Diamonds From Heaven

Diamonds from heaven

LSD and the Mind of the Universe

by Christopher M. Bache, Ph.D.

(2019 | Park Street Press)

The book is beautifully written labour of love. I think the author has done a great service to humanity on a par with other great explorers. He has navigated his way beyond the horizon, and drawn us a map.

Chris Bache (above) is professor emeritus in Religious Studies at Youngstown State University, Ohio, where he taught for 33 years.

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The seven soul types: what do they look like?

I’ve been adding some pictures to my pages about the seven soul types (as described in the Michael teachings). Specifically, I’ve done seven facial caricatures to show what each one tends to look like (at least to me), highlighting and exaggerating the main features — the Scholar’s prominent brow, for example, and the Priest’s intense eyes.

Below I’m showing them all together on one page, with a number of famous faces as representative examples in each case.

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Personality quiz: discover your soul type

Discover Your Soul Type

7-roles (300)

Quizzes by

Which of the seven soul types are you?

Try my simple questionnaire over at and find out. Over 50,000 people have done so already!

It’s interesting to compare the results so far with what we should expect. According to the Michael teachings, the population looks like this:

Servers = 25%
Artisans = 21%
Warriors = 18%
Scholars = 14%
Sages = 11%
Priests = 7%
Kings = 4%

The results of my test so far look like this:


So if the test is accurate, we are getting rather a lot of Priests doing it and not quite as many Warriors as would be expected.

If you do the test, how about leaving a comment back here to let me know how you got on?   Cheers!

– barry

Discover Your Soul Type

The Personality’s Place in Spiritual Practice (a review)

The websites Channel Higher Self and Satsang with the Self feature videos by a young spiritual teacher from Sedona, Arizona, called Lincoln. The videos are channelled teachings, and what Lincoln channels he refers to simply as Higher Self.

- Channel Higher Self -
- Channel Higher Self -

I haven’t even begun to go through all 199 videos. I was struck, however, by the title of this particular session: The Personality’s Place in Spiritual Practice. The synopsis poses a number of questions:

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Self and no-self: the personality crisis of a Zen master

- New York Times Mag article 26.04.09 -
- New York Times Mag article 26.04.09 -

Someone pointed me to this fascinating article in the New York Times Magazine (23 April). It’s about a 63-year old academic who has spent much of his life as a dedicated Zen practitioner – now a Zen master – but who has in recent years undergone a personality crisis. He went into therapy with Jeffrey Rubin, author of Psychotherapy and Buddhism: Toward an Integration, and had a breakthrough.

Basically, he realised that he had used the Buddhist concept of no-self to evade his inner process and unconscious traumas. All his ‘stuff’ came back to him, and with his owning it came a joyful rediscovery of self.

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