Welcome to
Personality & Spirituality




Hi, I’m Barry. I’m a psychologist exploring the hidden depths of human nature. 

Combining psychology and spirituality with a wealth of personal experience, my aim is to inform, inspire and occasionally entertain anyone who has ever wondered … “Who am I?”


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Latest blog posts:

Simply beautiful… Neale Donald Walsch tells of his journey to the Light

Neale Donald Walsch, author of the Conversations with God books, tells the story of his near death like experience.

New book explores ‘The Lennon-Brontë Connection’

The Lennon-Brontë Connection is the follow-up to All You Need is Love. That was the book in which an ordinary…

Life after death – two upcoming conferences

Here are two conferences on a similar theme in 2012:  the Second Annual Afterlife Awareness Conference and the International Conference on After Death…

Alanis Morissette — the reincarnation of Sergei Prokofiev?

This is one of those cases where the facial resemblance just hit me. I have no idea if this is…

  • Archive ~ links to all blog posts


Articles ~ on personality, spirituality, and transpersonal psychology

Enlightenment Intensives

Enlightenment Intensives ~ A 3-day process of awakening to the truth of who we really are. Highly recommended.

The Michael Teachings

The Michael Teachings ~ A comprehensive framework linking human personality and life events to spirituality and soul evolution.


~ frequently asked questions, frequently given answers ~


I also answer questions on Quora.com ~ see Barry’s answers at Quora



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