What happens after our last reincarnation?

What will happen to us after we complete our reincarnations, having reached the end of the Old soul stage?

Throughout the reincarnational process, each soul can be thought of as a “fragment” of a greater whole. During reincarnation, the fragment seeks to fully realise itself as an individual in its own right.

After reincarnation, the self-realised soul now comes to unite its consciousness with others from its own “family” of origin as they also complete reincarnation. This occurs on the mid-Astral plane. In all, there will be around 1,000 soul-mates converging like this.

Once all members of the entire “family” or “entity” has completed and reunited, there are two further stages of evolution to undergo — stage 6 and stage 7. These take place in the non-physical realms.


Stage 6 and the Transcendental Soul

In the 6th stage, a higher order of consciousness emerges on the Causal plane. Here, the wisdom, life experiences and understandings of the entire reunited group are integrated, forming a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts — a “Causal Body” or “re-integrated entity”. Any sense of fragmentation now disappears.

Many channelled teachings are from souls undergoing this stage, including the Michael teachings.  The being we call Michael is actually a re-integrated entity made up of precisely 1,050 souls who have completed their reincarnations and are now going through the 6th stage.

Through this cycle, the souls experience a unity of consciousness in which their individuality, while still there, is no longer important. Collectively, however, they will still perceive a difference between self and other, or created and creator. That difference is finally resolved for good in the second post-reincarnation stage

There is no need for souls at this level to reincarnate. However, the group can elect to send a representative into physical life as a way to educate and inspire human society in some way. An incarnate soul from a re-interated entity is known in the Michael teachings as a Transcendental Soul. In history, however, we recognise them as realised masters. Examples include:

  • Socrates
  • Mohammed
  • Gandhi
  • Paramahansa Yogananda

Such individuals tend to have easy access to the higher moving or “tantric” Center, in the sense that they know how to bring spiritual energy into their mundane life.

Transcendental souls (from stage 6) will sometimes incarnate to herald and prepare the ground for the coming incarnation of an Infinite soul (from stage 7).

Stage 7 and The Infinite Soul

Stage 7 is the final stage of evolution, where consciousness finally merges with the infinite presence and eternal life force of all-that-is — the Tao.

By the end of this stage, the consciousness of souls is effectively at one with the creative power of the universe. Individual thoughts give way to infinite consciousness; individual feelings give way to infinite bliss. The consciousness now comes to experience and know itself — paradoxically — as both creator and created, both the source of evolution and the end product.

Again, there is no need for such souls at this level to reincarnate. However, on rare occasions they can descend into physical manifestation to help jump-start a mass shift in consciousness.

A manifestation at this level, known as the Infinite Soul, is an embodiment of ultimate Truth, Love and Unity — in other words, an Avatar or a living god. Examples include:

  • Krishna
  • Buddha
  • Jesus Christ

An infinite soul is a representative from the upper causal plane, who is, in turn, channeling through a universal quality from one of the three high planes: love, truth, or beauty. — Michael Chat with Shepherd Hoodwin: Soul Age, Part II

It is not that the Infinite soul will inhabit a human body from birth. Personalities are not designed to sustain that amount of energy. Rather, a self-realised soul (i.e. a 7th-level Old or Transcendental soul) will incarnate and then, at a prearranged moment in adult life, give way for the Infinite soul to manifest, either partially or completely, for the remainder of that incarnation.

Siddhartha Gautama, for example, was a realised soul who in adult life gave way to the Buddha, a manifestation of perfect Unity.

Jesus of Nazareth was a fully realised King soul who in adult life gave way to the Christ, a manifestation of perfect Love.

From what I can gather, even after the final stage we are forever free to choose to undergo the whole grand cycle again for the sheer thrill of it!

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114 thoughts on “What happens after our last reincarnation?”

  1. Thank you for this site. It resonated with me in many levels, as I am certain this is the last of many times that I have taken physical form. It is difficult to explain the beauty of not being in physical form and not being and individual person because we are, right now physical, and that is what we can understand. WE are connected at all times to the collective self, and we tune in to the knowledge source of it whenever we want without realizing it. Think of the non physical realm as that telepathic feeling you have when you think of a person and they call. We are that powerful. That is a very real event. That is non physical. We think and make it so. This is the easiest way to explain it but to go a little deeper, the source has no single identity, no language, no face. It is the collective and is just pure creative energy where ALL THAT IS becomes what we collectively created it to be through, for the sake of explanation, the collective telepathic togetherness. No words of any language need be exchanged for they are already understood. It is infinitely happening, without the scale and confines of TIME. We are there and here simultaneously and need not be afraid of losing this individual physical self. We chose to come into physical existence each time, as we can only experience certain feelings in our physical bodies. We are here to feel… for better or worse until we part ourselves from our body. We experience love for one another, which in turn created the feelings of fear of loss. We experience hate, which created feelings of empathy and compassion as observers. This can only be done within physical reality. We fear pain and the unknown, so we created the feeling of a higher power, which gave us comfort. This can only be done in the physical body. WE collectively create our physical reality while we are physical and WE can collectively change its course. This ability has not yet come to Collective Realization, which is another feeling we will come to experience the achievement of while in physical form. It will come in the era of The Great Peace… just before the mass ascension. I don’t capitalize the mass ascension because that is the point at which grammar, words, and understanding are lack of matter or physical outcome… as it pertains to this plane of reality.

  2. I love your site ‘ It resonates with me “ i long to be with people who feel the path,but find this subject is not understood by many even my family of who seem to just tolerate my knowledge ‘It’s taken me many years to know what I know ,as it must have with same minded people , how wonderful it must feel like to meet a soulmate who understands all you are

    • I understand what you are saying. My partner doesn’t understand, quite frankly, he’s downright disrespectful, about my spirituality and the rest of my family is devout catholic. I don’t have anyone to talk to about this or share my thoughts with. I have just, in the last year or so, discovered Reincarnation and dove in head first because it all just clicked with me. I sadly feel very alone in my spirituality and wish I could open up to my partner without him giving me that look.

    • I know what you mean; I know I can’t discuss this topic with my siblings; they’d think I lost my mind! I’m a baby boomer, and I was raised to NOT question our teachings or “bad things” will happen.

  3. Greta Thunberg has been channelled as Transcentental Soul by Troy Tolley.
    Same goes for Dave Hogg, a survivor of Parkland school shooting and now an activist to change weapon laws in the US.

    • Whoops! That is a great wish but you have no choice because you must reincarnate at least 100 times and the creator decides if you have completed your re-birth process. The creator may feel you have additional ,lessons to be learned. To gain a better perspective please look up ten things everyone needs to know about reincarnation

  4. Hello

    Excellent material. As a novice on the subject I prepared in an MS Excel sheet the density of souls in the space. However I have couple of confusions. If you want I can send you the Excel Work sheet for your review. Possibly you can clear my doubts. Please reply to my email address if you become interested to see the file.

    Best regards

  5. earth-is-negative-energy-farm.com
    you may start with links at the end of this about six pages essay which contain supporting opinions, albeit without supporting evidence, but dating back hundreds of years. Lately it comes out, that this goes back actually thousands of years back, but this opinion was ruthlessly prosecuted and believers murdered and tortured to keep status quo. Gnostics and also probably Essenes were people behind what I came up with – just using different terms / names.


  6. My question would be that when we reach our last stage and unite with the god and goddess/ source do we forever loose our individuality and memories and experience or are we both an individual and a part of a collective – will I still have my freedom to be/ think/ act- or whatever that looks like or will I return to source and simply be that source and that source alone- lol I hope this made sense

    • Throughout the reincarnational process, each soul can be thought of as a “fragment” of a greater whole. During reincarnation, the fragment seeks to fully realise itself as an individual in its own right. After reincarnation, the self-realised soul now comes to unite its consciousness with others from its own “family” of origin as they also complete reincarnation. In all, there will be around 1,000 soul-mates converging like this in the non-physical. Once all members of the entire soul family (or “entity”) have completed and reunited, there are further stages of evolution.

      The wisdom, life experiences, and understandings of the entire reunited group are integrated, forming a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. Any sense of separation or fragmentation now disappears. But this does not mean that one’s sense of individuality is lost in a collective “Borg”. The uniquely creative free will of the soul is what the whole journey has been about, and continues to be about. The source wants us to create our own worlds of experience.

      There is a sense of being one with source, but only because that sense had been mostly lost while experiencing human form.

  7. You are looking for a simple answer in a metaphysically, dimensionally and energetically complex Universe / Multiverse.

    You have a huge number of options, depending on your understandings, beliefs, desires and focus.

    There are races who have given up individuality and become a collective. Others have retained individuality in addition to becoming a collective. Some have an intellectual, scientific, engineering or exploration focus. Others are focused on Love, Uplifting others, Healing, and/or being midwives to ascension. Some are formless.

    You are already Source. It is simply a matter of which aspect of yourself you are experiencing at this moment.

    Lest I write volumes here, I would suggest your reading the book “Connecting with the Arcturians” by David Miller. The Arcturians are a 7th dimensional, scientific, exploratory race, and they share a wealth of understanding of the nature of our galaxy and our planet, including information about paths of evolution.


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