What is Donald Trump?

Like many people at the moment, I am curious to understand what makes Donald Trump tick. And as a student of the Michael teachings, I want to do so from a spiritual perspective.

The Young King

To begin with, I have little doubt that Donald Trump is what we would call a Young King in essence. In other words, his soul energy is that of the commanding and decisive ‘King’ archetype, while his level of awareness (as it appears from his perceptions and attitudes) is very typical of those in the third stage of soul evolution, the ‘Young Soul’ stage.

Young souls are naturally ambitious, competitive, opportunistic and enterprising, perceiving life as an opportunity to assert themselves and to prove themselves right as individuals. Their motto is: Do it my way.

King souls (regardless of the level of awareness) have an imposing aura of authority and are naturally suited to positions of power, pulling other people’s strings.

Young King souls, therefore, are usually formidable characters — extremely self-assured, uncompromising, assertive, and intimidating. Typically, they do not suffer from soft, internal issues such as self-doubt or existential angst. Others around them, however, can certainly feel the effect of their endless empire-building and occasional lapses into tyranny.

We often see Young Kings in high-powered roles as corporate CEOs, media tycoons, and army generals. Some well-known Young King souls in history include the ancient world’s Alexander the Great and Mark Antony, the medieval sultan Saladin, the Russian Empress Catherine the Great, US President John F Kennedy, the Christian evangelist Billy Graham, Saudi Arabian terrorist leader Osama bin Laden, and the Italian tycoon/politician Silvio Berlusconi.

Young Kings have the makings of very great leaders. They also have the potential to become horrendous bullies and egomaniacs.

Alexander the Great
Mark Antony
Mark Antony
Billy Graham
Billy Graham
John F Kennedy
John F Kennedy

Profiles of Trump

Donald TrumpI have so far found four versions of Donald Trump’s personality/spirituality profile via Michael channels, all of which agree that he is a Young King in essence. There are, however, uncertainties as to his more human personality traits (overleaves) — a reminder that channeled or intuitive readings are not necessarily 100% accurate.

According to Emily Baumbach in her 1989 book Michael’s Cast of Characters, Donald Trump is a Young King soul with:

  • goal — Dominance
  • attitude — Pragmatist sliding to Stoic
  • mode — Observation
  • chief feature — Arrogance

Emily adds that Trump is at the 4th level of the Young-soul stage.

According to Stephen Cocconi, Trump is a Young King soul with the following overleaves:

  • goal — Dominance
  • attitude — Cynic
  • mode — Power
  • chief features — Arrogance and Impatience

According to José Stevens, Donald Trump is a Young King soul with:

  • goal — Dominance
  • attitude — Realist
  • mode — Aggression
  • center — Moving
  • chief features — Greed and Arrogance.

The most detailed profile comes from Troy Tolley. In this reading, Trump is a Yong King soul with:

  • goal — Dominance
  • attitude — Pragmatist sliding to Stoic/Cynic
  • mode — Observation sliding to Aggression/Power
  • center — Moving, Intellectual part
  • chief features — Arrogance and Stubbornness (that also slides to Greed and Martyrdom)

Troy’s reading adds that the soul age is 7th-level Young, but manifesting as 5th-level Young.

From my own limited observations of Trump, I would probably go for goal of Dominance, attitude of Pragmatist, mode of Power, Moving center (Intellectual part), and certainly a chief feature of Arrogance very much in the negative pole.

There is also some casting information in Troy’s reading: i.e. the soul of Trump is a Sage-cast or 5th-cast King (which makes sense given the showmanship), and is from a Server-cast or 1st-cast Entity, which would indicate an ability to support the common good (as the personality perceives it).

Overall, these profiles suggest that there is a huge drive for preeminence going on here. An ambitious Young King still seeking to demonstrate his dominance over all competition at the age of 70, evidently with a great deal of success (at least in his own eyes). But add to this a strong undercurrent of Arrogance (needing to appear invulnerable to avoid displaying any actual vulnerability), and a narcissistic character style seems almost inevitable. In fact, psychologists have started using video clips of Trump to demonstrate a textbook case of narcissism.

Focusing on Trump’s personality from an everyday perspective, it is easy to be judgemental and lose both objectivity and compassion. There is nothing wrong with that per se (we are all free to judge one another as we like). But I personally cannot feel satisfied in my understanding of someone until I have appreciated their individuality from a spiritual perspective. After all, Trump is a divine being like all the rest of us, finding its way into ever-expanding consciousness by participating in the often harsh lessons of human life.

At the spiritual level, I suspect that the soul of the man called Trump has a pre-life plan to participate in a massive drama that will highlight certain choices now facing the American psyche. Collectively, the USA has had a victorious ‘Young King’ self-image for more than a century. But if (say) John F Kennedy personified the positive aspect of that archetype as a bright, bold, heroic leader, Trump appears to personify its negative potential as a bullying megalomaniac.

As the world in general gradually moves from a Young-soul-centric phase into a more Mature-soul-centric phase, the USA appears to be struggling with how to begin reconciling those two worldviews, and doing so very loudly and visibly on the world stage. My guess is that the prospect of a President Trump is part of our collective grand plan to understand where we have come from over many centuries, recognise that we are at a potential turning point, and decide where we want to go next.

I am also curious to see if there are any Mature souls in Trump’s entourage undertaking the key developmental challenge of the Mature soul stage: honourably serving a corrupt master.

“Love him or hate him, Trump is a man who is certain about what he wants and sets out to get it, no holds barred.” — Donald Trump (describing himself)



PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILES — updated 21 Nov 2016

I have just stumbled upon this psychological personality profile of both Trump and his rival candidate Hillary Clinton. To clarify, I drew the graph below myself based on trait scores for each candidate as esti mated by ten personality experts using the 6-factor HEXACO model of personality.

The HEXACO model is an extension of the standard 5-factor model used by many psychologists to asession personality. The six components of HEXACO are:

H – Honesty/Humility (v Selfishness)

E – Emotional stability (v Neuroticism)

X – eXtraversion (v Introversion)

A – Agreeableness (v Hostility)

C – Conscientiousness (v Impulsiveness)

O – Openness (v Closedness/Resistance)

We have no way of knowing if the experts’ judgements are accurate. They are, after all, based upon the candidates’ public behaviour rather than their private thoughts and feelings. But to me at least, they seem to intuitively make sense.

Trump/Clinton HEXACO scores

In summary, Clinton scores as fairly ‘normal’ (average for the population) on Extraversion and Openness; a bit higher on Conscientiousness; a bit low on Agreeablenes; distinctly low on Emotional stabilty and especially low on Honesty/Humility.

All of Trump’s scores are far from ‘normal’. He scores very high on Extraversion, very low on Conscientiousness and Openness, and extremely low (next to zero) on Honesty/Humility and Agreeableness.

Successful psychopaths [update]

Psychologists have recently started taking notice of so-called “successful psychopaths”. These are people who have the same kinds of disturbed personalities as regular psychopaths — but, remarkably, they have no history of criminal prosecution. In fact, they can live seemingly successful lives in normal society.

Read more

Are narcissists as attractive as they believe?

Paris Hilton mirror moment

Not surprisingly, people who enjoy gazing in the mirror rather too much like to think that they are very good looking. But could they be right? Some new research now suggests that others would probably agree with them — narcissists really do seem more attractive than average.

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The soul of Barack Obama – eight profiles compared

barack obama 300

The 2008 U.S. Presidential election prompted a number of spiritual channels to get the soul and personality profiles of Barack Obama. This provides an interesting opportunity to see how different people can receive or intuit similar (though not always identical) information about the same soul.

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Personality quiz: discover your soul type

Discover Your Soul Type

7-roles (300)

Quizzes by Quibblo.com

Which of the seven soul types are you?

Try my simple questionnaire over at Quibblo.com and find out. Over 50,000 people have done so already!

It’s interesting to compare the results so far with what we should expect. According to the Michael teachings, the population looks like this:

Servers = 25%
Artisans = 21%
Warriors = 18%
Scholars = 14%
Sages = 11%
Priests = 7%
Kings = 4%

The results of my test so far look like this:


So if the test is accurate, we are getting rather a lot of Priests doing it and not quite as many Warriors as would be expected.

If you do the test, how about leaving a comment back here to let me know how you got on?   Cheers!

– barry

Discover Your Soul Type


The Personality’s Place in Spiritual Practice (a review)

The websites Channel Higher Self and Satsang with the Self feature videos by a young spiritual teacher from Sedona, Arizona, called Lincoln. The videos are channelled teachings, and what Lincoln channels he refers to simply as Higher Self.

- Channel Higher Self -
- Channel Higher Self -

I haven’t even begun to go through all 199 videos. I was struck, however, by the title of this particular session: The Personality’s Place in Spiritual Practice. The synopsis poses a number of questions:

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