Enlightenment Intensives podcast: “What is direct experience?”

One of the greatest tools for spiritual awakening at this time, especially for those not wedded to any long-term spiritual path, is the Enlightenment Intensive. This is a three-day retreat process which immerses you in a full-on inner search for the ‘direct experience’ of truth. In other words, an experience of one’s true nature or being that is not manufactured or processed by the mind, but is absolutely direct. Since its development in the 1960s, the Enlightenment Intensive process has enabled thousands of ordinary individuals to experience a moment of true awakening or enlightenment.

Forest Dalton is a hugely experienced Enlightenment Intensive master who leads Intensives at his home in Ben Lomon, California. In this 10-minute podcast, Forest talks to writer Tony Levelle about the meaning of direct experience and beautifully describes the lifelong impact of one of his own experiences. I heartily recommend it.

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The seven soul types: what do they look like?

I’ve been adding some pictures to my pages about the seven soul types (as described in the Michael teachings). Specifically, I’ve done seven facial caricatures to show what each one tends to look like (at least to me), highlighting and exaggerating the main features — the Scholar’s prominent brow, for example, and the Priest’s intense eyes.

Below I’m showing them all together on one page, with a number of famous faces as representative examples in each case.

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Conference Call: ‘Mysteries of Near-Death Experiences: Perspectives from Experiencers, Science and Spirituality’

The International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) is a membership organization providing information about near-death and related experiences to experiencers, researchers, educators, health care providers, and the interested public.

IANDS’ purpose is “to promote responsible, multi-disciplinary exploration of near-death and similar experiences, their effects on people’s lives, and their implications for beliefs about life, death, and human purpose.” Among its various activities is a periodic conference in North America.

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Boy of 3 has near-death experience and meets his [great?] grandmother

While clinically dead for three hours, a little boy spoke with “grandma Emmi” in the afterlife.

Paul Eicke [bild.de]

Three-year-old German boy Paul Eicke was in the pond at his grandparents’ house for several minutes before his grandfather saw him and pulled him out. His father gave him heart massage and mouth-to-mouth during the ten minutes it took a helicopter to arrive. Paramedics then took over and Paul was taken the ten-minute journey to hospital. Doctors tried to resuscitate him for hours. They had just given up when, 3 hours and 18 minutes after he had been brought in, Paul’s heart started beating independently.

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Groundbreaking study of near-death experiences by renowned cardiologist

A Dutch hospital cardiologist’s best-selling study of NDEs is now available in English.

From 1977 to 2003, Dr. Pim van Lommel (b.1943) worked as a cardiologist at the Rijnstate Hospital, an 800-bed teaching hospital in Arnhem in the Netherlands. He published several professional papers on cardiology, and, in September 2006, he received a Life Time Achievement Award at the World Congress on Clinical and Preventive Cardiology in New Delhi.

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Lovers’ reincarnation story told in new book: ‘Lifetimes Ago’

Lifetimes Ago: A love story inspired from past life memories, by Susie Schecter

(published by iUniverse, March 15, 2010)

Susie Schecter is a writer and teacher based in Orange County, California. In 2001, she and her new boyfriend experienced several “meaningful coincidences” around the start of their relationship. “This feels like it was meant to be,” he said. They decided to turn to hypnotic past life regression to uncover whether they were soul mates or if they had ever met in another life.

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Early video of near-death experience interviews released


This just in from Dan Gaylinn of the Association of Transpersonal Psychology:

This link [above] leads to a video passed along to me by Charles Tart, leading researcher and scholar of transpersonal psychology and altered states of consciousness. It is a 20 minute interview of four extraordinary (but typical) near-death experiencers that was put together by Kenneth Ring in the early days of the research. Only recently has it been made available on the internet as it was only previously available as an Umatic video tape costing more than $300, which made it difficult to find and watch, despite Charley’s wish to show it every class he’s taught for the past 20 years.

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