According to many spiritual teachers, all human beings are, in reality, spiritual beings on a human journey. We reincarnate as human beings in order to evolve as souls.
Our ultimate aim is to become fully conscious and capable as unique individual expressions of All That Is. It is a long journey, but that’s okay because the soul is eternal.
Soul Evolution
The soul’s journey is really a process of evolving. This means growing in consciousness, steadily progressing through different levels or stages of consciousness. How do we grow in consciousness? Through taking on challenging experiences in physical form. These cause us to make important, “soul-searching” choices and call upon us to discover our inner resources. But why in physical form? Why would a perfectly happy spiritual being decide to inhabit the physical realm with all of its limitations and difficulties? It is precisely so that we can experience the state of what feels like total separation from others and from the rest of reality. Only by going into this physically separated human form can we know ourselves as beings in our own right, and not just as … well … undifferentiated blobs of energy. Being physical throws our experiences and choices into extremely sharp relief in a way that is not possible otherwise. This is how we learn who we are and how to become all that we are. In other words:
Choice and the ramifications of choice provide the essential lessons of life. In a very real sense, you choose to be here in order to make choices.
Messages from Michael
a d v e r t i s e m e n t
The 35 Steps
We are here to know ourselves and be all we can be, step by step. And according to the teachings of the entity known as Michael, there are 35 steps to the reincarnational process. The body and personality you have now are merely the vehicles you have chosen for this latest step in your journey.
But why 35 steps? Why not 36 steps? Or 10? Or 100?
It is simply because, according to Michael, we go through five major stages of evolution through reincarnation. And, within each stage there are seven increments or levels to be completed. (Yes, it is rather like a computer game.) 5 x 7 = 35. Each single step requires a whole lifetime to complete. In fact, each step usually requires more than one lifetime. Typically, the entire journey of 35 steps takes well over a hundred lifetimes. So let’s look at the journey in more detail. We’ll start with the five major stages of soul evolution through reincarnation.
The Five Stages
The Michael teachings describe a sequence of five “cycles” or stages of soul evolution. They are named after the stages of human development:
- Stage 1: The INFANT Soul
- Stage 2: The BABY Soul [also known as CHILD Soul]
- Stage 3: The YOUNG Soul
- Stage 4: The MATURE Soul
- Stage 5: The OLD Soul
Each of these five corresponds to a specific level of development in capability and self-awareness within the individual soul. As the soul goes through each stage, the focus changes, more experience is gained, and consciousness expands. Incidentally, the same pattern of soul evolution has been identified by the hypnotherapist Michael Newton (right). His groundbreaking research was published in the best-selling book Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives (Llewellyn, 1994). The books by Newton and his students draw upon thousands of transcripts of people who, under hypnotic regression, have re-experienced being between lives. From the higher perspective of their soul they are able to explain what happens after death and before birth. This includes information about the levels of consciousness through which reincarnating souls evolve. What Newton and others have discovered is that souls between lives exist in light-form, and that each soul emanates a particular colour of the spectrum which indicates its current level of consciousness. The spectrum begins at white (all colours) but then goes through red, yellow, green, blue, to deep purple and violet. From low frequency to high frequency. The least evolved souls — the “newbies” — have a pinkish hue. The oldest souls — those nearing the end of the whole reincarnational cycle — have a blueish hue. Although the spectrum is a continuum, Dr. Newton has found that it can be divided into five distinct stages or levels of evolvement, from Level I to Level V. These can be mapped onto the five stages given in the Michael teachings, from Infant soul to Old soul.
So, for example, souls in the middle (or third) stage of reincarnation are referred to as “Young souls” in the Michael teachings and they are at what Newton would call “Level III”. They will have a yellowish or golden hue. (As an aside, both Newton and the Michael entity also identify higher levels of soul evolution which do not involve reincarnation.) The stages of reincarnation (or soul age) can also be likened to the stages of metamorphosis we see in nature, such as egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly. In reincarnation, though, what changes is not the physical form but the mode of consciousness, especially the form of self-awareness and — as a result — the way of relating to others.
A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Soul age characteristics
Soul age affects how an individual lives, thinks, acts, and comes across to others. Stage 1 — Infant Souls
Infant souls focus on immediate survival needs. They flourish in simple environments close to nature, such as remote tribes or rural, pastoral settings.
In the context of modern society, however, they can come across as uncivilised simpletons or yokels, and may even be deemed to be psychopathic or have some sort of developmental disorder.
Psychologically, infant souls are naive, impulsive and “pre-conventional”, acting on impulse or habit with little or no thought for consequences.
Because they lack both social understanding and self-inhibition, they are capable of committing antisocial or immoral acts without any sense of wrongdoing. As such, they do not fit well within modern society and may end up in prison or in psychiatric units.
While they may lack the moral principles, social graces and cultural understanding of older souls, Infant souls are in a sense completely innocent, being without pretense or agenda.
Stage 2 — Baby Souls
In contrast to Infant souls, Baby souls think a great deal about the rights and wrongs of their actions. Their lives are about safety, security, structure and order — rigidly so. They like to live in communities that are highly principled and “civilized” (think of the Amish).
Baby souls come across to older souls as rather “square” – strictly conventional and conformist. Both their beliefs and their actions are largely rule-bound, so they are often ultra-conservative, traditionalist, orthodox, upright, moralistic, religiously devout, and mindful of law and order.
That said, they will occasionally give in to temptation, or temper tantrum, and break the rules themselves — but then might find themselves tortured with guilt and shame.
They are acutely aware of the rights and wrongs of people’s actions, including their own, though they have little insight into the motives behind them. Bad behaviour is sinful, and that’s that.
Stage 3 — Young Souls
Young souls tend to be extravert, outward-bound, worldly, frenetically energetic, brash, competitive, political, ambitious and individualistic. Life at this stage is about thinking for oneself and asserting oneself as an individual.
Young souls are more ego-driven than others, keen to make their mark in the world. They are generally attracted to some form of worldly success — fame, fortune, power, glory. In fact, they are more fearful of death than souls at other stages, and those who aren’t sure about life after death may be anxious to make a big impact on the world stage, to create some kind of symbolic immortality for themselves.
Young souls cling to their own opinions, with a certainty that their own perspective is the right perspective, and their way ahead is by far the best way. They are very aware of their own agenda but do not really question it.
Stage 4 Mature souls
Mature souls tend to be more reflective than younger souls, with a growing understanding of self, growing empathy for others, and a desire for authenticity in both. Life is less about proving oneself, and more about exploring “right relationship”.
Mature soul consciousness is no longer egocentric, in the sense of being limited to one’s own perspective and agenda, but is capable of accommodating multiple perspectives and different agendas. In fact, there is now a tension between “what I want” and “appreciating what you want,” or between the personal and the interpersonal.
This makes life much more complicated — sometimes overwhelmingly so. On the one hand, mature souls reject narrow-minded values. Yet on the other hand, they are able to empathise with whoever holds those same values. Fixed opinions are replaced by a sense of ever-shifting perspectives — “It all depends on how you look at it”.
This disappearance of solid ground can be hugely stressful, but it kicks off a search for deeper meaning and self-understanding, whether through art, psychology, philosophy or spirituality.
Mature souls tend to question everything, including their own motives, and are prone to do a lot of soul-searching (literally).
Stage 5 — Old Souls
Old souls tend to exude some degree of depth, gravitas or wisdom that is quite obvious. In children, it can be most striking (think: old head on young shoulders) For having moved beyond the stresses and conflicts of the Mature soul, Old souls have a growing sense of inner peace and freedom — the freedom to enjoy being very much in the world, but not of it.
Compared to younger souls they are relatively calm, measured, untroubled and stable, unattached to social structures and cultural expectations, being sure of their own existence and inner strengths and their compassion for others.
On the other hand, finding themselves in a world that is so conflicted, chaotic, frantic, and superficial can be utterly depressing.
For Old souls, the aim of life is to find true self-expression and fulfillment. As such, they tend to go their own unique way in life, letting go and letting be, in a detached way that may seem very weird and eccentric to younger souls.
Late-stage old souls find themselves consciously participating in the evolution of all-that-is, and often focus on teaching spiritual wisdom with great compassion.
Note: These descriptions emphasise the differences between stages. In reality, though, there is a gradual blend from one stage to the next. A person at the start of the Mature stage, for example, will act mostly like a Young soul but with elements of Mature soul nature beginning to emerge.
The lessons of each stage
Here are the five stages of soul evolution through human reincarnation, together with the typical learning experiences associated with each stage:
So we begin reincarnating as Infant souls, complete novices at physical existence. At this first stage we are largely in a state of incompetence and terror, frankly. But through experiences and choices we learn and grow. We steadily progress from being Infant souls to Baby souls to Young souls to Mature souls. Finally, we enter the fifth stage as accomplished Old souls, the experts of human existence.
As infant souls we learned about choices having to do with survival, as baby souls choices having to do with moral codes and ethics, as young souls choices having to do with mastery of achievement, as mature souls choices having to do with relationships, and as old souls choices having to do with the nature of oneness with the Tao. An infant soul would therefore not understand the choices of an old soul although an older soul would likely have more understanding of the nature of younger soul choice having had them.
Michael, via Victoria Marina
To look at each stage in more detail see:
Stage 1. The Infant Soul
Stage 2. The Baby Soul
Stage 3. The Young Soul
Stage 4. The Mature Soul
Stage 5. The Old Soul
Soul levels in the human population
The six or seven billion people on the planet span the whole range of stages, but the average is said to be somewhere just past the mid-point of stage 3 (see chart below). In other words, this world is currently dominated by Young souls whose primary focus is competitive self-advancement.
The seven steps within each stage
Within each stage there are seven discrete steps to go through. In the Michael teachings, they are called “levels”, so in each stage we proceed from 1st level to 7th level. Calling these “levels” can be a bit confusing (since Newton refers to the five major stages as “levels”), so I sometimes prefer to call them “steps”. So each stage of reincarnation has seven distinct learning steps. For example, we begin the whole journey at step 1 as Infant souls, learn that lesson, then undertake step 2 as Infant souls, and so on. On completing the 7th step of the Infant stage, we then begin the 1st step of the Baby stage.
The early steps in any stage are about experiencing life at this new stage of evolution, learning the essential lessons through appropriate experiences. The later steps are about expressing those lessons, demonstrating this level of consciousness in action. For example, in the Young soul stage, the first three steps — from 1st level Young soul to 3rd level Young soul — are about discovering the meaning of free will and self-determination; the last three steps — 5th level Young soul to 7th level Young soul — are about demonstrating the meaning of free will and self-determination in action. (The middle step — 4th level Young soul — is about consolidating the lessons learned.) The first step or level of any stage is like putting a toe in the water; the final step is like teaching others how to swim:
1st Level | Initiation into the new stage. “Toe in the water.” First glimpses of the new consciousness. We come to recognise that there is a whole new way of being ahead of us, and we respond to the call, even though as yet it is beyond our comprehension. |
2nd Level | Building foundations. Wading in and out. Comparing and contrasting the old and new consciousness. We come to understand what is essential and different about this higher level, though it still remains ‘ahead’ of us, not quite within us. |
3rd Level | Rising to the challenge. Taking the plunge. We determinedly commit ourselves to actively embrace and explore the new consciousness. |
4th Level | Integration. Relaxing into it, “enjoying the water.” We now identify ourselves with this way of understanding self, life and others – this is our truth. We fully incorporate and consolidate the new consciousness into our own being. |
5th Level | Expression. Splashing about – “Look at me!” We openly share and communicate our new, true sense of self and of life’s meaning. We feel drawn to broadcast our truth, to “go public” with it. |
6th Level | Demonstration. Giving value and benefit to others. “Being a life guard.” Our new consciousness is put to the test. We also burn off any outstanding karma incurred in the earlier steps of this stage. |
7th Level | Mastery. Peak performance. We have complete understanding and control of our awareness at this level. We know exactly what we are doing. We may feel like a role model. Hmm… What’s next? |
This sequence of seven steps is repeated through each stage, making 35 steps in all from the beginning of reincarnation to the end. In case you’re wondering, I’m at the 5th level of the Mature soul stage. My current life’s lesson is about outwardly expressing my Mature soul consciousness.
a d v e r t i s e m e n t
Many lives
So, we start our evolutionary journey at level 1 of stage I (as “1st Level Infant souls”) and end it at level 7 of stage 5 (as “7th Level Old souls”). There are 35 steps in all. And each single step requires at least one lifetime to complete. A single step can be done in one lifetime but often that’s too big a stretch, so an initial life may undertaken as a taster, followed by one or two more which really go for it. Sometimes a life is interrupted, and the soul will just have to start over in the next life. Also, some lives are undertaken for reasons other than the specific intent to develop. For example, one lifetime might be undertaken primarily to assist another soul in their development. And some lives are taken on primarily for the death experience, for karmic reasons. These can be very short, of the order of days, weeks or months. Taking into account all the gaps spent in the non-physical state between lives, a single step is typically accomplished in about 100-300 years of Earth time. The whole journey of 35 steps usually takes well over 100 lifetimes. Hence, the whole journey is likely to take of the order of 7,000-8,000 years, but possibly a lot more if the population is low and opportunities to incarnate are few.
Questions and Answers
Coming back again and again sounds dreadful. Why don’t we just give up and be done with it? Can’t I just decide that this is my last time?
You cannot skip any of the steps, nor would you want to (from the soul’s perspective). You wouldn’t rent a movie but then skip to the final credits just to avoid the whole process of sitting through the movie. In fact, it’s more like a computer game. You are playing the game because you want to, and at some level you actually love it. And you know perfectly well that you need to master one level before you can move on to the next level. That’s what the game is all about.
Who says?
There’s no tyrannical deity controlling the game, forcing you to keep at it, deciding who gets to “graduate” and who doesn’t. It’s just the natural dynamic of life and the evolution of consciousness. A tadpole cannot suddenly transform into a full-grown frog. A baby human cannot suddenly take on a professional career or family responsibilities. There’s a natural, inevitable sequence to go through. And we’ve all signed up for it.
But why? What’s it all about?
Well, at the level of spirit or essence, all is one, all is love, all is joy. This is all very nice, but consciousness longs to experience more and more of what there is to experience, the utter richness and fullness of life.
How does it do that?
By fragmenting into zillions of conscious entities, each of whom has its own experiences and perspective, and each of whom can make its own choices about what to experience. Any soul can choose to continue being submerged in all-that-is, albeit with little sense of self. Alternatively, any soul can choose to undergo the experience of life in a separate physical form, interacting with other souls in their own physical forms. This is the ultimate way to experience oneself as a self.
And that’s why we are here?
We have all made this choice: to use the human form as a vehicle to help us become more conscious of ourselves as the amazing beings we are. The aim is to experience every possible experience that enables us to emerge more and more consciously and fearlessly as ourselves. We begin as helpless infants for whom the experience of separate existence is quite terrifying. But we end as autonomous, self-realised beings for whom human existence is the most amazing way of being, feeling joyful and free and sharing love with the whole of life.
More frequently asked questions
- What happens to our souls after our last reincarnation?
- How can I speed up / skip levels / stop reincarnating?
- How can I know my soul age level, etc?
More on Soul Evolution
The Michael Handbook |
Sojourn: Karma, Reincarnation, and the Evolution of the Soul |
Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives |
I am beginning to come to the conclusion that what we call our soul is in reality energy. And following this through I am forming the opinion that there is positive energy and negative energy, or good and evil if you will. Mass murderers such as John Wayne Gacy in the States and to a lesser extent Fred West in England are, in my view , essentially evil or negative energy and when they come round again, if they do, they will be evil again.The problem is , for me at least, what is there to be learned from all this, why bring us into being to experience it?In short, what do we do with all this experience when we’ve passed through it? Would it not be kinder, assuming that word has any relevance to an almighty being , to let us sleep on in a state of unknowing. It is quite evident to me , and it must be evident to all thinking people that the planet we are unfortunate enough to find ourselves on is designed to fail, dog eat dog, war after war, calamity after calamity, but why? What sort of circus are we the unwitting prisoners of? And just what is the true nature of the ‘Ringmaster’.
I am a medium. I can say categorically that on the other side, all is love and there is no time. I have had dozens of abusers come though and universally they are deeply apologetic and want to assist in setting things right. For those not ready yet for that insight, they sleep.
There is an unimaginable technology of the “soul” behind all of this. It fits coherently in a way the human intellect cannot fathom. You are just not seeing the back story. We all have been cruel, we all have been kind. There in no inherent evil.
I cannot convince you of this. You are speaking from the eyes of the human condition which cannot make sense of it That is your right.
The purpose of this time, of this knowledge is to offer the opportunity to get past that. It is not easy for it is completely counter intuitive to human thinking and demands great work.
A great law of this Universe is we see the world we choose to see.
Thank you for your reply.
I hope you’re right.I think if this is a test, then I have failed it, I am tired of it in a sense. I think I do believe in some sort of spirit, but I still come back to the question why? Why bring us into being? What is the point of it all? And the thought of reincarnation frightens me to death ( pardon the pun ) surely that must be the realisation of pure hell, to have to come back.Is Karma somehow involved in our choices.
I referred to John Wayne Gacy earlier and I do wonder whether there was a degree of pre destiny with the last victim. But who would choose to come back and go through all that?
If you are right, then I hope we can choose to say no to further progress and remain asleep for all time, in my case preferably with my cat.
There can be no failure. You have infinite time. If you want perspective on “why” all this read the link to the Yogananda piece above. Beyond that I’d recommend “Journey of Souls, the classic by Michael Newton who got info directly from thousands of clients in hypnotherapy, or Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch. If you’re open, they will dispel the sense of ‘capriciousness” and cruelty you are feeling. Everything has purpose and meaning. Everything. And love is behind it. The great illusion is the task of uncovering the truth. Its simple, but not easy. There is a quote from Journey of Souls.
“No one said it would be easy. They just said it would be worth it.”
When one sees the back story of why souls do what they do, its like, “Now it all makes sense. I never knew it was so elegant.” But we forget to feel the power of this life and when its unpleasant, its really unpleasant
Think the sand in the oyster tat makes the pearl.
I am more concerned to find a way to opt out from further incarnations, and certainly a way to avoid any God head or other being. I want to sleep for eternity, to come back to this earth would be my idea of hell and to have to mix with other human spirits pointless. I have hated my time here and get to hate it more as time passes by. I don’t want any ultimate reward just a cast iron ‘get out of jail free ‘ card.An eternal sleep with my cat, would be my preferred choice, God can keep his marvellous creation and invite other fools to the party..
Bad news. There is no opt out card. Just isn’t. Good news. From soul perspective it looks different. Caution:Suicide carries consequences that make it worse next time in. wouldn’t go there. Look I understand your anger. I feel it too. Have had a very hard year.
Paul Simon once said “Breakdowns come and breakdowns go, what are you going to do about it.”
You can rant the rest of your life and come back and confront the same stuff all over again, or you can begin now to ask how do I deal with this in a reasonably productive way.
Reality is not going to bend for you unless you raise your vibration. Those are the rules. Its a hard lesson for all of us.
Good luck.
I’ll just hope you’re wrong.
Make the best of it. You’ll find out eventually. Meanwhile rent “Defending Your Life”, a romantic comedy starring Albert Brooks and Meryl Streep.
It’s been interesting talking to you.
Mr. Ken Kaplan, I stumbled onto the article “Reincarnation: the 35 steps of soul evolution.” I was looking for varying takes on the issue of reincarnation, past lives and reincarnation going forward. I have been a “student” of “spirituality”, “self realization” in the effort to understand why I am here. In trying to understand the answer to why I am here the issue of God becomes a prevalent issue. I often say I never went actually looking for this information but rather that it found me. I am a TV producer, writer, director by trade and several books or teachings have come into my life through chance rather than me looking to find it. I have read Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi and much more. I found the information and insight you have shared to be of great value. Your comments are well written, detailed and filled with wisdom. I thank you for sharing and the references of several books. You are obviously a mature or old soul with much to share. Are you affiliated with the personality & spirituality site of Barry’s? I have been reading more about Barry and the P & S site, thanks Barry for sharing your passion and insight as well.
I am very interested to learn more about you Ken, what you do as a medium and getting more great insight from you, is that is possible?
Again, I profusely thank you so much for sharing the knowledge as it resonates deeply with me!
Thank you for your comments. This is Barry’s site. I came across it several years ago after I too had “stumbled into” what might be termed afterlife studies. Barry and I felt as kindred spirits and he graciously has kind of de facto allowed me to be a spokesperson or co spokesperson for this material and site. Our world views and life experiences are strongly aligned. I deeply appreciate the latitude he has given me.
Communication, both oral and written is a gift of mine, I have been a professional storyteller most of my adult life, and I have presented on spiritual topics here in the Philly area for over 25 years.(A trainer and specialist in Early Childhood so I have done hundreds of presentations in that area also.) I currently am writing a book on the meaning of dreams.
If you are interested in contact and more intimate connection, my web site (which I will be editing) is
There you will find a pretty good description of most of what I am up to, which is fluid to a degree as I am following the flow of the Universe.
Again thanks much.
P.S. If you are interested, there is an archive of all posts beyond the recent ones. Some of the discussions and interactions are quite informative and interesting.
It may take a few days as I left a website if you want to contact me but when one leaves a link, the comment needs moderation before posting. Thank you for your kind words.
Thanks Ken, I will definitely check out the archives. Greatly appreciated! I’m not quite sure what you mean when you say you left a website but am assuming I may have a chance to connect with you in a few days after the “moderation.” I appreciate it and will keep checking and look for an email of course whenever is best for you.. Thanks again Sir!
Wes you can reach me and see what I do at
Hi Ken and everyone
Just to let you know I am up to my eyes in life stuff at the moment, looking after a sick child AND a sick wife. It’s pretty overwhelming, especially for a mere scholar (I would happily pay a couple of servers to move in and take over).
Ken – Sorry for moderation delays; I’m tending to catch up at the end of each day. But a way around the whole thing would be to leave out the http:// part so that the system doesn’t recognise it as a link. Like this –
A reader can then copy & paste it into their browser address bar.
Thanks Barry. Been a tough time for many. Brutal Mercury Retrograde.
Sending my best wishes to you all.
I sincerely hope that things are not going to h*ll as rapidly as they appear to be, but that we are simply being made aware of–in fact being bombarded with–every hateful, disgusting. psychopathic, and fear-producing event as soon as it happens, and it overwhelms our awareness of the good and normal. I will try to remember that the cruelty, ignorance, and atrocities of life in centuries past, and the savagery that was the way of surviving at the dawn of mankind, were much worse than what we see now.
It will be interesting to see whether “Proof” maintains its high standard as the season progresses. If not, for me it will slip into that category of programming that I ignore: vampires, werewolves, zombies, followers of Satan (as well as vulgar comedy and “reality” shows) I do like well-done fantasy and sci-fi, though.
I heard it once said that the media will go to the ends of the Earth to find every negative and horror story available. The world is a diverse place. There are 7 billion people here. The majority live lives of decent happiness, raise families, go to work, find pleasure in life. If we give credibility to this philosophy here, everyone is taking on situations that suit there growth. Had any cops bust tough your door today? Any bombs dropped in your neighborhood?
Being concerned for humanity and the planet is not to be paralyzed by the travails of others. This shooting in Charleston was terrible. 50 years ago it was official state policy and sanctioned throughout most of the country. No one gave two thoughts to it. We don’t have to go back to medieval times.
Yes corporations are bad but I don’t see any Serfs literally bonded to the will of Feudal Lords here. I lived in the 50’s. McCarthyism was worse than anything now. Vietnam was awful. We had three liberal leaders KILLED in the 60’s.
As for Proof. I like it. I can watch that stuff endlessly, like I can watch Long Island Medium. My concern for Proof is once you establish the tension between the two viewpoints, where do you go? Unless they have riveting cases, it will not last.
Last week was muddled and not so good. Week one was very good. I liked the little girl saying to the Doctor . “they (angels-loved ones) told me not to talk to you any more.”
Its still a very materialistically oriented society. Its not the 90’s. So it may have a short shelf life. We’ll see.
Yes, according to Luke 2:49, when Jesus was 12, his parents were searching for him, and finally found him in the temple talking to the scribes and Pharisees. “Why did you seek me?” he asked. “Did you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?”
The above was supposed to be a reply to the comment that Jesus came into his life on Earth without any interest in personal ambition, and once his task was done, he didn’t hang around to “enjoy life.” (Even so, I believe that he was perfectly capable of enjoying it at times.)
Yes. I’m sure he enjoyed life, probably more than most. But to my understanding for him (and many of us), its like contracting out a job. When its finished, there’s no point in not going home or on to the next one.
Do the animals, birds, plants, insects etc also are a part of the soul stages…
I have read an opinion that animals (and maybe insects, too) have group souls, since the higher ones are conscious, but not self-conscious. This may account for instincts that they have and the ability to communicate over distance or find their way home over several weeks or months.
This is such a tricky one. I do believe higher animals have souls and that there are group souls for the less developed. The issue of animal soul stages has many opinions. Michael Newton and Robert Schwartz believe the human and animal tracks are separate. It was channeled in Your Soul’s Gift that animals rarely cross over into the human field. They don’t like the emotional intensity and extremes it was said. The implication is they have their own track. Eastern philosophy insists everybody moves up the ladder being everything and the human track is the end development. Eastern hypnotherapists have found recollection of animal lives.
I have an amazing friend who is more than an animal communicator, she is a portal to the animal consciousness. Her contention is they are as or more aware than we are but in a different way. She says transmigration between the worlds happens.
A friend was at a channeling and the consciousness said the highest being in the room was the dog.
My sense is once on the human arc, you pretty much play it out. I do think animals have their own journey. Too many stories of meeting pets and animal friends on the other side.
Exactly how this all plays out is still not clear to me. To be honest, I have my hands full being human so its not a big priority except to look at my role in such things as factory farming and meat eating and I have not been exemplary.
I think I have the ability to recognise people who had lived before .I can feel them and it is not always a good experience. Just wondering why
Everyone has lived before. You probably are psychic or extremely intuitive and are picking up some basics of core soul energy and unfinished business from previous lives. The essence of the soul is love, but at certain stages or periods, “bad stuff” is still being worked out.
Hi Flower
I have had the same experiences too. Perhaps it is the working out of Karma? Unfinished business? Then again I am intuitive and clairsentient, so it could be just picking up others negativity. I think if you have known someone before, there seems to be a strong ‘pull’ to that person, if you know what I mean.
Best wishes
I have had in my adult life, two cats who have lived together with me twice! The second time, they came separately & under different circumstances for me to take them into my household three weeks apart. I have had the good fortune of sessions with the Michael entity, & Michael told me these cat had, following their first lives and deaths living with me that they each and both “got a lot done” that first life together with me & decided to “try it again & get more done” of whatever they are working on. They came to my house , to me, from two different cities in California, and within three weeks of each other. Been with me about ten years & remarkable changes have come about in them in terms of friendliness & harmony. And continue.
Omg this sounds like it dripped right out of your ass
Well, I do have a great ass.
If souls are made to reincarnate(which I do believe), why are some souls just out there floating around, without taking a physical form?…for lack of a better explanation(and understanding, I suppose-lol). Also, what happens when a soul has fully evolved? Then, what?
Ps- I loved this read! Thank you for putting your time into sharing with us. ☺️
It’s not that souls are made to reincarnate, but that they choose to do so because they are drawn to it. There is also the compelling effect of needing to balance out karma.
On the other hand, some souls REALLY take their time between lives. Some (mainly baby/young) leave their physical body but avoid moving back to their astral home for whatever reason (usually very misguided and terrified of what lies in store for them). It takes patience and ingenuity on the part of their guides to get through to them.
What happens after the last life? – see
Souls don’t “float around” unless as Barry said, they have a hard time crossing over. Then they are known as “ghosts”. The other side, from all indications, is quite complex and technological but non physical, frequency, sacred geometry, sound vibration, cosmic crystal usage, etc. Souls spend a great deal of time in life review and study. Younger souls might sleep more or incarnate more quickly as they are less developed.
Its hard for us to fathom but most souls want this experience, as challenging as it is. It is so different from “heaven”: Think cosmic amusement park-virtual reality ride of the highest order. Where a certain type of growth can be had like no other.
Hi Barry & Ken
Firstly, I’d like to say how much I enjoy this site. It has helped me so much and answered a lot of questions. However, I have still two more I hope you can advise on.
For whatever reason, in this current life, I always seem to be around child souls – in family, work, past relationships. I say past because I just cannot tolerate the mind set of the child souls anymore and have had to cut ties as I find their narrow mindedness, regimentalism and general behaviour too much to tolerate. I wish as a mature soul I had more contact with old souls. I have known only a small few. How much easier life would be!
Secondly, I am hoping to work with disabled people soon. I don’t want this to be a contentious question, but I have to ask. Why are some people born so terribly disabled? I.E. Can only eat, sleep and be incontinent since birth? They have to be moved via a hoist and cannot communicate in any way.
Why? Is it karma, or 6th level? It would be a soul far braver than I to spend a lifetime in such a body. I found this level of disability too distressing, so am now going to help people less disabled (Autism & Down Syndrome).
Thank you again for all the help you provide to less enlightened people like myself.
I hope Barry your family find good health soon.
Hi Helen, and thanks for that. My family and I seem to have slipped into a vortex of life challenges; we don’t know which way is up anymore. Hopefully levelling out now. At least it’s brought us closer together.
Just a small point so that we’re all on the same sheet — child soul is another term for baby soul, I.e. Stage 2. The Michael books say “baby”, the Vasselman/Source books say “child” (in German). It probably makes more sense, but the term “baby soul” is perhaps too ingrained now.
One thing you could consider is that your life is presenting you with this issue (being surrounded by souls on the “wrong” wavelength for you) precisely because you planned or asked that it do so. Perhaps at a soul level you recognise there would be a benefit for you in choosing to divorce yourself from this level of perception. That may take a degree of courage, as it means (in their eyes) you deliberately stop being “one of us”.
Another possibility, just to turn it on its head, is that you have set yourself the task of “breaking through” this personal resistance to baby/child soul culture. In other words, the challenge is to get over it and love these people.
I don’t which it might be, but you could look inside to see which option (or another) holds most resonance for you. You are free to choose either, and neither choice is wrong, so go with what gives you most satisafaction.
Re. Disability
Massive disabilities are probably down to karma — the soul is experiencing what it’s like to have (say) no arms and legs. That is NOT to say that those with such congenital disability do not deserve our care or compassion. Some are living of life of utter dependence purely to give another soul the opportunity to be their caregiver; they might swap roles in their next lives together.
But if you do not feel drawn to work with that population, then that is your truth.
For what it’s worth, it is said that full-on autism tends to indicate an infant soul who, at an early age, got so scared by the world that they withdrew inwardly.
Hope this helps
Thanks Barry. Peace & Joy to you. xx
I would recommend “Your Soul’s Plan” and “Your Soul’s Gift”: by Robert Schwartz. Barry is pretty right on and there can be a zillion reasons as to why souls take on infirmities.
In the animal kingdom, such disabled offspring are often killed or left to die by their mothers. They devote their energy to feeding, defending, and training the strongest. But I did see a TV documentary showing that apes will help a member of their group that is missing part of an arm surgically removed due to injury. So it is a step towards human development in primates.
“Different Helen”–you seem to want to help older souls like yourself that (for whatever reason) have incarnated in defective bodies and brains. These people probably seem to be imprisoned and unable to express themselves fully because of their physical limitations, but they are capable of making progress, and are therefore not hopeless cases.
Child souls are not yet capable of expressing on a higher level. They are still learning the basics and need firm structure–are attracted to it–in their religious, social, and political associations. Some will believe anything you tell them. Much later, they will start to think for themselves.
Thank you for your reply. Wishing you peace & joy too. xxx
PS Why ‘grumpy?’ You seem anything but grumpy.
“Sister Grumpy” is the pseudonym that I use for my church blog, where I have been known to express my opinion now and again. People always laugh when they hear it for the first time, but it has stuck, and now Google knows who I am.
How many centuries or millennia can a soul remain an infant soul? If someone now in our life time has an infant soul, did their soul just suddenly come into existence?
I’m going to defer more to Barry on this but share what I have gleaned. Soul development in my understanding is not completely linear or fixed but depends on the “intention” of the Soul. I do think one spends a fair amount of time in each stage, as at minimum, with seven substages within a stage, it would take at least 7 lifetimes to progress through a stage.
My personal belief is it takes longer because the process is so profound. Michael Newton said from his experience 75% of souls do not actively plan their lives, their guides give them what would amount to an “itinerary” as from a travel agency and the Soul must agree to it. My sense is in the earlier phases the agreement probably is general so souls may move more swiftly into the next life. Not sure how much processing on the other side infant souls go through. The accumulation of experience would imo begin to “temper” the soul and move the maturation process so yes each stage could take millennia.
To me there is still non clarity about the “tracks” All Souls come from Source and in a mysterious manner the “substance” of that which is undifferentiated becomes individuated. (or seemingly so), as the Ocean produces waves. Newton has a section where a person “remembers” how this is done.
Eastern philosophy says one progresses through all forms of life with human being at the top. Eastern hypnotherapist clients have memories of animal lives. A psychic once told me my first sentient life was as a plant on another planet 65 million years ago.
Newton and Robert Schwartz insist the human track stands alone as do other life form tracks. Until I have a personal definitive experience of it, I form no opinion.
The essence now is here we are, wherever we have been. I do think that once human, human you primarily remain to work it out. My intuition tells me this particular focus has enormous value (one of many, not greater than) and that’s why souls are drawn to the human experience. I think it is one of the more fascinating rides in existence, although I can see that for animals and plants as well.
From the highest perspective, the immensity of Bliss of it all must be beyond any understanding we can muster.
I appear to be in the Mature stage and am wondering what we do at the end of all this…are you suggesting that we are a collective of good, therefore so is God, as we are all parts of God…beyond life in the body, do we ever get to meet up with others who we have loved and passed on?
Look above about 8 posts. Barry has a link to your first question. To the others, yes, yes, and yes.
I should start paying you Ken! Right now I’m with my family on a much-needed break, literally lounging by a pool in the Mediterranean, baking in hot sunshine, sipping Malibu on ice, catching up on all the books I have been meaning to read but haven’t. Haven’t felt so positive since my kundalini die-off last November.
I’m currently reading and thoroughly enjoying a great spiritual autobiography which I suspect you too will really like if you haven’t read it already — The Surrender Experiment by Michael A Singer.
Back to normality soon, meanwhile: Chin chin!
In this lifetime, it was relationships for me. I was able to make lemonade out of the lemons, but the real lessons were that 1) I was with that person for a reason, a season, or a lifetime–as a trusted friend or soulmate–but not necessarily as a mate. 2) In the end, I realized that I was happier and better off living alone.
I would not want to carry a heavy load of past experiences into each lifetime, but I would like to have a sense of “been there, done that” so that I do not waste my time.
Just a suggestion. Our ego based personalities create all kinds of desires or fears around “what comes next:, what we have left undone”, etc. My understanding is what goes on has no relationship to egoic perspective. The “technology” of all of this is way beyond the intellect, is incredibly elegant and precise, and is infallible. Whatever we think or don’t think about what we need or want has no bearing. No time is ever wasted as every experience is precious and has value. And we wouldn’t remember anyway so there is no point.
I have found this to be very interesting, however I’m quite curious about hauntings, and spirits attached to objects. Why is this the case, and why haven’t they reincarnated?
I just wanted to add also, Destiny! Is our path already planned? I can predict futures, and I’m the real deal; would love to know how I do this. I have also had visions of different dimensions, different universes, entities, and ancestory, life to me is extremely complicated.
My answer to your questions. Those who have not crossed over we call “ghosts”. They dwell in the Astral plane. Usually they do not cross because of intense fear, attachment to a place , person or even the Earth plane itself, or because of traumatic death. Lots of ghosts around battlefields. Having not crossed over, they can’t reincarnate until they release and go through the process on the other side.
My understanding about destiny is we create and craft our lives on a soul level in agreement with others for experiences and learning but leave room for free will decisions. Usually those who predict the future pick up probability lines. If you are really good at it, you are able to be more intuitively precise in your selections or you are directed to things that can be more easily read. This is why so many psychics get mass events wrong.
You do it because you had it when you came in. Its one of your destiny pieces. Not knowing you I can’t say what stage you’re in but it sounds like you are in an old soul stage. These gifts most likely were developed over many lifetimes, or else you are an advanced off world soul (ET) who has come to help at this time.
Thank you for your quick response. I do consider myself probably more of a mature soul, ready to entre the old stage. I have seen my pass lives, and have connected with individuals who have been in my pass life. You are 100% correct with me be gifted from/ or before I was born. I could see things from such a young age. I communicate and work with angels all the time.I work with tribal people, who have no where to live, and have developed addictions. You are truly gifted yourself, as I believe I am here to help. There are entities, spirit etc that have joined me on this journey, and in many cases has asked for my protection. I feel inspired. I now know, and have been reassured, that what I am doing is for a better purpose in life. I really hope you have a wonderful day, and all the best (:
Sorry for spelling errors/ auto text, past rather than pass
Thank you and you bare welcome.
I’d like to hear more about Extra Ts waiting around & whatever. An example from someone
one’s experience?
After the last step in reincarnation is taken, could the soul choose to come back to earth to experience elements of being alive so as to continue to gain knowledge? Also, do you believe time is linear? For example, could you reincarnate into another time that would offer you a unique lesson?
I am also very curious to know do we always reincarnate in the future, or can we reincarnate in the time of say, The Vikings or Ancient Egypt? Also, is it always on Earth, or in another similar planet light years away?
Thanks xxx
After completing a PhD in a subject, would you want to go back and take the 10th grade class in it again? Probably not. From what Barry has written though, there is according to the Michael teachings a “Grand Cycle” in which some souls would purge themselves of all their learning to go through the whole thing again. From this perspective, let go of “knowledge” or “learning” and think “cosmic amusement park”. Whether this is true I have not experienced and the levels this kind of choice would be made from are way beyond my current pay grade.
From what I know time is not linear and I don’t think in general we can physically pop in and out of time periods. However that which is our “higher Self” (what is termed “God”) is beyond time and space and is therefore eternally present in all moments. Thus one can access this part of self in any time period and it will be there. Furthermore, since it is in all time-space instantly and continuously, it can offer guidance from what appears to be the “future”. Orin , a channeled consciousness) has an exercise to call upon our “future self” (which has already dealt with the problem or situation we are facing) to assist us in moving past it.
Your post is a very upsetting post, and I’m feel terrible to hear this. I work with many individuals who have live the most horrible life you can imagine, however they are still here, and we are all sharing the same time. I don’t think any human has the capacity or intelligence to tell another what will be after we die. Please believe however, that there are beautiful things out there. The earth itself is spectacular, and it host some of the most beautiful animals and yes humans. If anything we need to listen to people like yourself. We are all one, and why we keep operating as individuals, and only caring for our own needs, we will keep coming back until we all learn that valuable lesson respect! We are all connected. I feel for you as I know that in my past life, I’ve lived a painful horrible life; however in this life I am much happier. Im now helping other people who are experiencing pain. I understand them and we have developed a connection. Please do not give up hope, cherish the most simple things in life, a walk in the part, the sun shining on your face, life is so quick, and before you know it, you will have a new one(:
I’m going to have to be a bit direct. I appreciate deeply the depth of your feeling but I am going to suggest you are projecting and assuming quite strongly. No one here disputes what you say about the beauty one can find in life and the profound importance of the life we are in. One of the reasons imo pain exists is to drive home the value and significance of the immediate life, circumstances, relationships, etc that we all live and face. Life leaves us no easy way out.
However, be mindful that the focus of this site is to foster a multi dimensional perspective for those that are ready to integrate such a view with their very human view. This in its own way is to honor life just as much or more.
No one here is pretending that suffering is not real. It helps to understand there might be reasons behind it, what those reasons might be, and that strangely one can see everything, everything as a gift to help us progress.
Either God is love or God is not love. If God is love, then everything is love or an expression of it. The problem comes with our conceptualization of how things should be. These teaching correct that by revealing how they are, and how everything fits together.
I’m curious about soul groups and how they mive through this progression. For example My grandparents seem to fit the baby soul level. My Grandfather was a cop. My Dad however was much more of a free spirit. How do our contracts with soul groups move together through this progression? How are they formed originally? Thanks so much!
The best info I have seen is Michael Newton’s “Journey of Souls”. My experience is the Universe is extremely precise and those with whom we have agreements with fit each other’s needs expressly, The technology behind all this is rather vast. Also souls often will take roles for others when they are beyond certain stages. Both my parents were atheists, my father zealously so, yet both exhibit strong energy healing capacity from the other side, which somewhat stunned me. Go figure.
The “should” s will trip us up every time. They are illusions.
We weren’t “sent here” We chose to come. The physical offers experiences and learning unique to the Cosmos.
Greetings gentlemen,
This question is for either Ken or Barry. I have read that many believe that Lightworkers will no longer reincarnate in the 3rd dimension.
Here is a quote from Sierra Miller posted March 2015:
“One of the best things about Ascension is rarely discussed amongst lightworkers. We won’t be re-incarnating on third-dimensional Earth any more. Yippee! We have been re-incarnating on the Earth plane for millennia for our spiritual evolution. Also, lightworkers have been working undercover for much of that time to help humanity ascend. It has been a wild ride, and we now limp wearily to the finish-line…All of this has made me the person I am today – so rich for the multitude of experiences I’ve been through on the Earth plane. But it is over. Re-incarnating is not necessary anymore. Besides, one thousand lifetimes in the third dimension is enough for any multi-dimensional being.”
Does this strike a cord with you guys? I’m pondering is it just Ascended Masters that can decide whether to reincarnate? What are your thoughts on the different dimensions? Any recommendations on what I could read as far as dimensional insight and or incarnation options?
Thanks so much for all you guys do!
Wes. Here is my take. This has actually been bandied about for quite a while. I think for many the possibility of “finishing” is probable. My issue is I find too much hype around it and I find for me too much “hype” in her assessment. None of us really knows what is happening really. We live in a productivity oriented society. I had a very difficult early life and there are some important things still undone. Does that mean I need to come back to work on what may be “unfinished”, or was the idea to feel the full force of those things that made some of these things difficult to achieve so I could appreciate what the challenges brought? I don’t know.
What I do believe is if an attitude is “I can’t wait to get out of here”, its not a good sign. “Limping to the finish line” does not feel kosher to me. I don’t think Ascension is meant to be some form of “relief” from the third dimension, it is a powerful integration of our full multi-dimensionality into form.
As far as “incarnational options” etc, my suggestion is trying to deal with this stuff from the personality-will-intellect is a waste of time. We are here now. Whatever is in front of us is what we contracted for. If we don’t take care of “here” it will not be better “there”. Here is where the action is. So the best thing we can do is use our spiritual resources for expansion and life here. The rest will take care of itself for expansion now means opening to multi-dimensionality in the fullest since that is truly who we are, always at every moment.
The first memory I ever had I remember feeling like I was floating through this black space. It felt like I was there forever. I felt happy, calm, and relaxed. Then I remember seeing light and feeling like I was being pulled down and realizing I was alive. I remember looking down at my hands for the first time. I wasn’t a baby though. I think I was 3 or 4 maybe. I learned in psychology that you don’t develop the ability to store your memories into long-term until you’re around the age of 3 or 4 so I feel like that’s why that happened. I just feel like I know I was a soul and am a soul. I just remember being in this dark space floating away for a very long time. I had a near-death expierence once. I had started to drown in my friend’s pool and I fell into a dream where I was running through this field of flowers with a white dress, but I felt like I was floating and I was running/floating to this light. I felt calm. Then my friend pulled me out of the water and I realized I was alive. 2 other times I have passed out I had the same dream-like expierence. I just feel like I know I’m more than just a person. I feel like my soul is in between young and mature. Part of me isn’t afraid to die. Part of me is. Part of me wants to be care-free and enjoy life and be okay with myself. Part of me is afraid of doing that. I’m stuck and I’ve been really doing some soul-searching lately. I feel like my expierences in this life have hindered me. I’ve been emotionally and physically abused in my first two relationships. I understand why they both hurt me because they too are hurting inside and the only way they know to make themselves feel better is to hurt others. I’ve also been bullied for being chubby and not being what everyone in the media says we need to be (skinny…). I’m so afraid of being judged. Anyways, I’ve just been thinking a lot lately about my first memory (I actually just remembered it because I had forgotten about it when I was younger). I know there’s more than this life. I’m frightened and intrigued by it.
A person who recognizes where a another who hurt them is coming from, that they are wounded themselves, and has compassion for them, is not between young and mature. It s the hallmark of the mature soul. The fact that you have such access to soul memory is intriguing and is important.
One of the significant things about this approach is to reframe that events and people don’t “hinder us”. We have chosen these experience for the experience itself and to help us grow. In some fashion. Everything before us contains a gift. The frustration you feel in some way may have led you here, to this type of knowledge, of understanding, or other forms of knowledge that are similar. Thus those experiences are serving you because by not having it easy, your soul is forcing you (and itself) to expand.
Part of that expansion may be to gain strength to not be affected by current cultural mores in determining self worth. Thus you create conditions that push you deeper to cope. This is often the way it works.
The power of your “soul moments” and that connection is a beautiful doorway to entice you to explore more deeply your spiritual side, what it means for you, and the profound gifts it may offer you that eventually will offset all pain you have. This is the “big game in town” right now. So in this you might consider yourself blessed.
You are connected to the way out of the depression and wounding many feel and have been through whose karma is not offering this avenue. Follow it, use it, ask the Universe to guide you in what it means and opening that channel more, perhaps in more anchored ways. This is called developing the intuition and often the first appearances are not consistent and workable completely and take time. Many Mediums and Psychics started this way and learned to harness this power within. It can change everything.
Thank you for letting us know all this info about the outer-existence. Just wanted to share some of my memories.
1. First shot: two women-like figures talking. Wave of kindness from out of them. Falling to sleep. Colors are grey.
2. Multiple occasions of a grey smiling human face upside-down. Later I figured out it was my father. I smile in return, without any emotion. Just because I thought (felt) that this will make him happier.
3. No emotions whatsoever – they emerged later.
4. I am discussing with two other people on who of us has to ‘go’. Want to go myself. Finally, one of them says ok – do it. A moment later I am awake in a kindergarten, all in color for the first time. Crying.
5. Kindergarten – I want to tell nanny I am not the person they think I am. Different name, different background. But, some inner force tells me this is inappropriate. Now I can’t remember anything about this person.
6. In my 20s – having a dream of flying with my father on some sort of a vehicle. Very vivid dream with beautiful green views, but no humans or animals around. Next morning during breakfast father says this night he had a dream of flying with me. I’m stunned.
7. Early 30s – on a train, my eyes meet another person’s eyes. Now I’m somewhere in a wood near the river, stepping down towards the water. Other people, seemingly of my tribe, do the same. Total love and happiness. Then boom – I’m awake. Seems that my eyes were open during the dream, and this person is looking very attentively into them.
Does anyone else has similar experiences?
“That’s why for truly advanced souls, young soul stuff like making money and personal ambition have little value. Service to others becomes the goal.”
Great quote and absolutely true. I have taken several accredited tests and learned that I am an old, blue-colored soul in advanced stages of development. I have been given a heap of blessings – grew up in an upper-middle class home, got a college degree, a masters degree, ability to speak multiple languages, world travel, jobs, leadership roles, money, cars…. all of the worldly stuff and you know what? I learned that all of it means nothing unless you are teaching other people how to get it for themselves or using it to stand up for a cause promoting justice, peace or the well-being of others. The whole context for our lives has to eventually become service-oriented, otherwise, all we are doing is amassing, accumulating and hoarding. This comment is America-centric (I am an American) – but it’s true: we have more opportunity here to do good for the lives of our citizens and for people around the world to elevate the whole of humanity – and we do A LOT – but there is SO much more to be done (i.e. get rid of nuclear weapons forever, scale down the armed forces, improve our foreign relations and bury the hatchet with old enemies, create true, free universal health care and university systems for all, fix the broken public education system and on and on….).
I can relate to another quote of yours, Ken, where you say that for old souls, the materialism and inauthenticity of this world can be depressing. Yes, that is true – the sham and drudgery of this world can seem stifling at times but you always have to remember that we are here to make a difference and that no matter how small a difference you make, when you do, you leave the world a better place than when you found it and that equals out to a meaningful contribution and something worth doing.
I liked your blog. Keep it up and don’t get discouraged if people don’t get your message. It’s a hard one to communicate because, as your chart points out, many of us are not yet ready to receive it.
“…but there is SO much more to be done (i.e. get rid of nuclear weapons forever, scale down the armed forces, improve our foreign relations and bury the hatchet with old enemies, create true, free universal health care and university systems for all, fix the broken public education system and on and on….).”
Wonderful ideas–but “free” universal healthcare and university systems are not free. Who’s going to pay for them? Only those with enough money to pay the taxes that would support them. Surely you don’t think there would be enough volunteer qualified teachers and doctors to do this work without pay. It also takes a lot of money to equip schools, universities, and medical centers with state-of-the-art diagnostic, surgical, treatment, and research facilities, and schools with the materials and technology to start teaching children, presumably from the time they are born.
I know…you didn’t say it would be easy. In the “Star Trek” series, Earth had solved all those problems and everyone had everything he needed, and people devoted themselves to improving their minds. (So they went out into space to fight Klingons.)
A disciple asked Ramana Maharshi:
Q: Should I not try to help the suffering world?
A: The power that created you has created the world as well. If it can take care of you, it can similarly take care of the world also. If God has created the world it is His business to look after it, not yours.
Q: We see pain in the world. A man is hungry. It is a physical reality, and as such, it is very real to him. Are we to call it a dream and remain unmoved by his pain?
A: From the point of view of jnana or the reality, the pain you speak of is certainly a dream, as is the world of which the pain is an infinitesimal part. In the dream also you yourself feel hunger. You see others suffering hunger. You feed yourself and, moved by pity, feed the others that you find suffering from hunger. So long as the dream lasts, all those hunger pains are quite as real as you now think the pain you see in the
world to be. It is only when you wake up that you discover that the pain in the dream was unreal. You might have eaten to the full and gone to sleep. You dream that you work hard and long in the hot sun all day, are tired and hungry and want to eat a lot.
Then you get up and find your stomach is full and you have not stirred out of your bed. But all this is not to say that while you are in the dream you can act as if the pain you feel there is not real. The hunger in the dream has to be assuaged by the food in the dream. The fellow beings you found so hungry in the dream had to be provided with food in that dream. You can never mix up the two states, the dream and the waking state. Till you reach the state of jnana and thus wake out of this maya, you must do social service by relieving suffering whenever you see it. But even then you must do it, as we are told, without ahamkara, that is without the sense ‘I am the doer’, but feeling, ‘I am the Lord’s tool.’ Similarly one must not be conceited and think, ‘I am helping a man below me. He needs help. I am in a position to help. I am superior and he inferior.’ You must help the man as a means of worshipping God in that man.
All such service too is for you the Self, not for anybody else. You are not helping anybody else, but only yourself.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for passing this on. Very beautiful. I will have my own thoughts but not now.
Yes, beautiful, but it misses the point. You are talking about individual charity. I was talking about the national or global means of support for “free” healthcare and education suggested as an ideal in the preceding comment. This is not going to happen by one person educating another or treating the medical problem of his neighbor. We may be living in a dream, and have to use whatever exists in the dream to take care of ourselves and our neighbors, but how does that change our needs while we are here?
Personally, I would love it if they started a war and nobody came…that everyone simply thought to himself, “This is insane! I am not going to do it! How is killing each other going to solve anything?”
I think you bring up valid concerns to a vast issue. How does change occur? How far can it reach? What is the relationship to personal change vs institutional change? The first point I would make (and this comes from channelings as well) is that cultural and institutional change only happens when individuals change. There is no magic “they”. There is no “out there”. “Out there” is a reflection of the collective “in here” and “they” is “we”. The image I get constantly is one candle dipping and lighting the next candle until tipping points occur. The recent change in gay marriage, even with an arch conservative Supreme Court is an example. A good book to read is Howard Zinn’s classic “the People’s History of the United States.” Change always comes from the bottom up, not top down. Another book that shows this vividly is Eric Foner’s: “The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery”, which dispels mythological nonsense such as Spielberg’s Lincoln.
But I think you have reason to hesitate in the face of “Utopian thinking” as proposed by Justin. Yet as Abraham would say, this can be a product of our self imposed limitations and our addiction to what is called the “observed” Bu fixating on what is, we maintain it. personally and collectively. Visionaries see beyond the observed and by seeing it, help bring new forms into manifestation. Yet they too are expressions of and reflections of the collective. The true teachings of Christ were 2000 years ahead of their time Yet his presence put it out there. Here we are, catching up. Something he probably was keenly aware of.
There is a very powerful NDE by a man named Mellen-Thomas Benedict. He saw 400 years into the future. I inferred from his vision that our connection to money as a product of labor will die out and some of the things Justin talks about will be implemented. There are many sites for him. Here’s one.
There is plenty of money and resources. Its about the allocation and distribution of them and how soul’s see where value lies.
We still are primarily in a young soul/baby soul influenced period. So we act accordingly.
Who knows what tomorrow will bring.
Be the lamp that lights other lamps. If that means organizing at a high level because that is your gift and contract, do it.That is the best we can do and that was the core of the sage’s advice.
God is in charge. That’s the bottom line. If we say God has failed, we are projecting our egos into a movie that is not yet over.
Thank you for understanding my practical objections to the proposed utopian society. What bothers me most is that collectivism has been shown to destroy initiative and innovation for reasons easily understood. It does not even work in small, dedicated communes. There must be an exchange of valuable services or commodities, with or without using money, to preserve the dignity of those who receive, and provide a reason to produce for those who pay. Also, people who are given everything they need will degenerate.
I do, however, agree that healthcare and education seem far more expensive than they should be or need to be. Perhaps the sci-fi books and movies are right that computers and robots can do the work more precisely and they don’t have to be paid. But we need to keep some smart humans around who can repair the machines.
As I said before I understand your concerns. Most people have them. And as much as I can talk about possibilities, there is a huge part of me still invested in “conventional human thinking”. Here however we have some freedom to explore possibilities. I would invite you to consider that your assumptions are based on what Abraham calls the “set vibrational point” that is current with the “observed”.
I’ll give an example. Have you noticed that people look younger consistently across the board? Especially middle age and more senior people? I have. We can attribute this to better diet, better medical care, perhaps greater convenience our ancestors did not have.
But I think there is something else. People are *thinking younger*. “60 is the new 50”, etc. As people think younger the body has to follow the mind. Physical appearance collectively is literally being reshaped by thought. This is similar to breaking the 4 minute mile. Because it was thought it couldn’t be done, no one did it. Until Roger Bannister. Then a whole slew of runners immediately began doing it.
We look outward with eyes that accept the observed and what has been as given, as fixed. It isn’t. We easily accept remarkable material changes as ho hum because we are hard wired to be a technological mind. The emotional body and thinking take longer. But possibilities for patterns undreamed of still exist.
The community I am a part of is doing remarkable things, in meditation and healing, things we never would have dreamed of when this all began except in books of Eastern Yogis and science fiction. I invite us to open to the limitless within us and that our assumptions of the basis of human behavior can radically change
Frankly within 5 years I see business leading the way, along with the arts, as we start to realize we change or die. Climate Change is going to be the big enforcer and I believe there is going to be a realization that the vast inequalities of distribution can no longer stand.
In 1960, no one, no one, saw the late 60’s coming. But they came.
Thanks the the reply.
My two cents:
1. First realize who is the Doer of all actions,
2.Second, realize what part we play as individual points of eternal infinite Consciousness. Its of an eternal witness.;
3. Realize the true Self. As long as one is enthralled in the “dream”, he has no way out or he is not ready/ripe for the end of the dream/game. So best way to end this “nonsense” is to develop an impassioned and detached attitude, which is the true basic state of the Real Self.
Thanks for the discussions.
Well, let me use an analogy.
Ms. A is basically a jovial, fun loving person. She goes to a robin-hood movie. Movie begins, light goes down and she is completely immersed in the movie. She identified herself with the Robin-hood and so she goes from heroism to victimization as the movie progress. She rolls with laughter, cries like a baby or shivers in terror depending on the scene. So as long as she is into the movie and takes side with a character, there are heroes, villains, victims, treachery, heroic acts, supporting actors, a plot to follow, passage of time, causation etc. depending on the side she choose to play along.
In a movie theater, we are still aware of own identity; may be a little less aware if we were outside the theater; but we can see people sitting around, and see empty chairs if we get lost completely in the movie plot, to get us back to our senses. But in “life”, the most smartest illusion of all Time, all your sensory inputs are deprived of you except whats is essentially needed for the plot in hand. Even, ones true identity is cleverly hidden behind the concept of body and the mind where you are portrayed as the real doer or the action hero on the screen. Drama plays out in your perspective as you are the central character. This makes the experience Real and True, and life like.
Its said the illusion is so profound and without outside help no one can see through this cleverly placed veil of maya. Fortunate for us there is a cheat-sheet as well. But we need help to acquire it. That’s why eastern religions give much importance to Guru or for God’s grace. Some schools says Self, Guru and God are one and the same. So whats the way out?
1. Understand that its a nonsense play/drama and use the power of discrimination to differentiate Real and the Unreal. As long as one is into the movie, there are always villains, heroes and a plot/script.
2.Look towards the Self. Realize your Self is not as volatile as it portrayed to be. Develop detachment to the drama which will eventually illuminate and isolate the Self in a more clearer light. Understand the real and True nature of Self.
3.Its a reinforcement path. Early points leads to the next. At the end, one will realize his true nature as a true, compassionate but a detached witness who was never able to affect the play.
4.The illusion of freewill comes when we think mind as “US”. Observing the Mind which will make us realize that we never been the mind and it always worked independently according to the script in hand. Mind never took you to the right path when it was not your time to trench the right path and so on.
Hope this helps.
From dialogues with Nisargadatta Maharaj.
M : When you sit quiet and watch yourself, all kinds of things may come to the surface. Do nothing about them, don’t react to them; as they have come so will they go, by themselves. All that matters is mindfulness, total awareness of oneself or rather, of one’s mind.
Q: By ‘oneself’ do you mean the daily self?
M: Yes, the person, which alone is objectively observable. The observer is beyond observation. What is observable is not the real self.
Q: I can always observe the observer, in endless recession.
M: You can observe the observation, but not the observer. You know you are the ultimate observer by direct insight, not by a logical process based on observation. You are what you are, but you know what you are not. The self is known as being, the not-self is known as transient. But in reality all is in the mind. The observed, observation and observer are mental constructs. The self alone is.
I come from an Eastern tradition (had a Sat Guru for 20 years in form) and as much as I appreciate your thoughts, I think these ideas as put forth in traditional terms do not translate well to the Western mind. So I will try to translate a little.
1. Meditate, read and use spiritual practice more to understand the victim-perpetrator cycle is an illusion. *Everything* is done by and for love, even what seems to be the most horrific events. Understand the reality of soul contracts and agreements within soul (individual and collective) evolution. Once seen, the attachment to “good guys and bad guys” disappears. Good reads: Journey of Souls, Your Soul’s Plan, similar books. Matt Kahn’s videos are tremendous, especially “Everything is here to help you.”(search for it) Come to understand the “technology of consciousness”
2. Find ways to contact and connect more with your Higher Self, your true self. Ask of the God Self within and your Guides (as its expression) to assist you in this (and all aspects of the journey.) Since beyond the illusion of separation each of us is actually everything (we forgot) we naturally at any moment have complete access to the wisdom, power and energy of the whole. Like a pipeline-(instantaneously). This takes time as the channel usually has been constricted. Spiritual practice is the art of opening to and experiencing the reality of the multidimensional self which is ever present.
3. Agreed. Its a reinforcement path. I only would add true effectiveness lies in alignment with the energy and direction of the Higher Self, which is the real doer. Western individualism resists the truth that the Higher Self knows and can implement that which one deeply desires both individually and collectively far more effectively than ego based action because of ignorance. Surrender leads to fulfillment, not bondage. That’s why the “secret” is called the “secret”. Because this truth is the secret to life.
4. Whatever grows will grow
Whatever dies will die
Whatever works will work
Whatever flies will fly
What’s meant to soar will soar
Whatever fails will fail
I am planting seeds. nothing more.
There is a mistaken notion that the true self is “amorphous” as regards its individual expressions. It is not. Each of us as an expression of this One has been endowed with a part to play in the movie Joe speaks of (Yogananda used the same analogy). Our gifts have been inlaid. The greatest gift to the world is alignment with this truth experientially so that the talents and creative power within us flow fully (not in drips and drabs) from our inner Source, not from the limited mind. Great joy happens as one “fuses” with one’s higher aspect and feels the “rush” of this flow. Whatever one’s gift, whether it is just to be kind, or to organize mass movements has already been given. The task is to connect.One then has no desire to work from ego as it just blocks it. One sees and knows it has a limited function and more and more just “becomes” as “doership comes from a different part of self that has an intelligence undreamed of, not something “outside” of self.
Remember: “Thou Art That”, always was, always will be. So be it.
Hope this helps.
What about suicide? What happens when someone decides, like myself, that it can’t take this existence anymore? Will I be reborn again in this same form again and then try to make better choices so that I don’t kill my human form?
Most likely you will get an incomplete, have to go through it again but often with greater intensity because of the negative karma of killing yourself. There is no escaping your contract and growth in the long run so don’t do it. You may have done it already and the suffering you are experiencing is the result so imagine it getting worse, not easier. It is HIGHLY discouraged from the higher realms.
I first saw your questions about suicide on another page and I’ve answered them there:
I went to the Mellen-Thomas Benedict site and listened to the free CD of his talk in L.A. I am still thinking about most of what he said, but he did raise a question in my mind about the “lineage” of reincarnation. Until recently, he said, we were all reincarnating along blood lines. But now that families do not stay together so much, we may reincarnate into “the matrix of our issues.” Now, if you have come to the end of your blood line, there is no choice but to do this. In my case, my husband and I were both the only surviving child of our parents, his sister and my brother dying in infancy. We had four children, but one died in his 30s, and the other 3 have–by choice/inability–never had children (and only one married.) My husband is deceased, and we were all the last of our blood line. Do you have any idea where I and the children are likely to reincarnate in order to continue our unfoldment?
Hi Sister Grumpy,
We don’t usually reincarnate along bloodlines. We can, and do, choose to reincarnate within our soul family group, which also includes people with physical bodies from other genetic backgrounds. We incarnate within groups that are learning the same, or similar, life lessons. We play different roles for each other each lifetime, so that your parents might be your children next time, or your children your parents, or people you love profoundly this time around you want nothing to do with in the next lifetime. The person who hurt you most this lifetime might actually be your best friend, who you chose to help you learn a painful lesson about Love and Forgiveness. It’s very complicated and very simple.
Bloodlines die out all the time, and others are constantly created. Our bodies have have nothing to do with our spiritual selves except as the vehicles we experience reality in. Where you will be in the next life, and between lives, is back with your soul family. No one is ever lost, we all belong to each other and we all work together towards the same goal – which is Love.
Love & Peace
Ama Nazra
I agree with Ama. Not sure where T M-B got his info. My understanding is that although we tend to follow our soul group, different experiences from all humanity are important so physical bloodlines would not be primary.
I am Michael. Keep on getting a little bit more out of life lol
Thanks for the discussion. I hope the changes you see can happen peacefully.
This is regarding suicide as asked by Ken. I couldn’t find the said question to add the reply as website, seems like, archived the previous questions. I couldn’t find Barry’s given link as well.
My view.
Eastern religion gives a lot of importance to Nishkam Yoga; Bhagavad Gita says its the finest of all yoga. Its doing ones duty with out expecting the fruits of action. Desire –> Expectation –> attachment. There is a verse in Gita to the effect, “even if one destroys whole 3 worlds, without any attachment in doing his duty, he is not bound by its karma.”
All souls reaching a particular stage must have gone through myriad of experiences including suicide, may be multiple times. Suicide is an experience as well in itself, as being a cannibal or a saint to an equal measure. Suicide not being looked upon favorably, comes from the idea of free will and later from its logical deductions. [There is some studies done on free will by Benjamin Libet, also with fMRI and currently in theoretical physics towards consciousness and quantum mechanics.}
The inclination is justified quite well as the illusion of free will is a major determinant for the application of the “Law of Cause and Effect,(law of Karma)”, which is one of the basic rules of the Game. So its not wise to spill the beans early in the Play; if we look through a Guide’s/Master’s perspective.
I’m not sure about the fee will piece. I did not mean to imply that the Universe has a judgment around it. I agree it is an experience and usually one chooses to repeat the curriculum .But my Guru talked about “karmic whiplash” (God accrues interest) and in Destiny of Souls The Higher Guides (Council of Elders) made it clear they were not happy over a soul who resorted to suicide quite often. Divine Love is deep, unfathomable and unconditional but can appear stern when needed.
In talking with angels and other like beings, I get that at the lower levels free will exists. In Joel Whitten’s “life Between Life”, he came across a woman whose contract was to have great success but instead got involved with drugs and alcohol, went off a cliff and died and completely messed up her plan. The woman who appeared before him (he was a hypnotherapist for Life Between Life regression) was an “emergency incarnation” her guides had assembled to put her back on track.
I think at the highest levels there may not be free will. But I have seen in my own life warnings (when I fell into mental illness) a great deal was at stake by continuing in a certain direction. I think of it in two ways. One model is quantum mechanics in which everything is probability, but some probabilities are much more fixed than others. The other in conjunction is the oscilloscope in which lines (probabilities) not only within but between everyone are constantly adjusting to one another. But this happens within a framework that cannot be “jumped”.
Part of the Earth trip imo opinion is how does one align with the doership of the God self. I have heard good psychics say, “You are a year behind”.
So I don’t know. I see certain things moving. I see how things are put into place. An old girlfriend I had not seen in 17 years showed up at church today. Did “I” do that? absolutely not. Certain timings, many, are clearly the work of the God Self. But I do see some small amount of wiggle room for choice. It seems to spice up the game.
There is a chapter in Yogananda where he saves a deer at his school from illness. The deer appears in a dream and says “let me go, you are preventing me from moving on which I need to do”. Was the mistake built in?
Again. I revere ancient texts, but there is a lot of experiential things happening which seem to be clarifying these things. We could say, “But the movie has already been in the can”. Yes. But which movie? If all are probabilities within a range, then there are many possible outcomes, or some. How it ends up to a degree might depend to an extent on us. How much? I don’t know.
P.S. Judgment around suicide.
Hello Ken,
Meeting your GF after 17 years is not purely accidental. lol
“We meet only those people with whom our meeting is predestined. Duration of association with each person is also preordained. One should not grieve if one is separated or if the association does not last long.” – Neem Karoli Baba.
Well, let me have the privilege to introduce Neem Karoli baba to the group who doesn’t recognize him.
He was a mystic lived in India, active between 1950-70s,and died in 1973. He gathered fame through his western devotees like Ram Dass and Dr. Larry Brilliant. Ram Dass (Richard Alpert) was a Harvard psychologist and Larry was a physician who later participated in smallpox eradication program and google’s philanthropic arm, as CEO. Both are still living and giants in their fields, so stories about baba cant be refuted as myths. Both gives public talks to prominent forums like TED.
This is an excerpt/link on how Larry Brilliant first met baba; from d book “Miracle of Love.”
Ah, I know that story very well. Used many times on Enlightenment Intensives. Yep, Neem Karoli Baba – a highly evolved Old King I believe.
Thank you for the reintroduction. We’ve discussed him before. Although he was not my “primary” Guru. I always had a very profound connection to him. IN 1992-1995 he appeared to me in a powerful series of dreams, one of which was perhaps one of the top two “Guru ‘ dreams I ever had.
His presence ( It used to be primarily my Guru, Anandamurti, who came to me in dreams), was part of a grand teaching that Guru was not the form, but a Universal frequency using the form. When my Guru died, I had lingering issues with him because of certain events, so the real Guru, that which is everywhere and everything, just switched forms. Neem Karoloi Baba’s presence in my perception was much gentler and became a form I could work with and let in.
It was quite an extraordinary experience. That dream is here.I still use his last command to me as it still rings in my ears. What is true for one is true for all from the Higher Self.
“The sharp, piercing chord of that call, responding to the seeds of my dreams, and not yet germinated with the appearance of the Guru beyond his physical death in the channeled state, came to me on a September morning in 1992. Anandamurti had always been in my dreams, but on this morning, something equally auspicious happened, something that would take me much time to fathom its full import and purpose. I had a dream, but not with my “Baba”. It was with Ram Das’ Guru, Neem Karoli Baba. In the dream I recalled that Ram Das had written that one of the most powerful moments of grace you could receive from his Guru was to catch the Guru’s gaze and have him hold it on you. In the dream, a cranky Ram Das was setting up a sixteen- millimeter camera in a small room. He kept muttering and commenting that he didn’t know why this was being done, why I was supposed to get this, but he set it up nd then was gone. As I watched the film begin to roll, Neem Karoli Baba appeared looking exactly like his pictures, wearing only his famous blanket. Almost immediately he turned, straightened up, and looked right at me. His gaze was steady and he held me in it for over thirty seconds, pointedly making it clear that it he was fixated on me. This dream, this encounter, this moment was to be for me. Then the scene began to shift and I was in his country, a land possessed and protected by him. It was green and lush, expansive and quiet, and made up mostly of soft grassy fields, with some woods. Then, like a beautiful song, in short, exact “edited” pieces, the various parts of me, all of them from my psyche, began to call and speak out. The scene unfolded as a kaleidoscope, as each piece represented by someone I knew or someone well known, took his turn. In the safety of his land, each called out their truth in a mesmerizing, flowing sequence.
Suddenly, Neem Karoli Baba appeared before me again, only this time, not on film. He looked me right in the eye, his presence radiating an incredible force, and said, ”Whatever you have, whatever you need, whatever you do…YOU BRING IT TO ME”.
I woke up with a jolt, the echo of his message resounding in my head. As I sat up, with my head in my hands, my body flooded with energy, I felt my center at my solar plexus, known as the third chakra, on fire. The Divine energy had been so aroused that the flame of it literally “lit up” my stomach area like a huge incandescent candle. I couldn’t believe it. The sensation was so visceral and real. I was “buzzing” uncontrollably. I put my head in my hands, swept away by the immense power of what had just occurred, and said to myself, “I have to write a book about this stuff”. At that moment something gave way, and I knew at some time, somewhere, my story was important enough to tell and share publicly.
Soul agreements in a nutshell.
Ken do you have any insight on how aliens play into all of this? I Understand that we are all spiritual beings on a human journey. But I have read quite a bit about the Anunnaki and the decendents of them with -O neg blood. The Queen and all the royals have -O neg blood. Or just aliens in general, what about the ancient pyramids and the writings that they contain? I’ve read that aliens brought us here to planet earth, I know it sounds far fetched, but something has left behind quite a bit of information. Is there a way to piece this all together? I guess we’re all aliens👽 to a certain extent, but the technology they had hundreds of 1000’s of years ago we’re just now getting. Are the aliens spiritual beings as well?
Here is my take from studying with a channeled Master presence (one of many I have worked with) for 7 years. The distinction of issues of “aliens, etc” is part of the game of the separation of the mind if any fear is involved. Since all are one and at the highest level everything is agreed upon, there is nothing to fear. All are expressions of Source.
It is, however, more generally accepted that certain star systems, Sirius, Pleiades, Arcturus have played strong generative and supportive roles regarding human development while the Orion system has in part been rather negative. In the last 5 years I with others (and many before me earlier) have intensively off and on been working with ET guidance, especially the Arcturians. Barbara Marciniak’s works , including the classic “Bringers of the Dawn, which changed my life, comes from the Pleiadians. It is also regarded that many light workers have ET “blood or ancestry and are star seed related. That’s you and me, etc.
I have a wonderful little book which I recently got again called “ET 101: The Cosmic Instruction Manual for Cosmic Evolution, an Emergency Earth Remedial Edition.” They distinguish between ET and Alien thus.
“An extraterrestrial is a being whom is in sympathetic resonance with the essence of its genesis.”
“There is no need to scour the skies for evidence of an alien invasion (as opposed to ET’s.) Look around you instead. Look at those who are peddling fear, vending death, and poisoning the planet…There is no point in fearing an invasion of aliens, since the invasion has already happened and the aliens are already here. You would be better advised to fear that no true intelligence will ever show up on this planet. (It has) And you would be better advised to fear nothing at all”
“Now that you have learned the difference between ET and Alien, we would like you to forget the distinction immediately. The danger in the definition is that, as mental concepts, they separate once again. This mission is not about separation. Nor is it a Hollywood Western being performed by a cast of good guys and bad guys. It is about light and bringing more of it onto this planet. The invitation to enter into light is extended to all humankind, aliens included, for aliens are only extraterrestrials who have chosen to stand in the darkness., like a lie , and wear a disguise.
(Extraterrestrial is a transitional which will become unnecessary by the completion of this mission. At this point, human will replace the term. An awareness of your extraterrestrial nature will then be an integral part of all human experience, and “aliens” will no longer occupy the planet.”
Hope this helps.
transitional term
A concern I have, regarding the Michael’s Teachings are after 7th level under old soul stage, it ends abruptly. There are many incarnations still beyond, on Earth, who comes here under their volition and goodwill. Like Avatars or Sages in Hinduism or Master Guides according to M. Newton.
( A story from Ramakrishna and his Disciples).
“Ramakrishna had a vision of Swami Vivekananda before he met him.
Absorbed, one day, in samadhi, Ramakrishna had found that his mind was soaring high, going beyond the physical universe of the sun, moon, and stars, and passing into the subtle region of ideas. As it continued to ascend, the forms of gods and goddesses were left behind, and it crossed the luminous barrier separating the phenomenal universe from the Absolute, entering finally the transcendental realm.
There Ramakrishna saw seven venerable sages absorbed in meditation. These, he thought, must have surpassed even the gods and goddesses in wisdom and holiness, and as he was admiring their unique spirituality he saw a portion of the undifferentiated Absolute become congealed, as it were, and take the form of a Divine Child. Gently clasping the neck of one of the sages with His soft arms, the Child whispered something in his ear, and at this magic touch the sage awoke from meditation. He fixed his half-open eyes upon the wondrous Child, who said in great joy: ‘I am going down to earth. Won’t you come with me?’ With a benign look the sage expressed assent and returned into deep spiritual ecstasy.
Ramakrishna was amazed to observe that a tiny portion of the sage, however, descended to earth, taking the form of light, which struck the house in Calcutta where Narendra’s family lived, and when he saw Narendra for the first time, he at once recognized him as the incarnation of the sage. He also admitted that the Divine Child who brought about the descent of the rishi was none other than himself.”
Where they (Ramakrishna or Vivekananda) are placed under Michael’s teachings? To me they cant be Old Souls, level 7.
P.S:- I presume, the seven Sages are the Saptarishis according to Hinduism and the Plane of ideas are the casual plane aptly described by Sri Yukteshwar in the book, “Autobiography of a Yogi”.
We have addressed this several times as it comes up often. You might look in the archives. Basically the 5 stages are for physical incarnation. There are according to Michael two more stages with 7 sub stages beyond. These would encompass issues such as higher planes, more complete merger, what we call Ascended Master energy and realms. The mind can barely conceive.
Nice story.
How do we access archives> The site flipped and now we have only 3 posts? There used to be an “older post” place but I don’t see it.Thanks.
Yeh, I’m not sure why that is tbh – possibly the way I’ve set the max size of threads or something. I’ll see what I can do. But meantime at the very bottom below the last comment there’s always a left arrow and a bit of text saying “« Older Comments” – click on that and it takes you to the last 50 or so.
Just going to experiment with settings. Things might go weird briefly.
I see it. Thanks. So you can “scroll back”. If you can set up an complete archives it would help. WE tend to recycle topics. And I loved the passage from Michael on the dispassion of the Soul.
There were close to 1,000 comments on the page we were seeing! Can they be set to show excerpts of each one with a link to “Read more” after each one?
Hmmmm…… I’ll keep fiddling under the hood
this is kewl. In the end, it would be better to accomplish much in the way of wisdom and knowledge. I should just be okay being an ancient soul. Someday, I’ll realize it is amazing! I got told to stop trying to be a baby. lol
That happiness is from being my true self, and helping children grow.
But is it possibru to know how many lives I have lived? Including this one?
Maybe through your akashic records.
My advice is to forget it. Even if you knew, how does it effectively help you deal with the lessons of this one?
You could start here Wozzeh:
well-meaning but no real substance and too simplistic
Each to his own.
This is for James. James I am doing this for the benefit of a larger audience and you are the example. I don’t know if your response was to Barry’s link and info or the philosophy of the site. You will notice over six years of comments on this topic. In them there are questions, answers, references to books, personal experiences that validate the material, cross references to religious and spiritual traditions, etc. Obviously this has been deeply thought out, investigated, and been around the track.
Your comment typifies what I call the “new atheist” stance on religion and spirituality but since you did not elaborate, you just as well may have come form a more established tradition.
My point is these types of critiques come from a place usually of someone who thinks they understand or know a topic but in reality not only has very little knowledge of the landscape but also has not taken any time whatsoever to investigate or explore what the topic is all about.
The new atheists do this all the time. They think they know everything. They know nothing. They make a blanket assumption based on the lowest hanging fruit of the excesses of conventional Western religion. They know nothing about Eastern religions and their sophistication. They know nothing about the vast and diverse history of over 5000 years of the mystical traditions, from the Yogis to the Buddhist Rimpoches to the Sufis. They have no interest or desire to learn of the validity of the connection to what be termed “atmospheric presence” of the unseen, because they are founded in “scientific fundamentalism.” And what is worse, they *refuse* to make the effort.
Since I am an early childhood expert of 30 years, it is akin to someone who pontificates that early childhood education is merely “baby sitting”. They have no knowledge of child development, of the extensive work over decades in behavior, of neural development in young children
nor any of the extensive research that validates the importance of quality early chlldhood care and the reams and volumes of research on methods that elevate chidren’s growth and learning.It is a real problem in America. The self anointed ignorant expert. Your response was not only deeply shallow, but incredibly callow as well.(Callow- inexperienced and immature.)
Thank you for demonstrating a real problem in this world.
Hi Ken – not sure if you follow my blog posts but you might be interested in seeing the latest: My first Michael reading, rediscovered.
if any person deal with me and if try to cheat or do mistake with me then that person face so many problems and some time go away from my sight why this thing trouble me so much
Could you please clarify the question? Thanks.
Hi Baz & Ken,
My friend’s brother believes in reincarnation. He says, the more lives one has lived, the more intellectually superior you become. So for example, a Doctor could not be a baby or child soul. Is this correct? Is intelligent development linked with Spiritual development?
Also on U.K. Lifetime channel last few Fridays, there has been a fantastic show called “Ghost Inside My Child”, about parents whose children have had difficult childhoods, due to traumatic past life deaths. it is a U.S. programme and is worth watching.
P.S. Barry – Are you Welsh?
Hi Helen,
I too believe in reincarnation, and know from memory, that degrees of intelligence are also a choice made from lifetime to lifetime. Emotional maturity is what we develop through the process. Sometimes we choose lifetimes when we are ‘the’ lesson for other people – such as a lifetime of a severely disabled (mental) person that other people have to constantly look after. The true ‘self’, of which this personality we wear at this moment is only a small aspect, is already super intelligent .. which is why we can choose the life experiences that teach the lessons that provide the emotional growth with the detachment that is required to say, choose to be a murderer or the victim of one.
There are very few baby souls on the planet these days, but one could easily choose to become a doctor, and with fierce determination (being stubborn is also a choice), and the right incentives, might succeed in what they want. If you scroll back to Lessons of each Stage you’ll see social awareness and following rules is very important to them. And I know of plenty of very clever doctors who have major temper tantrums when they don’t get their own way.
I was born remembering all my past lives, and when I started speaking, spoke three languages, English, French and another my parents could not recognise. I grew up with ‘memories’ that made no sense, because reincarnation was not a subject discussed in my home. It was not until I was an adult that I heard of the concept, and suddenly everything I ‘knew’ made sense. I am an ancient soul, beyond old. We too exist, even if not written about here in this article. I incarnate by request. 🙂
Love & Peace
I disagree that there are very few baby souls on the planet. The Us alone is flooded with them. The entire religious right and nearly every Republican presidential candidate are baby souls. The Mid East is awash with baby souls as are huge swaths of Africa. Just for starters.
Thank you for taking the time to reply to my question. Wishing you happiness x
There is a correlation between soul age and wisdom, but not IQ. I’ve noticed a good number of baby souls in the medical profession. Smart, but can be judgemental. Most highly qualified psychiatrists are young souls. Intelligence is a faculty any of us can work with or not, as we choose. Scholars tend to value it most obviously, but they don’t necessarily use it!
I’m recording Ghost in my Child. A year or two ago I remember the producers were looking for kids with past lives to film.
Welsh? No lass, aa’m originally a Geordie!
I agree with Barry. There are many baby souls who are quite intelligent intellectually. Often Soul lessons revolve around having a high intellect but little empathy or characteristics of more mature souls. So someone can be “smart” or knowledgeable” in their field but not be well developed emotionally and be fiercely tribal and be all “black” or “white”.. Ben Carson is a good example. Some of the Supreme Court justices, particularly Scalia, Thomas and Alito also are good examples. Many baby souls like Ted Cruz went to Harvard Law School.
No offense, but Ken no longer has a reply button, I’m not sure who else can better answer my question. I have family in the entertainment industry. Without getting off subject once one sells their soul, is there any way to get it back? Also who exactly do they sell it too? Is there really a such thing as a blood sacrifice(where one sacrifices a loved one for fame and riches)?
A Geordie ! Howay Man! I read about your upbringing somewhere a while ago, and it was very similar to my own. Then again, The North is similar to Wales in many respects, as I have a friend who once lived in Middlebrough. Much nicer people than those shandy drinking Southerners! Ahm gannin noo as ahm propa paggered!
(Ken – must get your Geordie translation booklet out).
Ha Ha.
P.S. Did you think that up all by yourself?
Where is your reply button? Any way thanks. Everything always goes back to the answer you gave. Im still a lil confused about the reincarnation process. Some on this website have said we reincarnate throughout the same blood line. Others have said that if you reincarnated into royalty that is where you will continue to reincarnate, through a royal bloodline. Does royalty reincarnate as poor regular ppl? Another poster on this same website said that she reincarnates whenever she wants too. It was actually you who said we don’t have a choice? Which is it? Also how will I know in this lifetime if I have moved past this life times lifes lessons. I really don’t want to repeat any of this again. I would like to move on to my next lesson.
@inquiring minds:
Re. Reply buttons: I recently limited discussion threads to go 3 replies deep. (This is because they used to have no limit, but then some threads were getting close to 100 replies deep – unreadable on mobile.) I’ll reset it to 10, but in any case if you want to reply to a specific individual just put their name first, like:
blah blah “
It was actually a serious question, as i have read up on this and have family in the business. I didn’t see a reply button to ur earlier post. I was once told there is no such thing as a stupid question, so go figure.
If you are serious, here it is. There is no such thing. The “soul” cannot be sold. There is no one to sell it to. The technology of how things work involves intense pre-life planning, in reality everyone is safe and here to experience contrast (dark and light) and lessons. There is no way to get fame unless its a life plan-lesson.
I would suggest reading the older comments where you will find extensive discussion on these topics and the true nature and back story of physical existence.
Enquiring minds .. we incarnate where we want to, whether among paupers or royal family, in every country and every society and every religion. It’s all about the lessons we choose to learn, and the people we choose to learn them from. We can stay within our soul group, or venture into experiences with others from other groups, again, its all our choice.
And the other question .. I agree with Ken in saying that you cannot ‘sell’ your soul, nor have it taken from you. Soul and Spirit are different names for the same thing – our true selves, not the limited personality we have in each lifetime. The true self is eternal, cannot be given away, cannot be stolen, sold, borrow, lost, or overwhelmed. The personality of this lifetime, however, can be overwhelmed and oppressed by negative energies and entities, and people are foolish enough to try and bargain with the unseen, for power or fame or cash or glory, but the outcome is seldom good, either in this lifetime or others. If someone you know thinks they sold their soul, then they are giving away their power, and they can claim it back again .. but there will be a struggle, for something willingly given into darkness, lays a pattern of belief into the energy of the person, and the ego loves it .. anything that keeps us small and ‘safe’ makes the ego happy. It’s not that our egos doesn’t want us to achieve greatness, it just lives in fear of exactly that – and of dissolution after we die .. because the ego cannot exist once we are our true selves again – it is simply a small part of the complex being that is ‘human incarnate’. We just forget its small because it has A VERY LOUD VOICE. 🙂
Love & Peace
I agree. The issue of bloodlines does not work for me although souls generally incarnate with others from the same group. Souls go all over the map for experiences and lessons.
Thanks for putting that into perspective Ama, I am not the sharpest knife and I sometimes have to read things several different times from several different people before I actually get it. Thanks again
Inquiring minds .. I am of the same belief that no question is stupid if a person wants to learn. We can all be silly at times. 🙂 Glad to help.
Oh, thanks for that! That’s a very good thing to know.
I know for sure, we’reborn,we die, in between are mostly choices. Sea
I feel I’m about one eighth into the first level of old souldom. Have been there for a very long time, born (physically) into it. Still have a very, very,
long way to go. Really appreciate you, Ama. Sea
You are welcome, E. Sea. I am glad to help.
This is primarily for you but anyone could chime in. I have been at this for over 45 years. In the last 3 years or so there has been, where I live, and I suppose everywhere an “eruption of light”. Meetups are springing up all over. Powerful online meditations arr common place. The experience of deep communion with Source energy, once rare, is now plentiful. I can access internally and in group states states i used to get only when I went to India. This is stuff I would wonder about when reading The “Autobiography of a Yogi”. Now I am living it. The extraordinary has become ordinary.
To me this feels beyond the mature soul stage. I think I and others came in at late stage mature and have moved this life to early stage old. This type of “beginning merger” feels like old soul stuff. We are not at the top like Yogananda was, but we are definitely well past base camp and on the mountain’s lower slopes.
What do you think?
Although you have been at this reseach a lot longer than me I agree with you Ken. I have noticed thay the last 5 years or so have generated an increase shift in consciousness. There is a popular online community called High Existence that I check into on a fairly regular basis which is made up of mostly younger folks in their teens and 20’s but the articles and discussion topics go pretty deep into a wide range of metaphysical and higher consciousness states (in fact its where I first became aware of Michael Newton). I am really taken back at times at how this younger generation views the world, its way beyond anything we discussed offline 🙂 as a child of the 80’s and 90’s.
I would be interested to know if anyone has done any in-depth channeling with Michael regarding the long standing extraterrestrial influence on the planet. ET’s have long been a favorite topic of mine, especially the research done by Dolores Cannon and the highly advanced volunteer souls that have been coming in for the last 50-60 years. These souls are free of Eartly karma and certainly have to be having an influence, especially the most recent wave (as outlined in her book ‘Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth’).
Fascinating stuff, we certainly chose a great time to incarnate on this planet.
I agree there has been a long standing ET presence here. Actually, in terms of true definition, many of us are ET’S or carry ET energy and have strong ties to other star systems. There is a wonderful little book called ET101: The Cosmic Intergalactic Manual for Planetary Evolution (An Emergency Remedial Earth Edition). Its a channeled work. ET is defined as “An Extraterrestrial Is a being whom is in sympathetic harmony with the essence of its genesis.”
Most ET consciousness that has been sent here to help from my experience are in energetic form or use energetic frequencies. Thus I find it rather humorous to see people looking for UFO’s and physical contact since they have been communicating and working with us for a long time. Especially the Arcturians.
I’m not so interested in ancient history as I am in what’s going on now. I got involved with a local powerful spirit communicator who was approached about 4 years ago and we started doing intensive work with them. The first contacts were funny because they had no idea about emotions and human issues and were somewhat confused. It was like Star Trek. Later on there was a dual group session in which they put an energetic obelisk in the center of the small room (there were 5 of us) and it pulsated with energy. Then they said the following. “Do not think that this moment is not equal to or more important than the signing of the Declaration of Independence.” (I live near Philadelphia)
Since then people have been tuning in like crazy, Intergalactic friends show up quite often to facilitate meditations, healings and sacred journeys.
I’m sure others have been dealing with this much longer than me, but I only go by what I’ve experienced, not what I read. I find certain accounts or information interesting, but if I have not experienced it, then it is not gospel.
P.S. The kids are doing great, but they don’t know the arduous journey of anchoring the grid for half a century so they could flow in easily. They have no idea of what its like to be a true pioneer and to cross the dimensional divide.
And if you want channeled information, you don’t need to go to Michael. Everyone is opening up and if you ask, it will be right around the corner.
I channeled a very high guide for a friend the other day and she asked if Jesus was an Arcturian. The answer was, “Why is it important and why are you still creating separation?” Its all one and the issues of “this” and “that” in terms of that information are immaterial and not relevant. Its just mind stuff.
As Spock would say, “Fascinating.”
P.S. By dual group, I mean two different ET groups were sent but there was a time crunch where they had to switch to do the work. They said there was no time for questions because they were on a “Visa”. I took this to mean the energetic window for their frequency to be in resonance with our dimensional one was tight, and therefore no time could be wasted.
I did go on High Existence and I will have to check it out more but it seems very drug oriented. There was a whole discussion on how to get the best LSD trip. My feeling is they are kind of entry level. The stuff here would be beyond many of them
What about reincarnating as an animal? Or have souls who are animals now been human before?
There are two schools of thought. Eastern philosophy, especially Hinduism and Buddhism teach that Souls moves “up the chain” from simple to complex, that human lives are rare and a privilege, and that’ “transmigration” between forms occurs.
Michael Newton and the channeled material in “Your Soul’s Gift” address this and say foundationally you come in on a “track”, and although some crossover can occur, basically what you are is what you intended to be. They say animals don’t like the intensity and wide swings of human emotion.
Regression studies in other cultures reveal prior animal life memories and I have a very gifted animal communicator friend who said she knows of a woman who reincarnated as a horse just to be able to look into the eyes of her estranged daughter. I also know a woman who said she was a Priestess in Egypt who abused he power and was a cat for a lifetime.
I prefer not to be certain unless I’ve personally experienced something so I don’t know. I don’t think the great Yogi’s are wrong but my intuition at least says once you’ve gotten established in the human cycle, there is not a lot of wild swings back and forth. Once here, usually your trajectory is here, however you started.
I agree with Kenstories1. I know of a number of people who believe they were wolves and other predators in past lives, but having never experienced it myself, and I remember all my past lives, I’ll keep an open mind.
Love & Peace
you say you know about the soul and the afterlife,can you tell me how to get to heaven ….? and the location of heavens door
Its within you. The door is your heart and connection to the higher order frequency of your self. Intuition is the engine. meditation is the car. Since in reality you are “everything”, the idea of “here” and “there” is an illusion.
However, if one wishes to deal in the technology of individuation, “Heaven” is what is called “the other side” or the realm of the unseen. Its dimensional frequency is far finer than the physical, the senses and intellect are not equipped to apprehend it. Traditionally one finds it through death, but it can be accessed through Near Death Experiences or deep or unusual mystical contact. Happens a lot, actually.
wrong answer you don’t know a lot about spirituality to what you say on your page about the soul
Then you tell me the “right” answer.
The answer is Aquila you would have known that if you are in contact with extraterrestrial beings and secondly they know more about emotions than what you talk about
One of my rules is I only relate what I have personally experienced. This is a pretty vast place. I was sharing one very interesting encounter. I have also dealt with Arcturians and other presences. Their ability to flow love and guidance is quite extraordinary. We and I are always open to others sharing their experiences in a positive manner as to expand our knowledge and the understanding of possibilities. If you have been in touch with various ET encounters, there might have been a less abrasive way to deal with it. From my experience with them, they do not like or promote confrontational attitudes. It does not serve humanity or the Universe.
P.S. I have been engaged with Angel and Spirit communicators for quite a while, as well as my own intuitive contact, and it is not unusual for diverse Guides who are not experiencing the depth of the human journey first hand, or are not in space-time, to often not be completely in tune with the ramifications and impact of that journey for those going through it. Some are, some aren’t. Masters who have been here, such as Mary, Jesus, Padre Pio, etc tend to have a better grasp. But there are no hard and fast rules about it. Depends on the Guides.
i dont intend to be abrasive i am just stating facts.and this one is for you …i am a Alien from the constellation of Perseus,… should not mislead people with thinking you know the answer when you dont ..
Stop lying you are not an alien. If you’re an alien, I’m Elvis Presley. See you can be whatever you want on the net.
If you had read the above, you would see I specified my response from before and invited clarification from your experience. That would be helpful. There are many here who have ET connections and have taken human bodies at this time. Or have contracted to be here for a while. If there is something you’d like to share more, please do.
I love this website and it has helped me so much. But there is one thing I just don’t buy into and it is this Alien thing.
I believe Aliens do exist, but the distances are so immensely vast to make it here. Due to the laws of Physics, you cannot travel faster than the speed of light.Why don’t we pick up Alien radio waves? Why don’t these ‘Aliens’ just put in an appearance. It is all very cloak and dagger and mysterious. There is no concrete proof at all – and to say Aliens helped us in the past with greatest advancements is a mis-service to Mankind.
When someone says they are from this constellation or that – it is very wishy washy – can’t they be more precise and pinpoint it? The distance between stars in a constellation is absoutley massive – millions upon millions of light years.
If Aliens are here to help Mankind in secret – well, considering the mess of the world they are not doing a good job. If they are evil, why is this not exposed and something done about it? It is all very conspirational.
I think a lot of these UFO’s can be put down to secret Government/Military aircraft, mistaken identity or delusion.
On previous posts, I believe the general thesis is that animals and humans do not incarnate into other species, so why would that be true of Aliens? What i find more believable is the concept of other dimensions rather than travelling through space, but again, if that were true, why is it kept hidden from us?
As for Alien Col, if he is from Perseus, I am from Uranus.
I would suggest thinking beyond 3D. I can only speak from experience. Most contact is energetic because these civilizations are far beyond ours in development. If they are physically nearby, they are in an inter dimensional space that does not obey our current understanding of physics. Therefore “travel’ In 3D terms does not apply.
The proper word for light beings is ET, not Alien. Many of us have ET ancestry or are more directly ET based. We just took a human form. Physical incarnation is not limited to Earth. So many of us ARE the “aliens”.
Advanced consciousnesses do not want to directly-powerfully interfere with humanity’s evolutionary process. So they must be more subtle.
As to their effectiveness or lack of such. As they told me explicitly on this point, the game is not over.
Jesus, Buddha, others came. How did they do in “fixing things”. We must work through our stuff. The Universe assists, it will not do it for us.
We are the ones we have been waiting for.
jesus never existed ..jesus and his disciples are to do with the sun and the twelve months ..and ask spirit for the answer to who I am then you will see .
While I can’t speak for everybody,
There’s “aliens” talking to you here.
It’s OK, I didn’t know terra existed, or humans.. Ken puts it quite nice : I don’t really relate to things I haven’t experienced…
As far as alien col- Perseus, huh?
Just because you came from elsewhere, it doesn’t mean you have all answers.
Youre a baby to some people here,and no-one here knows everything while
In physical reality.
And please, that is no insult. Being a baby is an enviable position, many people will freely give any knowledge they can.
Good morning from Australia everyone. To some of you I am a disembodied entity that might not possibly exist, if you have never ‘experienced’ me, or visited my ‘home world’ called Australia. I speak a foreign language, Strine, but also have learned English English, which is different from American English (sounds similar, depending on your accent, different spelling).
I have experienced Pleiadian energies, but only as spirit guides for living humans, one of whom I was told was a Pleiadian having a ‘human experience’. I speak with higher energies, most particularly angels, though I can also communicate with elementals (earth nature spirits – planet bound). I also communicate with fallen angels (some redeemed in human bodies) and demons, who are the enemies of living people. I have seen one ‘flying saucer’, once, in the far distance, cigar shaped, that took off at a 45 degree angle, at flash-fast speed.
I was also born remembering all my past lives to varying degrees. In this lifetime I have studied Archaeology, Anthropology and Christian Theology, although I do not see myself as Christian (unless believing in the Christ energy makes me so) and am happy to state that Jesus was a man, and that he was also called Christus .. these things archaeologists have physical proof of. He also had a brother called James.
On an energy level, and through my memories, I also know Jesus Christ is a beautiful powerful being, but he was not a Christian either. As to whether he was the Buddha reincarnated, St Germaine, or Swedenborg – as most Swedenborgians tend to believe, or an alien, he was a man of his times –
IMO, also my memories, we are all aliens, because humanity only came to this planet, it was not ‘born’ or created here. And, if you think about it scientifically, with all the stories about hybrid human/alien beings, we must share our DNA with other species, or .. as I like to think about it .. other ‘races of humans’ across the multiverse, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to cross-breed.
The sum of this long message is basically ‘why is this important’? Why focus on what we ‘were’ rather than the mess we are creating of the one planet we actually live on? I would suggest we spend more energy focusing on the message than the deliverers .. it seems we cannot save ourselves – which is why we appear to be getting some help? And truthfully, if the governments of the world suddenly announced the aliens have finally arrived humanity as a collective would probably go into a blind panic and attempt to blow them all up. Not to be recommended, I think. I prefer to be alive, and would like my descendants to have their chance too.
So, if you are an alien, enjoy your adventure on our planet. If you are a fallen angel in a human body, congratulations, nice to know you are redeemed. If you are purely human .. lovely. If you are a fairy in a human body .. I know, humans are very strange and have little or no respect for nature. The message is the same for all of us …
LOVE ONE ANOTHER, and for humans sake .. quit the bickering.
We love you.
Ama and friends.
Thanks for the wonderful words. Says it all actually.
Barry. I have a question. Giving a talk on this on Sunday. It is generally acknowledged that Soul’s evolve in groups. How does this explain families where some soul’s clearly exhibit “baby soul” traits and another may be mature. I understand that we can expand our circle but I would assume most are near same level. Thanks.
Hi Ken
Do you mean why is it that within human families there can be such a diversity of soul ages?
It’s true that we often evolve in groups, but not necessarily in the family context. You pick the parents and birth setting according to your life plan – and the parents (and siblings) you choose could be souls you haven’t hung out with much before. You might have to go with what’s available rather than wait for your closest soul mates to incarnate with you.
There’s also a purely statistical factor. At this time, in a world dominated by young souls, there are more opportunities to be born to parents who happen to be young souls than to old souls , for example. Basically, you have to be born some place. And if you’re an old soul with young soul parents, then you’ll probably want to add into your life plan an agreement with a few soul mates who appear later as the neighbor or schoolteacher who inspire you to see beyond what you’ve been raised to see so far.
It’s also the case that mature souls as parents sometimes elect to take on infant/baby soul offspring – it really stretches their relating skills.
For all of this potential diversity in soul ages showing up with human families, it’s easy to see why some families are so “dysfunctional”.
Thanks. I was also reading some of the material about the “Entity”, the direct uplink that we belong to and the Cadre, the even larger unit. So within these “relations”, it is clear there is a lot ton draw from.
Newton talked about small small soul units and perhaps there is overlap. I Think “Soul groups” can be many like concentric circles. So when I was young I hung out at a camp where everyone was really close. At college I ran into different people. When I got involved with my Guru, there was a whole different core set of people all moving in one direction. But I feel now is when some of my closest “soul family” are a part of my life.
So I think the extentsiveness of our connections can be pretty big.
I also think we tend (or want) to gravitate to our soul mates, or at least people on the same level, as we get older during a life.
Barry, you wrote: “You might have to go with what’s available rather than wait for your closest soul mates to incarnate with you.”
Given that there is no ‘time’ in the spiritual planes, you don’t have ‘wait’ for anything, or anyone.
Saying ‘what is available’ appears to mean that you are in too much of a hurry incarnate, that you cannot wait for the appropriate beings, but have to (forced by ourselves or some other beings?) to incarnate without the correct helpers/teachers – but time being the illusion, what’s the hurry? We all live in the here and now, when we aren’t in the linear planes, so there is literally no hurry .. and as I wrote, no reason to have to wait.
Our soul families number in the 1000’s, and the personality we have today is only a mask covering a tiny aspect of the true ‘self’, so your ‘closest soul mates’ actually might never exist again in any form that you last saw them – simply because we weave new personalities for every lifetime, and so does everyone else within the collective.
Instead of waiting, to repeat or expand, a lesson, we can choose a whole new group of teachers (or people we experience events with) and still learn what we have to without touching on anyone from the previous group, or take a sliver from each of the previous ‘personalities’ (from the collective energy) we shared a life with, and create a whole new group of the ‘same’ individuals, playing the same roles for us – while other ‘parts’ of that group are off doing other things, experiencing other lives etc.
In the end each soul group is just one being made up of many parts. At the end of our learning we will return to that group, and become that being, who will return to the next higher level group (which is one being also), and so on and upwards until we all return and are assimilated into the WHOLE that is the true and only SELF. The I AM .. But we are in no hurry .. except when we are human.
Thanks for your wisdom. When I read of the larger constructs of who we are that are part of still larger ones until all is one, I came to the same conclusion.
Hi Barry, hello all,
New to the site, but really appreciate all your sagacious comments. A quick question about 11:11:
The numbers have been cropping up for years, and since I’m a bit of a slow learner, I didn’t really pay it much mind initially. Anyway, I’m just wondering what your thoughts are on this seemingly ‘magical’ occurrence — and if they can be related to soul age?
Best wishes
Hi Gregor,
As far as I understand it’s our guides catching our attention, letting us know that they are around. At the same time, it can also be a ‘barometer’ of our openness to spiritual influence.
Thanks for prompt response, Barry. Yes, I guess it’s akin to a sudden breeze that lifts the veil, if only briefly. 🙂
All this is new to me but I find it very useful. How do I link with Guru who will perhaps coach. It seems there is a lot about life that don’t get talk about any lot of people are unaware.
True Guru cannot be “found”. (by the mind) The true Guru is within. Each teacher is the outer expression of the inner Guru who is your own Higher Self. Therefore if your intention to learn is sincere, which it seems it is, then you already have everything within you. The journey is a process. Start with the intention that you wish to open more, connect more, expand more. Ask your inner Guru to direct you in the form that works for you (God, Jesus, Guides, whatever.)
The outer form you need for each step will appear before you at the right time. Not before or after. One cannot fake readiness. As you engage the process, the terrain of it will become clearer. At this moment all you need is the next step. Don’t worry about steps down the road. Just be attentive and mindfiul to what is in front of you and what arises. There are so many teachers and teachings.
You might take a look at Matt Kahn. Search for him online and on You Tube. He’s very cool. Yet I have no way of knowing if he is right for you. Only you will know. See where you get drawn and who or what rings your bell.
Hi Barry!
I have one question related to the soul age, that might be interesting for all:
At which soul age/level an individual develops the golden halo in the head section of the aura?
Thanks, and love and peace and joy to you!!
Not sure how to answer you Luke as I’ve seen different interpretations of the golden halo. Presumably it is to do with the 7th chakra – the glow represents a very open/active crown, which is the human link to the spiritual cosmos. It may therefore signify spiritual awakening/openness within any life, regardless of soul age/level. The greater the openness, the brighter the ‘halo’. If so, one could have such a halo during a deep spiritual experience, but not have it after returning to ‘normal’. It would also make sense for permanently awakened individuals (Jesus, Buddha etc) to have a very bright constant halo.
In Numerology 11 is The Master of Light so light for sure now needed by all… when you have learnt teach it!
Was that one for me, Erika? 😉