Welcome to
Personality & Spirituality




Hi, I’m Barry. I’m a psychologist exploring the hidden depths of human nature. 

Combining psychology and spirituality with a wealth of personal experience, my aim is to inform, inspire and occasionally entertain anyone who has ever wondered … “Who am I?”


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Latest blog posts:

Self-transcendence and the brain: new research, old fallacy

____________________________________________________________________ Recent advances in neuroscience are revealing the relationships between complex mental processes and brain activity. It is even possible…

Jim Carrey’s moment of spiritual awakening

Shortlink to this post: http://wp.me/pvdM6-Vj It’s nothing short of a miracle whenever someone experiences a spiritual awakening. It is all…

Physician says near-death experiences are evidence for life after death

Shortlink to this post: http://wp.me/pvdM6-SS ____________________________________________________________________ A hospital doctor has undertaken the “largest ever scientific study” of near-death experiences and…

Groundbreaking reality TV show features past life regression

Indian TV viewers have been treated to a nightly dose of reality TV featuring past life regression.

  • Archive ~ links to all blog posts


Articles ~ on personality, spirituality, and transpersonal psychology

Enlightenment Intensives

Enlightenment Intensives ~ A 3-day process of awakening to the truth of who we really are. Highly recommended.

The Michael Teachings

The Michael Teachings ~ A comprehensive framework linking human personality and life events to spirituality and soul evolution.


~ frequently asked questions, frequently given answers ~


I also answer questions on Quora.com ~ see Barry’s answers at Quora



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