The 2008 U.S. Presidential election prompted a number of spiritual channels to get the soul and personality profiles of Barack Obama. This provides an interesting opportunity to see how different people can receive or intuit similar (though not always identical) information about the same soul.
Spiritual teachings
The Personality’s Place in Spiritual Practice (a review)
The websites Channel Higher Self and Satsang with the Self feature videos by a young spiritual teacher from Sedona, Arizona, called Lincoln. The videos are channelled teachings, and what Lincoln channels he refers to simply as Higher Self.

I haven’t even begun to go through all 199 videos. I was struck, however, by the title of this particular session: The Personality’s Place in Spiritual Practice. The synopsis poses a number of questions:
Good vibrations
9 September 2006
Thanks to my meditation (see Meditation Journal post: Ask And It Is Given) I have been having excellent ‘vibrational’ states – I can feel energy in me surging, throbbing, glowing. I wake up in the morning feeling soothed after a restful night rather than grouchy and sore.
I have been alternating between focusing on desires and allowing better feelings. It’s great!
Ask And It Is Given
6 September 2006
I’ve been reading Ask And It Is Given by Esther Hicks and the spirit entity she channels known as Abraham.
It’s one of those books that just leapt out at me the last time I went to the bookshop. Throughout my adult life I have occasionally felt the pull to go to a bookshop and find ‘the’ book that’s just waiting for me, the right book for me at the right time, and this is one such occasion. It’s basically the best book I’ve ever come across on manifesting and connecting with the Divine (or Source). Totally inspiring and clear.