Welcome to
Personality & Spirituality




Hi, I’m Barry. I’m a psychologist exploring the hidden depths of human nature. 

Combining psychology and spirituality with a wealth of personal experience, my aim is to inform, inspire and occasionally entertain anyone who has ever wondered … “Who am I?”


  • Index (blog posts per topic)
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  • Journal (where I write of my personal experiences)

Latest blog posts:

Michael Jackson – the reincarnation of Mozart?

In a book written in the 1970s, it was stated matter-of-factly that the young pop star Michael Jackson was the…

Astrology and personality: a study of animal behaviour

Currently in the news: New Book Describes Remarkable Connection Between Puppies in Paris and Traditional Astrological Concepts I know nothing…

Reincarnated World War II American fighter pilot

The story of a couple in the US whose little boy had memories of being a fighter pilot in the Second World War.

The Personality’s Place in Spiritual Practice (a review)

The websites Channel Higher Self and Satsang with the Self feature videos by a young spiritual teacher from Sedona, Arizona,…

  • Archive ~ links to all blog posts


Articles ~ on personality, spirituality, and transpersonal psychology

Enlightenment Intensives

Enlightenment Intensives ~ A 3-day process of awakening to the truth of who we really are. Highly recommended.

The Michael Teachings

The Michael Teachings ~ A comprehensive framework linking human personality and life events to spirituality and soul evolution.


~ frequently asked questions, frequently given answers ~


I also answer questions on Quora.com ~ see Barry’s answers at Quora



a d v e r t i s e m e n t

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