Soul Types: The Seven Roles in Essence

7-roles (300)

Your soul is your innermost being, your higher self, who you really are. And according to the Michael teachings, your soul will have one of seven distinct ‘vibrations’ or ‘tones’.

The Spectrum of Essence

When we cast light through a prism, it comes out in the form of a spectrum which we perceive as the seven colours of the rainbow. Similarly, when the Source of all being (God, the Tao, the Absolute, whatever you like to call it) casts its consciousness into the relative world, it comes out in the form of individual souls of seven types: The Seven Roles

What are the roles?

The word “role” refers to the fact that we each serve a particular type of function in the great scheme of things. We are all parts of a greater whole—the evolving consciousness of all-that-is.

Think of how every cell in your body is designed to play a specific role or function. And, although there are trillions of cells in the human body, there are only a few different types of cell.

Or think about all the stars in the cosmos. Although their number is so high as to be virtually infinite, scientists classify them all into just seven types, from hottest (type O) to coolest (type M).

Similarly, there are only seven types of soul. Which is to say, there are seven primary ‘roles in essence’ — seven ways in which the One becomes the many.

The names given to the seven soul types in the Michael Teachings are deliberately archetypal — hence somewhat old-fashioned sounding and not necessarily politically correct. The names are:


The names reflect the natural purpose and proclivities of each soul type:

  • Servers are naturally accommodating, caring, nurturing, hospitable, charitable.
  • Artisans are naturally creative, inventive, imaginative, playful, decorative.
  • Warriors are naturally forceful, loyal, protective, determined, steadfast.
  • Scholars are naturally curious, studious, academic, analytical, neutral.
  • Sages are naturally engaging, articulate, charming, entertaining, expressive.
  • Priests are naturally inspirational, uplifting, motivating, energising, visionary.
  • Kings are naturally commanding, assured, powerful, authoritative, decisive.

You are one of these. I am one of these [a Scholar, to be exact]. Everybody is one or another of these. All the 7 billion souls who are currently on the planet, plus all those who are currently are off-planet between lives, can be identified as one of these seven types.

Faces of the 7 soul typesIncidentally, you can often (but not always) tell someone’s soul type from their facial features. I have a separate article on this: The seven soul types: what do they look like?

(Feel free to look at that now, but do come back here to learn a lot more about the nature of the seven types!)

The Proportions of Soul Types

The seven roles make up different proportions of the overall population. In percentage terms:

  • Role-proportions-chartServers = 25%
  • Artisans = 21%
  • Warriors = 18%
  • Scholars = 14%
  • Sages = 11%
  • Priests = 7%
  • Kings = 4%

So, one quarter of the entire population is made up of Servers, while there are fewer Kings than any other type.

To illustrate this, think of a school class with 28 students. According to these figures, those students would probably be made up of the following: — one King, two Priests, three Sages, four Scholars, five Warriors, six Artisans and seven Servers.

Now here are some further explanations about the roles in essence.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

The Nature of the Roles

  • Roles are not assigned to us or imposed on us. They are who we are.
  • There is no hierarchy. All roles are equal in value, and all souls are equally free. A King is in no way “higher up” or “better off” than a Server. The roles are simply seven different ways of being, seven ways of playing the game of life.
  • A person’s soul type has no bearing whatsoever on that person’s station in life. A King soul will live just as many ordinary, hard-working lives as a Server. A Server has just as much opportunity to become a world leader as any King. In fact, the present monarch in the UK is a Server, as is the Dalai Lama and former US President Jimmy Carter.
  • The roles are certainly not be confused with the Hindu caste system. There are similarities in the names used, but this is simply because the caste system is a tragic misrepresentation of the nature of the roles. Ancestral lineage and class heritage are human affairs that have nothing to do with actual soul types.
  • Despite the labels used, no gender is implied. Souls have no gender. They simply choose between one or the other for each life to come. There are preferences, however. Priests, Sages, Artisans and especially Servers generally enjoy being female and often prefer it. Kings, along with Scholars and Warriors, tend to favour being male. (That said, the challenge of being female and the fight for equal rights can be very attractive to a Warrior.)
  • Our soul type is often evident in the first years of life but then becomes masked to some extent by false self or false personality. This consists of cultural programming, ego, persona and so on — the superficial identity we all develop which has nothing to do with who we really are.
  • Usually, it is not until mid-life that much of this false identity is broken through and our true essence comes to express itself more clearly. For example, a female Warrior in her late 30s who has so far been a stay-at-home housewife might suddenly find her true calling as a political activist. A male Artisan who has followed in his father’s footsteps in the armed forces might have a mid-life crisis and decide to become a poet.
  • Whereas our soul type is permanent, everything else can change from one life to the next: race, nationality, religion, gender, social standing, profession. But the essence and consciousness will be consistent. For example, a certain Artisan soul might incarnate as a woodworker in one life, a choirboy in the next, then a housewife, then a wealthy wine merchant, then a child prostitute, then a female shopkeeper … and so on. Throughout all these human lives, however, the Artisan will still be innately creative and inventive, seeking to bring their fresh and original perceptions into being.
  • I am often asked if it is possible to identify with more than one role. In fact, it is almost impossible not to. Here’s why: Casting — your soul’s place in the cosmos (and how it affects your soul type).

Our role in essence is our true nature, the part we each play in the cosmos. And, as the Michael teachings remind us:


Complementary opposites

Another interesting thing about the seven soul types…

Six of the seven soul types actually belong in pairs. Those in a pair share a similar function or specialism in life:

  • Priests and Servers are both inspiration specialists, concerned with the well-being of others, serving the greater good, seeking to improve the quality of life for all.
  • Sages and Artisans are both expression specialists, concerned with bringing ideas to life, giving form or voice to their inner thoughts and feelings, thereby changing others’ perceptions.
  • Kings and Warriors are both action specialists, concerned with turning practical objectives into reality, making things happen, setting goals and moving towards them.

Scholars stand alone as the neutral role, and they are the assimilation specialists, absorbing knowledge from life. Roles in pairs 400 In each of the pairs (action, expression and inspiration), one is “cardinal” and the other is “ordinal. Another way to put this is in terms of yin and yang.

The cardinal of the pair is yang: proactive, expansive, foreground, driven, and with a big-picture focus. The ordinal of the pair is yin, the equal-but-opposite complementary energy to yang: reactive, responsive, background, introspective, and with a detail-level focus.

  • In the action-type roles, the King role is cardinal and the Warrior role is ordinal. To use a simplistic analogy, Kings embark on wars while Warriors fight battles.
  • In the expression-type roles, the Sage role is cardinal and the Artisan role is ordinal. If all the world’s a stage, Sages are the witty and eloquent presenters of the show, while the show itself is crafted by clever and imaginative Artisans.
  • In the inspiration-type roles, the Priest is the cardinal role and the Server is the ordinal role. If inspiration is likened to shepherding, Priests watch over their flock and lead them on to better pastures, while Servers look out for and tend to those in need.

The Scholar role is neither cardinal nor ordinal, but at the intersection of all the pairs. The Scholar is the only neutral type, the role being assimilation — absorbing information from life to create knowledge. At the risk of mixing too many metaphors at once, Scholars would be the ones who chronicle wars, record stage shows, and study sheep!

Positive and Negative

It is important to understand that we can manifest our potential in different ways. In the extremes, each role has a positive pole (+) and a negative pole (–).

  • The positive pole represents the highest, most authentic and positive expession of the soul, the true self, which is a source of love, truth and freedom.
  • The negative pole represents the lowest, most distorted and negative expession of the ego, the false self, which is a source of fear, illusion and malice.

For example, my being a Scholar means that I am the sort of soul whose role in life is to take information from the raw data of reality. Scholar has as its positive pole “knowledge” and as its negative pole “theory”. When acting in my positive pole, I do indeed serve a positive purpose by collecting and offering valid, useful knowledge. But when acting in my negative pole, I tend to get side-tracked by invalid or useless theories of no interest to anyone but me, and then only because my ego gets off on knowing more and more things rather than interacting with real life. You could say that the positive manifestation of a Scholar is being a knowledgeable expert and the negative manifestation is being a tedious know-all (…sigh).

So, the positive pole of any role leads towards true fulfilment of self and is of value to others. The negative pole leads to emptiness, frustration, conflict and alienation. Here they are in full:

Server service (serving the common good) servitude (loss of own power)
Artisan creation (bringing good ideas to life) artifice (ideas used to deceive)
Warrior persuasion (influencing others’ will) coercion (imposing own will)
Scholar knowledge (learning from life) theory (lost in abstractions)
Sage communication (delivering messages) verbosity (stuck on transmission)
Priest motivation (inspiring others to change up) zealotry (overly fanatical)
King mastery (absolute responsibility) tyranny (absolute power)

Relationships and Roles

Interestingly, the different roles do relationhips in subtly different ways.

  • For Warriors and Kings (action type), relationships are a matter of fealty or loyalty.
  • For Sages and Artisans (expression type), relationships are a matter of commitment.
  • For Priests and Servers (inspiration type), relationships are a matter of dedication.
  • For Scholars (assimilation type), relationships are a matter of involvement.

Channels of Input

We process our experiences through one or more channels of perceptual input. The number of channels we possess varies, depending upon our role in essence.

  • Scholars, Kings and Warriors receive information through just one channel. This allows them to focus on what’s what, concentrate on the matter at hand, and think clearly amid chaos.
  • Priests and Servers receive information through two channels. One is tuned to the immediate situation, and the other is tuned to, in the case of Priests, their sense of the “higher good”, and in the case of Servers, a sense of the “common good”. Hence, there is often a moral or ethical overtone to their conversations.
  • Sages process information through three channels, while Artisans have five channels. With Sages, one channel is tuned to the immediate situation, one is managing their “act” or “performance”, and one is monitoring their audience. With Artisans, it is more a case of having multiple “back burners” making creative connections around the immediate situation.

While they are shifting their attention between their multiple channels, Sages and especially Artisans can appear to “tune out” the person they are communicating with. This makes Artisans in particular seem somewhat scattered, at least to non-Artisans. By the same token, those with multiple channels can find it difficult to accept the single-mindedness of Scholars, Kings and Warriors.

Read On

OK, you have the background. Now perhaps you want to know more specifically about each of the seven roles in essence. If you want a quick sense of what they all look like, based on photos of some famous examples in each case, see:

If you want to read a fuller, more-in-depth description of each one (with more photos), click below. Enjoy!


Book: 7 Personality Types

For a great book about the seven soul types, I recommend 7 Personality Types by Elizabeth Puttick PhD (Hay House, 2009).The book discusses the seven roles as seven archetypes. It begins with a questionnaire to help the reader identify their own type. There then follows a chapter on each of the types which includes lots of useful information on how they characteristically operate at home, at work and in relationships. Examples are also given of how the archetype has been portrayed in myth, fiction and film, and each chapter ends with a list of famous real-life examples. See 7 Personality Types at

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271 thoughts on “Soul Types: The Seven Roles in Essence”

  1. Hi,

    I find this very informative. recently my meditations made me realize that there must be specific personalities embedded at the core of each of us soul.
    I took the test and found out that I am a scholar.
    It was quite difficult because I have Many essential aspects of artisan and priest.
    I actually use analysis and information processing a lot, to be creative, find solutions and inspire people. I want to bring something new and useful to the world.
    But analysis and information processing being my main tool, I know that I’m definitely a scholar.

    Is it normal to have that much affinities(artisan priest )


  2. Roseberline, I’m not Barry, but may I share my two-cents?

    High vibration: all things in our universe are energy, and energy vibrates. The higher the vibration, I think, the stronger your connection to source/God.

    I was told by a spiritual reader years ago, that my etheric (energetic) body is very large. This is because I’m open to spirit, and let it through me.

    You say you have a presence with you. Well, you do. We all do. We all have many angels, and guides around us at all times. I think their is one main guide, though, and that’s probably who you hear most. They are there to help guide you on your life journey.

    Its likely that you don’t feel connected to much on earth because your vibration is so high, ie one foot still at home (heaven, source, the other side). Some people have names for this type of person, earth angel, Indigo, star seed, star child. There is a helpful book by Doreen Virtue called earth angels, and plenty of information on the others as well online.

    Let me know if you have any other questions, and I will try to help.

    • Hello Yolanda!
      thank you so very much for your wonderful insight! it did help me make some sense to the energy vibration, all though I’ve never truly felt connected to the mundane things here… I do feel all the energy pull from some individuals.
      it’s like they call out to me.. when I walk into a room full up people all the hairs on my body feels as if they were zapped with electricity or something.. I guess that’s the energy-vibrations… interesting I think I just found a broader topic to write about for my sociology and my religion class! now off to do research! thank you!
      could you give me or point out other places I can find articles on etheric (energetic) ? this is far to exciting I will easily get myself to absorbed in all the information google gives me lol.

  3. Hi Barry,

    If you´re interested and could prioritize this some time in the future, I wonder what´s your oppinion of soul known last time as River Phoenix – what was his essence role and perhaps also soul age by you? I have kind a connection to him which is no wonder considering I´m an artist and activist of human rights and environment and I feel that he was an old soul like myself, but his role I just can not seem to specify.. and I seem to feel also his essence twin – she seems to be incarnated and is in very much contact with him these days.
    Thanks in advance.


    • The site says now that my comment is awaiting moderation. Is this the standard and you let through only these comments, to which you eventually answer? Thanks.

    • Hi there,

      To answer your question way ahead of the queue :-), Yes and No…

      A) All comments from people who have NOT had a comment published here before are entered into a queue awaiting “moderation” by me. This is just so that I can weed out “trolls” and also any spammers who happen to have got through the auto-filter. That said, apart from the occasional spam that gets through, 99% of comments are fine and friendly. Maybe I could rethink this policy.

      B) If I’ve approved (published) a comment of yours before, then in theory any future comments by you should go straight onto whichever page you’re on, without any moderation.

      I get a LOT of questions and I don’t like leaving any unanswered. Answering such questions is pretty much the fulfilment of my life’s purpose. Now some questions are short and snappy, such as “What type do you think I am?” Some questions, in contrast, are lengthy, complex, and relate to the most intimate feelings of the writer. Some, to be frank, are too rambling and too wordy for my fatigued brain to grasp unless *I* am in the right state. Some questions, in contrast, come straight from the heart and I feel like the person is sitting next to me and I just want to reach out and touch then. For some questions, I find I have no ready-made answer so I go into a meditative state and see what comes up.

      C) Sometimes while I’m pottering about, I get an alert from my iPhone that a comment or question has arrived, and I might look at it and see it as very straightforward respond to it straight away, even though there are twenty others still waiting. This is exactly what I just did with your question – I saw it first and felt compelled to respond.

      Ok, now I’m off to collect my son from school. I’ll return to the queue (and your particular question) in due course!



    • Hi Marta,
      I checked around and the only profile I could find for River Phoenix was as follows (from José at
      Old Artisan, goal of Rejection (aka Discrimination), Emotional centering, Cynical attitude, Observation mode, CF of Stubbornness.
      Certainly seems to fit the facial appearance, though it’s always difficult for me to get an accurate sense of a young person due to their tendency to be reinventing themselves and trying out different attitudes and do on. Nevertheless, I would guess Old Artisan is appropriate in this case.


  4. I’m a bit confused on what my type is.
    I carry traits of the artist, sage and priest. I’m not an attention seeker though, so that probably rules out sage.
    I’ve been creative ever since I can remember and am very creative and love to write. I think up stories in my head all the time. When I was little, I had really elaborate fantasies. I still enjoy making art .I loved to talk and talk, and still do. As I’ve gotten older, my stories kind of have a tolerance theme to them.
    The reason I might be a priest soul is because I started grappling with philosophical questions from a young age. I’ve always been able to intuit people’s strength and potential. I’m very empathic and sometimes I wish the world could just wake up. It pains me, how the world could be so much more and is still so locked in old patterns.
    I’m in my teens. Perhaps a teen shouldn’t be thinking about these things, but seeing people who are trapped by their own or other’s beliefs makes me want to do something Ever since I was young I’ve had a sense I’m meant to do something.
    I don’t know if you can help me based on this, but if you can, I’d be grateful. If you need a pic I can provide one. I did take your test, but that was a few years ago and I think I have better knowledge of myself now.
    Have a fantastic day (:

  5. Hi barry, i was wondering if you could answer a question for me, but first… I consider myself a spiritualistic person, tend to lean more towards buddhism, but i understand how the universe work and how, well how quite alot of things work, but for a long time i’ve had some trouble, i have what psychologists call derealisation… To me and from my perspective it is like living a dream almost as if i’m only half here and the rest of me is elsewhere, but where that elsewhere is seems to evade me, do you have any insights given what you know about soul types etc ?

  6. Just for your information – I talked to Michael Teaching´s Shepherd meanwhile also and his sense about River Phoenix matches the one with mine these days – that he was Warrior with Artisan´s casting like Johnny Depp. Thanks for your effort anyhow 🙂

  7. I’m curious, there are times that I feel like I have all of these Essences in me. Server, Artisan, Warrior, Scholar, Sage, Priest, King: could this be because (in casting) I have played each of these roles in my life? Or am actively one of these roles and do not know it? Or could it be because I am a Scholar, and have such an understanding of each of these other types?

  8. While looking at the 7 different types, I knew i could be either be a priest, scholar, or artisan. (although i was a little skeptical about the priest, because i am not religious, and well, the word priest isn’t what comes to mind when i think about myself) As i kept reading i realized that although i love learning, i love learning about things that could help me understand the meaning of life, and while i paint very often, i mainly paint things related to the higher power and what not..(there is a painting right next to me of the Hindu god Shri Ganesh, remover of obstacles and god of karma) so i took the quiz, and it turns out i am classified as the priest. this excites me because i want to be able to identify myself, which is difficult for me because i am only 15, but very interested in this kind of odd stuff that most people don’t believe in. well anyways, this was very helpful and great. it made me smile when i saw the famous people who are also classified as priests, because both Freud and Gandhi were listed, and both of them are my biggest inspirations. Anyways, thanks for this, i will continue to look into it.

    • Priest means unconventional and open mind. And this is because you can sense the good in all and yes others too. This is how i realized in me. Be open from all beliefs, real truth is beyond our realization and should be aware of it. My best suggestion, be inspired and repeat all positive thoughts and dream big by setting small goals everyday but without expectation or worries. Life will never judge what you did, but how much happy you are even in wrong situations. You will become like that as you desired in life to give as everyone is unique and best in different degrees just for whole well-being, so 🙂 Be blessed. And thanks to Barry 🙂

  9. I think I have a problem… By the way sorry for my english if is not that good :/. I’m 15. Anyway, I don’t know exactly which soul type I am. My first guess is the artisan because my passion is drawing and I always seek to improve at this. And I daydream alot. Since I was a kid I used to daydream for long periods of time and I still do it. But as a person I’m very quiet, reserved, most of the time introverted and I look very simple, I dress simple etc I always listen and watch and I love learning new things, I have different theories of mine etc. So I think I have some Scholar in me. And maybe Priest because I’m interested in esoteric things and one day I was telling my friends (as I said I’m usually quiet but sometimes I don’t know why I start talking a lot, probably when I am with people I like) about my opinions of god and spirituality and it seemed like I was some kind of preacher O.O I also have my own views of life and I hate materialistic things and mainstream and fashion etc.I’m very confused.. and I also have a very confusing personality… sometimes like I’m a very different person… Is it possible to have all three soul types?Btw my face is like a combination between the artisan and priest…

    And again sorry for my english 🙁

    • Hi there

      Your English is great, by the way.

      It can be pretty confusing when you are 15 to figure out who you are – at any level, not just the soul type. Your personality is actively exploring multiple directions, stretching, unfolding, trying on different identities, and comparing yourself positively or negatively with others.

      But, I have to say, you sound a lot like me! As a 15 year old, my main skill was drawing. I dreamed of becoming a famous artist. I was also very quiet and reserved, introverted, reflective, pensive – not at all expressive, nor assertive. An aunt told me that I was always “on another planet”, which I found strangely offensive. To me it seemed that she and all other noisy extroverts were FROM another planet!

      A key moment for me was when I was 18. I was going to a party and I asked a friend how I should act – Should I be “cool”, or should I be “nice”, or what? She replied, “Barry, just be yourself.” That totally confused me, as I had no idea how to do that. However, it started my journey of self-exploration.

      Now I am 53, I can see that I absolutely was (and still am) a Mature Scholar. At 15, I quietly absorbed the world, noticed things, reflected on what it all could mean, but I also acted like any other 15 year old with my friends. It took many, many years before I began to understand myself more consciously and deliberately. I wish I had the impulse to do so at 15.

      If I could go back to my 15 year old me, I would tell myself what I would now say to you: “Everything about you is perfect and you are heading in the right direction. Just try not to feel confused by the fact that you can show many different personality traits. You are a complex person, and your complexity is the key to your growth as a unique human being.”

      I also suspect you are, like me, a Mature Scholar with a goal of Growth!


  10. I recon I am an Artisan cast scholar. My facial appearance is heart-shaped, almost child-like with soft dreamy-looking eyes; quite creative and have always loved art since childhood. I feel as though I am changing becoming more aware and interested in the truth, beginning to love sciences and research constantly. So curious with everything in plain sight. I feel as though it is too late to change paths as I am now 20 and left school in year 12 (17). My question is:
    Can you have two different soul types? Cheers.

    • Hi Sarah

      This is the one question I get asked more than any other!

      Although we each represent one type, you can certainly have a blend of archetypal energies, one coming from your soul type itself, others coming from your casting and also your personality overleaves. There is also the fact that as we grow in human life we are subjected to different influences around us. I was raised by two Servers so my outlook in childhood was very Server-like until I unleashed my inner Scholar!! And yet another factor is soul age, which you “grow into” within each life. Young souls are Warrior-like with their bold, competitive thrust, while Mature souls are more Scholar-like with their search for information/meaning/truth plus the need for personal space.

      From the description you give, you sound more like a Scholar-cast Artisan.

      I’m not sure what you mean exactly by change paths… do you mean you have committed yourself to the arts but now feel more drawn to the sciences? Well, it really is never too late to change paths – as many people in their 40s, 50s and 60s can attest. You can also combine paths. Scientist by day, artist by night. Or, bringing a creative flair to science, the way Einstein did for example.

      It’s also possible that this change-around is no accident. When I was at school (16 or so) I could see no career option for me other than becoming a scientific/medical artist (I was very good at accurate drawing, but have zero artistic creativity!). The school, however, didn’t have the facilities to teach Technical Drawing at ‘A’ level, which I would need to get onto a university course. So at the last moment I ditched the arts and studied sciences instead. At university I studied Astrophysics (I wanted to feel close to the cosmos), but flunked the first year. Then I bummed around for a year — a low point. Finally, after reading a bit of Freud, I thought “That’s for me” and I managed to get myself onto a Psychology degree course.

      I think the life process of knowing and becoming who and what we really are with absolute confidence requires us to first live through the experience of not knowing. Do you know the four steps of competence? We have to experience our “conscious incompetence” before we can develop “conscious competence” through training and education, and then finally achieve mastery which is “unconscious competence” (i.e. it’s become second nature so you don’t have to think about it).

      Think of it this way: the first half of your life (say up to 35-40) is a training ground for the real work to come in the second half of your life. The conflicts and doubts you experience in that first half are actually secret ingredients for your preparation – a bit like the way soldiers train by running through obstacle courses.



  11. Visually I am Warrior, but Scholar describes me more, although Artisan, Server and Warrior describe many of my traits. Not sure where I am! Mature, level 5 I am sure of, but essence is a bit of a mystery. Hmmmm.

  12. Imma king soul. I’m also an aries. And an old soul. I’m not sure what all this means but it’s kinda nuts now that I’m looking everything up.

  13. Thank you so much for your postings!! They’re very interesting and fun!
    I am a king! I look just like it too hahaha

    • Oo-er. Well, my impressions (read: educated guesses) would be, from left to right:

      No. 1 has a “smiley face explosion” going on, hence guessing at Sage.
      No. 2 has the “arched eyebrows of wonder” you see in many Artisans, though my wife points out that with that forehead she could be a Scholar…
      No. 3 looks physically grounded, focused and proactive, hence Warrior.
      No. 4 looks strikingly straight into (rather than at) the viewer, hence Priest.

      confidence level: 30%

    • You know I charge $100 per face?

      Only joking … so far!

      But do bear in mind that an assessment is often difficult from one photo alone, especially when the person is posing for it.

      With that caveat in mind:

      1. (the young couple in the professional studio shot):

      He seems to me to be shaped (and textured) like a classic Scholar. In fact I looked quite the same at that age.
      She, however, has what I’m fairly sure is the strong, challenge-seeking expression of a Warrior.

      2. (the young ladies getting drunk sipping cocktails):

      The smaller one on the left looks warm, open and inviting, so I would assume she has goal of Acceptance, and given what looks like a heart-shaped face I would tentatively guess she’s an Artisan. If not, maybe Server.

      The taller one on the right is … tricky. The look is different, and suggests to me she’s driven by goal of Growth rather than Acceptance, but her underlying presence/essence is less distinct under all that make-up … Her eyes probably look bigger than they really are, for instance. I’m actually swinging between Scholar, Artisan and Priest, and that’s as far as I can get for now!


    • You are good! Knowing them all in various degrees, I think you are definitely right about the first couple, particularly her. I would add that she probably has a goal of Growth. Not sure about him. With the second pair, I would lean toward Server for the first girl and Artisan for the second (her eyes are actually very large, striking even, but the picture has been Instagrammed and distorted). Goals of Acceptance and Growth seem spot on. Both are very warm and fun-loving personalities.

  14. I think I need help figuring out my soul age and type. I fit very well into the artisan, but I have strong sage and priest qualities. To be honest, I have a lot of the qualities of all 7 give and take. I’m a writer, a tattooist,and nursing student. My friends call me their therapist and I love helping others but I feel happiest in a new place, creating something or learning something. I’m a extrovert and I love studying art and culture. I have a burning desire to change the world and leave it better than I entered.
    I want to travel and experience as much as I can. I’m a super happy person and like to keep others the same.
    Age wise:
    I have young soul and mature soul tendencies. I have the ambition of a young soul, a slight ego of one (competitive wise). But my life goals are more towards relationships and teamwork. I’m overly critical of myself and will sometimes give others opinions a hierarchy over my own.I accept everyone as different and I feel we all are a piece of a larger puzzle. I strive best in a co-lead environments but I will step up if I feel no one else will…and my heart yearns for a soul mate like connection 🙂 If you took the time to read that, then thank you, maybe you can help me figure out my soul type and age.

    • Hi Raven,

      Looking at your pics on Facebook, you seem to me (facially) rather more like a Priest, though you do have a lot of Artisan friends too! So perhaps Artisan-cast Priest? Your “zeal” for improving the world is classic Priest, as is having friends who see you as their therapist! So I would tentatively guess Artisan-cast Priest, meaning someone whose basic mission in life is to uplift those around you, and to do so by being creative and constructive. Any resonance for you there? (My wife, by the way, is a Priest cast Artisan. Her mission in life is to create something utterly new and original in a way that uplifts others.

      As for soul age… You don’t look like you’re hitting mid-life for a few years yet (you don’t have to correct me if I’m wrong!), so the chances are that as yet you are not quite living up to your “full height” in terms of soul age. In other words, it sounds like you are operating at the equivalent level of awareness of an early Mature soul, but after the soul-searching that kicks in around 35+ I wouldn’t be surprised if you found yourself stabilising around mid-Mature or possibly late Mature. It’s hard to be precise, not having psychic access to your profile! You can always pay one of the channels for a proper reading of course.

      Finally, if I were to try a rough guess at a couple of your personality overleaves, I would suspect Goal of Growth (very self-aware, needing to know the bigger picture), and possible a streak of Self-Deprecation as a chief feature. Hope that makes sense!



  15. I have figured out that I am either a mature or old priest soul, though I’m more sure of the latter because, even though I am very keen on changing the world and positively impacting the lives of millions of people, I have this “tiredness” to me that I have read about in another article about old souls, and it does seem to make sense. It seems to appear as “laziness,” but it really is that “tiredness,” like I don’t want to burden myself with helping other people, but at the same time I really want and need to and feel that it is my life’s mission. Anyone know I can get rid of this “tiredness?”

    • Hi Maria,

      Priest sounds likely. I would just caution against linking your “tiredness” with the “world weariness” that can afflict old souls. I’m not trying to say you’re not an old soul, it’s just that the lives of Mature souls are well known to be the most stressful and exhausting of all. (I’m a Mature soul myself and I have had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E. for 5 or 6 years now. Caused, I believe, by a combination of stress, over-persistence (I don’t know when to stop) and a bout of illness that sent my physical systems over the edge.)

      Anyway, back to you. A quick thought comes to mind which may or may not be valid – your tiredness could be a sign that your soul energy isn’t really flowing, and it’s not flowing because you’re not doing whatever it is that brings you and your essence to life, whatever it is that fills you with enthusiasm and makes you feel alive. Do you have any sense of mission or life purpose that really motivates or excites you?

      If that’s way off target, just ignore.



    • Hi Barry,

      Yes, what you have said appears to have relevance. I have done more reading on your website and it does appear that I do indeed have a mature priest soul. My head is almond shaped as well. It actually does make a lot of sense why you said my soul energy isn’t flowing; I’m not doing [at least not yet] not only what I enjoy doing, but commencing the action that fulfills my life’s purpose; to help other people realize their full potential and to promote welfare for all living beings, as well as to promote spirituality as a viable option to living one’s life. All of these ideas excite me! What I do for most of the day as of the present is bouncing a balloon, which allows me to relax and fantasize about the things I have mentioned. It seems like a huge step to actually get where I want to be, in which the “tiredness” seems to contribute to it, so it’s just easier to imagine what I want to do and do what I can as of now by signing petitions, starting petitions, and sending letters of concern to legislatures in helping promote the welfare of others. I even gave a twenty dollar bill to a homeless lady once because I try not to take my life for granted and realize the deep value of service to others, even though it wasn’t my money.

    • Ah OK, so you’re not yet facing the mid-life crisis of “Why am I here? What am I to do?” In fact, you seem to have a good handle on that already.

      The thing about imagining rather than doing: I suspect you would get a lot from the teachings of Abraham, who is channelled by Esther Hicks. Their first book, Ask And It Is Given, turned my life around (and my wife’s).

      A quick summary: Life is always giving you what you focus on. Your consciousness is like a beacon sending signals out into the universe, and the universde responds by manifesting in your life whatever you are focusing on and willing to receive. So life will actually give you what you WANT or DESIRE – but only so long as (a) you consciously and explicitly KNOW what you want and focus on HAVING that, and (b) you don’t block it by focusing more attention on what you LACK, or believing that fulfilling your desires is impossible (life will just give you more of the lack or more unfulfilled-ness, if that’s what you focus on the most). Some people focus on their desires, but at the same time they focus on the problems they can see in achieving those desires, so then life gets a bit “stuck”.

      This might have some resonance for you, so I suspect the Abraham material will appeal to you.*

      *They also have a YouTube channel:
      ( ) and publications website ( ).



    • Cool! Thanks for telling me about this book. I actually started to reaffirm myself everyday for three weeks already saying that I will be successful in achieving my goals as I truly believe I will be. I have decided to not focus on what I don’t have; I will do my part and.the universe will do its part. Speaking of which, not coincidentally, just before I started doing this, since July 31, for some reason, I been feeling a lot more positive as my severe depression seems to have greatly lessened after many years of living with it [I don’t think it’s medication since it hadn’t helped in the past five years]. I still do get a little depressed, but for the first time ever, whenever I do, I still reaffirm myself that I will be successful or say something like that; otherwise I try to stay positive during these hard moments of my life by saying something of that nature. Thinking about this, I have just realized how all of this happened very shortly after I met someone very similar to me who is into spiritual concepts like I am; from her is when I first learned about the law of attraction [I just realized that now]. She showed me a technique that purportedly raises a person’s vibration that involves taking your hands and while moving them, have them over your body head to toe to the “point” you feel in your head. Perhaps all of this has something to do with it. Either way, since July 31, things have changed for the better. I no longer imagine, when bouncing the balloon, about unrealistic things as I have did for years but realistically imagine myself, with this body, and in acceptance of my tragic past, along with planning how I will get there, myself in the future I have carved out for myself. I am so glad to have found your website as I gained more incredible knowledge so thank you!


    • Hi Cristina

      I totally get what you mean! Looking at your posture in the main photo my first thought was Warrior. Then seeing your Facebook page background photo it’s like a Warrior convention. But yes you do also have a Priestly shape to your face, and a certain ‘gleam’ in the eyes. So Priest-cast Warrior seems pretty likely to me.

      If that’s the case, then it would mean that you are naturally feisty, physical, strong willed, protective, loyal, comradely, and drawn to personal challenges (hmm, like competitive sport for example!) — but, you would also feel most fulfilled if you can do all that in a way that serves some real good or higher purpose. In other words, uplifting and inspiring others through your Warrior talents.

      As for soul age, given that you look like you have a decade or more to go before age 35-40, you are almost certainly still manifesting a slightly “younger” perspective. (The 35-40-ish period is a turning point at which we want to let go of anything that isn’t really “who we are”, and feel a calling to become true to ourselves, including our role in essence (+casting) and our full soul age. So to feel “half-Young, half-Mature” at your age would be quite appropriate if you’re a Mature soul. This should hopefully be easy to see in later years.

      Also, don’t forget that Warriors have a competitive drive that is perfectly natural, but not necessarily the same as the competitiveness of Young souls. Warriors enjoy the thrill of competition, Young souls feel they must win the rat race.

      Hope this helps,



    • Hi. I’m not sure that Warriors are particularly extrovert. Their high level of physical activity and their tendency to be team players could be taken as extroversion I suppose. But any Warrior can also take on introverted characteristics, such as the reserved mode, or emotional Centering, or the self-deprecation chief feature (character flaw / negative attitude). Childhood experiences can also leave their mark, causing shyness or inhibition. This is part of what the mid-life turning point is about: overcoming the past.

      PS. I know a Mature King who says he is an introvert and rather shy in one-to-one situations – but in front of any group he is such a natural leader and master, you’d never notice it.

      PPS. I should probably add for the record, there’s nothing wrong with introversion!


      THANK YOU!,

  17. I find it hilarious that more children under the age of 18 have looked into this than adults. Is this because as a society we think we are above introspection or is i because you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. By the way i found this to be very immersing as i always thought i was a artisan is waa nice to know i was right. Although I kinda though i was a bit of a scholar and server as well.

    • I would like to think it’s because I write in an accessible way that appeals to a younger audience!

      PS – check out the Casting page.

  18. Don’t each of us have within us many types? At different times changing and blending, varring in Degree? This sounds like a nice theory but where did it come from? Where did you get this information?

    • I think you can find the answers to all of those questions right here, but let me know if you need any help.


  19. Hi Sarah

    Ok, to help you focus on saying more about yourself…

    Think of what sort of activities and skills seem to come naturally to you, more than they do for a lot of other people. Of the following seven descriptions, 1-7, which sounds most like you:

    1. Nurturing, assisting, caring
    2. Thinking out of the box, tinkering, imagining (or re-imagining)
    3. Taking on challenges, competitive games, confronting wrong-doing
    4. Observing, studying, learning
    5. Being witty, crowd-pleasing, telling stories
    6. Coaching, counselling, motivating others
    7. Leading, commanding, uniting others around you

    How do you think others see you? How would they most likely describe you (if they are being honest)? Which of these, 1-7, fits best?

    Sarah is…

    1. Very helpful, but can also be a bit of a moaner
    2. Creative, but can also be a bit of an airy-fairy fantasist
    3. Proactive, but can also be pushy or aggressive at times
    4. Brainy, but can also be nerdy and a bit boring
    5. Entertaining, but can also be a bit of an attention-seeking missile
    6. Uplifting to be with, but can also be a bit preachy and morally superior
    7. Extremely competent, but can also be intolerant of others who are less competent

    • Nah, it was just the clip art I used at the time!
      I should change them.

      A truer rendition following the 7-colour spectrum (as with the chakras etc) would be:

      Server – red
      Artisan – orange
      Warrior – yellow
      Scholar – green
      Sage – blue
      Priest – indigo
      King – violet


  21. First and foremost, thank you for all of this information (I know I’m not the first to comment this, but you deserve the thanks!) – I haven’t found a better resource for information regarding Michael teachings, and I’ve definitely been doing some soul searching.

    I’m without a doubt a Mature Priest (maybe with some Scholar-like qualities regarding my love of learning), and I must have a goal of growth. I’ve always been wise for my age (I’m 22 now). From the time I was a child, I was told that I was an “old soul” by any semi-spiritual person I ever encountered.

    Unfortunately, as I got older, life has thrown one devastating obstacle at me after another. The only thing that keeps me going is my Server mother (although she’s a Young Server, so I’ve always had an issue with her in that way – I have a hard time relating to Young souls), and my rapidly vanishing hope that I can help humanity come together and coexist more peacefully. I’ve been having the strongest, most troubling urge to “fix the world” for a couple of years now (although I understand how irrational that sounds).

    Your website has helped me a lot through my existential crisis. I’ve had a life full of trauma, loss, and emotional pain and I’ve always asked, “what did I ever do to deserve this?!”
    It’s comforting to know that maybe I can push through this and if not, hopefully the next life will be better (and I’ll have paid back most of my bad karma from previous lives in this one). All I can do now is preach love and empathy, and hope with all my heart that I’ve made some sort of a positive impact in the time I’ve had in this life. I can’t thank you enough for providing this website to the world. You are a remarkable person, and I wish you the best.

  22. Hello. I was very fascinated by this concept, but I can’t really tell what my soul type is. I’ve narrowed down to two: Priest and Scholar, but I can’t tell which one I am. Can you help me?

    • I did take the test, but the answer I got wasn’t really like me, so I looked at my personality traits and compared it with the types individually, but I could be either.

    • Ok, my wife went through a similar dilemma (Priest and Artisan in her case) and found a way to resolve it by reflecting on which of the NEGATIVE poles of the two roles was most familiar. In her case, she could readily identify with the Artisan’s tendency to disappear off in fantasy, make-believe and falsehood. (She thought everyone did the same!) But the Priest’s tendency to be zealous just isn’t her.

      In your case, where do you tend to go most often (perhaps like an automatic reflex) — Remoteness, intellectual aloofness, obsessive over-thinking and theorising … Or missionary zeal, hostile activism, righteousness, fanaticism…?

    • That’s very interesting. Now that I look at that, I believe the priest is the dominant in me because of my somewhat extreme views on the world and the way it functions.

  23. My goodness it was a delight to read the many posts I only discovered tonight. Such expressive good minds!! I am soon 75 years of age. Kurt Leland who channels Charles did a reading for me. Charles using Michael teachings said I was an old Soul Sage level 3 (since upgraded) Came in with Caution and stubborn. I am definately expressive, a professional Singing Entertainer, a Hypnotist and teacher of Metaphysics which I have studied since age 10. I have had many occupations. But a negative is to lie or exaggerate if attention is lacking. Now that I am older I have overcome that tendency. I talk too much because I am an informtion gathering person so I can teach and inform. I look really young and of course as a Gemini in Western astrology and in Vedic I an a Taurus. So I have a talent for creating a beautiful home and a fashion sense.
    Thank you,

  24. Hi I just came across your website a few nights ago and I’m so glad I found it. I am 34(35 in March) and over the past year I have felt a definite change within myself. I have become more spiritual and less religious, more interested in the small things in life, less fixated on posessions, as if my true self is trying to emerge. From what I’ve read on this site I think I’ve reached a turning point in life. I’m keen to know what my soul age is, it’s level and type and so on. I have been looking at the 7 different soul types but I have no idea which one I am. Judging by my fb photos what would you say I am??

    • Hi Diane,

      The majority of people drawn to this site are Mature souls, and you seem to fit the bill. Off the top of my head, I’d also say a Sage (Priest-cast), but first impressions aren’t always valid. You can always get one of the Michael channels to give you a reading. (

      Happy 4th internal monad!


  25. Hi I’ve just came across this website and like many others, I’m intrigued. I’ve always been one to be fascinated with information like these, I love to read about horoscopes, zodiacs, palm readings and even toe readings!! I have also loved reading from young, mainly fiction books, and when it comes to school, I love modules like psychology (never pursue it though because I tend to like/be interested in many things and nothing in particular) and cognitive topics.

    I didn’t give much thought to my character/personality until recent years and I believe that I do somewhat crave acceptance and assurance, more so in the past than now, and I’m the type who usually keep harsh comments or opinions that are not so nice sounding to myself unless I’m really comfortable/familiar with someone. That being said though, I am quite straightforward most of the times. There are people who said that I’m tactless while some said that I mince my words (not their exact words but this meaning)/am very diplomatic so I do get confused at times but I guess it’s probably to different groups of friends that I behave accordingly.

    My face mostly looks round in pictures, and I’ve been told that I’m chubby at times but there are also people who said that I’ve an oval face so I’m not really sure what to believe. I’ve bright eyes with a twinkle in them (said by a few) and there are people who said that they like my eyes. As for my eyebrows, they are average. not thick but not too sparse either and they aren’t low and close to my eyes. I don’t have a wide mouth (or so I think) and I’m definitely a chatterbox (but only, only to people I’m close to or at least know well enough) I tend to talk too fast (people have asked me to slow down) and one of my friends called me out as a narcissist. I’m afraid that I am, but I really that I’m not.

    Also, I love to draw. I don’t do it all the time but when I’m free and definitely when I was younger. I would try to draw and paint free hand but I failed most of the times. Till now, I still cannot draw anything decent from imagination. I used to like darker colours and I still do in fact, just that as I grew older, I love bright colours as well. But it all depends on my mood. I definitely tend to daydream or drift off/tune off everytime I hear something that does not interest me or even if it does, sometimes I would start thinking about things that are related and then the next thing I know, I missed out on what was said. I loved sports, and I loved to be active. I do get restless many times but as of late, I’ve been leading a sedentary lifestyle. to the point its a total opposite from before. it’s like my lifestyle did a total flip. is it because I’ve reached another stage? (more mature perhaps and start to dislike the hype and craziness and hard work?)

    I do like recognition (I mean, who doesn’t right?) and I’m happy if credit is given where due and if there is a larger audience to witness some achievements, it does heighten the sense of achievement and quite possibly, makes me happier (haven’t really given it much thought) but I do get embarrassed when people talk about my positive traits (though secretly happy/delighted) that I will try to change the topic or talk about someone who I think is better at that or who is better than me.

    I would think that I’m an artisan but yet some of my friends said that I’m naggy and tend to ask after them/am the caring and sensitive one but yes there are others who said that I’m insensitive because I tend to talk before I speak sometimes but then again, I do sit silently and observe exchanges or expressions and organise what I want to say before saying. Also, there are others who said that I’m very entertaining, shy, not outspoken, noisy, loud…Oh and I think I have hated being in a crowded place from young, but it has been more apparent as I grew older. I prefer a quieter and cosier setting though I can be really noisy myself when I get excited or am enthusiastic about something. I tend to be more reactive to situations but yet I can be reflective and introspective and I’m not one who makes new friends easily.I understand it’s not that easy to tell which type is someone, but could you help me out here?

    • Haha – Toe readings?!? That’s a new one to me.

      Thanks for the full description, C. It’s interesting that you keep saying “Some say I’m like this, but then others say I’m the opposite.” You sound like you can demonstrate a bit of everything. But that in itself would suggest Artisan to me, while the extent of your self-awareness suggests mature soul. And at a guess – goal of Acceptance, mode of Observation. I find it much easier if I see a person’s face, but even then I’m not psychic – if you really want to know, I recommend you get yourself a reading from one of the channels listed here:



  26. I had taken the quiz, and my results were that I was a king. I want to lead, simple as that. But not tyrannical, I want to tell people how they can be better, not force them to. What they do does have consequences, and that everyone matters, even if they aren’t remembered, because they will be remembered by someone who remembers, and everyone remembers because everyone always needs to be reminded. I consider myself a priest-cast-king.

  27. Hi Barry,

    I posted a blurb on your self destruction page yesterday & have just read the types of soul we all possess & wholeheartedly agree with the insights/assessments re the seven types of soul. In a former life I once would have identified as having aspects of Artisan, Sage & Server soul, however I now believe I am devoid of soul having destroyed my soul through my actions over the last 7yrs.

    I have spent the last two & half years in what I can only describe as purgatory/hell. Knowing that one has lost/destroyed ones higher self is a pain that is too much too bear & has lead to a withdrawal from life & reality due to a total sense of despair. My wife says it is impossible to lose ones soul but I beg to differ. I once felt connected to everything in the universe, people & nature alike, the feelings of which I could never articulate & was of the opinion that everyone else was the same. I never appreciated how fortunate I was. I used to be able to feel a persons essence having been in their company for only a very short time, now having lost my own essence I can no longer recognise that of others & as difficult as it is for me to say, I no longer see myself as a human being. It is a terrible terrible thing to know one’s soul is dead & therefore one is different to all other persons, To deny this is to live a lie & lies & deceit brought me to this place originally. It is almost the ultimate in irony that to be totally honest about ones self now is fatally detrimental to any hope of recovery. I know any hope has got to come from within but when it feels as though one has lost one’s lifeforce thus in effect flatlined as well as a sense of self & the memory of how to be then this vortex of non being becomes unbearable. The effects on my family is a reminder of my wrongdoing & selfishness & tragically I see similarities in my son who is struggling to find himself as a young adult. Due to the degree of my self absorpion & loss of self I am no longer able to help him other than to advise him not to follow my path. I don’t know what advice you can offer given my conviction it is too late but having read other comments all I can say is that as painful as life can be at times if you have a soul then there is always hope.

    • I can’t offer a fellow human being words of advice, but I can say I know what you’re feeling. I feel it in myself too.

    • hH Chris

      Your wife is right about one thing — you cannot lose your soul, essence or higher self.

      If you really had no soul, you wouldn’t be in purgatory; you’d be in a coma – or to be more precise, you would be in another dimension of consciousness while your body was being kept alive by breathing apparatus.

      The state you are in sounds exactly like a form dissociation, which is a psychological reaction to trauma. It comes in different forms. One is depersonalisation, which is the feeling of being separate from yourself, observing yourself and your feelings and thoughts as if they belong to someone else you are watching in a movie; or loss of feeling in parts of your body; distorted views of your body; unable to recognise your image in a mirror; a sense of detachment from your emotions; feeling like you are watching a movie of yourself; feeling like you are unreal.

      There is also something called ‘derealisation’ which means seeing the world around you as dream-like and unreal; a sense that what is happening is unreal; feeling like a normal environment is unfamiliar; feeling detached from the world, or that people you know are strangers.

      Switching off from the here-and-now self/reality is actually a natural defence mechanism in the brain that helps us to cope with traumatic experiences – it’s a form of denial, as if “this isn’t happening to me”. Children suffering abuse go into this state quite readily.

      It becomes dysfunctional when it remains switched on even though the trauma or threat “out there” has stopped or gone away. I suspect in your case the trauma of having your life fall apart has triggered this reaction in you. But it is treatable, so I would recommend seeing a doctor.

      Here are some articles you could check out:

    • Barry,

      Thanks for taking the time to reply. I agree with what you say about dissociation/derealisation/depersonalisation as I know in myself that I have lost any perspective of being in the real world. In effect to be in the real world would be to acknowledge that I am no longer capable of earning a living wage of any sort & therefore be of any assistance to my family or even myself. To acknowledge that I now have the intellectual & emotional IQ that equates to being retarded, no offence intended to anyone that is so impaired as that is now how I am. The worst bit is the apathy that surrounds my state. If I try & care about where I’m at, the frustration becomes overwhelming & leads to despair, to not care leaves me in this state that I refer to as “nowhere land”, being totally disconnected to anything/anybody. Thoughts that run through my head at this stage are like an advanced state of dissociation, as though one is dissociating from the dissociation itself if that makes any sense whatsoever.

      From what I’ve read about all of the three states you mention, they are basically impossible to treat & well before reading about any of them I had an epiphany that I was never going to conquer this state because I had left it too long to seek help due to what I was doing. I agree the public knowledge of what I’d done triggered my mind to go to what I call “warp speed” where everything in my mind sped up to a speed so fast that in the end the only way my brain could cope with them was to go somewhere else, something that I now have no control over. I agree with your diagnosis totally but not knowing who I am or how I used to be (bad or good) leaves you hopeless, One needs a memory to function at the most basic level, one needs to have some cognitive ability to function in the real world not just sat here typing, in other words acknowledging that I still have some sort of ability to function but that doesn’t transpose itself once outside these four walls or even within them when attempting to do tasks that I was once capable of doing without a second thought.

      Prior to my demise into “warp speed” I read Eckhart Tolle’s book, the Power of Now, in which he talked at length about living in the moment. Well I utilised that adviced to the nth degree & basically took to living in the moment literally thus in doing so didn’t have to think of the consequences of my actions. I now feel like the proverbial goldfish with a three second memory. Unfortunately because my memory of my whole life now mirrors my current day memory it is as though I have wiped away whole life & therefore am basically no use to anyone in any way shape or form. I will check the sights you recommend but when one has had an epiphany & everything backs it up, it is hard to counter it in any form. People have said I don’t want to get better but when this happened & I had that epiphany I just wanted to die. The amygdalla part of the brain, the beast brain fights that urge, the instinct to survive wins out but that is leaving me in a state where being “better” has less & less meaning thus as I informed my wife when “warpspeed” set in that it’s only a matter of time before I am section in a mental hospital. If it wasn’t for her I would have been there when this happened as there is no way I can survive o my own even if I had a million dolllars it wouldn’t make one iota of difference. I know I am dragging her further & further into a mire she no longer wants to be in & vents her spleen accordingly as she has every right to do so even if I no longer see it. If I let myself see the real world then I know what I am & what I have left which is basically nothing. Anyhow I’m starting to waffle, “you reap what you sow” at the end of the day & I have sown my own destruction & tragically affected the people who relied on me the most, all through my own selfishness. It’s the inability to make amends due to my intellectual & emotional incapabilities that makes everything so much worse.

  28. That is very interesting. But i’m kind of confused. I did the test and the answer was Scholar which didn’t make any sense for me. I would see myself as a Artisan, Sage, Scholar with a little bit of Warrior. I crave knowledge but I’m also artist and it it what keeps me alive. I love to perform on stage as much as i love to be inspired and recored in studios. I love to inspire people and I would like to change people’s lives by talking and awakening everyone about life. I am a person that likes to run as much as I like to read. I know deep down, i’m on earth to change the world for the best and I feel really different and misunderstood. Just like my father, I have a bit of everything. This confused me. How could I know myself and know which one of those I am? Thanks 🙂

  29. Hi Barry. I was wondering is it possible for someone to appear more like their casting than their true essence. For example If someone was a sage-cast artisan, they could look more like a sage than an artisan.

    • I think that does happen, especially when the overleaves (personality traits for a given life) add to the picture. For example, a Sage-cast Artisan with a goal of Acceptance could be unusually gregarious for an Artisan, perhaps coming across as a bit more like a Sage. This is why some are hard to distinguish without knowing a bit more about them.

    • Thanks for your reply. That makes sense. also could an artisan have different castings in different incarnations due to what goals they have in that particular life. like for example a scholar-cast artisan (which I think I am) might be a different casting in a different life yet always an artisan true essence?

    • No, casting, like the role is essence, remains constant. I am a sage-cast scholar and always will be, until individuality is no longer of value.

      What changes from life to life are the “overleaves” – the set of traits that we adopt to overlay our essence, such as goal of Dominance.

      The overleaves that make up personality structure are: Goal, Mode, Attitude, Centering and Chief Feature. In this life, for example, I have the goal of Growth, mode of Perseverance, attitude of Idealism, emotional Centering and chief feature of Impatience + Self-Deprecation. In my next life those could all be different, but I’ll still be a sage-cast scholar.

      Welcome to the Michael teachings!

    • Ah I see. haha-I’ve a lot to learn 🙂 I read something on one of the other pages about old souls. I’m not an old soul but I think I’m probably Young or mature soul. I have been quite rebelious against society’s rules since I was in my 20s (in my 30s now). Anyway what I wanted to say about that topic was I was so glad to read what the old soul would say about “always being at home”. It is very comforting to believe that. I will remember this daily as I go about my life in the (sometimes very challenging) physical world. Thank you for the inspiration 🙂

  30. Hi Barry,
    I was wondering do souls choose to be incarnated with a particular level of intelligence depending on the age of their soul? What i mean is would it be more common for an old soul to have a great level of ‘intelligence’ on Earth, so that perhaps it could help them to fullfill expressing their true essence on earth. For example I read Einstein was an old soul..


    • Hi Sarah,

      Good question. There are many different kinds of mental abilities that we lump together as ‘intelligence’. For example, there are several striking differences between my wife and me. She has very high practical intelligence, while I have next to none. I have more kinaesthetic intelligence. We both have emotional intelligence, but she is more developed than me. She’s very creative, which I’m not, but I am quite aesthetic. I have better general knowledge (semantic memory) while she has better narrative recall (episodic memory).

      I think this is all primarily to do with (1) our natural essence abilities and (2) our overleaves – I’m a Scholar, she’s an Artisan; I’m an idealist (the big picture), she’s a skeptic (the details); I’m emotionally centred, she’s intellectual… It’s about how we habitually focus attention and energy into different faculties. But I do also suspect those faculties develop over lifetimes of usage, like flexing a muscle.

      If there is an overarching general intelligence as (supposedly) measured on I.Q. tests, I guess that this would certainly be an accumulation of abilities over lifetimes. Hence it could actually correlate with soul age – but not directly. In other words, I don’t think all old souls are necessarily more intelligent than all young souls. It depends on whether the individual soul has set out to develop in that way, intelligence (specific or general) being just one of the things any of us can choose to develop as we evolve. That’s my sense of it, anyway.


      PS – I had Einstein pegged as a Mature Artisan, though I’m not sure where I got that from.

  31. I see. I think I also have more kinaesthetic intelligence than practical-I’ve always figured out my own way of doing things by myself. I think I am a skeptic too completely focused on the details.
    I have a memory of when I was a baby. A vision of looking at the ceiling obviously must have been in a cot. and my family looked over the cot at me. The memory at this moment in time is a feeling of confusion because I felt a great sense of independence and was wondering why people were coming to look after me. I felt I knew what I was doing and I felt experienced. I don’t remember anything after this moment as a baby. And as a child I knew how to fix things like mechanical toys without being told how to do it. I’m guessing now that it’s from previous lives of learning. 🙂
    Oh so he was mature perhaps. So do you think he could come back to develop a different aspect of himself?

    • Don’t know specifically about Einstein, but if you look under ‘Reincarnation cases’ in the sidebar you’ll see some illustrative examples. I reckon Isaac Newton –> Peter Higgs is a good one.

      Great earliest memory!


  32. I feel that I am an old soul, I know things an old soul would know but I seem to have the young souls issues, I feel like traumatic events in my life have regressed the process. I am still learning things but not to the ability I feel that I can. I feel as if I have a bigger role to play and I have to be ready to be as Skilled as I know I can be, If anyone feels the same or has seen articles about this please feel free to contact me via Facebook,

    • Your soul is on a journey. Similar to a baby who eventually grows into an adult; your soul moves though higher levels of conciousness within this lifetime and the next as you meet your checkpoints. Some are predetermined, others are yet to be.

      The feeling you are having is a sign that you may be off track on checkpoints your soul needs in this lifetime. Otherwise, may need to repeat in the next.

      Refocus; ask your guides and the whole for help. Cleanse your energy and stay persistent. Ask yourself if your life is where you think it should be. If not, work towards change.

      Healing negative karma, the kind that brings pain, will eventually bring postive of equal magnitude.

      It is sad others thumb down this post. Hopefully, my post provides you or others with a reset.

    • Have you been reading my notebooks?

      Yes, it works clearly with colours. You could say, perhaps, that our overall mission is to assimilate more light, to evolve from dark to greater and greater white light. The primary and secondary colours (as the overleaves) help us get there bit by bit.

  33. Madame this is all quite retarded but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.

    Also where did you get your statistics on the population? You didn’t say how you gathered this data which seems suspicious.

    Also if you’re wondering your quiz declared me a king.

    • Most people usually write to say they can identify with all seven. At least you’ve eliminated three!

      It’s usually either to do with the fact that we can mis-identify with false notions of who we are as we grow up (adopting traits from our parents, friends, culture, etc), or it’s just that we have “overlays” in this life that resemble traits of other types (eg, goal of dominance can a bit like being a king – domineering), or it’s another factor referred to as Casting — check the sidebar 🙂

  34. I got priest on my quiz. From reading through this, for the most part, I was leaning more towards server but priest was right along with server. Interesting…

  35. Hermegerd, I have no idea. Might be an artisan, I went to school for Music Education. I like reading stories. But I also help children. I build, quite a lot, in Minecraft. Working on a cathedral at the moment. I love knowledge, sometimes it is obscure or fanatical. I talk my mom’s ears off when I find something inspiring or intriguing. I get told I am a very old soul, and that I need to stop acting like a baby. Lol.

  36. I believe artisans are definitely more likely to seek out information of souls.
    If a random sample of the public who are perhaps shopping (a common and everyday thing for everyone?) It may induce more reliable results.

    I looked at the pictures of the soul classifications and upon seeing the artisans and looking into their eyes, even with a picture I felt extremely sad and felt pain grip me.
    A couple scholars had a similar effect but to a lesser magnitude.

    My grandfather once said j was amazing at capturing the essence of a soul and turning it into a picture. That the sketches I draw don’t look like who it is because it *looks* Luke them but because I have captured their soul and essence in the picture.

    I went to search online because I have a great sadness inside me embedded deep within my heart and soul. I’ve always referred to myself as an artist, but I am a very sad one. A sadness that even dampens my imagination. Every thought I hold is sad to the point of being sickening, this is who I am now, I used to be a dreamer, but now I’m someone who can understand the pain of everyone.

    I want to mend my soul but it hurts so much I.. really can’t think straight enough to understand which parts of my soul need to be mended.

    In the end I decided I wanted to see other’s souls. I do know their souls, I just could never classify them, and only had limited information.

  37. Yo Homies. Guess what? I’m a scholar, who happens to be very nutty, with Sage and King influences. >:D


    ahem. >_>

    • One question if I may… as I approach the age of 35 (this January), I noticed that most of my physical traits (mental state of evolution ≥ age 30) is definitely relatable to the priest. However, most of my adolescence and 20s, I would say identifies with artesian. Would you say that would make me an artesian-cast priest or a priest-cast artesian?

      Thanks for taking the time to put this all together without a price of admission.

    • Hi MizMizuki

      Are you referring only to physical traits? I find that people tend to look more and more distinctive as they get older, say between 30-60, while at younger ages, they tend to look a bit more alike (not 100% of course, I’m generalising).

      I think babies naturally look pretty much the same. But I think adolescents deliberately try to look a certain way that supposedly sets them apart, and it is in a way that is usually inspired by singers, actors and models who are in reality most often Artisans.

      Posing and also hiding come naturally to Artisans. So it may no coincidence that a lot of young people seem Artisan-like.

    • A quick look at you ~ Priest, possibly Sage cast Priest springs to mind, but it’s so difficult from a single photo!

  38. My husband is definitely a warrior and I could not get him to take the test. I’m a priest and I was excited to take the test. Without a doubt my husband would score as a warrior but refused to test because it wasted his time. So I agree with the theory that warriors are not doing this type of test on the internet.

  39. Hi there! Love the teachings, love the sight, but I’m afraid you have the roles to their color (chakra) incorrect. The roles go as follow: Scholar (Red), Artisan (orange, creative center), Warrior (yellow, movement), Server (green, Heart), Sage (blue, intellectual), Priest (indigo, conceptual), King (violet, spiritual).

    Peace and Love!

  40. This is really interesting and I’m really excited to read more of your page to learn more! I felt fairly certain I must be a server from both what I read and the pictures you’ve posted, but when I took your quiz I scored as Artisan. I can 100% see why I scored that way – I’m imaginative, I love art and stories – especially things made for children – and I think it would be AMAZING to have a magical, creative world where everything you dream up comes to life, and I guess what I’d love most in life would be total freedom to just read books and draw pictures and take photos all day every day but in reality – the world outside of my own head – everything that comes naturally to me is some kind of service – teaching, nursing/healing, babysitting, volunteering, customer service etc. I don’t like those things as much as the fun things, but they seem to align better with who I am. Do you think this might just be because I am a server who loves creativity (and the test questions picked that up) or might I be an artisan living a life of service ? How do you tell the difference when you’re not sure where you fit? :/

    • Hi Bec

      Hard for me to say. In the lingo of the Michael teachings, it’s most likely to do with something called your CASTING — see for an explanation.

      As for determining which is first and which is second… If as you say your face fits the Server type more, then perhaps that’s your answer.

      The primary one is your constant natural way of being, and is often easier to discern when you are alone. It’s how you are even when no one is looking! The secondary one is how you APPLY that primary energy as you interact with the world, and comes across more clearly in your way of relating to others, so it’s easier to discern when you are with other people.

      For example, as a Scholar (primary) I can happily spend most of my time quietly reading, studying and soaking up information. It’s just in my nature. My secondary is Sage – expressive and jovial – and that’s how I like to APPLY my Scholarly knowledge in my relationship to others, or the world in general. If I were in a room full of other Scholars, we would all be fairly quiet and studious, but I would stand out as the most expressive and jovial one.

      You can of course order a profile reading from one of the professional channels ( – just remember that you are the ultimate judge of what’s valid.

    • Hi Barry,
      Thanks for all the responses you gave me last week. It was really helpful. I contacted Shepherd Hoodwin to do a channelling for me, and as it turns out I am a sage-cast scholar, but my essence twin is a discarnate artisan, so that may be where my artisan-like qualities have ‘bled in’ from. I have to say, the channelling was really helpful and I can completely see it now that I have a wealth of information about overleaves etc. It’s also help me recognise that my server-like qualities do stem from my upbringing, and possibly my sage-cast (e.g. love of teaching/volunteering/playing with children) and goal of flow/contentment (e.g. taking the easiest jobs available instead of challenging myself). I definitely agree with your own experience of being the most expressive in a room full of scholars. I’m completely fascinated but all of this. Thanks again!

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