qualm. When you reel off several well-known people who are old souls, there isn’t one mention of a FEMALE example. How odd, considering women have proven to be just as innovative and trailblazing in world history as much as their male counterparts. There’s something very ironic about an article on soul evolution overlooking the half of our species that has given birth to the likes of Gandhi, Jesus, Ben Kingslettc

    • Actually I mention two women and there is an image of a third. But I have no problem with correcting the imbalance and will get around to it at some point.

  15. Great article. I have been to see a psychic healer for mutliple readings over the past five years. The readings are always extremely accurate and consistent. I have been told that I am very old soul, and this could be my last incanation if I choose. However, I certainly don;t feel like I am bringing in the wisdom of Ghandi or Buddha 🙂 But puttering around the garden and just being, that makes perfect sense. Also, I liked your information that in our earlier years, before 35-40 we may not be as formed and may look and act like younger souls. That certainly makes sense to me and how I spent my youth. As to the term “old soul” I think a lot of people use to generally mean “being here before”. You can see it in babies.

  16. Also, much of what you state about old souls feeling apathy and “what’s it all for” and depression were confirmed in my various readings (as feeling states I have experienced) and also that of radiating calmness that helps others to focus, settle down and feel soothed.Very intersting to see this in your information.

  17. Reading this article is quite interesting because I know what you mean when you say it resonates. I thank you for putting this here for it may help those in the world who are confused. It is true that soul age normally manifests later in life because we often go through all the confusion of our previous stages to reach our current one. However at 15 years I know I am an old soul at the last stage of reincarnation. The reason I stay is to help all those still here. Also I am a warrior soul which may seem strange considering I will be entering the healing profession. There are many ways to win battles and I know at my age blood doesn’t always have to be lost. Peace to all, may you all have good lives.

  18. I’m 24 years old and have known this is the life I will complete in for a year now. It’s been hard because I yearn so badly for complete freedom but as my guardian spirits remind me every so often I must have patience. I see into peoples souls, and I offer advice and try to nudge as best as possible but I’ve noticed its very depressing for me to do so because the only person that can make someone change is that very individual… Its often pointed out that I have an aura of tranquility, most people dont understand my lack of interest in possestions (I find it strange I have a love for technology even if I care not to purchase any devices,) or my plans to seek refuge in nature in a small village in central america. Anyway, peace to all and good luck on all your journeys. Thanks for the great insight there are many truths to these writings.

  19. Thanks. I once had a psychic therapist tell me that I was the oldest soul that she ever encountered, but I would beg to differ. I believe I am just at the beginning of this “old soul” stage; it was my profound, almost desperate interest in finding inner peace and spiritual union with all things that led her to think I was more schooled in that arena than I actually am! I would give my eye teeth to live a simple life with the highest principle being compassion and healing, of myself, the earth, and everyone around me – but I am still far too neurotic to consider myself a master of any of this! But here’s to ambition? I’ll take this website as a little brochure into this territory I’ve stumbled into as of this incarnation.

  20. I was recently told that a younger soul cannot read an older soul,as they don’t have the experience.. I wondered if this was true ?

    • Hi. Not sure if by “read” you mean empathise and understand, or do you mean as in psychic reading. Either way, I think the answer is that their reading is limited to what they themselves can understand, and that determines what they “project” onto others.

      Reading others is a basic human / soul ability, but it changes as we evolve. Even infant souls (the very youngest), who in our society can come across as retarded or psychopathic, can be good at reading signals from others. In this case, though, they are simply figuring out how to behave to get what they want in the immediate present, but not understanding the other in any depth at all.

      Baby souls (stage 2) will judge others’ characters by their actions – they will read another as good or evil, “one of us” or “one of them”, based on their moral conformity or lack of it. But they have no sense of others’ inner worlds, so cannot understand (nor care) WHY someone would want to not conform. They project moral commitments onto others, and so might also fail to understand that an infant soul who happens to commit an act of savagery is simply an innocent being with limited perceptions and choices, not an out-and-out savage “type” bent on evil.

      Young souls (stage 3) understand themselves and others as self-motivated actors. You act the way you do because you have some personal motive or ambition or political agenda which you hope to achieve. So their reading of others is more individualised and street-smart than baby souls’, but it lacks empathy for older souls’ deeper motivations such as existential suffering, or an understanding of higher reasons such as longing for a more peaceful world. So a young soul’s reading of, say, the Dalai Lama, would be about his political motives and tactics, not his existential pain or spiritual vision. Likewise, a young soul might read (project) ambitious personal agendas onto infant and baby souls, when those younger souls are actually more innocent and naive than that.

      Mature souls (stage 4) have a much richer understanding of the inner world we all share. They tend to assume that everyone has their own perfect right to be who they are and do what they do. They perceive that we are all kind of in this together, making it up as we go along, and none of us has the right or best way. So whereas a young soul will assume you have a personal (secret?) agenda, a mature soul will respect that you have personal preferences but might assume that what you REALLY want is for everyone to get along and make the world a better place for all. In this, they can be completely mistaken in their reading of younger souls, who don’t often care so much about the state of the world. A mature soul can, if they get around to thinking about it, completely appreciate other individuals or cultures on their own terms, empathising with their experiences of life and the choices they have made. They respect and welcome others’s differences and diversity, whereas a younger soul would judge those as threats or opportunities. Mature souls’ reading of others is limited, however, by their inexperience at being able to step out of the framework of human dramas and see the bigger picture of life – the wholeness, the perfection, the infinite beauty, the potential for joy. They might fail to appreciate, for example, why old souls can be so weirdly eccentric and not care about important social concerns.

      So finally the old soul (stage 5) has been there and done everything, and therefore, you might think, is best able to read others in their entirety. The problem is, and this applies to all stages above, we all tend to view others as having the same perceptions and choices as are available to ourselves. So for example, an old soul might wonder why a mature soul would stay in a poor relationship [to get it right], when the “obvious” thing as far as they are concerned is to let it go and move on. An old soul might fail to understand why younger souls expend so much energy trying to change the world or make a success of themselves, when the “obvious” thing to do is relax and enjoy the freedom of the moment. An old soul can, if they put their mind to it, develop their understanding of others at these different stages. Those who do, by the way, make the best therapists and gurus.

      So, as a rule, we are best at reading those who are at the same level as ourselves, while with others we tend to automatically project onto them the same perceptions, desires and choices which we experience. For a younger soul to “read” an older soul, they would have to have at least an intellectual understanding of what the view is like from up there (which I as a mature soul, for example, try to have of the old soul perspective). They CAN respect and appreciate that things are different for that other, if they are aware of this reincarnational framework for example, but ultimately they won’t get how or why. And the more likely scenario is, they won’t even notice that the other has a more evolved perspective at all. They will unconsciously “reduce” the other’s mind and choices to their own level.

  21. Im a old soul that’s cool althought I really don’t care. I just posted to get some students. if they choose to listen .

  22. this all makes so much sense to me on such a deep level. it didnt give me any knowledge, only reassurance as to whom i am… i mean such has made sense to me but i already knew of this and it feels very familiar, this knowledge, everything here intrigues me so very much and everything fits in tightly, its just that even though i lay detached from nearly everything, other than my guitar and my girlfrind, or partner, i cannot pursue this because of my age. you may think so but i am actually 14 years of age going unto 15 years of age this coming winter and all the knowledge in my head always make me think about a bigger being and meaning but still as though as if everything means something and has its importance, but not to me, and my mind and body are not the same, and i nearly never talk like this except when theres this feeling inside of me that compells me to speak in such a characteristic matter and i realize, though off on a rabbit trail, people i dont know but i know about them and it feels like i know them in such a way maybe at one time i knew them, and i feel as though i dont fit in with anybody but it doesnt bother me and really.. i feel as though i am a wanderer of this world, until the end of days and it just……… deeply moves me that thought and even though i am physically young, i am wise beyond my years and have a great understanding of everything, but through words i cannot speak of such to others, i am fully capable, but the understanding really comes out in words rather than my voice, and i would very like to discuss to whomever mey help me be able to be a “wanderer of this world, until the end of days”

    • Hi warne, Friend me on Facebook: Eleanor Rose. Do you feel as if something is pulling you towards it, but you cannot yet describe what it is exactly? If you are seeking answers, read The Present at Feel free to message me on facebook too.

  23. i am still not sure about all this , I have dreams just like everyone does,and never thought much about it before,until I opened up to my wife about one dream ,about me seeing a grave full of pink flowers ,no headstone above it was the grave a morther and baby there were lots of people upset standing around ,in a grave yard that I konw off but have not been since the death of my gradad in 2004,it seemed so real I knew where i was standing when all this was happening, my wife has been going to a soul temple for the past 8-9 weeks and told me to stop the dream playing on my mind go and see it was all adream ,we went this week not only was there a grave of a women and child ,there was pink flowers ,no headstone and in the place where my dream had told me .I am unsure what to make from this but needless to say freaket me out

    • Wow, interesting.

      You don’t say when the dream occurred – one possibility is that you were asleep, left your body and “attended” the funeral, though if you only sleep/dream at night i guess that doesn’t really fit. But i have heard that one of the “tasks” we sometimes perform while asleep is leave our bodies and offer assistance to others transitioning between life and death. Did you have any sense of purpose or mission in the dream?

      Another possibility is that your soul had some sort of connection with the deceased, perhaps as soul siblings, which you cannot consciously remember. The death might have been a significant event for your soul. Do you have some emotional after-effect, like grief or longing or fear?

      Or possibly it’s just that some random event leaked psychically into your dream world. I don’t actually know if that ever happens – I’m just thinking about possibilities.

    • Lol. That same ‘worship idol’ thing can be said about Jesus (and I’m coming from a Christian vantage point). I’m 100% sure that those two were actually both on the same wavelength when they were on earth, and it was the practioners of the ‘religions’ that misconstrued their original messages. Both taught the same thing of brotherly love and being ‘in this world, but not of it’.

      btw, Buddha is a title, and the guy that ‘started’ Buddhism was Siddhartha Gautama, or Gautama Buddha. Like saying “Jesus Christ”.

      [ hopefully you’re not an internet troll and I didn’t just waste my time in responding to this… :/ ]

  24. It’s been obvious to me for years that Im a very old soul. My spiritual journey began in 2009 when I turned 19, but I felt sparks of it long before that. If its true about the last stage of the old soul, Im on it. The physical plane is not something to want out of, instead we need to learn how to be in the present moment, the here and now. That is where all souls will find true peace and enlightenment. Enlightenment isnt just for old souls now that the truth can be known by everyone who is ready to know it.

    “Ask and you shall receive (truth).” – Jesus

    Visit and read “The Present” to learn the truth about life and how to become ‘enlightened’. Truth is were we will find fulfillment that endures.

    Eleanor Rose (Find me or Truth Contest on Facebook.)

  25. Hmm I see some of these comments and they make me think: How can anyone be on their very last life cycle when they do not even understand how life works and how to enjoy life in every moment? Hardly anyone knows the truth about how life actually works. The truth is “that which is”. It’s even more rare to know of someone who is truly in the present moment at all times because it is just now that the truth is ready to be seen by the world.

    This is the whole purpose of our human existence to know truth and become truth so if you have not found the truth, you will still be stuck on this earth and possibly go back to the bottom of the totem pole if you neglect the truth once you have found it.

  26. hello barry. i am really considering getting in touch with a michael channel to confirm some information about my essence. i have this nagging feeling inside of me. any suggestions and recommendations about any michael channels you personally know? or are you a michael channel yourself?

    also… i want to confirm one thing about Jesus Christ. You see, i read one pdf file you uploaded in…. something website (i don’t remember clearly). it was channeled messages from michael from i think 1970’s.

    michael said that Jesus died on the cross. but a recent discovery of mine from the person Osho (he was listed as an old soul in this website), said that Jesus never died on the cross but lived a long life in India after his body was stolen by his followers. any comment about this?

    i am just really confuse and curious. 🙂

    • Hi Angel

      You can see a comprehensive list of Michael channels here:

      Based on my own experience, there are some I would recommend and some I would avoid, but I’m not going to say too much in an open forum. The one I have used most is Victoria Marina.

      You might want to check out my post on how different channels “got” Barrack Obama to give you some idea of the level of consistency and discrepancies to expect;

      Hope this helps.

      PS – I have read multiple accounts of the crucifixion, including several purportedly from Jesus himself (Google Jeshua channelings). It is possible that both versions are true, i.e. he died on the cross and he subsequently visited India – according to this site ( he returned toEarth after death in a sort of dense light-body. I honestly don’t know what to believe, but there are many fascinating possibilities. The “Issa” tomb in India is very intriguing.

    • thanks a lot for your reply. i could start from here. i love this website by the way, great source of information.

  27. I believe that everything happens for a reason. That every single person who has visited this website was meant to see it & learn from it in some way. We are all connected in this world, and our paths were meant to be crossed. Since you are reading this, that means I have made a choice. Neither a good choice, nor a bad choice, as there is no such thing. It was just a choice. I made the choice to send you this comment. And every little choice we make in this world adds up to how we evolve & what our future lives will be like. It was my choice to click on this website, and I have learned much from it, as I will with many other sources. But I believe that the most important thing you have taught me is this: WE CHOSE TO ENTER THIS WORLD SO THAT WE COULD MAKE CHOICES.
    And with that, I thank you. This is what I needed to know. It answers any possible question I could have asked. It is no coincidence that I learned this from you at this particular point & time in my life. It was my choice.

    • Stanna, I am absolutely delighted that you have gleaned something so profound. I agree, it is the most essential insight.

  28. I pondered, wondered, and perhaps in the future inquire the true age of my soul. If an older soul… then that would be totally awesome, and hopefully when I complete my work here(hopefully)… enjoy a nice long vacation at “home.” On the same coin if I am a younger soul… then there’s more work to be done!

    To place physical evidence as to determine one’s soul age comes into question… I read somewhere that when the early humans began contemplating their existence… that’s when the human souls long spiritual journey flows outward. This helped shaped the human being as it recognizes itself in a foreign land or respectfully named, “reality.”

    Then again read somewhere that humans have been inseminated from various alien races. The common information is that is out now requires some inquiries, that the human lineage extends back 1.5 million years, in original form. Whatever the truth is, it’s definitely out there.

    I like to think of everything is an experience, and every experience is valuable, and this article and related ones in spirituality allows the mind to freely contemplate these various ideas, and perhaps find a truth, and then achieve inner peace, closure, or more questions.

    Allowing to discuss these topics without getting killed by a nut-ball, getting pelted by a hacky sack, being run over by a flat tire, or laughing out loud after farting in an elevator is so totally beyond true cool.

    Wisdom from others as they are willing to speak from the heart, where the soul generates it’s true nature. This is perhaps how a soul expresses to others from it’s own experience, from their own unique perspective.

    I like the old soul description, if I am in tune with this energy, then my heart is blessed with a long spiritual experience, and maybe not all easy one, like this current incarnation, ha!

    Eh, what do I know…

    Excellent old soul description, thank you!

  29. Greetings Barry –

    I recently discovered the Michael Teachings about 9 months ago and have frequented the website and yours since. The knowledge that is being shared here rang true since the moment I read it, since my subconscious self already knew it. There are many evolved souls that have chosen to come to this planet in this particular time frame to help raise the consciousness level of humanity, which has been lost or suppressed for far too long. You are doing humanity a great service by providing this excellent resource of information and I hope you continue to add more as you evolve within your time here.

    I have a couple of questions:

    – Have you ever studied the reading of auras and how they relate to our particular level of evolution? For instance, those who have a violet aura close to their bodies are typically older souls who are visionaries and have an inner drive to help humanity evolve. A great resource for this type of information can be found at by Pamala Oslie.

    – Are you familiar with the spiritual teacher/psychic Sylvia Browne? I discovered her about 15 years ago and her philosophies completely pushed me into the spiritual awakening I had right after high school. The reason I mention her is because the reincarnation and karma knowledge that she teaches parallels well with the Michael Teachings, including the choosing of our lives and soul evolution. When I read Michael Newton’s books regarding life between lives, it was like discovering Sylvia all over again, ‘knowing’ that what i was reading was the truth that my subconscious has always known (she also teaches about auras).

    Thanks again for your wonderful website and don’t ever lose sight of your vision, we are all so much more powerful than we could ever imagine and we are truly living in a great time of spiritual and conscious awakening. The ‘old’ paradigm of greed, hatred and ignorant thinking is being replaced by the level of consciousness that we are all born with but have lost or forgotten. The souls that are destined to spread the information that you provide will undoubtedly be visiting and sharing what is here.

    ~ Mike from Mentor, OH

    • Hi Mike, and thank you so much for the kind words.

      – Sylvia Browne: Yes, I think I read one of her books a while back (though have you seen the Wikipedia entry about her lately?).

      – Auras: actually, someone else mentioned the same thing recently but didn’t give a link, so thanks for that. I am really interested to learn more, and of course it fits with the Michael Newton discovery about the evolving soul’s light changes.


  30. Hello,

    Can a soul evolve backwards? So eg say something bad has happened to someone and they are filled with fear and anger or even hate which they hadn’t felt before, can they develop back to a younger soul state or are these always breaking points to be overcome to be able to evolve forward to the next soul stage?

    Thank you!

    • I would say “evolving backwards” cannot happen. What does happen is that life continually triggers parts within us that are as yet un-evolved or are hidden away or are in need of healing.

      As you know, we are here to evolve. That means gradually discovering, accepting and expressing who we really are through lived experience. At the same time, a major component of lived experience is fear and how we cope with it. So along the way, as we evolve, we develop fear-based attitudes and habits (such as hating certain kinds of people). If we didn’t, our evolution would have nothing to work on/with. An Infant soul who feels hatred is actually making progress – hatred is more proactive than blind fear.

      This goes on through all our evolution in human form – not until the final levels as an Old soul are we “done” with the lessons of fear and negativity (including hostility to others). So a Mature or Old soul who feels hatred isn’t de-evolving to a younger stage but is finding some part of itself that has been left behind and is now being brought up to the surface.

      We actually plan this stuff to happen before birth. For example, one might have developed a hatred of powerful men through several lifetimes of abuse and not standing up for oneself. Now in this life, as one is more evolved than before, that hatred could be triggered in a specific relationship precisely as an opportunity for it to be dealt with.

      So feeling negativity isn’t a step backwards in evolution. It may instead be an opportunity to revisit an unconscious part of oneself that is ready to “catch up” with one’s true consciousness level.

      If that make sense… 🙂

  31. Hi Barry, I would like to ask what the michael channelers have to say about the “long awaited infinite soul” in this very interesting year. Thanks.

    • Not a lot that I’m aware of. I think this one might explain it:

      “the Infinite Soul was a high probability for manifesting previous to 2000 CE, but as human consciousness shifted and has evolved in a way that does not require “intervention,” the Infinite Soul probabilities have declined drastically. This is Good Work…

      As for 2012, we do not see it as having any more significance than any other year, especially since the calendar calculations are quite “off” in terms of the Mayan Calendar, but it will not be a year without elaborate events, particularly as the self-fulfilling prophecy is in high probability among many expecting (creating) events.”

  32. I’m only 16 years old but i honestly feel like I’m an old man finally realizing what the world is about. In the past year I’ve been meditating and learning about various spiritual topics, I almost connected with my spirit guide at one point, tears filled my eyes, but apparently it was not to be so. I got a nosebleed right after, and apparently that is connected metaphysically. I know I am an old soul, and I think quite old at that. I may also be a king soul to a high degree. My desire in life is not to succeed in business, I would honestly be content with selling crafts on the side of the road in mexico forever. I do have a strong sense of apathy, and am physically and mentally tired of the physical world. I’m not sure why my spirituality has come out at such a young age but I’m very glad, as that gives me more time to learn and live a happier life! I’m just worried that this apathy will make it hard for me to actually earn a living so that I will not starve etc. I know I have much to learn and I know that I will learn. I’m extremely confident in my spirituality, no one can scare me by telling about things like hell and God’s wrath. I do not live to please god if he/she does so exist, Im just answering to the universe and what it has in store for me next. Thanks for posting all of this information, blew me away how much applied directly to my life!

  33. Dear Barry,
    Thank you very much for this series of articles. It really helps me better understand myself and others : why we are the way we are, what our real motivations are, and so on. It is amazing! I definitely want to learn more about Michael’s teachings now! 🙂

  34. I have something very odd going on. I often act as an old soul would, but I find myself slipping from one type of soul to the next constantly. I have these periods where I feel very awakened. The next moment I am consumed entirely with the material world. When I speak of spiritual…… stuff, I say things without thinking about it, things I didn’t know, but then I know they’re true. And I’m learning all the lessons of all lives at once. I’m only 13, but I am told all the time that I could be an old woman the way I speak. Have any of you ever heard of this?

    • Hi Lillian

      It’s possible that you are an old soul – I can’t really tell – but if so, you won’t be fully manifesting your “true age” until you are around 35-40. You see, in each life, no matter what our soul’s level of development, we always start from scratch. We are born into a tiny human body and our mind is equivalent to that of an Infant soul. Over the years, we gradually move up the ladder of consciousness (not in our soul age, but in how we are manifesting in this human body). It takes about four decades for us to completely awaken to our soul’s true consciousness level in each life.

      At the age of 13 I would expect you to be thinking and acting generally like a Young soul (worldly, ambitious, competitive). But if you are already “peaking” every now and then, having wise insights beyond your years, then that’s great, and probably indicates you’re not a Young soul.

      Please bear in mind that there’s nothing wrong with being a Young soul, and there is nothing special about being an Old soul. Also bear in mind that spirituality as such is not necessarily a sign of soul development. There can be keen interest in spirituality at every stage, but the quality of spirituality evolves.



  35. Barry,
    This is all so very interesting… I will be 31 in 2 weeks.. I have been on my journey off and on for many years.. Always knowing I am spiritual, more so than others around me but I also pushed it down to fit in and be apart of those around me… I am unsure of my soul age, when I read old soul it feels like home, yet I also more match mature … I also have been able to see auras of those around me since a child (gifted to me around 7-8 to as a way to ensure my safety around people) I am just now letting that come out to those closest to me, they say well we always wondered what u meant as vibe… It was my code for what I saw in people, I have never been wrong tho I will try to talk myself out of the negative sometimes that I see in people. I guess I am asking where do I go from here? I know I am meant to be a spiritual teacher or resource but I am lacking the courage to move into this 100%. Not that I am scared, just that I am not sure how to go about things. It is very hard to put this all into words. I hope you are able to understand. Thx for any advice you can give me.

    • Hi Kelly

      Sounds to me like you’re doing the right thing – gradually “coming out” to people you can trust, gaining confidence in revealing this aspect of yourself, until you finally get to the point where you feel safe to “go public”.

      I’ve been through a similar thing myself. I always felt I was meant to write meaningful stuff, but until I was about 40 I had no idea what that would be or how I would write it.

      Over the next ten years or thereabouts you will come to manifest your true soul age. This means you will want to drop any less-mature tendencies, recognising that such habits feel false to you now. (It also means dropping any more-mature pretences, settling into your true consciousness rather than wishing/hoping to be a highly advanced old soul. Unless of course you really are a highly advanced old soul…!)

      Also, over the next 10 years or so, your sense of purpose will come more and more into focus. It’s as if the first 3 or 4 decades of our lives are training grounds, preparing us psychologically for what we have really come to do in the second half of life (the life task we set ourselves). This period is a major turning point in many people’s lives, especially if they have been going down an “irrelevant” path before sensing their real purpose. It sounds like you a sensing that your aura reading gift and spiritual sense is your purpose — that may well be it, or there may be something more specific than that. Just follow your heart and allow it to gradually come to you. There is always a combination of deep personal fulfilment and real benefit to others in one’s life purpose.

      You can also meditate on it. I once did a meditation in which I just sat for 45 minutes deeply asking myself “What is my life’s purpose?”, letting my Self speak for itself. What came to me eventually was: “To find something really worth saying to others, and then to say it with exquisite clarity.”

      I hope this helps.


  36. From the reading everything points to me being an old soul. And before even knowing about any of this I have always been told by people close to me that I have an old soul. But the problem is I know I well always want to come back. No matter what stage I am in or have completed. Once a person completes all the stages can they still come back if they want?

    • Well, it would be a bit like going back to your old college after you’ve graduated, and having already taken every class. You would likely do so as a teacher, not as a student.

  37. How can I find out about my past souls, does hypnosis really work? I have an attachment of sorts to the old world, I believe I may have some buried memories and would just love to uncover some of the lives I may have lived, one or two specificly…I can feel some strong personality traits that may be considered complete opposite of each other and would like to uncover where that or who that comes from…..
    Any suggestions?

  38. Im an old soul, but I have the desire to be a navy seal. I understand the karma that I will gain and I really dont want anymore karma. I just dont understand why I have the desire to be in that proffession…

    • My guess – you are probably a Warrior soul type, with a natural love of the action, camaraderie and loyalty that goes with being in conflict, which you may well have experienced many times over in previous lives.

      If you are an old soul… Notable Old Warrior souls are said to include the actors Judi Dench and Robert Redford, actor/director Clint Eastwood, the writer Jack London, and the spiritual teacher G. I. Gurdjieff.

  39. Articles like these always get me teary.

    I’ve been assured of (regrown into?) my soul age for just a few years now, and reminders that there are more ‘like me’ around helps stave off the depression/apathy/loneliness I’ve struggled with lifelong.

    Anyway! For the past few years, I’ve been meditating on the struggles/lessons I’ve encountered in this incarnation. Most of them I’ve been able to identify, but one thing always struck me as an unnecessary hassle for someone of my soul age:

    I was born to late baby/early young souled parents.

    Is this a common choice? I suspect I picked them partly to teach myself a lesson in patience (and help broaden their minds– reincarnation was taboo in our household, and they still cling to religion to cope with their fear of death). I identify perfectly with the old motto, “I’ll do what I do, you’ll do what you do”… which begs the question: Why did I pick a pair of frightened, spiritually naive souls to raise me? They’re hardly appreciative of their child having deviated from their beliefs.

    Sometimes I wonder what I was thinking.

    • Hi Melissa

      I know what you mean 🙂

      One factor is that there are simply more baby/young souls than there are mature/old souls at this time, and the latter group aren’t as likely to have big families, so on a purely statistical basis there is a stronger chance that a soul’s birth parents are going to be younger rather than older.

      As to why you would have specifically chosen those individuals as parents, I can only speculate. I get the impression that they had fixed, conventional beliefs, as might be expected, which you would have had to choose to break away from in order to be true to yourself. That may be the very challenge you set yourself, perhaps having not managed to do so in a previous life.

      It’s also possible that your pursuit of an alternate path has had some subtle effect on your parents, even if just raising their curiosity to look beyond what they take for granted out of fear. So win-win at a soul level.

  40. Hi… I’m sorry I’m sure you get this question a ton, but I just can’t tell which stage or type of soul I am. And I’m incredibly curious about it. I know, since you don’t know me, that you can’t just tell me what I am, but is there any way I could find out easily…? I read the articles but can’t seem to pinpoint it exactly. I’m 15, and I’ve been told I have an old soul, but after reading the article I know I’m not there yet.

  41. I answered as honestly as I possibly could and got the Warrior soul on your quiz. That does sound like how I am in general, I admit. I’m slightly confused though because several of those aspects were like me and I’m sure they weren’t all warrior traits; for example, the first question I answered being creative and having weird and wonderful ideas! Surely we can be mixtures of different types as we have different traits associated with them?

    • Hi skyespitfire

      Yes, you are absolutely right. To keep things simple, I mostly describe the roles as though each of us embodied one and only one type. However, it is more accurate to say that each of us embodies a primary type (role in essence) which is modified by the subtle effect of a secondary type (… and that in turn is affected by an even subtler influence).

      So in addition to our archetypal role or soul type, each of us brings additional archetypal energies into life. This is due to the way we are organised as souls, such that each of us has a unique “team role” (this referred to as “casting” – see … This modifies how our essence operates in life.

      In my case, for example, I am a Scholar. That is, my primary role in the universe is the type that is objective, studious, bookish, dry, etc. However, within my little “team” (soul group) of Scholars, I hold the Sage position, so along with my primary thrust as a Scholar I also bring a Sage-like energy of expressiveness. This means that as a Scholar I like to share my accumulating knowledge with an attention-grabbing sense of wit and wisdom.

      Thus, we can sense more than one role within ourselves, though one will be predominant and the other will be secondary. In your case, skyespitfire, you do strike me as a Warrior-Artisan mix, though I’m not sure which is primary (essence) and which is secondary (casting).

  42. This is fascinating. I’m 43 now and I believe that I can say that I am an old soul. But it’s been such a long and difficult journey to get there. I used to be so shy and never fit it, spent a lot of time loathing myself, had alcohol problems, deep depressions followed by periods of elation…so much angst within myself. I wasn’t in control of my life, willpower was useless. When I look back I can’t believe how much resilence it took me to get there and if it wasn’t for my faith I would never have made it. Or maybe I had a guardian angel to protect me form above
    My question is : in order to get there do old souls necessarily always have to cope with suffering, and if so why ? What’s the point of suffering for an old soul ? Also since the old soul stage is the last soul stage, what’s in store in the next incanation ?

    • Hi LightWarrior

      I think suffering is to the soul what pain is to the body – a signal that something is “wrong” and in need of attention. But I would also add that the nature of suffering, and our attitude to it, are things that change as we evolve (along with the definition of “wrong”).

      A baby soul, for example, could suffer mightily if he/she breaks a religious commandment and then feels tormented with guilt and the fear of eternal damnation, whereas an older soul would be much more blasé about it.

      In contrast, what you call suffering in this life (existential angst?) might sound like meaningless piffle to a much younger soul who has never experienced it.

      I suppose the purpose of suffering is that it is something we bump into to get us to re-evaluate our current perceptions, choices and actions. If a man, for example, were to get so drunk that he hurt his wife and children, he might suffer terrible guilt afterwards, and that suffering would cause him to address and rethink his values — “Wait, why would I prioritise getting drunk over the well-being of my family?”

      For an old soul, the scenarios that cause suffering might be more subtle, but the potential for suffering is always there so long as we are human, as is the potential for physical pain. The attitude to pain, however, can change. Ramana Maharshi experienced the pain of cancer, yet no one described him as suffering from it.

      Not sure what you mean by the last question; can you clarify?


  43. Thanks for your reply. My question was more specific about the inadequacy that an old soul has to deal with the physical reality. From my readings it seems that most old souls have to go through a great deal of suffering before it comes together (take someone like the wonderful Judith Orloff for instance). And like you said it’s difficult to know what soul stage you’re at before reaching the age of 40. I’ve had faith and many spiritual awakenings for the last 21 years but most of the time I had to deal with so many demons or existential angst, I had so many fears. But the real and lasting awakening started 1 or 2 years ago as far as I’m concerned. Why does it usually take that long for an old soul ? As if I needed to earn it…
    The second question was about what happens to an old soul that has decided that the reincarnation cycle is complete and doesn’t want/need another incarnation ? Does it become some sort of a floating soul around the earth ?

  44. This entire article, seriously moves me inside. The day I was born, my family gave me the nickname “Beena” saying “it’s like you been-a here before.” til this day everyone who knows me says I am way before my time and say I have an Old Soul… I am only 20yrs old now. I wouldnt say I have an old soul, but I can seriously grasp the concept and relate to the description of a Mature soul. Ppl say I have a gift, I seem to know words to older songs Ive never heard, Im more so Spiritual – meaning I enjoy identifying with multiple cultures and religions rather than being defined by one. I try to look at life from every perspective and possibility not necessarily defining anything as right or wrong. I accept ppl for who they are, live and let live. Random Elders or those I know will always stop me and say “Are you an Angel?” or “you must be one of God’s Angels” – for no reason… It literally scares me. Anyone who makes eye contact with me, smiles for no reason. random ppl just start talking to me for no reason. Animals are the same way lol. Lately, Ive been focused on my love life… 24/7. Not sure why, because a few years ago, I could have cared less whether I was in a relationship or not. I was only interested in becoming this big time Cardiovascular Surgeon, I wanted to be famous for saving lives, performing difficult but successful surgeries.. but once I started college in Biochemistry, I became very unhappy like everything I thought I wanted, I suddenly stopped caring about everything. Honestly, after being with my boyfriend for 3 yrs now (He is an Old Soul truly by the way), I started looking at the bigger picture of life. Now, I am in search of what path I want to pursue, I am very talented and educated so the possibilities are endless for me. I ponder the true meaning of life and what my purpose here is exactly. Im learning who I am as a person and learning to better accept people as a whole. I dont approve of today’s society and corruptness, I wish I could open everyone’s else tot he Truth, however it is my opinion mixed in with a variety of actual facts about the world. I dont want to change the world, just better it for the sake of mankind. Things would be better and smore simple if everyone just lived and let lived. My boyfriend is what the world considers an “arrogant, selfish, bum..” He has never been materialist – he doesnt have much to his name, all he has is his son, very little money and the clothes on his back plus trash bags to hold the clothes and other small possessions, he has never had a car, or house, nothing. He has been homeless almost his entire life and doesnt mind sleeping on the streets if he has too. He will literally disappear for days, going on his own journeys around the city, doing whatever, whenever and always come home with a story to tell of some enlightenment within himself or how he had to get one of his friends “together” because he had a feeling they were on the wrong path of destruction. But ppl are quick to judge and outcast those they dont understand. He is far from arrogant and selfish – in fact, he is the most intelligent, honest, philosophical and caring person I know. He has guided me through many life lessons, and still has a lot to teach me. When I say, I have never known anyone like him – I mean that with all seriousness. He talks in a way that if you dont listen and pay attention carefully, you will completely misunderstand what he is trying to tell you. I believe he has some insights or visions, because he always “warns” me about events that havent happened, but always end up happening.. whether its days later, or months, or even a year later. He always just knows… His lessons arent always nurturing or soft inn the moment, he is the tough love kind of person sometimes, but it helps, he always says he will make anyone stronger mentally and physically if they come into his life. He literally gets up EVERYDAY and goes to work with no pay for 12+ hrs a day to help a blind man run a simple business, he has his own path in life and he could care less if anyone agrees or approves of his methods and ways of living. He is content with himself and his lifestyle. He says “I am who I am, I have always been me, I change for no one, you either accept me for me, or you go about your life and do you.” And me being a Mature soul, I feel like I’ve found a Diamond in the rough. I accept him as he is and wouldnt want him any other way, because then, he wouldnt be him, he wouldnt be the man I fell in love with. He touches my soul, and says I am the love of his life… that means a lot considering his past. I may be young but it scares me to think “what will I do without him when he passes on?” I have never known one person to be like him, so I know I will never know another to be like him. Once his soul reaches that final level, and completes that journey, my soul will still be here and it brings tears to my eyes everytime because I wonder “will his soul remember me? will we ever meet again?” Our souls might reincarnate on two different ends of the world… We both already feel like we were never supposed to meet, our worlds crossed by some glitch.. I was raised in the proper society, and went to a top notch university. He came from the streets, places where dying at 18yrs old is normal. he is far from proper, but he isnt your typical ghetto. Im a Gemini, he is a Sagittarius. we are so opposite that we are alike and vice versa. He is my Soulmate, if I never knew one… he says he doesnt believe in big fancy weddings, but he doesnt mind being with me Forever and giving me his last name lol. and with that statement he gave me this beautiful, little golden ring with a sweet little flower carved at the top where a diamond would sit if it had been that kind of ring. He isnt big on material things, so when Im nagging about all ive given to him vs. what he has given to me – he always shuts me down by saying “you have given me a lot of STUFF compared to what ive given, thats because I dont have any money and dont care. But you can never say I havent given you anything because you wear that ring on your finger everyday and you carry my heart with you wherever you go. That should be worth more to you than anything in this world.” Old Soul indeed.

    • Thank you so much Mimi. I think it’s pretty certain you two agreed to get together this time – and don’t worry, the soul never forgets.

  45. Ah now I understand my “been there, done that” attitude a bit more and why as a child I started being my parents’ therapist lol. When you are an old soul, there is nothing like running into another old soul, especially one you have known before! So great to feel that immediate “click” and unspoken understanding especially because we so often feel like we aren’t fully understood and can’t deeply connect with most people. It’s difficult to share yourself with someone else when the depth of who you are often feels infinite. You guys know what I mean? Bumping into old soul soulmate has happened to me four times the past year, now that my life is becoming synchronisitc. 🙂 With one of them the recognition was so strong that we actually both acknowledged it, hugged each other, cried, and she said “it is so wonderful to see you again!” One thing I find is true for all old souls – we must live in alignment or we become bitter and sad. Thanks for the article, very insightful.

    • Thank you Hannah, your comment was inspiring. I feel the distance from my human peers… but those I’m positive I have prior special past lives with are totaly unaware. I do find alignment critical but I beleive at this stage it just keeps life a little simpler. thank you

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