The Warrior is one of the seven soul types or roles in essence. The Warrior’s specialty is forceful interaction, especially with those who oppose or threaten.
“I came, I saw, I conquered.” — Julius Caesar
“Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.” — Winston Churchill
“I keep waiting to meet a man who has more balls than I do.” — Salma Hayek
Rising to the Challenge
Warriors are forceful souls; they embody qualities of strength, courage and determination.
Like Kings, Warriors are action-oriented beings, and therefore down-to-earth, single-minded and very wilful. Unlike Kings, however, they tend to be more attracted to the cut and thrust of battle (whether real or metaphorical), preferring to just get stuck in rather than to stand back pulling all the strings.
Warrior souls tend to see life in terms of confrontations and rising to the challenge. There are causes to serve, struggles to be overcome, battles to be won. They like to be on the front line with their trusted comrades, and strongly value both courage and loyalty.
The basic drive of any Warrior is to uphold something “right” and defeat something “wrong”, however those two are defined. A Baby Warrior, for example, might fight against law-breaking in the local community. A Young Warrior might fight for his or her country against foreign threats. A Mature Warrior might fight against social injustices such as starvation in Africa. Even in the entertainment industry, Warrior souls approach their work as a kind of personal battle or test.
A perfect example of the Warrior’s relentless commitment to a challenge is the long-distance swimmer Diana Nyad. Diana first tried to swim the 100 miles of shark-infested ocean between Cuba and Florida in 1978, aged 28. On her fifth attempt, at the age of 64, she finally succeeded. The 15-minute TED talk she gave after that is well worth watching:
Warriors are invariably attracted to some sort of challenge. The challenge could be anything — the forces of nature, an invading army, undesirable elements in the community, social injustice, racial prejudice, or oneself. Fulfilment, for the Warrior, comes in the form of victory over the given challenge.
Positive and Negative Poles
[As a reminder, any manifestation of consciousness has both a positive pole and a negative pole. The positive pole is an expression of the true self or soul; the negative pole is an expression of the false self or ego.]In the positive pole, persuasion, a Warrior is forceful and effective without being overbearing. In other words, respectfully persuasive, courageous and protective.
In the negative pole, coercion, the Warrior descends into intimidation and brute oppression. The ends justify the means, and any approach that gets results may be perceived as useful, no matter how unpleasant for others.
in the movie Gran Torino, Clint Eastwood (himself an Old Warrior) plays a character whose journey is one of moving from the negative pole to the positive pole of the Warrior spirit.
Warrior Soul Evolution
As a reminder, all souls progress through five cycles of self-evolution in physical form (see: Reincarnation: the 35 Steps.)
Baby Warriors tend to be at home in law enforcement and the armed forces. Mike Tyson is a Baby Warrior in the largely Young Warrior world of boxing (a challenge indeed).
Warriors find their feet in physical form during the Young cycle, which is focused on individual accomplishment. Young Warriors are attracted to the macho action hero archetype, and tend to seek glory as “invincible” soldiers, leaders and athletes. Famous Young Warriors in power include Ivan the Terrible, Mao Tse Tung, Churchill and Eisenhower.
Mature Warriors, by now disillusioned with warfare and violence, try to throw their forcefulness into more meaningful challenges and causes such as acting (Judi Dench) and writing (Bram Soker). Their politics becomes more about fighting for the underdog.
Old Warriors like Igor Stravinsky and Clint Eastwood become more philosophical and seek pure self-expression through mastery of their forceful nature.
Warrior Characteristics
Warriors are distinctly solid and physical, ready for action, very much at home in their bodies. In both male and female form, they can be aggressively sexual.
Facially, Warriors are often characterised by low eyebrows and an expression that says, “Don’t fuck with me.” Or perhaps it’s, “Come and have a go if you think you’re hard enough.” Not necessarily aggressive, just ready for a bit of action. Whenever you see that look in the eyes, even in a small child, you are probably looking at a Warrior.
Like Kings, their faces tend to be quite firm and angular rather than soft and rounded (unless they happen to be overweight).
Some famous examples of the Warrior soul:
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Up to: Soul Types: The Seven Roles in Essence
Hello I do know this is quite a longshot comment since this post is very old, but I tend to comment anyways since I would like to share. I do feel like I was an warrior in my past life which sounds insane, But I do have lots of traits to it. My genes are increadible good, I dont lose muscle, doctors told me my bones are 3 times stronger than an normal human being. I have low pain receptors with that I mean I can take lots of pain without disctraction of my goal. I broke my thumb and I split my tooth diagonally for some reason and I was still able to continue my training, also one thing worth mentioning since I might get an answer, I build lots of muscle and I mean alot. However its not visable I am facinating strong for my size and I intend to build more of internal muscle that is not visable and this leads to me looking weak and innocent which I enjoy alot.
I do not want to look like a person who would harm anyone until I get down to a position like that. Fun thing to mention, Am increadible good at martial arts for some type of a reason, am flexible, lots of power to my strike, right mindset and very very good techniques which I have just picked up from the knowledge of internet and a few sports that I have participated in like ” Kyokoshin Karate and Taekwando”
However this might be pretty unbelivable to belive, so am gonna fill you in on something. Myself and 6 other people with almost the same capabilities intend to become the very best fighiting force on this earth, we will never backdown and we will never fall to an enemy.
Our capabilities as a team is extremley cordinated and estonishing good. We work as a team we dont leave anyone behind, we dont not train any of this modern bullshit like gym or resembling workouts, We only follow how humans are supose to follow which has lead us to the path of training in the forest, outside in cold weather ( Winter ) strenghting our weak points and disabling as many pressure points as possible. We dont have any weakness not even dear ones. We are all ready to let one and another go if the time has to come.
I know this sounds pretty sci fi anatic or what ever to call it, but I can assure you this is real, In 362 days we are walking in to a military facility based for training and showing them what we are capable of which we are allowed to due to our friends mom is a general for the Ranger Batalion. I do not care if you belive me or not, I just had to share it with someone atleast, and hopefully get an answer to our genetics and if even what soul I have. One thing worth mentioning, I do not know where am from and who my parents are , goverment never told my guardians basicly. Guardians are not allowed to tell me who my grandmother is either.
What’s up, its good post concerning media print, we all be aware of media is a enormous source
of information.
Thanks for sharing your helpful information.
I am really thankful
Health & Wellness Coach in Beverly
Fascinating life story sure sound like a warrior..
And slso your parents, their parents info. might be government classified. Maybe you are the descendent of a powerful military, or political figure..