Welcome to
Personality & Spirituality




Hi, I’m Barry. I’m a psychologist exploring the hidden depths of human nature. 

Combining psychology and spirituality with a wealth of personal experience, my aim is to inform, inspire and occasionally entertain anyone who has ever wondered … “Who am I?”


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Latest blog posts:

“Lives changed forever”: near-death experience conference call (IANDS 2011)

The International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) is a non-profit educational organisation devoted to the understanding of NDEs, their personal…

Hereafter UK: Spiritual beliefs and near-death experiences in Britain

PHOTO: Telstar2000 @ Flickr A recent survey of spiritual beliefs in the UK has led me to the fascinating research…

Onward Christian soldiers? The U. S. Army wants only one kind of “spiritual fitness”

The U.S. Army has been criticised recently over its soldier fitness program — specifically, the part that assesses soldiers’ “spiritual…

Feeling the future – Are results of recent experiments evidence of precognition?

A respected psychologist is publishing experimental findings which suggest that we can be subconsciously affected by what happens in the…

  • Archive ~ links to all blog posts


Articles ~ on personality, spirituality, and transpersonal psychology

Enlightenment Intensives

Enlightenment Intensives ~ A 3-day process of awakening to the truth of who we really are. Highly recommended.

The Michael Teachings

The Michael Teachings ~ A comprehensive framework linking human personality and life events to spirituality and soul evolution.


~ frequently asked questions, frequently given answers ~


I also answer questions on Quora.com ~ see Barry’s answers at Quora



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