The most important conversation of our time!


I used to be a great fan of Ken Wilber‘s. His synthesis of multiple perspectives on psychology, spirituality and consciousness was right up my street.

A number of things, however, have given me reason to adopt a slightly more critical stance to his work. I could and maybe should write a whole article explaining what I mean, but for now let me just point out a few things.

First, the fact that someone once referred to him as “the Einstein of consciousness theory” — this was going way too far and possibly it went to Wilber’s head. I think it would be more appropriate to call him the David Bowie of consciousness theory — someone who (as Bowie himself puts it) cleverly puts together other people’s ideas.

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My first Enlightenment Intensive – by Isis the psychic


I just came across this wonderful article, “Isis Speaks”, by Isis Coble (above).

Isis, also known as Meerkat or TarotMama, is an inuitive/psychic counsellor who does online tarot readings via her website.

The article was published in Sojourn magazine (Vol 2, Issue 2), in 1998. Sojourn was a magazine for spiritually-minded women writers and artists based in Northern California. In the article—described as an “interview” although there are no questions—Isis tells her life story. The bit I want to relay is about Isis’s first encounter with an Enlightenment Intensive in the ealy 1970s.

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Being Nefertiti – past-life recall or mid-life crisis?

A notable case of reincarnation or a tragic case of narcissism — or possibly even both?

Nefertiti (c. 1370 BC – c. 1330 BC) was the chief wife of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten and one of the most famous women in history. Thanks to the beautiful bust of her discovered in 1912, Nefertiti has also become something of an icon of female beauty. The bust is regarded by some as the Mona Lisa of the ancient world.

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Manifestation – a big one

21 August 2009

My wife and I both got into the Abraham teachings at the same time, via separate routes. For me, Ask And It Is Given was one of those books that seemed to want me to buy it when I was browsing in a bookshop one day. In my wife’s case, she had been reading a different book entirely but noticed that it had been inspired by “the Hickses of Texas”. We tracked down the reference and found that it was Esther and Jerry Hicks, authors of Ask And It Is Given. Esther is the medium who channels the group-being known as Abraham.

I have written previously in my spiritual journal on our first experiments with manifestation and the law of attraction.

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Spiritual experiences in the movies

- who am i? -

It recently occurred to me that there aren’t that many movies that are explicitly about, or which explicitly portray, enlightenment, awakening, or other breakthrough spiritual experiences.

There are plenty of films about religion, religious people and their religious ways. But these rarely include scenes that reveal any genuine sense of spirituality. As if to illustrate the point, Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ is little more than torture flick.

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Personality quiz: discover your soul type

Discover Your Soul Type

7-roles (300)

Quizzes by

Which of the seven soul types are you?

Try my simple questionnaire over at and find out. Over 50,000 people have done so already!

It’s interesting to compare the results so far with what we should expect. According to the Michael teachings, the population looks like this:

Servers = 25%
Artisans = 21%
Warriors = 18%
Scholars = 14%
Sages = 11%
Priests = 7%
Kings = 4%

The results of my test so far look like this:


So if the test is accurate, we are getting rather a lot of Priests doing it and not quite as many Warriors as would be expected.

If you do the test, how about leaving a comment back here to let me know how you got on?   Cheers!

– barry

Discover Your Soul Type

John Lennon – the reincarnation of Branwell Brontë?

Branwell Bronte John Lennon 3

A reincarnational case study featuring two notable personalities.

I have just read the wonderful autobiographical past-life book All You Need Is Loveby Canadian Jewelle St. James. I have reviewed the whole book in a separate post, but here I want to focus on a particular insight.

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10 things everyone should know about reincarnation

Around the world, many people—perhaps the majority overall—accept a belief in reincarnation as part of their religion.

Not many people in the West believe in it, though. In fact, many scoff at the very idea and regard it as nonsense.

This is largely because in the West we are enamored with the benefits of scientific knowledge and increasingly sceptical of the old religions—rightly so, in my view. The knowledge science provides can be systematically checked to ensure that it is valid and reliable. This is why it is of such great value.

But it is not necessarily the only source of knowledge that is valid and reliable.

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Michael Jackson – the reincarnation of Mozart?

In a book written in the 1970s, it was stated matter-of-factly that the young pop star Michael Jackson was the reincarnation of the musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. And it now seems that MJ himself may have believed this to be the case. Could it be true? If so, then it appears that this soul has for some reason relived a very similar life pattern.

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