Early video of near-death experience interviews released


This just in from Dan Gaylinn of the Association of Transpersonal Psychology:

This link [above] leads to a video passed along to me by Charles Tart, leading researcher and scholar of transpersonal psychology and altered states of consciousness. It is a 20 minute interview of four extraordinary (but typical) near-death experiencers that was put together by Kenneth Ring in the early days of the research. Only recently has it been made available on the internet as it was only previously available as an Umatic video tape costing more than $300, which made it difficult to find and watch, despite Charley’s wish to show it every class he’s taught for the past 20 years.

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Near-death experiences explained by carbon dioxide? [or: How journalism works]

Has a simple rational explanation for near-death experiences finally been found?

First there came a Google news announcement:

CO2 may explain ‘near-death experience’: study (AFP)

Then other news outlets repeated the story, essentially word-for-word but with increasingly emphatic headlines.

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Physician says near-death experiences are evidence for life after death

Shortlink to this post: http://wp.me/pvdM6-SS

A hospital doctor has undertaken the “largest ever scientific study” of near-death experiences and concludes that it provides evidence for life after death.


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