P E R S O N A L I T Y S P I R I T U A L I T Y . N E T
Discover who and what we are ~
- as human beings, each with a unique personality
- as spiritual beings, each with a unique purpose.
Learn how to understand yourself and others at a deeper level:
The story of my own lifelong search for understanding could be a useful starting point.
Learn about the seven chief features of ego (…it’s all to do with fear) — Can you figure out which one is yours?
Introducing an intensive process for self-realization: the three-day Enlightenment Intensive.
Why are people so fundamentally different? In essence, we each represent one of seven archetypal roles.
Not just a nice idea … it’s what we are all doing here! Learn about the whole process of soul evolution from Infant Souls to Old Souls.
Lots more articles can be found here.
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Recommended reading list (with Amazon links)
A comprehensive framework linking human personality and life events to spirituality and soul evolution
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