Soul Types: The Seven Roles in Essence

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Your soul is your innermost being, your higher self, who you really are. And according to the Michael teachings, your soul will have one of seven distinct ‘vibrations’ or ‘tones’.

The Spectrum of Essence

When we cast light through a prism, it comes out in the form of a spectrum which we perceive as the seven colours of the rainbow. Similarly, when the Source of all being (God, the Tao, the Absolute, whatever you like to call it) casts its consciousness into the relative world, it comes out in the form of individual souls of seven types: The Seven Roles

What are the roles?

The word “role” refers to the fact that we each serve a particular type of function in the great scheme of things. We are all parts of a greater whole—the evolving consciousness of all-that-is.

Think of how every cell in your body is designed to play a specific role or function. And, although there are trillions of cells in the human body, there are only a few different types of cell.

Or think about all the stars in the cosmos. Although their number is so high as to be virtually infinite, scientists classify them all into just seven types, from hottest (type O) to coolest (type M).

Similarly, there are only seven types of soul. Which is to say, there are seven primary ‘roles in essence’ — seven ways in which the One becomes the many.

The names given to the seven soul types in the Michael Teachings are deliberately archetypal — hence somewhat old-fashioned sounding and not necessarily politically correct. The names are:


The names reflect the natural purpose and proclivities of each soul type:

  • Servers are naturally accommodating, caring, nurturing, hospitable, charitable.
  • Artisans are naturally creative, inventive, imaginative, playful, decorative.
  • Warriors are naturally forceful, loyal, protective, determined, steadfast.
  • Scholars are naturally curious, studious, academic, analytical, neutral.
  • Sages are naturally engaging, articulate, charming, entertaining, expressive.
  • Priests are naturally inspirational, uplifting, motivating, energising, visionary.
  • Kings are naturally commanding, assured, powerful, authoritative, decisive.

You are one of these. I am one of these [a Scholar, to be exact]. Everybody is one or another of these. All the 7 billion souls who are currently on the planet, plus all those who are currently are off-planet between lives, can be identified as one of these seven types.

Faces of the 7 soul typesIncidentally, you can often (but not always) tell someone’s soul type from their facial features. I have a separate article on this: The seven soul types: what do they look like?

(Feel free to look at that now, but do come back here to learn a lot more about the nature of the seven types!)

The Proportions of Soul Types

The seven roles make up different proportions of the overall population. In percentage terms:

  • Role-proportions-chartServers = 25%
  • Artisans = 21%
  • Warriors = 18%
  • Scholars = 14%
  • Sages = 11%
  • Priests = 7%
  • Kings = 4%

So, one quarter of the entire population is made up of Servers, while there are fewer Kings than any other type.

To illustrate this, think of a school class with 28 students. According to these figures, those students would probably be made up of the following: — one King, two Priests, three Sages, four Scholars, five Warriors, six Artisans and seven Servers.

Now here are some further explanations about the roles in essence.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

The Nature of the Roles

  • Roles are not assigned to us or imposed on us. They are who we are.
  • There is no hierarchy. All roles are equal in value, and all souls are equally free. A King is in no way “higher up” or “better off” than a Server. The roles are simply seven different ways of being, seven ways of playing the game of life.
  • A person’s soul type has no bearing whatsoever on that person’s station in life. A King soul will live just as many ordinary, hard-working lives as a Server. A Server has just as much opportunity to become a world leader as any King. In fact, the present monarch in the UK is a Server, as is the Dalai Lama and former US President Jimmy Carter.
  • The roles are certainly not be confused with the Hindu caste system. There are similarities in the names used, but this is simply because the caste system is a tragic misrepresentation of the nature of the roles. Ancestral lineage and class heritage are human affairs that have nothing to do with actual soul types.
  • Despite the labels used, no gender is implied. Souls have no gender. They simply choose between one or the other for each life to come. There are preferences, however. Priests, Sages, Artisans and especially Servers generally enjoy being female and often prefer it. Kings, along with Scholars and Warriors, tend to favour being male. (That said, the challenge of being female and the fight for equal rights can be very attractive to a Warrior.)
  • Our soul type is often evident in the first years of life but then becomes masked to some extent by false self or false personality. This consists of cultural programming, ego, persona and so on — the superficial identity we all develop which has nothing to do with who we really are.
  • Usually, it is not until mid-life that much of this false identity is broken through and our true essence comes to express itself more clearly. For example, a female Warrior in her late 30s who has so far been a stay-at-home housewife might suddenly find her true calling as a political activist. A male Artisan who has followed in his father’s footsteps in the armed forces might have a mid-life crisis and decide to become a poet.
  • Whereas our soul type is permanent, everything else can change from one life to the next: race, nationality, religion, gender, social standing, profession. But the essence and consciousness will be consistent. For example, a certain Artisan soul might incarnate as a woodworker in one life, a choirboy in the next, then a housewife, then a wealthy wine merchant, then a child prostitute, then a female shopkeeper … and so on. Throughout all these human lives, however, the Artisan will still be innately creative and inventive, seeking to bring their fresh and original perceptions into being.
  • I am often asked if it is possible to identify with more than one role. In fact, it is almost impossible not to. Here’s why: Casting — your soul’s place in the cosmos (and how it affects your soul type).

Our role in essence is our true nature, the part we each play in the cosmos. And, as the Michael teachings remind us:


Complementary opposites

Another interesting thing about the seven soul types…

Six of the seven soul types actually belong in pairs. Those in a pair share a similar function or specialism in life:

  • Priests and Servers are both inspiration specialists, concerned with the well-being of others, serving the greater good, seeking to improve the quality of life for all.
  • Sages and Artisans are both expression specialists, concerned with bringing ideas to life, giving form or voice to their inner thoughts and feelings, thereby changing others’ perceptions.
  • Kings and Warriors are both action specialists, concerned with turning practical objectives into reality, making things happen, setting goals and moving towards them.

Scholars stand alone as the neutral role, and they are the assimilation specialists, absorbing knowledge from life. Roles in pairs 400 In each of the pairs (action, expression and inspiration), one is “cardinal” and the other is “ordinal. Another way to put this is in terms of yin and yang.

The cardinal of the pair is yang: proactive, expansive, foreground, driven, and with a big-picture focus. The ordinal of the pair is yin, the equal-but-opposite complementary energy to yang: reactive, responsive, background, introspective, and with a detail-level focus.

  • In the action-type roles, the King role is cardinal and the Warrior role is ordinal. To use a simplistic analogy, Kings embark on wars while Warriors fight battles.
  • In the expression-type roles, the Sage role is cardinal and the Artisan role is ordinal. If all the world’s a stage, Sages are the witty and eloquent presenters of the show, while the show itself is crafted by clever and imaginative Artisans.
  • In the inspiration-type roles, the Priest is the cardinal role and the Server is the ordinal role. If inspiration is likened to shepherding, Priests watch over their flock and lead them on to better pastures, while Servers look out for and tend to those in need.

The Scholar role is neither cardinal nor ordinal, but at the intersection of all the pairs. The Scholar is the only neutral type, the role being assimilation — absorbing information from life to create knowledge. At the risk of mixing too many metaphors at once, Scholars would be the ones who chronicle wars, record stage shows, and study sheep!

Positive and Negative

It is important to understand that we can manifest our potential in different ways. In the extremes, each role has a positive pole (+) and a negative pole (–).

  • The positive pole represents the highest, most authentic and positive expession of the soul, the true self, which is a source of love, truth and freedom.
  • The negative pole represents the lowest, most distorted and negative expession of the ego, the false self, which is a source of fear, illusion and malice.

For example, my being a Scholar means that I am the sort of soul whose role in life is to take information from the raw data of reality. Scholar has as its positive pole “knowledge” and as its negative pole “theory”. When acting in my positive pole, I do indeed serve a positive purpose by collecting and offering valid, useful knowledge. But when acting in my negative pole, I tend to get side-tracked by invalid or useless theories of no interest to anyone but me, and then only because my ego gets off on knowing more and more things rather than interacting with real life. You could say that the positive manifestation of a Scholar is being a knowledgeable expert and the negative manifestation is being a tedious know-all (…sigh).

So, the positive pole of any role leads towards true fulfilment of self and is of value to others. The negative pole leads to emptiness, frustration, conflict and alienation. Here they are in full:

Server service (serving the common good) servitude (loss of own power)
Artisan creation (bringing good ideas to life) artifice (ideas used to deceive)
Warrior persuasion (influencing others’ will) coercion (imposing own will)
Scholar knowledge (learning from life) theory (lost in abstractions)
Sage communication (delivering messages) verbosity (stuck on transmission)
Priest motivation (inspiring others to change up) zealotry (overly fanatical)
King mastery (absolute responsibility) tyranny (absolute power)

Relationships and Roles

Interestingly, the different roles do relationhips in subtly different ways.

  • For Warriors and Kings (action type), relationships are a matter of fealty or loyalty.
  • For Sages and Artisans (expression type), relationships are a matter of commitment.
  • For Priests and Servers (inspiration type), relationships are a matter of dedication.
  • For Scholars (assimilation type), relationships are a matter of involvement.

Channels of Input

We process our experiences through one or more channels of perceptual input. The number of channels we possess varies, depending upon our role in essence.

  • Scholars, Kings and Warriors receive information through just one channel. This allows them to focus on what’s what, concentrate on the matter at hand, and think clearly amid chaos.
  • Priests and Servers receive information through two channels. One is tuned to the immediate situation, and the other is tuned to, in the case of Priests, their sense of the “higher good”, and in the case of Servers, a sense of the “common good”. Hence, there is often a moral or ethical overtone to their conversations.
  • Sages process information through three channels, while Artisans have five channels. With Sages, one channel is tuned to the immediate situation, one is managing their “act” or “performance”, and one is monitoring their audience. With Artisans, it is more a case of having multiple “back burners” making creative connections around the immediate situation.

While they are shifting their attention between their multiple channels, Sages and especially Artisans can appear to “tune out” the person they are communicating with. This makes Artisans in particular seem somewhat scattered, at least to non-Artisans. By the same token, those with multiple channels can find it difficult to accept the single-mindedness of Scholars, Kings and Warriors.

Read On

OK, you have the background. Now perhaps you want to know more specifically about each of the seven roles in essence. If you want a quick sense of what they all look like, based on photos of some famous examples in each case, see:

If you want to read a fuller, more-in-depth description of each one (with more photos), click below. Enjoy!


Book: 7 Personality Types

For a great book about the seven soul types, I recommend 7 Personality Types by Elizabeth Puttick PhD (Hay House, 2009).The book discusses the seven roles as seven archetypes. It begins with a questionnaire to help the reader identify their own type. There then follows a chapter on each of the types which includes lots of useful information on how they characteristically operate at home, at work and in relationships. Examples are also given of how the archetype has been portrayed in myth, fiction and film, and each chapter ends with a list of famous real-life examples. See 7 Personality Types at

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271 thoughts on “Soul Types: The Seven Roles in Essence”

    • Yep! lol
      It must explain why I accidentally fell into my job as a tutor – one of the few jobs I’ve had that I can say I truly enjoy and that comes totally naturally to me. Interestingly, to you perhaps, I’m also a psychology student, and I read you were a psychologist? What type of psychology did you practice?
      Do you know what entity etc you belong to? I’m on a mission now to learn to channel so I can figure out the people around me!! I think it will help make a lot of sense out of people’s behaviours and choices, but could also give a bit of guidance to the people I know who are floundering unhappily.

    • My casting was given via Sarah Chambers as:
      * Casting 5
      * Cadence 1
      * Entity 3
      * Cadre 1
      * Greater Cadre 41
      * Pod/Node 804
      So I’m a sage-cast scholar from a warrior-cast entity in a server-cast cadre.

      I was trained as an applied psychologist, mostly doing research work on optimising the usability of new technologies. I’ve also done training in psychotherapy, but at the moment I see myself more as a writer and ‘agony aunt’! My life task is to “acquire knowledge in a spirit of joy and teach it in the guise of play”. Trying to bring more of my sage side into life.

  1. The numbers 4-5-4 refer to the three most significant influences in your casting, in order of influence. In your case, 4-5-4 means that you are 4th cast (or scholar-cast) in your small group (“cadence”), which is the 5th cast (sage-cast) cadence in its own large group (“greater cadence”), and all of you are in the 4th entity of your entity group (“cadre”). In a nutshell, this suggests that you are (1) essentially an Artisan who (2) applies knowledge to your Artisan originality, with (3) a bit of wit and wisdom, and also more generally (4) another twist of scholarly knowledability. It’s like combining tones across different musical scales.

    The 4th internal monad is the mid-life turning point at which we feel the need to shed any false influences and manifest our true essence, including soul age. As we do so, we also begin to work on our planned life task. Our life task is a sort of “self-challenge” we set ourselves before birth to achieve in this life. Doing it enables our essence type, soul age and level to shine. The life task dominates much of the second half of life.

    Your life task will be consistent with your goal – with growth, probably using the wisdom of your experience.

  2. The chief feature is strongly felt at times of change and uncertainty – it thrives on the anxiety caused. Impatience specifically fears missing out on any and every possible future reward or fulfilment because life is too short to do everything. So whenever it senses delay or frustration it will try to resist or take a swipe at the present.

    The more you can drop the idea of “doing everything” in this life, be mindful of the present and make peace with it, the better.

  3. Hello Barry, I really enjoy reading the articles that you have created and am looking forward to reading the newer articles that you are going to post on this website. Barry I have a question on my soul type for I have been reading article after article, re-reading the descriptions of the soul type in the book that was recommended on this website and I am still not a hundred percent sure what my secondary soul type is. I have taken the online quizzes multiple times and I received Scholar, King, and Warrior. I know I am a scholar for I have to everyday learn a new piece of information in order for me to be contempt, and I find intellectual stimulation satisfying. But I am having trouble figuring out my second soul type, or perhaps the Scholar soul type is my secondary role. I noticed that on my good days when I am contempt, I am ambtious, determined, stressed out, wanting learn more about life, i tend to think, sometimes deeply in a philosophical way, stoic, and feel powerful. There are times when I feel as if I’m too big for the room that I am in, similar “to a bull in a China shop” (7 Soul Types In Essence), and I sometimes literally try to make myself smaller. I am also responsible for all my actions, I blame my self only for all the mistakes I have made, which I noticed allows me to take control of my life and destiny and makes me feel powerful. Sometimes I noticed that on my bad days I tend to blame everybody else for my mistakes and not take responsibility, and I become weak, which makes me believe that I may be a server, except I wouldn’t be contempt being a server for I would hate to be a server. I can be very strong willed, determined to get my way. I’ve been called Stubborn, Bull Headed, Rebellious, Sensitive, I have even received the phrase “My Way Or the Highway.” I’ve been like this since I was little. but calmer then most Strong-Willed children for I am a Scholar and introverted. My older brother and mom can all be pretty strong- willed as well. I am 5’10”, weigh in at 215lbs and am muscular but fat at the same time. I’ve been working out for about 4 years now. Facility I do not have the forehead of a scholar but I do believe I have the angular face of the king and warrior. I do tend to have a very broad jaw and a big head in general. Thank you very much for reading this, if you’re still reading haha, and I hope to hear from you soon.

  4. Hello Barry thank you very much for reading my post and responding. I do not have a Facebook account that I currently use because I have not used Facebook since I was a little kid. I do have other social media accounts but I do not have any pictures on them. I would prefer out if I did not have to upload a picture since I am uncomfortable knowing that a stranger is looking at a picture of me online, but if I have to upload a picture to determine my soul type, then I might take that action since I am dying to know what my soul type is. But I would prefer it if I didn’t have to. I will add more details to the physical characteristics of me. I have a black, chin strapped beard, a thin, black mustache, medium hair that comes across my forehead diagonally, a slight, long, Romanian nose, small eyes. I am Mexican and Lebanese, but I do not carry indigenous blood in me. Thank you Barry for responding and if you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask. I have another question. Do you ever get tired of responding to all of this comments? Because to me that seems as if it could be a drag sometimes, having to respond to all of these comments. Anyways thanks Barry and I hope to hear from you soon. Im sorry I took long to respond but for some reason I do not receive notifications to my email from this website.

    • Sorry Omar but I can’t really do much with a verbal self-description of your appearance. Why not get a reading from a channel?

  5. I took your little “quiz”. Didn’t get an answer to my soul type, but the last question DID direct me to some lame adds for online survey taking. Nice to be used and manipulated as a marketing tool. Jackass!

    • Actually I just took the test myself and it worked fine. I think what happened was you must have answered the fake question at the end about answering surveys which is actually just a devious ad inserted by the website – nothing to do with me, but very frustrating.

      Incidentally, out of 88,000+ who have done the test so far, you are the first I know of to have had this ‘problem’.

  6. Hi Barry, just a question about a possible typo: in this page, you mention Sarah Chambers channelled you as belonging to the warrior entity, but on this page:, a profile, which I believe is yours, states the entity is 5, which corresponds to a sage entity? Furthermore, not entirely sure what the significance of cadre and greater cadre are?

    Thanks in advance for your help. Regards, Alex.

    • Hi, good catch. I just added the profile on that page from memory without paying too much attention to detail as it was mainly for illustrative purposes, but yes, my Entity is 3rd cast or Warrior cast.

      Cadre and Greater Cadre: it’s more casting, at a higher level. Starting from the top, you have a pool or ‘pod’ of souls being birthed as massive ‘energy rings’; these decompose into 12 ‘cadres’, each of which consists of 7 ‘entities’, each of which consists of about 1,000 ‘fragments’ (souls). Or, starting from the bottom, each fragment is one of a ‘cadence’ or little group of 7 fragments; each cadence is one of a group of 7 cadences, known as a block or ‘greater cadence’, containing 49 fragments; there are 21 blocks per entity, 7 entities per Cadre, 12 cadres per Greater Cadre or energy ring…

      I’m not sure of any great significance in our day-to-day lives, but these higher levels of casting affect our overall thrust over many lifetimes. Each cadre has a specific agenda, within which each entity plays a particular role. Michael is an entity within the same cadre as Seth, for example; they are both focused on teaching concepts through human channelling but with a different emphasis. Another entity in the same cadre is focused on inspirational science and science fiction!

  7. I don’t know, I have a hard time believing that our soul type is permanent, like he says. It just conflicts with not only with so much of what other initiatives and psychics are saying, not to mention that it doesn’t line up with my personal experience, and also what information I’ve received from my spirit guides.

    For example, take Pam Oslie, the famed psychic and author of Life Colors. Pam is really into teaching people about their “core aura” or “life color” aka the aura color that is closest to your body that defines your personality and your life mission. But life colors change from life time to life time. Just from what I’ve read here, I’m sensing that each “soul type” lines up pretty closely with a “life color”, to the point that they are just using different language to describe the same thing.

    Am I missing something here? Can anyone explain how life colors can change from life time to life time with the soul type staying the same? Thanks.

    • I believe the psychics are perceiving the individual’s “overleaves“, the personality elements which the soul chooses for a given lifetime. These overlay the soul’s core energy, which is at a much deeper level. One of the overleaves is the goal, the soul’s personality-level agenda for the current lifetime, which sounds more like a “life color”. As far as I know, the essence-role energy is too subtle to be “visible” in the human etheric aura.

    • Thanks Barry for your commentary. It’s a bit over my head though! I’ve been studying auras and chakras for a while, but this “soul type” thing is new to me, so I will have to ponder on what you said and see if I can make sense of it. 🙂 Maybe could you give an example of what you mean, like an example of someone who’s life color is known, as well as their soul type and how those two play out in their life time? Maybe that will help me to understand what you saying better. Thanks!

    • In Pam Oslie’s book “Life Colors” she says that when you combine all the color you get a perfect white light, as known as God. That’s why, in my opinion, the world needs people from every part of the aura spectrum in order for the world to function and be perfected.

      (The rest of what I have to say is my opinion, based on the books I’ve read and also just my life experiences and intuition.)

      It is tempting to think that those who are on the violet end of spectrum are “better” than those on the “less evolved” end of the spectrum. This is a dangerous way of thinking. Why? Because as great and visionary as violets are, they can become terribly underground and get “swept away” in violet energy. Like a kite with no string, it will soar, then it will crash mightily. That’s why we need those with auras like reds, tans, greens (“physical” and “mental life colors”), etc. to keep the violet energy (an “emotional life color”) grounded. The violets will move the earth’s consciousness forward incrementally, but if left to their own devices, without the “physical life colors” and “mental life colors” to ground and balance their efforts with reason, it’s chaos.

      I say all this to reiterate, one color is not better than another. You need all of them not only in the world, but also in yourself to be perfected.

      I’d be interested to others thoughts on this. Agree/disagree? Thanks!

  8. Dear,
    I would like to know when the essences with their roles are formed….
    >are the essences formed in a particular order?;
    >do they have any connection with the chakras ( referring to the eastern knowledge of the chakras) like every essence resembles a particular chakara;
    >and does every essence also have color or color frequency.. like from the seven colors of a rainbow…
    just some questions i have been thinking of…
    it would be great to receive information as you would have.
    I thank you very much !!

  9. Hey Barry! i just wandered upon this website this morning and have spent all day reading! I’m ecstatic! Thank you so much for this, I wish I could talk to you personally, you definitely seem like the kind of person who wants to know and I’m definitely the kind of person who wants to teach (a priest) but could use a little of your own wisdom as I’m only 21. Find me on fb: athenamkal 🙂

  10. I am a King soul type. I wouldn’t have thought that of myself in the past because of how I acted in the school setting. I acted quiet, reserved, and not very commanding at all. But then I remembered that was not my true essence. I don’t know why I behaved that way in school and public settings.

    With my younger sister however, I treated her like my minion when I was young and immature. I ordered her to do things for me and used force if I had to. When I played online games I found myself constantly being in leadership positions. Like making my own clans, etc. Also I always had a desire since I was a child to create my own “club” or organization. One where I was in charge.

    Naturally I am now going towards building my own business.

    • Hi. Our childhood is often defined by circumstances (which we have pre-planned); it can take us a few decades to feel into our true nature and manifest our role in essence. One of my best friends is a king who seemingly didn’t act like it in his childhood – he was victimised by a parent. Now he is obviously a king, and as a very self-aware 6th-level mature king he tends to be more in mastery (the positive pole) than in tyranny (the negative pole).

  11. Hi Barry,

    I recently had my Michael Teachings chart done for the first time, and the channeler worked from photographs that I provided (not done in person), as well as with my full name and birth information. I was quite shocked with the results:

    Role: Priest
    Casting: Priest
    Essence Twin: Sage
    Goal: Acceptance
    Mode: Observation
    Needs: Acceptance, Exchange, Expression
    Center/Part: Intellectual/Emotional
    Chief Feature: Martyrdom
    Body type: Mercurial/Saturnian

    The only things listed above that I remotely agree with are the Mode, Needs, and Center/Part. I feel that everything else is incorrect.

    I always felt that I am an Artisan. I don’t feel that it is my mission is to “save the world”, but instead am much more comfortable with working “behind the scenes” in a creative perspective, so to speak (I am a graphic designer). I enjoy making things beautiful but do not want to be out in the front presenting those beautiful things. I have shown a strong artistic talent since I was very young (around the age of 3), so I believe I was probably an artist in one or more previous lives, although I do realize that current or past life professions don’t necessarily describe one’s role. I do like helping people, but I don’t always have the motivation to do so. I typically like helping people only when I am feeling comfortable or am in the right frame of mind; otherwise, I’m happier being left alone and away from others. I often prefer the company of my cats more so than people. When I am tired or stressed, I am usually withdrawn and will not talk to anyone until I feel I am good and ready; although when the mood strikes me, I do enjoy socializing with a few friends. I also know that I am very easily distracted, so the 5 external channels that artisans connect with seem to make perfect sense to me. In addition, the goal of Contentment or Flow resonates much more strongly with me, and self-deprecation seems to fit better as a Chief Feature (I am strongly critical of myself and have a tendency to put myself down).

    I always thought the following was a better description of me:

    Role: Artisan
    Casting: Scholar
    Essence Twin: (not sure)
    Goal: Contentment or Flow
    Mode: Observation
    Needs: (not sure what this means exactly)
    Center/Part: Intellectual/Emotional
    Chief Feature: Self Deprecation
    Body Type: Lunar

    Is it possible that a channeled chart could be off that much? The Priest role just does not feel right with me, as well as the others I had mentioned, so I was rather stunned. I suppose it’s true that photographs can often be misleading, and it would probably be best to seek a channeler with whom I could meet in person. Just wanted to know your thoughts. (Sorry for the long post).

    Thanks so much,

    • Hi Kay

      Yes, it is possible fora channel to be off that much. The very first reading I had was also by a channel who worked from a photograph. I came out as an Old Priest, and I immediately knew that couldn’t be right. I then found a more reputable channel and came out as a Mature Scholar, which I immediately knew to be correct. I have since validated all the other elements of that reading (except the higher levels of casting, the influences of which are still too subtle for me to sense).

      I once tried out a new (to me) channel to get a reading for my son. I knew that my son just HAD to be an Artisan-cast Scholar, either Old or Mature, and with stubbornness, but this channel had him as a Warrior with arrogance — SO not him! Since then, I asked another channel (more well known to me) for my son’s reading, and he came out as an Old Scholar, Artisan-cast, with stubbornness. Bingo.

      The (good) material channelled from Michael has, from day 1, ALWAYS emphasised the concept of self-validation, deciding from our own inner experience if what we are told feels right or rings true, and not to trust a single word that doesn’t ring true, even if it’s from a reputable channel. If readings are treated as ‘gospel’ and not subjected to scrutiny, then Michael has literally failed to teach what they are attempting to teach, which is to develop self-understanding through self-examination.


    • Hi Barry,

      Thank you…I feel so much better after reading your reply! I agree that researching and self-validation is probably the best way to go; but I had always wanted to have a channeling done and this was being offered at a discounted price, so I decided to give it a try. However the Priest role and casting just seemed to be incorrect, as I don’t feel I have any of the Priest’s qualities within me. The Artisan’s essence just speaks to me so much more strongly. That said, I would still like to have another channeling done at some point in the future so I may consider one of the people you recommended.

      By the way, although I sometimes peruse other Michaels Teachings websites, I find myself coming back to yours the over and over again. There is just something about your page that I find not only to be very interesting and informative, but also very comforting. You have a unique gift of being able to communicate in both a creative and a calming way (must be your Sage casting mixed with your Scholar role 🙂 ). You have a way of explaining things that just seem to make more sense to me.

      Many thanks,


  12. I’m having a very hard time figuring out where I fit in these roles. I’ve read and thought about them, and have also tried filling the questionnaire to no avail. I’d love a bit of help in trying to figure it out.

    When I was a little kid, I was a bit of a bully, telling others what to do (but learned fairly early on to not channel my energy in that way. I stood up to opposition and abuse, including against my own family, since I was very young, whenever I believed to be on the side of truth. I easily impose my will on others, if I’m not careful, which is something I’ve fought most of my life to resist. I just naturally fit into the role of planning and telling others what to do (despite not being a fan of it). As a kid I happily told my parents that, as a matter of fact, I would one day run my own company- a detail I then proceeded to forget about, only to be told later in life.
    Nowadays I’m the literal boss of a business I started up from scratch. These seem like qualities belonging to a king archetype, according to this article.

    However, as far as I can remember I’ve also been the creative type; thinking up ideas, coming up with innovative solutions- finding different ways of looking at the same information and coming up with creative results for whatever problems there may be. I’ve very likely been drawing since the first time I held a pencil on my hand. As a kid a friend and I would create moving motorized robotic parts for fun. My starting profession was as an artist. I’m the family creative, painting, playing instruments, solving puzzles, fixing issues and writing songs. My business is a fairly known game company for mobile.
    Now, these seem like the qualities of an artisan, perhaps.

    Finally, for as long as I can remember I’ve also had a fascination with knowledge. I can be the know it all – a sure downside- and friends and family come to me for answers. I spend hours, daily, researching, reading, learning, pondering. If, at the end of a work day, I have to choose between more sleep and thinking, I will be sleep deprived (here I am, seeking answers at nearly 4:00 am).
    If I’m not being the boss, and I’m not creating as the artist, I am thinking, philosophizing and acquiring knowledge. This is where all my free time goes.
    Some times in the past, I’ve pondered the question of what I’d like to do if I had an infinite life span, and though I am sure I would alternate between all three archetypes from time to time, one of the more compelling answers I got was that I would love to be an observer. To watch the universe change and evolve- to study it over eons, would interest me deeply- yet, I just know that would soon not be enough. I would not feel natural without also directing or creating. All of these “qualities” have been with me since I was a baby, according to my family.

    So then, I find that I really don’t seem to fit neatly into one, or even two of these roles. According to the article I seem to be cleanly split between king, scholar and artisan, and I feel rather silly for thinking that could be so.
    I’d love to know if you have an explanation, thoughts, or some way you suggest I could look at this differently, to search within for elucidation on the matter.
    I’m aware that anytime there are generalizations and classifications there will be some exceptions… but my self seems so incongruous with your primary archetypal theory that I am left wondering whether 1- I have completely missed an important point, or 2- the idea could possibly use a few tweaks.
    It’s also worth noting I asked my significant other to fill out the questionnaire for me, and not only could she not find any obvious answers for the questions, but when pressed to do so came up with answers equivalent with different roles for each- which prompted a validating conversation, and confirmation, about my view on the matter.

    Your reply is deeply appreciated.

    • HI Leonardo,

      “These seem like qualities belonging to a king archetype, according to this article.”

      Not necessarily. Warriors can also be childhood bullies, as can anyone with a goal of Dominance. Also, any type with a goal of Dominance can readily set up and run their own business.

      “Now, these seem like the qualities of an artisan, perhaps.”

      Yes, that seems like a good possibility. Equally possible is Artisan-casting. (More on this below)

      Another possibility is that you’ve spent a series of lifetimes focusing on developing creativity despite not being an Artisan. Many classical composers, for example, are Scholars.

      “If I’m not being the boss, and I’m not creating as the artist, I am thinking, philosophizing and acquiring knowledge. This is where all my free time goes.”

      That does also sound like a Scholar talking.

      Well, you are doing exactly the right thing, which is to absorb the information and then think long and hard about yourself and how the two inter-relate, rather than leaping to conclusions. This entire teaching is a tool to prompt self-awareness and self-validation, though some do treat it more like one of those 1-minute Facebook quizzes (“Which Shrek character are you?”) The fact that you are confused tells me that you are taking it seriously.

      All sorts of things can get in the way of a clear assessment of oneself. One is wishful thinking (almost everybody wants to be an Old King on first reading).

      Another is childhood imprinting, whereby we become identified with our early familial and cultural patterns without questioning them or separating ourselves out from them. If you were raised by Servers in a Server-heavy community, for example, you might act much like a Server yourself until you leave home, make your own way in the world as an adult, and then start asking yourself “who am I really?” in your 30s.

      Even when we can see ourselves clearly, there are subtle differences between one’s Role (soul type) and Casting (position in soul group).

      Both an Artisan-cast King role and a King-cast Artisan role might show a combination of natural creative and leadership qualities. The difference is that the role – when we are in alignment with it – is what turns us on and, in the positive pole, leads to true fulfilment; it’s our ideal way of being. The casting is more like a default way of interrelating; it facilities the expression of our role-nature to others. So an Artisan-cast King (example: Richard Branson?) would be completely at home when in masterful command of their life, but would express that mastery to others in a creative manner. Alternatively, a King-Cast Artisan (example: Miles Davis) would be completely at home when playing with creative ideas, but will express those ideas in a high-impact commanding or masterful manner.

      It can be tricky distinguishing between essence role, casting and personality trait. The Michael Handbook that says that if you can’t figure out someone’s role, s/he is probably an Artisan, because Artisans are so chameleon-like (and can also be self-deceived). This has certainly been my experience here.

      Hope this helps, but feel free to get back.

  13. Hi Barry, Can there be an answer for some one having a miserably lousy career / work for several years, despite being a very bright kid and having a good educational background ?? I have been going through this struggle for the last 9-10 years, and have tried to find answers everywhere , but have failed to . Is it that one definitely can’t go far from their destiny – come heaven ,hell or high water (i.e, what the soul has chosen to do in the lifetime) ?? I have lost jobs several times and have been unsuccessful in landing something good for the last 9-10 years. Why is it that I have to go through this? May be is it because I had treated people or fellow colleagues horrendously in my previous lifetimes. Or is it a sign of the fact that I am an old soul – who is just fighting to come to terms with ways of the world (having led revolutionary lives in my past lives). Or is it that I am a hard core scholar (or may be a server) this life time and because of which , I am so unsuccessful at job and business affairs ?? At times, I just feel like I am helpless and want to cry !!!
    Can people like MJ (Michael Jackson) be born in their next lives as extremely lousy and unsuccessful individuals , being totally unhappy with their lives ??? Are there example for this ? Vijay.

  14. As a warrior, I can guarantee you that your assumption that warriors are not likely to be taking online quizzes about their soul type is accurate. I would rather be waterboarded.

  15. Hello! My name is Paula. I am not sure about my role and I saw you could tell somebody from looking at their profile pictures in facebook. Can you look at mine please?

  16. Do you have some references about this article? Such as a web link, manuscript, book or anything that I can really read every the main idea of creator’s 7 roles theory.

    I really need it. Thank you.

  17. I would really like to know what it means if you possess all soul types simultaneously. I am at the later end of possibly my final reincarnation unless I come back as a teacher etc. I am only 33, I am just now doing the major research into all forms of spirituality and believe that I have ascended as I can see what cannot be seen by many others. It is both frightening at times and powerful but I no longer fear it. If a God Soul exists, with respect to other Gods I believe I may obtain it in my life time. I have managed to use multi personality “disorder” to my advantage and believe I have all of these souls stored within me to some degree to which I am yet to be fully aware. I am still on my journey but if anyone can point me in the right direction or give me any insight into this I would certainly love to hear about it for my personal comfort. One Love.

  18. hi barry
    been to this site many a times trying to figure out which soul group o belong to.the quizzes show that i am a scholar.but i dont read or soak information all the time.i like to introspect on life.i am very spiritual but not so much religious.idont have the drive to compete or to have an illustrated career.i like simple peaceful life with harmonious people around and goodness surrounding me.i know it sounds like a fantasy.anyway…i dont think i am an artist as i dont express my feelings in any art form.i fail to capture the vividness of my imagination amd feeling.i hate speaking in public.mostly my life is centred towards enriching and upliftng my self.can you help me find my soul type

  19. What soul type would John lennon and Jesus have belonged to? Also the many good rebels that stand for the truth and hate the illusion of fake truths.

  20. Hi Berry and others,

    Hope you are well and are in good spirits. I commented asking about myself in 2016 , and realised I never said thank you once I received and answer , I merely asked another question. So thank you for answering me originally. You pointed out that I was an artisan and I did go on to design engineering etc – I guess rather artistic so you were right. I’m into on a spiritual path at this point so it sounds like I have matured.

    Kind Regards and Thank you for helping figure out things .


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