Diamonds From Heaven

Diamonds from heaven

LSD and the Mind of the Universe

by Christopher M. Bache, Ph.D.

(2019 | Park Street Press)

The book is beautifully written labour of love. I think the author has done a great service to humanity on a par with other great explorers. He has navigated his way beyond the horizon, and drawn us a map.

Chris Bache (above) is professor emeritus in Religious Studies at Youngstown State University, Ohio, where he taught for 33 years.

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The most important conversation of our time!


I used to be a great fan of Ken Wilber‘s. His synthesis of multiple perspectives on psychology, spirituality and consciousness was right up my street.

A number of things, however, have given me reason to adopt a slightly more critical stance to his work. I could and maybe should write a whole article explaining what I mean, but for now let me just point out a few things.

First, the fact that someone once referred to him as “the Einstein of consciousness theory” — this was going way too far and possibly it went to Wilber’s head. I think it would be more appropriate to call him the David Bowie of consciousness theory — someone who (as Bowie himself puts it) cleverly puts together other people’s ideas.

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